Pause, resume, or stop a journey - Amazon Pinpoint

Pause, resume, or stop a journey

Pausing a journey

After publishing a journey, you can pause that journey. During a paused journey, messages aren't sent and analytics data isn't generated. You can pause a journey during holidays, or if you need to re-evaluate the journey itself for changes. Any endpoints that entered the journey before the pause will complete the journey and are then paused. Any endpoints waiting to enter the journey don't enter the journey during the pause. If a journey is in a Wait activity, the timer on the Wait activity is paused. After the journey is resumed, the Wait activity continues from the point at which it was paused. A paused journey cannot be edited.

To pause a journey
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Pinpoint console at

  2. For All Projects, choose an existing project.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Journeys.

  4. Choose a currently published journey.

  5. In the upper-right corner of the published journey's workspace, choose Actions.

  6. Choose Pause.

  7. When prompted to confirm pausing the journey, choose Pause.

    A paused journey stays paused indefinitely until you resume it.

Resuming a journey

A paused journey can only be resumed after five minutes have passed. When you resume a paused journey, participants resume traveling through the journey from the point they were at when the journey was paused. If any journeys were in a Wait activity, the Wait activity countdown resumes from the point at which the journey was paused.

To resume a journey
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Pinpoint console at

  2. For All Projects, choose an existing project.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Journeys.

  4. Choose a currently paused journey.

  5. In the upper-right corner of the paused journey's workspace, choose Actions.

  6. Choose Resume.

  7. When prompted to confirm resuming the journey, choose Resume.

    The journey resumes.

Stopping a journey

Stopping a journey permanently ends the journey and all activities associated with it. Any activities that are currently in-process are ended. However, you will still be able to view analytics data.


If you are unsure whether to stop a journey, consider pausing instead. Because a stopped journey is stopped permanently, you must recreate the journey to use it again.

To stop a journey
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Pinpoint console at

  2. For All Projects, choose an existing project.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Journeys.

  4. Choose a currently published journey.

  5. In the upper-right corner of the journey workspace, choose Actions.

  6. Choose Stop.

  7. When prompted to confirm stopping the journey, choose Stop journey.

    The journey permanently stops.

Next: View journey metrics