pcluster get-cluster-stack-events - AWS ParallelCluster

pcluster get-cluster-stack-events

Retrieve the events associated with the stack for the specified cluster.


Starting in version 3.6.0, AWS ParallelCluster uses nested stacks to create the resources associated with queues and compute resources. The GetClusterStackEvents API and the pcluster get-cluster-stack-events command only return the cluster main stack events. You can view the cluster stack events, including those related to queues and compute resources, in the CloudFormation console.

pcluster get-cluster-stack-events [-h] --cluster-name CLUSTER_NAME [--debug] [--next-token NEXT_TOKEN] [--query QUERY] [--region REGION]

Named arguments

-h, --help

Shows the help text for pcluster get-cluster-stack-events.

--cluster-name, -n CLUSTER_NAME

Specifies the name of the cluster.


Enables debug logging.

--next-token NEXT_TOKEN

Specifies the token to use for paginated requests.

--query QUERY

Specifies the JMESPath query to perform on the output.

--region, -r REGION

Specifies the AWS Region to use. The AWS Region must be specified, using the AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment variable, the region setting in the [default] section of the ~/.aws/config file, or the --region parameter.

Example using AWS ParallelCluster version 3.1.4:

$ pcluster get-cluster-stack-events \ -n cluster-v3 \ -r us-east-1 \ --query "events[0]" { "eventId": "1234abcd-56ef-78gh-90ij-abcd1234efgh", "physicalResourceId": "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:123456789012:stack/cluster-v3/1234abcd-56ef-78gh-90ij-abcd1234efgh", "resourceStatus": "CREATE_COMPLETE", "stackId": "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:123456789012:stack/cluster-v3/1234abcd-56ef-78gh-90ij-abcd1234efgh", "stackName": "cluster-v3", "logicalResourceId": "cluster-v3", "resourceType": "AWS::CloudFormation::Stack", "timestamp": "2022-07-12T18:29:12.140Z" }