Exporting details for an account in an organization with AWS Organizations - AWS Organizations

Exporting details for an account in an organization with AWS Organizations

With AWS Organizations, management account users and delegated administrators for an organization can export a .csv file with all account details within an organization. As a result, organization administrators can easily view accounts and filter by status: ACTIVE, SUSPENDED, or PENDING. If your organization has many accounts, the .csv file download option provides an easy way to view and sort account details in a spreadsheet.


Only principals in the management account can download the account list.

Export a list of all AWS accounts in your organization

When you sign in to the organization's management account, you can get a list of all accounts that are part of your organization as a .csv file. The list contains individual account details; however, it doesn't specify to which organizational unit (OU) the account belongs.

The .csv file contains the following information for each account:

  • Account ID - Numeric account identifier. For example: 123456789012

  • ARN - Amazon Resource Name for the account. For example: arn:aws:organizations::123456789012account/o-o1gb0d1234/123456789012

  • Email - Email address associated with the account. For example: marymajor@example.com

  • Name - Account name provided by account creator. For example: stage testing account

  • Status - Account status within the organization. Value can be PENDING, ACTIVE or SUSPENDED.

  • Joined method - Specifies how the account was created. Value can be INVITED or CREATED.

  • Joined timestamp - Date and time the account joined the organization.

Minimum permissions

To export a .csv file with all member accounts in your organization, you must have the following permissions:

  • organizations:DescribeOrganization

  • organizations:ListAccounts

AWS Management Console
To export a .csv file for all AWS accounts in your organization
  1. Sign in to the AWS Organizations console. You must sign in as an IAM user, assume an IAM role, or sign in as the root user (not recommended) in the organization’s management account.

  2. Choose Actions, then for AWS account choose Export account list. The blue banner at the top of the page indicates "Export is in progress!"

  3. When the file is ready, the banner turns green and indicates: "Download is ready!" Choose Download CSV. The file Organization_accounts_information.csv downloads to your device.


The only way to export the .csv file with account details is by using the AWS Management Console. You can't export the account list .csv file using the AWS CLI.