pcluster get-cluster-log-events - AWS ParallelCluster

pcluster get-cluster-log-events

Retrieve the events associated with a log stream.

pcluster get-cluster-log-events [-h] --cluster-name CLUSTER_NAME --log-stream-name LOG_STREAM_NAME [--debug] [--end-time END_TIME] [--limit LIMIT] [--next-token NEXT_TOKEN] [--query QUERY] [--region REGION] [--start-from-head START_FROM_HEAD] [--start-time START_TIME]

Named arguments

-h, --help

Shows the help text for pcluster get-cluster-log-events.

--cluster-name, -n CLUSTER_NAME

Specifies the name of the cluster.

--log-stream-name LOG_STREAM_NAME

Specifies the name of the log stream. You can use the list-cluster-log-streams command to retrieve a log stream associated with an event or events.


Enables debug logging.

--end-time END_TIME

Specifies the end of the time range, expressed in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, for example 2021-01-01T20:00:00Z). Events with a timestamp equal to or later than this time are not included.

--limit LIMIT

Specifies the maximum number of log events returned. If a value is not specified, the maximum is as many log events as can fit in a response size of 1 MB, up to 10,000 log events.

--next-token NEXT_TOKEN

Specifies the token to use for paginated requests.

--query QUERY

Specifies the JMESPath query to perform on the output.

--region, -r REGION

Specifies the AWS Region to use. The AWS Region must be specified, using the AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment variable, the region setting in the [default] section of the ~/.aws/config file, or the --region parameter.

--start-from-head START_FROM_HEAD

If the value is true, the earliest log events are returned first. If the value is false, the most recent log events are returned first. (Defaults to false.)

--start-time START_TIME

Specifies the start of the time range, expressed in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, for example 2021-01-01T20:00:00Z). Events with a timestamp equal to this time or later than this time are included.

Example using AWS ParallelCluster version 3.1.4:

$ pcluster get-cluster-log-events \ -c cluster-v3 \ -r us-east-1 \ --log-stream-name ip-198-51-100-44.i-1234567890abcdef0.clustermgtd \ --limit 3 { "nextToken": "f/36966906399261933213029082268132291405859205452101451780/s", "prevToken": "b/36966906399239632467830551644990755687586557090595471362/s", "events": [ { "message": "2022-07-12 19:16:53,379 - [slurm_plugin.clustermgtd:_maintain_nodes] - INFO - Performing node maintenance actions", "timestamp": "2022-07-12T19:16:53.379Z" }, { "message": "2022-07-12 19:16:53,380 - [slurm_plugin.clustermgtd:_maintain_nodes] - INFO - Following nodes are currently in replacement: (x0) []", "timestamp": "2022-07-12T19:16:53.380Z" }, { "message": "2022-07-12 19:16:53,380 - [slurm_plugin.clustermgtd:_terminate_orphaned_instances] - INFO - Checking for orphaned instance", "timestamp": "2022-07-12T19:16:53.380Z" } ] }