Import keys
Examples require the latest version of the AWS CLI V2. Before getting started, make sure that you've upgraded to the latest version.
Importing symmetric keys
Import keys using asymmetric techniques (TR-34)

TR-34 uses RSA asymmetric cryptography to encrypt and sign symmetric keys for exchange. This ensures both confidentiality (encryption) and integrity (signature) of the wrapped key.
To import your own keys, check out the AWS Payment Cryptography sample project on GitHub
Call the Initialize Import command
to initialize the import process. This API generates a key pair for key imports, signs the key, and returns the certificate and certificate root. Encrypt the key to be exported using this key. In TR-34 terminology, this is known as the KRD Cert. These certificates are base64 encoded, short-lived, and intended only for this purpose. Save theImportToken
aws payment-cryptography get-parameters-for-import \
TR34_KEY_BLOCK \--wrapping-key-algorithm
RSA_2048{ "ImportToken": "import-token-bwxli6ocftypneu5", "ParametersValidUntilTimestamp": 1698245002.065, "WrappingKeyCertificateChain": "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0....", "WrappingKeyCertificate": "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0tLS0....", "WrappingKeyAlgorithm": "RSA_2048" }
Install public certificate on key source system
With most HSMs, you need to install, load, or trust the public certificate generated in step 1 to export keys using it. This could include the entire certificate chain or just the root certificate from step 1, depending on the HSM.
Generate key pair on source system and provide certificate chain to AWS Payment Cryptography
To ensure integrity of the transmitted payload, the sending party (Key Distribution Host or KDH) signs it. Generate a public key for this purpose and create a public key certificate (X509) to provide back to AWS Payment Cryptography.
When transferring keys from an HSM, create a key pair on that HSM. The HSM, a third party, or a service such as AWS Private CA can generate the certificate.
Load the root certificate to AWS Payment Cryptography using the
command with KeyMaterialType ofRootCertificatePublicKey
.For intermediate certificates, use the
command with KeyMaterialType ofTrustedCertificatePublicKey
. Repeat this process for multiple intermediate certificates. Use theKeyArn
of the last imported certificate in the chain as an input to subsequent import commands.Note
Don't import the leaf certificate. Provide it directly during the import command.
Export key from source system
Many HSMs and related systems support exporting keys using the TR-34 norm. Specify the public key from step 1 as the KRD (encryption) cert and the key from step 3 as the KDH (signing) cert. To import to AWS Payment Cryptography, specify the format as TR-34.2012 non-CMS two pass format, which may also be referred to as the TR-34 Diebold format.
Call Import Key
Call the importKey API with a KeyMaterialType of
. Use the keyARN of the last CA imported in step 3 forcertificate-authority-public-key-identifier
, the wrapped key material from step 4 forkey-material
, and the leaf certificate from step 3 forsigning-key-certificate
. Include the import-token from step 1.$
aws payment-cryptography import-key \
": { \ "CertificateAuthorityPublicKeyIdentifier
": "arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-east-2:111122223333:key/zabouwe3574jysdl", \ "ImportToken
": "import-token-bwxli6ocftypneu5", \ "KeyBlockFormat
": "X9_TR34_2012", \ "SigningKeyCertificate
": "308205A106092A864886F70D010702A08205923082058E020101310D300B0609608648016503040201308203..."} \ }'{ "Key": { "CreateTimestamp": "2023-06-13T16:52:52.859000-04:00", "Enabled": true, "KeyArn": "arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-east-2:111122223333:key/ov6icy4ryas4zcza", "KeyAttributes": { "KeyAlgorithm": "TDES_3KEY", "KeyClass": "SYMMETRIC_KEY", "KeyModesOfUse": { "Decrypt": true, "DeriveKey": false, "Encrypt": true, "Generate": false, "NoRestrictions": false, "Sign": false, "Unwrap": true, "Verify": false, "Wrap": true }, "KeyUsage": "TR31_K1_KEY_ENCRYPTION_KEY" }, "KeyCheckValue": "CB94A2", "KeyCheckValueAlgorithm": "ANSI_X9_24", "KeyOrigin": "EXTERNAL", "KeyState": "CREATE_COMPLETE", "UsageStartTimestamp": "2023-06-13T16:52:52.859000-04:00" } }
Use imported key for cryptographic operations or subsequent import
If the imported KeyUsage was TR31_K0_KEY_ENCRYPTION_KEY, you can use this key for subsequent key imports using TR-31. For other key types (such as TR31_D0_SYMMETRIC_DATA_ENCRYPTION_KEY), you can use the key directly for cryptographic operations.
Import keys using asymmetric techniques (RSA
Overview: AWS Payment Cryptography supports RSA wrap/unwrap for key exchange when TR-34 isn't feasible. Like TR-34, this technique uses RSA asymmetric cryptography to encrypt symmetric keys for exchange. However, unlike TR-34, this method doesn't have the sending party sign the payload. Also, this RSA wrap technique doesn't maintain the integrity of the key metadata during transfer because it doesn't include key blocks.
You can use RSA wrap to import or export TDES and AES-128 keys.
Call the Initialize Import command
Call get-parameters-for-import to initialize the import process with a
. UseRSA_2048
for theWrappingKeyAlgorithm
when exchanging TDES keys. UseRSA_3072
when exchanging TDES or AES-128 keys. This API generates a key pair for key imports, signs the key using a certificate root, and returns both the certificate and certificate root. Encrypt the key to be exported using this key. These certificates are short-lived and intended only for this purpose.$
aws payment-cryptography get-parameters-for-import \
KEY_CRYPTOGRAM \--wrapping-key-algorithm
RSA_4096{ "ImportToken": "import-token-bwxli6ocftypneu5", "ParametersValidUntilTimestamp": 1698245002.065, "WrappingKeyCertificateChain": "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0....", "WrappingKeyCertificate": "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0tLS0....", "WrappingKeyAlgorithm": "RSA_4096" }
Install public certificate on key source system
With many HSMs, you need to install, load, or trust the public certificate (and/or its root) generated in step 1 to export keys using it.
Export key from source system
Many HSMs and related systems support exporting keys using RSA wrap. Specify the public key from step 1 as the encryption cert (
). If you need the chain of trust, use theWrappingKeyCertificateChain
from step 1. When exporting the key from your HSM, specify the format as RSA, with Padding Mode = PKCS#1 v2.2 OAEP (with SHA 256 or SHA 512). -
Call import-key
Call the import-key API with a
. You need theImportToken
from step 1 and thekey-material
(wrapped key material) from step 3. Provide the key parameters (such as Key Usage) because RSA wrap doesn't use key blocks.$
cat import-key-cryptogram.json
{ "KeyMaterial": { "KeyCryptogram": { "Exportable": true, "ImportToken": "import-token-bwxli6ocftypneu5", "KeyAttributes": { "KeyAlgorithm": "AES_128", "KeyClass": "SYMMETRIC_KEY", "KeyModesOfUse": { "Decrypt": true, "DeriveKey": false, "Encrypt": true, "Generate": false, "NoRestrictions": false, "Sign": false, "Unwrap": true, "Verify": false, "Wrap": true }, "KeyUsage": "TR31_K0_KEY_ENCRYPTION_KEY" }, "WrappedKeyCryptogram": "18874746731....", "WrappingSpec": "RSA_OAEP_SHA_256" } } }
aws payment-cryptography import-key
file://import-key-cryptogram.json{ "Key": { "KeyOrigin": "EXTERNAL", "Exportable": true, "KeyCheckValue": "DA1ACF", "UsageStartTimestamp": 1697643478.92, "Enabled": true, "KeyArn": "arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-east-2:111122223333:key/kwapwa6qaifllw2h", "CreateTimestamp": 1697643478.92, "KeyState": "CREATE_COMPLETE", "KeyAttributes": { "KeyAlgorithm": "AES_128", "KeyModesOfUse": { "Encrypt": true, "Unwrap": true, "Verify": false, "DeriveKey": false, "Decrypt": true, "NoRestrictions": false, "Sign": false, "Wrap": true, "Generate": false }, "KeyUsage": "TR31_K0_KEY_ENCRYPTION_KEY", "KeyClass": "SYMMETRIC_KEY" }, "KeyCheckValueAlgorithm": "CMAC" } }
Use imported key for cryptographic operations or subsequent import
If the imported
, you can use this key for subsequent key imports using TR-31. If the key type was any other type (such asTR31_D0_SYMMETRIC_DATA_ENCRYPTION_KEY
), you can use the key directly for cryptographic operations.
Import symmetric keys using a pre-established key
exchange key (TR-31)

When exchanging multiple keys or supporting key rotation, partners typically first exchange an initial key encryption key (KEK). You can do this using techniques such as paper key components or, for AWS Payment Cryptography, using TR-34.
After establishing a KEK, you can use it to transport subsequent keys (including other KEKs). AWS Payment Cryptography supports this key exchange using ANSI TR-31, which is widely used and supported by HSM vendors.
Import Key Encryption Key (KEK)
Make sure you've already imported your KEK and have the keyARN (or keyAlias) available.
Create key on source platform
If the key doesn't exist, create it on the source platform. Alternatively, you can create the key on AWS Payment Cryptography and use the export command.
Export key from source platform
When exporting, specify the export format as TR-31. The source platform will ask for the key to export and the key encryption key to use.
Import into AWS Payment Cryptography
When calling the import-key command, use the keyARN (or alias) of your key encryption key for
. Use the output from the source platform forWrappedKeyBlock
aws payment-cryptography import-key \
": { \ "WrappingKeyIdentifier
": "arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-east-2:111122223333:key/ov6icy4ryas4zcza", \ "WrappedKeyBlock
": "D0112B0AX00E00002E0A3D58252CB67564853373D1EBCC1E23B2ADE7B15E967CC27B85D5999EF58E11662991FF5EB1381E987D744334B99D"} \ }'{ "Key": { "KeyArn": "arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-east-2:111122223333:key/kwapwa6qaifllw2h", "KeyAttributes": { "KeyUsage": "TR31_D0_SYMMETRIC_DATA_ENCRYPTION_KEY", "KeyClass": "SYMMETRIC_KEY", "KeyAlgorithm": "AES_128", "KeyModesOfUse": { "Encrypt": true, "Decrypt": true, "Wrap": true, "Unwrap": true, "Generate": false, "Sign": false, "Verify": false, "DeriveKey": false, "NoRestrictions": false } }, "KeyCheckValue": "0A3674", "KeyCheckValueAlgorithm": "CMAC", "Enabled": true, "Exportable": true, "KeyState": "CREATE_COMPLETE", "KeyOrigin": "EXTERNAL", "CreateTimestamp": "2023-06-02T07:38:14.913000-07:00", "UsageStartTimestamp": "2023-06-02T07:38:14.857000-07:00" } }
Importing asymmetric (RSA) keys
Importing RSA public keys
AWS Payment Cryptography supports importing public RSA keys as X.509 certificates. To import a certificate, first import its root certificate. All certificates must be unexpired at the time of import. The certificate should be in PEM format and base64 encoded.
Import Root Certificate into AWS Payment Cryptography
Use the following command to import the root certificate:
aws payment-cryptography import-key \
": { \ "KeyAttributes
": { \ "KeyAlgorithm
": "RSA_2048", \ "KeyClass
": "PUBLIC_KEY", \ "KeyModesOfUse
": { \ "Verify
": true}, \ "KeyUsage
": "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0tLS0tCk1JSURKVENDQWcyZ0F3SUJBZ0lCWkRBTkJna3Foa2lHOXcwQkFR..."} \ }'{ "Key": { "CreateTimestamp": "2023-08-08T18:52:01.023000+00:00", "Enabled": true, "KeyArn": "arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-east-2:111122223333:key/zabouwe3574jysdl", "KeyAttributes": { "KeyAlgorithm": "RSA_2048", "KeyClass": "PUBLIC_KEY", "KeyModesOfUse": { "Decrypt": false, "DeriveKey": false, "Encrypt": false, "Generate": false, "NoRestrictions": false, "Sign": false, "Unwrap": false, "Verify": true, "Wrap": false }, "KeyUsage": "TR31_S0_ASYMMETRIC_KEY_FOR_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE" }, "KeyOrigin": "EXTERNAL", "KeyState": "CREATE_COMPLETE", "UsageStartTimestamp": "2023-08-08T18:52:01.023000+00:00" } }
Import Public Key Certificate into AWS Payment Cryptography
You can now import a public key. There are two options for importing public keys:
if the key's purpose is to verify signatures (for example, when importing using TR-34). -
when encrypting data for use with another system.
aws payment-cryptography import-key \
": { \ "WrappingKeyIdentifier
": "arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-east-2:111122223333:key/ov6icy4ryas4zcza", \ "WrappedKeyBlock
": "D0112B0AX00E00002E0A3D58252CB67564853373D1EBCC1E23B2ADE7B15E967CC27B85D5999EF58E11662991FF5EB1381E987D744334B99D"} \ }'{ "Key": { "CreateTimestamp": "2023-08-08T18:55:46.815000+00:00", "Enabled": true, "KeyArn": "arn:aws:payment-cryptography:us-east-2:111122223333:key/4kd6xud22e64wcbk", "KeyAttributes": { "KeyAlgorithm": "RSA_4096", "KeyClass": "PUBLIC_KEY", "KeyModesOfUse": { "Decrypt": false, "DeriveKey": false, "Encrypt": false, "Generate": false, "NoRestrictions": false, "Sign": false, "Unwrap": false, "Verify": true, "Wrap": false }, "KeyUsage": "TR31_S0_ASYMMETRIC_KEY_FOR_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE" }, "KeyOrigin": "EXTERNAL", "KeyState": "CREATE_COMPLETE", "UsageStartTimestamp": "2023-08-08T18:55:46.815000+00:00" } }