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Name | Description |
Add-KNDREntitiesToExperience | Calls the Amazon Kendra AssociateEntitiesToExperience API operation. |
Add-KNDRPersonasToEntity | Calls the Amazon Kendra AssociatePersonasToEntities API operation. |
Add-KNDRResourceTag | Calls the Amazon Kendra TagResource API operation. |
Clear-KNDRQuerySuggestion | Calls the Amazon Kendra ClearQuerySuggestions API operation. |
Get-KNDRAccessControlConfiguration | Calls the Amazon Kendra DescribeAccessControlConfiguration API operation. |
Get-KNDRAccessControlConfigurationList | Calls the Amazon Kendra ListAccessControlConfigurations API operation. |
Get-KNDRDataSource | Calls the Amazon Kendra DescribeDataSource API operation. |
Get-KNDRDataSourceList | Calls the Amazon Kendra ListDataSources API operation. |
Get-KNDRDataSourceSyncJobList | Calls the Amazon Kendra ListDataSourceSyncJobs API operation. |
Get-KNDREntityPersonaList | Calls the Amazon Kendra ListEntityPersonas API operation. |
Get-KNDRExperience | Calls the Amazon Kendra DescribeExperience API operation. |
Get-KNDRExperienceEntityList | Calls the Amazon Kendra ListExperienceEntities API operation. |
Get-KNDRExperienceList | Calls the Amazon Kendra ListExperiences API operation. |
Get-KNDRFaq | Calls the Amazon Kendra DescribeFaq API operation. |
Get-KNDRFaqList | Calls the Amazon Kendra ListFaqs API operation. |
Get-KNDRFeaturedResultsSet | Calls the Amazon Kendra DescribeFeaturedResultsSet API operation. |
Get-KNDRFeaturedResultsSetList | Calls the Amazon Kendra ListFeaturedResultsSets API operation. |
Get-KNDRGetDocumentStatus | Calls the Amazon Kendra BatchGetDocumentStatus API operation. |
Get-KNDRGroupsOlderThanOrderingIdList | Calls the Amazon Kendra ListGroupsOlderThanOrderingId API operation. |
Get-KNDRIndex | Calls the Amazon Kendra DescribeIndex API operation. |
Get-KNDRIndexList | Calls the Amazon Kendra ListIndices API operation. |
Get-KNDRPrincipalMapping | Calls the Amazon Kendra DescribePrincipalMapping API operation. |
Get-KNDRQuerySuggestion | Calls the Amazon Kendra GetQuerySuggestions API operation. |
Get-KNDRQuerySuggestionsBlockList | Calls the Amazon Kendra DescribeQuerySuggestionsBlockList API operation. |
Get-KNDRQuerySuggestionsBlockListList | Calls the Amazon Kendra ListQuerySuggestionsBlockLists API operation. |
Get-KNDRQuerySuggestionsConfig | Calls the Amazon Kendra DescribeQuerySuggestionsConfig API operation. |
Get-KNDRResourceTag | Calls the Amazon Kendra ListTagsForResource API operation. |
Get-KNDRSnapshot | Calls the Amazon Kendra GetSnapshots API operation. |
Get-KNDRThesauriList | Calls the Amazon Kendra ListThesauri API operation. |
Get-KNDRThesaurus | Calls the Amazon Kendra DescribeThesaurus API operation. |
Invoke-KNDRQuery | Calls the Amazon Kendra Query API operation. |
Invoke-KNDRRetrieve | Calls the Amazon Kendra Retrieve API operation. |
New-KNDRAccessControlConfiguration | Calls the Amazon Kendra CreateAccessControlConfiguration API operation. |
New-KNDRDataSource | Calls the Amazon Kendra CreateDataSource API operation. |
New-KNDRExperience | Calls the Amazon Kendra CreateExperience API operation. |
New-KNDRFaq | Calls the Amazon Kendra CreateFaq API operation. |
New-KNDRFeaturedResultsSet | Calls the Amazon Kendra CreateFeaturedResultsSet API operation. |
New-KNDRIndex | Calls the Amazon Kendra CreateIndex API operation. |
New-KNDRQuerySuggestionsBlockList | Calls the Amazon Kendra CreateQuerySuggestionsBlockList API operation. |
New-KNDRThesaurus | Calls the Amazon Kendra CreateThesaurus API operation. |
Remove-KNDRAccessControlConfiguration | Calls the Amazon Kendra DeleteAccessControlConfiguration API operation. |
Remove-KNDRDataSource | Calls the Amazon Kendra DeleteDataSource API operation. |
Remove-KNDRDocumentBatch | Calls the Amazon Kendra BatchDeleteDocument API operation. |
Remove-KNDREntitiesFromExperience | Calls the Amazon Kendra DisassociateEntitiesFromExperience API operation. |
Remove-KNDRExperience | Calls the Amazon Kendra DeleteExperience API operation. |
Remove-KNDRFaq | Calls the Amazon Kendra DeleteFaq API operation. |
Remove-KNDRFeaturedResultsSetBatch | Calls the Amazon Kendra BatchDeleteFeaturedResultsSet API operation. |
Remove-KNDRIndex | Calls the Amazon Kendra DeleteIndex API operation. |
Remove-KNDRPersonasFromEntity | Calls the Amazon Kendra DisassociatePersonasFromEntities API operation. |
Remove-KNDRPrincipalMapping | Calls the Amazon Kendra DeletePrincipalMapping API operation. |
Remove-KNDRQuerySuggestionsBlockList | Calls the Amazon Kendra DeleteQuerySuggestionsBlockList API operation. |
Remove-KNDRResourceTag | Calls the Amazon Kendra UntagResource API operation. |
Remove-KNDRThesaurus | Calls the Amazon Kendra DeleteThesaurus API operation. |
Send-KNDRFeedback | Calls the Amazon Kendra SubmitFeedback API operation. |
Start-KNDRDataSourceSyncJob | Calls the Amazon Kendra StartDataSourceSyncJob API operation. |
Stop-KNDRDataSourceSyncJob | Calls the Amazon Kendra StopDataSourceSyncJob API operation. |
Update-KNDRAccessControlConfiguration | Calls the Amazon Kendra UpdateAccessControlConfiguration API operation. |
Update-KNDRDataSource | Calls the Amazon Kendra UpdateDataSource API operation. |
Update-KNDRExperience | Calls the Amazon Kendra UpdateExperience API operation. |
Update-KNDRFeaturedResultsSet | Calls the Amazon Kendra UpdateFeaturedResultsSet API operation. |
Update-KNDRIndex | Calls the Amazon Kendra UpdateIndex API operation. |
Update-KNDRQuerySuggestionsBlockList | Calls the Amazon Kendra UpdateQuerySuggestionsBlockList API operation. |
Update-KNDRQuerySuggestionsConfig | Calls the Amazon Kendra UpdateQuerySuggestionsConfig API operation. |
Update-KNDRThesaurus | Calls the Amazon Kendra UpdateThesaurus API operation. |
Write-KNDRDocumentBatch | Calls the Amazon Kendra BatchPutDocument API operation. |
Write-KNDRPrincipalMapping | Calls the Amazon Kendra PutPrincipalMapping API operation. |