Use Amazon Pinpoint analytics JSON query results - Amazon Pinpoint

Use Amazon Pinpoint analytics JSON query results

When you use Amazon Pinpoint Analytics APIs to query analytics data, Amazon Pinpoint returns the results in a JSON response. For application metrics, campaign metrics, and journey engagement metrics, the data in the response adheres to a standard JSON schema for reporting Amazon Pinpoint analytics data.

This means that you can use the programming language or tool of your choice to implement a custom solution that queries the data for one or more of these metrics, captures the results of each query, and then writes the results to a table, object, or other location. You can then work with the query results in that location by using another service or application.

For example, you can:

  • Build a custom dashboard that queries a set of metrics on a regular basis and displays the results by using your preferred data visualization framework.

  • Create a report that tracks engagement rates by querying the appropriate metrics and displaying the results in a chart or other type of report that you design.

  • Parse and write analytics data to a particular storage format, and then port the results to a long-term storage solution.

Note that Amazon Pinpoint Analytics APIs aren't designed to create or store any persistent objects that you can subsequently read or use in an Amazon Pinpoint project or your Amazon Pinpoint account. Instead, the APIs are designed to help you retrieve analytics data and transfer that data to other services and applications for further analysis, storage, or reporting. They do this partly by using the same JSON response structure and schema for all the analytics data that you can query programmatically for application metrics, campaign metrics, and journey engagement metrics.

This topic explains the structure, objects, and fields in a JSON response to a query for an application metric, campaign metric, or journey engagement metric. For information about the fields in a JSON response to a query for a journey execution metric or journey activity execution metric, see Standard metrics that apply to Amazon Pinpoint projects, campaigns, and journeys.

JSON structure

To help you parse and use query results, Amazon Pinpoint Analytics APIs use the same JSON response structure for all Amazon Pinpoint analytics data that you can query programmatically for application metrics, campaign metrics, and journey engagement metrics. Each JSON response specifies the values that defined the query, such as the project ID (ApplicationId). The response also includes one (and only one) KpiResult object. The KpiResult object contains the overall result set for a query.

Each KpiResult object contains a Rows object. This is an array of objects that contain query results and relevant metadata about the values in those results. The structure and content of a Rows object has the following general characteristics:

  • Each row of query results is a separate JSON object, named Values, in the Rows object. For example, if a query returns three values, the Rows object contains three Values objects. Each Values object contains an individual result for the query.

  • Each column of query results is a property of the Values object that it applies to. The name of the column is stored in the Key field of the Values object.

  • For grouped query results, each Values object has an associated GroupedBys object. The GroupedBys object indicates which field was used to group the results. It also provides the grouping value for the associated Values object.

  • If the query results for a metric is null, the Rows object is empty.

Beyond these general characteristics, the structure and contents of the Rows object varies depending on the metric. This is because Amazon Pinpoint supports two kinds of metrics, single-value metrics and multiple-value metrics.

A single-value metric provides only one cumulative value. An example is the percentage of messages that were delivered to recipients by all runs of a campaign. A multiple-value metric provides more than one value and groups those values by a relevant field. An example is the percentage of messages that were delivered to recipients for each run of a campaign, grouped by campaign run.

You can quickly determine whether a metric is a single-value metric or multiple-value metric by referring to the name of the metric. If the name doesn't contain grouped-by, it's a single-value metric. If it does, it's a multiple-value metric. For a complete list of metrics that you can query programmatically, see Standard metrics that apply to Amazon Pinpoint projects, campaigns, and journeys.

Single-value metrics

For a single-value metric, the Rows object contains a Values object that:

  • Specifies the friendly name of the metric that was queried.

  • Provides the value for the metric that was queried.

  • Identifies the data type of the value that was returned.

For example, the following JSON response contains the query results for a single-value metric. This metric reports the number of unique endpoints that messages were delivered to by all the campaigns that are associated with a project, from August 1, 2019 through August 31, 2019:

{ "ApplicationDateRangeKpiResponse":{ "ApplicationId":"1234567890123456789012345example", "EndTime":"2019-08-31T23:59:59Z", "KpiName":"unique-deliveries", "KpiResult":{ "Rows":[ { "Values":[ { "Key":"UniqueDeliveries", "Type":"Double", "Value":"1368.0" } ] } ] }, "StartTime":"2019-08-01T00:00:00Z" } }

In this example, the response indicates that all the project's campaigns delivered messages to 1,368 unique endpoints from August 1, 2019 through August 31, 2019, where:

  • Key is the friendly name of the metric whose value is specified in the Value field (UniqueDeliveries).

  • Type is the data type of the value specified in the Value field (Double).

  • Value is the actual value for the metric that was queried, including any filters that were applied (1368.0).

If the query results for a single-value metric is null (not greater than or equal to zero), the Rows object is empty. Amazon Pinpoint returns a null value for a metric if there isn't any data to return for the metric. For example:

{ "ApplicationDateRangeKpiResponse":{ "ApplicationId":"2345678901234567890123456example", "EndTime":"2019-08-31T23:59:59Z", "KpiName":"unique-deliveries", "KpiResult":{ "Rows":[ ] }, "StartTime":"2019-08-01T00:00:00Z" } }

Multiple-value metrics

The structure and contents of the Rows object for a multiple-value metric are mostly the same as a single-value metric. The Rows object for a multiple-value metric also contains a Values object. The Values object specifies the friendly name of the metric that was queried, provides the value for that metric, and identifies the data type of that value.

However, the Rows object for a multiple-value metric also contains one or more GroupedBy objects. There is one GroupedBy object for each Values object in the query results. The GroupedBy object indicates which field was used to group the data in the results and the data type of that field. It also indicates the grouping value for that field (for the associated Values object).

For example, the following JSON response contains the query results for a multiple-value metric that reports the number of unique endpoints that messages were delivered to, for each campaign that's associated with a project, from August 1, 2019 through August 31, 2019:

{ "ApplicationDateRangeKpiResponse":{ "ApplicationId":"1234567890123456789012345example", "EndTime":"2019-08-31T23:59:59Z", "KpiName":"unique-deliveries-grouped-by-campaign", "KpiResult":{ "Rows":[ { "GroupedBys":[ { "Key":"CampaignId", "Type":"String", "Value":"80b8efd84042ff8d9c96ce2f8example" } ], "Values":[ { "Key":"UniqueDeliveries", "Type":"Double", "Value":"123.0" } ] }, { "GroupedBys":[ { "Key":"CampaignId", "Type":"String", "Value":"810c7aab86d42fb2b56c8c966example" } ], "Values":[ { "Key":"UniqueDeliveries", "Type":"Double", "Value":"456.0" } ] }, { "GroupedBys":[ { "Key":"CampaignId", "Type":"String", "Value":"42d8c7eb0990a57ba1d5476a3example" } ], "Values":[ { "Key":"UniqueDeliveries", "Type":"Double", "Value":"789.0" } ] } ] }, "StartTime":"2019-08-01T00:00:00Z" } }

In this example, the response indicates that three of the project's campaigns delivered messages to unique endpoints from August 1, 2019 through August 31, 2019. For each of those campaigns, the breakdown of delivery counts is:

  • Campaign 80b8efd84042ff8d9c96ce2f8example delivered messages to 123 unique endpoints.

  • Campaign 810c7aab86d42fb2b56c8c966example delivered messages to 456 unique endpoints.

  • Campaign 42d8c7eb0990a57ba1d5476a3example delivered messages to 789 unique endpoints.

Where the general structure of the objects and fields is:

  • GroupedBys.Key – The name of the property or field that stores the grouping value specified in the GroupedBys.Value field (CampaignId).

  • GroupedBys.Type – The data type of the value specified in the GroupedBys.Value field (String).

  • GroupedBys.Value – The actual value for the field that was used to group the data, as specified in the GroupedBys.Key field (campaign ID).

  • Values.Key – The friendly name of the metric whose value is specified in the Values.Value field (UniqueDeliveries).

  • Values.Type – The data type of the value specified in the Values.Value field (Double).

  • Values.Value – The actual value for the metric that was queried, including any filters that were applied.

If the query results for a multiple-value metric is null (not greater than or equal to zero) for a specific project, campaign, or other resource, Amazon Pinpoint doesn't return any objects or fields for the resource. If the query results for a multiple-value metric is null for all resources, Amazon Pinpoint returns an empty Rows object.

JSON objects and fields

In addition to specifying the values that defined a query, such as the project ID (ApplicationId), each JSON response to a query for an application metric, campaign metric, or journey engagement metric includes a KpiResult object. This object contains the overall result set for a query, which you can parse to send analytics data to another service or application. Each KpiResult object contains some or all of the following standard objects and fields, depending on the metric.

Object or field Description
Rows An array of objects that contains the result set for a query.
Rows.GroupedBys For a multiple-value metric, an array of fields that defines the field and values that were used to group data in query results.
Rows.GroupedBys.Key For a multiple-value metric, the name of the property or field that stores the value specified in the GroupedBys.Value field.
Rows.GroupedBys.Type For a multiple-value metric, the data type of the value specified in the GroupedBys.Value field.
Rows.GroupedBys.Value For a multiple-value metric, the actual value for the field that was used to group data in query results. This value correlates to an associated Values object.
Rows.Values An array of fields that contains query results.
Rows.Values.Key The friendly name of the metric that was queried. The metric's value is specified in the Values.Value field.
Rows.Values.Type The data type of the value specified in the Values.Value field.
Rows.Values.Value The actual value for the metric that was queried, including any filters that were applied.

For information about the fields in a JSON response to a query for a journey execution metric or journey activity execution metric, see Standard metrics that apply to Amazon Pinpoint projects, campaigns, and journeys.