Enabling internet access for Amazon MSK Connect - Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka

Enabling internet access for Amazon MSK Connect

If your connector for Amazon MSK Connect needs access to the internet, we recommend that you use the following Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) settings to enable that access.

Setting up a NAT gateway for Amazon MSK Connect

The following steps show you how to set up a NAT gateway to enable internet access for a connector. You must complete these steps before you create a connector in a private subnet.


Make sure you have the following items.

  • The ID of the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) associated with your cluster. For example, vpc-123456ab.

  • The IDs of the private subnets in your VPC. For example, subnet-a1b2c3de, subnet-f4g5h6ij, etc. You must configure your connector with private subnets.

To enable internet access for your connector
  1. Open the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/vpc/.

  2. Create a public subnet for your NAT gateway with a descriptive name, and note the subnet ID. For detailed instructions, see Create a subnet in your VPC.

  3. Create an internet gateway so that your VPC can communicate with the internet, and note the gateway ID. Attach the internet gateway to your VPC. For instructions, see Create and attach an internet gateway.

  4. Provision a public NAT gateway so that hosts in your private subnets can reach your public subnet. When you create the NAT gateway, select the public subnet that you created earlier. For instructions, see Create a NAT gateway.

  5. Configure your route tables. You must have two route tables in total to complete this setup. You should already have a main route table that was automatically created at the same time as your VPC. In this step you create an additional route table for your public subnet.

    1. Use the following settings to modify your VPC's main route table so that your private subnets route traffic to your NAT gateway. For instructions, see Work with route tables in the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud User Guide.

      Private MSKC route table
      Property Value
      Name tag We recommend that you give this route table a descriptive name tag to help you identify it. For example, Private MSKC.
      Associated subnets Your private subnets
      A route to enable internet access for MSK Connect
      • Destination:

      • Target: Your NAT gateway ID. For example, nat-12a345bc6789efg1h.

      A local route for internal traffic
      • Destination: This value may differ depending on your VPC's CIDR block.

      • Target: Local

    2. Follow the instructions in Create a custom route table to create a route table for your public subnet. When you create the table, enter a descriptive name in the Name tag field to help you identify which subnet the table is associated with. For example, Public MSKC.

    3. Configure your Public MSKC route table using the following settings.

      Property Value
      Name tag Public MSKC or a different descriptive name that you choose
      Associated subnets Your public subnet with NAT gateway
      A route to enable internet access for MSK Connect
      • Destination:

      • Target: Your internet gateway ID. For example, igw-1a234bc5.

      A local route for internal traffic
      • Destination: This value may differ depending on your VPC's CIDR block.

      • Target: Local