AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
Command Reference

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Name Description
Add-IOTSWResourceTag Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise TagResource API operation.
Add-IOTSWTimeSeriesToAssetProperty Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise AssociateTimeSeriesToAssetProperty API operation.
Connect-IOTSWAsset Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise AssociateAssets API operation.
Connect-IOTSWAssociateProjectAsset Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise BatchAssociateProjectAssets API operation.
Disconnect-IOTSWAsset Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise DisassociateAssets API operation.
Disconnect-IOTSWDisassociateProjectAsset Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise BatchDisassociateProjectAssets API operation.
Get-IOTSWAccessPolicy Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise DescribeAccessPolicy API operation.
Get-IOTSWAccessPolicyList Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise ListAccessPolicies API operation.
Get-IOTSWAction Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise DescribeAction API operation.
Get-IOTSWActionList Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise ListActions API operation.
Get-IOTSWAsset Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise DescribeAsset API operation.
Get-IOTSWAssetCompositeModel Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise DescribeAssetCompositeModel API operation.
Get-IOTSWAssetList Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise ListAssets API operation.
Get-IOTSWAssetModel Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise DescribeAssetModel API operation.
Get-IOTSWAssetModelCompositeModel Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise DescribeAssetModelCompositeModel API operation.
Get-IOTSWAssetModelCompositeModelList Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise ListAssetModelCompositeModels API operation.
Get-IOTSWAssetModelList Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise ListAssetModels API operation.
Get-IOTSWAssetModelPropertyList Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise ListAssetModelProperties API operation.
Get-IOTSWAssetProperty Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise DescribeAssetProperty API operation.
Get-IOTSWAssetPropertyAggregate Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise GetAssetPropertyAggregates API operation.
Get-IOTSWAssetPropertyList Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise ListAssetProperties API operation.
Get-IOTSWAssetPropertyValue Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise GetAssetPropertyValue API operation.
Get-IOTSWAssetPropertyValueHistory Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise GetAssetPropertyValueHistory API operation.
Get-IOTSWAssetRelationshipList Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise ListAssetRelationships API operation.
Get-IOTSWAssociatedAssetList Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise ListAssociatedAssets API operation.
Get-IOTSWBatchAssetPropertyAggregate Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise BatchGetAssetPropertyAggregates API operation.
Get-IOTSWBatchAssetPropertyValue Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise BatchGetAssetPropertyValue API operation.
Get-IOTSWBatchAssetPropertyValueHistory Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise BatchGetAssetPropertyValueHistory API operation.
Get-IOTSWBulkImportJob Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise DescribeBulkImportJob API operation.
Get-IOTSWBulkImportJobList Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise ListBulkImportJobs API operation.
Get-IOTSWCompositionRelationshipList Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise ListCompositionRelationships API operation.
Get-IOTSWDashboard Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise DescribeDashboard API operation.
Get-IOTSWDashboardList Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise ListDashboards API operation.
Get-IOTSWDataset Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise DescribeDataset API operation.
Get-IOTSWDatasetList Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise ListDatasets API operation.
Get-IOTSWDefaultEncryptionConfiguration Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise DescribeDefaultEncryptionConfiguration API operation.
Get-IOTSWGateway Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise DescribeGateway API operation.
Get-IOTSWGatewayCapabilityConfiguration Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise DescribeGatewayCapabilityConfiguration API operation.
Get-IOTSWGatewayList Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise ListGateways API operation.
Get-IOTSWInterpolatedAssetPropertyValue Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise GetInterpolatedAssetPropertyValues API operation.
Get-IOTSWLoggingOption Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise DescribeLoggingOptions API operation.
Get-IOTSWPortal Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise DescribePortal API operation.
Get-IOTSWPortalList Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise ListPortals API operation.
Get-IOTSWProject Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise DescribeProject API operation.
Get-IOTSWProjectAssetList Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise ListProjectAssets API operation.
Get-IOTSWProjectList Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise ListProjects API operation.
Get-IOTSWResourceTag Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise ListTagsForResource API operation.
Get-IOTSWStorageConfiguration Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise DescribeStorageConfiguration API operation.
Get-IOTSWTimeSeries Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise DescribeTimeSeries API operation.
Get-IOTSWTimeSeriesList Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise ListTimeSeries API operation.
Import-IOTSWPutAssetPropertyValue Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise BatchPutAssetPropertyValue API operation.
Invoke-IOTSWAssistant Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise InvokeAssistant API operation.
New-IOTSWAccessPolicy Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise CreateAccessPolicy API operation.
New-IOTSWAsset Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise CreateAsset API operation.
New-IOTSWAssetModel Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise CreateAssetModel API operation.
New-IOTSWAssetModelCompositeModel Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise CreateAssetModelCompositeModel API operation.
New-IOTSWBulkImportJob Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise CreateBulkImportJob API operation.
New-IOTSWDashboard Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise CreateDashboard API operation.
New-IOTSWDataset Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise CreateDataset API operation.
New-IOTSWGateway Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise CreateGateway API operation.
New-IOTSWPortal Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise CreatePortal API operation.
New-IOTSWProject Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise CreateProject API operation.
Remove-IOTSWAccessPolicy Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise DeleteAccessPolicy API operation.
Remove-IOTSWAsset Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise DeleteAsset API operation.
Remove-IOTSWAssetModel Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise DeleteAssetModel API operation.
Remove-IOTSWAssetModelCompositeModel Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise DeleteAssetModelCompositeModel API operation.
Remove-IOTSWDashboard Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise DeleteDashboard API operation.
Remove-IOTSWDataset Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise DeleteDataset API operation.
Remove-IOTSWGateway Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise DeleteGateway API operation.
Remove-IOTSWPortal Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise DeletePortal API operation.
Remove-IOTSWProject Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise DeleteProject API operation.
Remove-IOTSWResourceTag Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise UntagResource API operation.
Remove-IOTSWTimeSeries Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise DeleteTimeSeries API operation.
Remove-IOTSWTimeSeriesFromAssetProperty Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise DisassociateTimeSeriesFromAssetProperty API operation.
Start-IOTSWAction Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise ExecuteAction API operation.
Start-IOTSWQuery Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise ExecuteQuery API operation.
Update-IOTSWAccessPolicy Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise UpdateAccessPolicy API operation.
Update-IOTSWAsset Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise UpdateAsset API operation.
Update-IOTSWAssetModel Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise UpdateAssetModel API operation.
Update-IOTSWAssetModelCompositeModel Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise UpdateAssetModelCompositeModel API operation.
Update-IOTSWAssetProperty Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise UpdateAssetProperty API operation.
Update-IOTSWDashboard Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise UpdateDashboard API operation.
Update-IOTSWDataset Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise UpdateDataset API operation.
Update-IOTSWGateway Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise UpdateGateway API operation.
Update-IOTSWGatewayCapabilityConfiguration Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise UpdateGatewayCapabilityConfiguration API operation.
Update-IOTSWPortal Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise UpdatePortal API operation.
Update-IOTSWProject Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise UpdateProject API operation.
Write-IOTSWDefaultEncryptionConfiguration Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise PutDefaultEncryptionConfiguration API operation.
Write-IOTSWLoggingOption Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise PutLoggingOptions API operation.
Write-IOTSWStorageConfiguration Calls the AWS IoT SiteWise PutStorageConfiguration API operation.