Monitoring section - AWS ParallelCluster

Monitoring section

(Optional) Specifies the monitoring settings for the cluster.

Monitoring: Logs: CloudWatch: Enabled: boolean RetentionInDays: integer DeletionPolicy: string Rotation: Enabled: boolean Dashboards: CloudWatch: Enabled: boolean DetailedMonitoring: boolean Alarms: Enabled: boolean

Update policy: This setting is not analyzed during an update.

Monitoring properties

Logs (Optional)

The log settings for the cluster.

Update policy: If this setting is changed, the update is not allowed.

CloudWatch (Optional)

The CloudWatch Logs settings for the cluster.

Update policy: If this setting is changed, the update is not allowed.

Enabled (Required, Boolean)

If true, cluster logs are streamed to CloudWatch Logs. The default value is true.

Update policy: If this setting is changed, the update is not allowed.

RetentionInDays (Optional, Integer)

The number of days to retain the log events in CloudWatch Logs. The default value is 180. The supported values are 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 365, 400, 545, 731, 1827, and 3653. A value of 0 will use the default CloudWatch log retention setting, i.e. never expire.

Update policy: This setting can be changed during an update.

DeletionPolicy (Optional, String)

Indicates whether to delete log events on CloudWatch Logs when the cluster is deleted. The possible values are Delete and Retain. The default value is Retain.

Update policy: This setting can be changed during an update.

Rotation (Optional)

The log rotation settings for the cluster.

Update policy: If this setting is changed, the update is not allowed.

Enabled (Required, Boolean)

If true, log rotation is enabled. The default is true. When a AWS ParallelCluster configured log file reaches a certain size, it is rotated and a single backup is maintained. For more information, see AWS ParallelCluster configured log rotation.

Update policy: If this setting is changed, the update is not allowed.

Dashboards (Optional)

The dashboard settings for the cluster.

Update policy: This setting can be changed during an update.

CloudWatch (Optional)

The CloudWatch dashboard settings for the cluster.

Update policy: This setting can be changed during an update.

Enabled (Required, Boolean)

If true, the CloudWatch dashboard is enabled. The default value is true.

Update policy: This setting can be changed during an update.

DetailedMonitoring (Optional, Boolean)

If set to true, detailed monitoring is enabled for the compute fleet Amazon EC2 instances. When enabled, the Amazon EC2 console displays graphs for monitoring the instances at 1 minute intervals. There are added costs when this feature is enabled. The default is false.

For more information, see Enable or turn off detailed monitoring for your instances in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances.

Update policy: The compute fleet must be stopped for this setting to be changed for an update.


DetailedMonitoring is added starting with AWS ParallelCluster version 3.6.0.

Alarms (Optional)

CloudWatch Alarms for the cluster.

Update policy: This setting can be changed during an update.

Enabled (Optional)

If true, the CloudWatch Alarms for the cluster will be created. The default value is true.

Update policy: This setting can be changed during an update.


Starting with AWS ParallelCluster version 3.8.0, the following alarms are created for the Head Node: Amazon EC2 Health Check, CPU/Memory/Disk utilization and a composite alarm including all the others.