Understand AWS Private CA CA modes - AWS Private Certificate Authority

Understand AWS Private CA CA modes

AWS Private CA supports the creation of a certificate authority (CA) in either of two modes. The modes, general-purpose and short-lived certificate, affect the allowed validity period of the certificates issued by the CA.


AWS Private CA does not perform validity checks on root CA certificates.

General-purpose (default)

This mode permits the CA to issue certificates with any validity period. Most applications use certificates of this type. Typically, the CA also specifies a revocation mechanism.

Short-lived certificate

This mode defines a CA that exclusively issues certificates with a maximum validity period of seven days. These short-lived certificates expire so quickly that they can be deployed without a revocation mechanism in place. For some applications, it makes more sense to frequently deploy short-lived certificates than to incur the network and processing overhead of revocation.

CAs with short-lived certificate mode cost less than general-purpose CAs. For more informtion, see AWS Private Certificate Authority Pricing.

To create a CA that issues short-lived certificates, set the UsageMode parameter to short-lived certificate using the create a CA procedure for creating a CA.


AWS Certificate Manager cannot issue certificates signed by a private CA with short-lived mode.

Use of short-lived certificates is supported by the following AWS services: