Campaign delivery metrics - Amazon Pinpoint

Campaign delivery metrics

The Campaign delivery metrics section contains information about inbox placement rates for the email that you sent from your domains. However, unlike the Domain reputation page, the Campaign delivery metrics page contains information about specific email campaigns, as opposed to information for entire domains.

The Deliverability dashboard's Campaign delivery metrics uses heuristics such as the from domain and send time to group similar messages into categories. We cannot guarantee that this aligns with Amazon Pinpoint campaigns or treatments. When sending a Amazon Pinpoint campaign with multiple treatments, you can review the campaign analytics page for reporting of open rate across treatments.

When you choose a domain and a date range, you see a table that contains the following information:

  • Preview – A small image that shows the content of the email. Pause on the image to see a larger preview.

  • Last send date – The date and time when the message was last sent.

  • Subject – The subject line of the email.

  • Sender address – The sender ("From") address for the message.

  • ESP – The email provider (such as Gmail or Yahoo) that the metrics apply to.

  • Inbox rate – The percentage of emails sent from the campaign that arrived in recipients' inboxes (as opposed to their junk mail folders).

  • Open rate – The percentage of emails sent from the campaign that were opened by their recipients.

When you choose a campaign in this table, you see a details page for the campaign. Campaign details pages contain two sections: Details and Sending IP addresses.


This section contains the following information about the campaign:

  • Latest sent date – The date and time when the message was last sent.

  • First sent date – The date and time when the message was first sent.

  • Subject – The subject line of the email.

  • Sender address – The sender ("From") address for the message.

  • Sender domain – The domain that the message was sent from.

  • ESP – The email provider (such as Gmail or Yahoo) that the metrics apply to.

  • Estimated volume – The approximate number of recipients that were sent this campaign.

  • Inbox placement – The percentage of emails sent from the campaign that arrived in recipients' inboxes (as opposed to their junk mail folders).

  • Spam placement – The percentage of emails sent from the campaign that arrived in recipients' junk mail folders.

  • Read – The percentage of emails that were opened by their recipients.

  • Read and deleted – The percentage of emails that were opened by their recipients and then deleted.

  • Deleted – The percentage of emails that were deleted by their recipients without being read.

The campaign details page also includes a larger preview of body of the email. Amazon Pinpoint automatically removes identifying information from this preview image.

Sending IP addresses

This section lists all the IP addresses that Amazon Pinpoint and Amazon SES used when sending the selected message to your recipients.