Export keys
Export symmetric keys
Make sure you have the latest version of AWS CLI V2 before you begin. To upgrade, see Installing the AWS CLI.
Export keys using asymmetric techniques (TR-34)
TR-34 uses RSA asymmetric cryptography to encrypt and sign symmetric keys for exchange. The encryption protects confidentiality, while the signature ensures integrity. When you export keys, AWS Payment Cryptography acts as the key distribution host (KDH), and your target system becomes the key receiving device (KRD).
If your HSM supports TR-34 export but not TR-34 import, we recommend that you first establish a shared KEK between your HSM and AWS Payment Cryptography using TR-34. You can then use TR-31 to transfer your remaining keys.
Initialize the export process
Run get-parameters-for-export to generate a key pair for key exports. We use this key pair to sign the TR-34 payload. In TR-34 terminology, this is the KDH signing certificate. The certificates are short-lived and valid only for the duration specified in
All certificates are in base64 encoding.
aws payment-cryptography get-parameters-for-export \
RSA_2048 \--key-material-type
TR34_KEY_BLOCK{ "SigningKeyCertificate": "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0tLS0tCk1JSUV2RENDQXFTZ0F3SUJ...", "SigningKeyCertificateChain": "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0tLS....", "SigningKeyAlgorithm": "RSA_2048", "ExportToken": "export-token-au7pvkbsq4mbup6i", "ParametersValidUntilTimestamp": "2023-06-13T15:40:24.036000-07:00" }
Import the AWS Payment Cryptography certificate to your receiving system
Import the certificate chain from step 1 to your receiving system.
Set up your receiving system's certificates
To protect the transmitted payload, the sending party (KDH) encrypts it. Your receiving system (typically your HSM or your partner's HSM) needs to generate a public key and create an X.509 public key certificate. You can use AWS Private CA to generate certificates, but you can use any certificate authority.
After you have the certificate, import the root certificate to AWS Payment Cryptography using the ImportKey command. Set
.We use
as theKeyUsageType
because this is the root key that signs the leaf certificate. You don't need to import leaf certificates into AWS Payment Cryptography—you can pass them inline.Note
If you previously imported the root certificate, skip this step. For intermediate certificates, use
. -
Export your key
Call the ExportKey API with
set toTR34_KEY_BLOCK
. You need to provide:-
The keyARN of the root CA from step 3 as the
The leaf certificate from step 3 as the
The keyARN (or alias) of the key you want to export as the
The export-token from step 1
aws payment-cryptography export-key \
"example-export-key" \--key-material
": { \ "CertificateAuthorityPublicKeyIdentifier
": "arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-east-2:111122223333:key/4kd6xud22e64wcbk", \ "ExportToken
": "export-token-au7pvkbsq4mbup6i", \ "KeyBlockFormat
": "X9_TR34_2012", \ "WrappingKeyCertificate
": "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0tLS0tCk1JSUV2RENDQXFXZ0F3SUJBZ0lSQ..."} \ }'{ "WrappedKey": { "KeyMaterial": "308205A106092A864886F70D010702A08205923082058...", "WrappedKeyMaterialFormat": "TR34_KEY_BLOCK" } }
Export keys using asymmetric techniques (RSA Wrap)
When TR-34 isn't available, you can use RSA wrap/unwrap for key exchange. Like TR-34, this method uses RSA asymmetric cryptography to encrypt symmetric keys. However, RSA wrap doesn't include:
Payload signing by the sending party
Key blocks that maintain key metadata integrity during transport
You can use RSA wrap to export TDES and AES-128 keys.
Create an RSA key and certificate on your receiving system
Create or identify an RSA key for receiving the wrapped key. We require keys to be in X.509 certificate format. Make sure the certificate is signed by a root certificate that you can import into AWS Payment Cryptography.
Import the root public certificate to AWS Payment Cryptography
Use import-key with the
option to import the certificate$
aws payment-cryptography import-key \
": { \ "KeyAttributes
": { \ "KeyAlgorithm
": "RSA_4096", \ "KeyClass
": "PUBLIC_KEY", \ "KeyModesOfUse
": {"Verify
": true}, \ "KeyUsage
": "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRV..."} \ }'{ "Key": { "CreateTimestamp": "2023-09-14T10:50:32.365000-07:00", "Enabled": true, "KeyArn": "arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-east-2:111122223333:key/nsq2i3mbg6sn775f", "KeyAttributes": { "KeyAlgorithm": "RSA_4096", "KeyClass": "PUBLIC_KEY", "KeyModesOfUse": { "Decrypt": false, "DeriveKey": false, "Encrypt": false, "Generate": false, "NoRestrictions": false, "Sign": false, "Unwrap": false, "Verify": true, "Wrap": false }, "KeyUsage": "TR31_S0_ASYMMETRIC_KEY_FOR_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE" }, "KeyOrigin": "EXTERNAL", "KeyState": "CREATE_COMPLETE", "UsageStartTimestamp": "2023-09-14T10:50:32.365000-07:00" } }
Export your key
Tell AWS Payment Cryptography to export your key using your leaf certificate. You need to specify:
The ARN for the root certificate you imported in step 2
The leaf certificate for export
The symmetric key to export
The output is a hex-encoded binary wrapped (encrypted) version of your symmetric key.
Example – Exporting a key
cat export-key.json{ "ExportKeyIdentifier": "arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-east-2:111122223333:key/tqv5yij6wtxx64pi", "KeyMaterial": { "KeyCryptogram": { "CertificateAuthorityPublicKeyIdentifier": "arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-east-2:111122223333:key/zabouwe3574jysdl", "WrappingKeyCertificate": "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDEXAMPLE...", "WrappingSpec": "RSA_OAEP_SHA_256" } } }
aws payment-cryptography export-key \
file://export-key.json{ "WrappedKey": { "KeyMaterial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rappedKeyMaterialFormat": "KEY_CRYPTOGRAM" } }
Import the key to your receiving system
Many HSMs and related systems support importing keys using RSA unwrap (including AWS Payment Cryptography). When importing, specify:
The public key from step 1 as the encryption certificate
The format as RSA
Padding Mode as PKCS#1 v2.2 OAEP (with SHA 256)
We output the wrapped key in hexBinary format. You might need to convert the format if your system requires a different binary representation, such as base64.
Export symmetric keys using a pre-established key exchange key (TR-31)
When exchanging multiple keys or supporting key rotation, you typically first exchange an initial key encryption key (KEK) using paper key components or, with AWS Payment Cryptography, using TR-34. After establishing a KEK, you can use it to transport subsequent keys, including other KEKs. We support this key exchange using ANSI TR-31, which is widely supported by HSM vendors.
Set up your Key Encryption Key (KEK)
Make sure you have already exchanged your KEK and have the keyARN (or keyAlias) available.
Create your key on AWS Payment Cryptography
Create your key if it doesn't already exist. Alternatively, you can create the key on your other system and use the import command.
Export your key from AWS Payment Cryptography
When exporting in TR-31 format, specify the key you want to export and the wrapping key to use.
Example – Exporting a key using TR31 key block
aws payment-cryptography export-key \
": \ { "WrappingKeyIdentifier
": "arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-east-2:111122223333:key/ov6icy4ryas4zcza" }}' \--export-key-identifier
arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-east-2:111122223333:key/5rplquuwozodpwsp{ "WrappedKey": { "KeyCheckValue": "73C263", "KeyCheckValueAlgorithm": "ANSI_X9_24", "KeyMaterial": "D0144K0AB00E0000A24D3ACF3005F30A6E31D533E07F2E1B17A2A003B338B1E79E5B3AD4FBF7850FACF9A3784489581A543C84816C8D3542AE888CE6D4EDDFD09C39957B131617BC", "WrappedKeyMaterialFormat": "TR31_KEY_BLOCK" } }
Import the key to your system
Use your system's import key implementation to import the key.
Export DUKPT Initial Keys (IPEK/IK)
When using DUKPT, you can generate a single Base Derivation Key (BDK) for a fleet of terminals. The terminals don't have direct access to the BDK. Instead, each terminal receives a unique initial terminal key, known as IPEK or Initial Key (IK). Each IPEK is derived from the BDK using a unique Key Serial Number (KSN).
The KSN structure varies by encryption type:
For TDES: The 10-byte KSN includes:
24 bits for the Key Set ID
19 bits for the terminal ID
21 bits for the transaction counter
For AES: The 12-byte KSN includes:
32 bits for the BDK ID
32 bits for the derivation identifier (ID)
32 bits for the transaction counter
We provide a mechanism to generate and export these initial keys. You can export the generated keys using TR-31, TR-34, or RSA wrap methods. Note that IPEK keys are not persisted and can't be used for subsequent operations on AWS Payment Cryptography.
We don't enforce the split between the first two parts of the KSN. If you want to store the derivation identifier with the BDK, you can use AWS tags.
The counter portion of the KSN (32 bits for AES DUKPT) isn't used for IPEK/IK derivation. For example, inputs of 12345678901234560001 and 12345678901234569999 will generate the same IPEK.
aws payment-cryptography export-key \
": { \ "WrappingKeyIdentifier
": "arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-east-2:111122223333:key/ov6icy4ryas4zcza"}} ' \--export-key-identifier
arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-east-2:111122223333:key/tqv5yij6wtxx64pi \--export-attributes
{ "WrappedKey": { "KeyCheckValue": "73C263", "KeyCheckValueAlgorithm": "ANSI_X9_24", "KeyMaterial": "B0096B1TX00S000038A8A06588B9011F0D5EEF1CCAECFA6962647A89195B7A98BDA65DDE7C57FEA507559AF2A5D601D1", "WrappedKeyMaterialFormat": "TR31_KEY_BLOCK" } }
Specify key block headers for export
You can modify or append key block information when exporting in ASC TR-31 or TR-34 formats. The following table describes the TR-31 key block format and which elements you can modify during export.
Key Block Attribute | Purpose | Can you modify during export? | Notes |
Version ID |
Defines the method used to protect the key material. The standard includes:
No |
We use version B for TDES wrapping keys and version D for AES wrapping keys. We support versions A and C only for import operations. |
Key Block Length |
Specifies the length of the remaining message |
No |
We calculate this value automatically. The length might appear incorrect before decrypting the payload because we may add key padding as required by the specification. |
Key Usage |
Defines the permitted purposes for the key, such as:
No |
Algorithm |
Specifies the algorithm of the underlying key. We support:
No |
We export this value as-is. |
Key Usage |
Defines allowed operations, such as:
Yes* |
Key Version |
Indicates the version number for key replacement/rotation. Defaults to 00 if not specified. |
Yes - Can append |
Key Exportability |
Controls whether the key can be exported:
Yes* |
Optional Key Blocks |
Yes - Can append |
Optional key blocks are name/value pairs cryptographically bound to the key. For example, KeySetID for DUKPT keys. We automatically calculate the number of blocks, length of each block, and padding block (PB) based on your name/value pair input. |
*When modifying values, your new value must be more restrictive than the current value in AWS Payment Cryptography. For example:
If the current key mode of use is Generate=True,Verify=True, you can change it to Generate=True,Verify=False
If the key is already set to not exportable, you can't change it to exportable
When you export keys, we automatically apply the current values from the key being exported. However, you might want to modify or append those values before sending to the receiving system. Here are some common scenarios:
When exporting a key to a payment terminal, set its exportability to
Not Exportable
because terminals typically only import keys and shouldn't export them. -
When you need to pass associated key metadata to the receiving system, use TR-31 optional headers to cryptographically bind the metadata to the key instead of creating a custom payload.
Set the Key Version using the
field to track key rotation.
TR-31/X9.143 defines common headers, but you can use other headers as long as they meet AWS Payment Cryptography parameters and your receiving system can accept them. For more information about key block headers during export, see Key Block Headers in the API Guide.
Here's an example of exporting a BDK key (for instance, to a KIF) with these specifications:
Key version: 02
KeyExportability: NON_EXPORTABLE
KeySetID: 00ABCDEFAB (00 indicates TDES key, ABCDEFABCD is the initial key)
Because we don't specify key modes of use, this key inherits the mode of use from arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-east-2:111122223333:key/5rplquuwozodpwsp (DeriveKey = true).
aws payment-cryptography export-key \
": { \ "WrappingKeyIdentifier
": "arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-east-2:111122223333:key/ov6icy4ryas4zcza", \ "KeyBlockHeaders
": { \ "KeyModesOfUse
": { \ "Derive
": true}, \ "KeyExportability
": "NON_EXPORTABLE", \ "KeyVersion
": "02", \ "OptionalBlocks
": { \ "BI
": "00ABCDEFABCD"}}} \ }' \--export-key-identifier
{ "WrappedKey": { "WrappedKeyMaterialFormat": "TR31_KEY_BLOCK", "KeyMaterial": "EXAMPLE_KEY_MATERIAL_TR31", "KeyCheckValue": "A4C9B3", "KeyCheckValueAlgorithm": "ANSI_X9_24" } }
Export asymmetric (RSA) keys
To export a public key in certificate form, use the get-public-key-certificate command. This command returns:
The certificate
The root certificate
Both certificates are in base64 encoding.
This operation is not idempotent—subsequent calls might generate different certificates even when using the same underlying key.
aws payment-cryptography get-public-key-certificate \
{ "KeyCertificate": "LS0tLS1CRUdJTi...", "KeyCertificateChain": "LS0tLS1CRUdJT..." }