AWS ParallelCluster CLI commands - AWS ParallelCluster

AWS ParallelCluster CLI commands

pcluster is the primary AWS ParallelCluster CLI command. You use pcluster to launch and manage HPC clusters in the AWS Cloud and to create and manage custom AMI images.

pcluster3-config-converter is used to convert cluster configurations in AWS ParallelCluster version 2 format into AWS ParallelCluster version 3 format.

pcluster [-h] ( build-image | configure | create-cluster | dcv-connect | delete-cluster | delete-cluster-instances | delete-image | describe-cluster | describe-cluster-instances | describe-compute-fleet | describe-image | export-cluster-logs | export-image-logs | get-cluster-log-events | get-cluster-stack-events | get-image-log-events | get-image-stack-events | list-cluster-log-streams | list-clusters | list-images | list-image-log-streams | list-official-images | ssh | update-cluster | update-compute-fleet | version ) ... pcluster3-config-converter [-h] [-t CLUSTER_TEMPLATE] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [--force-convert] [-o OUTPUT_FILE]