The AWS Mobile SDK for Unity is now included in the AWS SDK for .NET. This guide references the archived version of the Mobile SDK for Unity. For more information, see What is the AWS Mobile SDK for Unity?
Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), provides developers and IT teams with secure, durable, highly-scalable object storage. Unity developers can take advantage of S3 to dynamically load assets used by their games. This can make games initially download quicker from app stores.
For more information about S3, see Amazon
For information about AWS S3 Region availability, see AWS
Service Region Availability
Some of the samples in this document assume the use of a text box variable called ResultText to display trace output.
Create and Configure an S3 Bucket
Amazon S3 stores your resources in Amazon S3 buckets - cloud storage containers that
live in a specific region. Each Amazon S3 bucket must have a globally unique name. You can use
the Amazon S3 Console
Create an S3 Bucket
Sign in to the Amazon S3 console
and click Create Bucket. -
Enter a bucket name, select a region, and click Create.
Set Permissions for S3
The default IAM role policy grants your application access to Amazon Mobile Analytics and Amazon Cognito Sync. In order for your Cognito identity pool to access Amazon S3, you must modify the identity pool’s roles.
Go to the Identity and Access Management Console
and click Roles in the left-hand pane. -
Type your identity pool name into the search box. Two roles will be listed: one for unauthenticated users and one for authenticated users.
Click the role for unauthenticated users (it will have unauth appended to your identity pool name).
Click Create Role Policy, select Policy Generator, and then click Select.
On the Edit Permissions page, enter the settings shown in the following image, replacing the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) with your own. The ARN of an S3 bucket looks like
and is composed of the region in which the bucket is located and the name of the bucket. The settings shown below will give your identity pool full to access to all actions for the specified bucket.
Click the Add Statement button and then click Next Step.
The Wizard will show you the configuration that you generated. Click Apply Policy.
For more information on granting access to S3, see Granting Access to an Amazon S3 Bucket
Upload Files from the Console
To upload a test file to your bucket:
In the S3 console, in your bucket view, click Upload.
Click Add Files and select a test file to upload. For this tutorial, we’ll assume you’re uploading an image called
. -
With your test image selected, click Start Upload.
(optional) Configure the Signature Version for S3 Requests
Every interaction with Amazon S3 is either authenticated or anonymous. AWS uses the Signature Version 4 or Signature Version 2 algorithms to authenticate calls to the service.
All new AWS regions created after January 2014 only support Signature Version 4. However, many older regions still support Signature Version 4 and Signature Version 2 requests.
If your bucket is in one of the regions that does not support Signature Version 2 requests as listed on this page, you must set the AWSConfigsS3.UseSignatureVersion4 property to “true”.
For more information on AWS Signature versions, see Authenticating Requests (AWS Signature Version 4).
Create the Amazon S3 Client
To use Amazon S3, we first need to create an AmazonS3Client instance which takes a reference to the CognitoAWSCredentials instance you created previously:
AmazonS3Client S3Client = new AmazonS3Client (credentials);
The AmazonS3Client
class is the entry point to the high-level S3
List Buckets
To list the buckets in an AWS account call the
method as shown in the following sample
// ResultText is a label used for displaying status information ResultText.text = "Fetching all the Buckets"; Client.ListBucketsAsync(new ListBucketsRequest(), (responseObject) => { ResultText.text += "\n"; if (responseObject.Exception == null) { ResultText.text += "Got Response \nPrinting now \n"; responseObject.Response.Buckets.ForEach((s3b) => { ResultText.text += string.Format("bucket = {0}, created date = {1} \n", s3b.BucketName, s3b.CreationDate); }); } else { ResultText.text += "Got Exception \n"; } });
List Objects
To list all of the objects in a bucket call the
method as shown in the following sample
// ResultText is a label used for displaying status information ResultText.text = "Fetching all the Objects from " + S3BucketName; var request = new ListObjectsRequest() { BucketName = S3BucketName }; Client.ListObjectsAsync(request, (responseObject) => { ResultText.text += "\n"; if (responseObject.Exception == null) { ResultText.text += "Got Response \nPrinting now \n"; responseObject.Response.S3Objects.ForEach((o) => { ResultText.text += string.Format("{0}\n", o.Key); }); } else { ResultText.text += "Got Exception \n"; } });
Download an Object
To download an object, create a GetObjectRequest, specifying the bucket name and key and pass the object to a call to Client.GetObjectAsync:
private void GetObject() { ResultText.text = string.Format("fetching {0} from bucket {1}", SampleFileName, S3BucketName); Client.GetObjectAsync(S3BucketName, SampleFileName, (responseObj) => { string data = null; var response = responseObj.Response; if (response.ResponseStream != null) { using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(response.ResponseStream)) { data = reader.ReadToEnd(); } ResultText.text += "\n"; ResultText.text += data; } }); }
GetObjectAsync takes an instance of the GetObjectRequest, a callback, and an
AsyncOptions instance. The callback must be of type:
AmazonServiceCallback<GetObjectRequest, GetObjectResponse>
. The
AsyncOptions instance is optional. If specified, it determines if the callback will run
on the main thread.
Upload an Object
To upload an object, write your object to a stream, create a new PostObjectRequest and specify the key, bucket name and stream data.
The AWS SDK for Unity uses the WWW HTTP client which does not support the HTTP PUT operation. In order to upload an object to your S3 bucket, you need to use S3’s Browser Post, as shown below.
public void PostObject(string fileName) { ResultText.text = "Retrieving the file"; var stream = new FileStream(Application.persistentDataPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); ResultText.text += "\nCreating request object"; var request = new PostObjectRequest() { Bucket = S3BucketName, Key = fileName, InputStream = stream, CannedACL = S3CannedACL.Private }; ResultText.text += "\nMaking HTTP post call"; Client.PostObjectAsync(request, (responseObj) => { if (responseObj.Exception == null) { ResultText.text += string.Format("\nobject {0} posted to bucket {1}", responseObj.Request.Key, responseObj.Request.Bucket); } else { ResultText.text += "\nException while posting the result object"; ResultText.text += string.Format("\n receieved error {0}", responseObj.Response.HttpStatusCode.ToString()); } }); }