Getting started with the AWS Management Console - AWS Proton

Getting started with the AWS Management Console

Get started with AWS Proton
  • Create and view an environment template.

  • Create, view, and publish a service template that uses the environment template that you just created.

  • Create an environment and service (optional).

  • Delete the service template, environment template, environment and service, if created.

Step 1: Open the AWS Proton console

Step 2: Prepare to use the example templates

  1. Create a Codestar Connection to Github and name the connection my-proton-connection.

  2. Navigate to

  3. Create a fork of the repository in your Github account.

Step 3: Create an environment template

In the navigation pane, choose Environment templates.

  1. In the Environment templates page, choose Create Environment template.

  2. In the Create environment template page, in the Template options section, choose Create a template for provisioning new environments.

  3. In the Template bundle source section, choose Sync a template bundle from Git.

  4. In the Template definition repository section, select Choose a linked Git repository.

  5. Select my-proton-connection from the Repository list.

  6. Select main from the Branch list.

  7. In the Proton environment template details section.

    1. Enter the template name as fargate-env.

    2. Enter the environment template display name as My Fargate Environment.

    3. (Optional) Enter a description for the environment template.

  8. (Optional) In the Tags section, choose Add new tag and enter a key and value to create a customer managed tag.

  9. Choose Create Environment template.

    You're now on a new page that displays the status and details for your new environment template. These details include a list of AWS and customer managed tags. AWS Proton automatically generates AWS managed tags for you when you create AWS Proton resources. For more information, see AWS Proton resources and tagging.

  10. The status of a new environment template status starts in the Draft state. You and others with proton:CreateEnvironment permissions can view and access it. Follow the next step to make the template available to others.

  11. In the Template versions section, choose the radio button to the left of the minor version of the template you just created (1.0). As an alternative, you can choose Publish in the info alert banner and skip the next step.

  12. In the Template versions section, choose Publish.

  13. The template status changes to Published. Because it's the latest version of the template, it's the Recommended version.

  14. In the navigation pane, select Environment templates.

    A new page displays a list of your environment templates along with template details.

Step 4: Create a service template

Create a service template.
  1. In the navigation pane, choose Service templates.

  2. In the Service templates page, choose Create Service template.

  3. In the Create service template page, in the Template bundle source section, choose Sync a template bundle from Git.

  4. In the Template section, select Choose a linked Git repository.

  5. Select my-proton-connection from the Repository list.

  6. Select main from the Branch list.

  7. In the Proton service template details section.

    1. Enter the service template name as backend-fargate-svc.

    2. Enter the service template display name as My Fargate Service.

    3. (Optional) Enter a description for the service template.

  8. In the Compatible environment templates section.

    1. Check the check-box to the left of the environment template My Fargate Environment to select the compatible environment template for the new service template.

  9. For Encryption settings, keep the defaults.

  10. In the Pipeline definition section.

    1. Keep the This template includes a CI/CD pipeline button selected.

  11. Choose Create service template.

    You're now on a new page that displays the status and details for your new service template, including a list of AWS and customer managed tags.

  12. The status of a new service template status starts in the Draft state. Only administrators can view and access it. To make the service template available for use by developers, follow the next step.

  13. In the Template versions section, choose the radio button to the left of the minor version of the template you just created (1.0). As an alternative, you can choose Publish in the info alert banner and skip the next step.

  14. In the Template versions section, choose Publish.

  15. The template status changes to Published.

    The first minor version of your service template is published and available for use by developers. Because it's the latest version of the template, it's the Recommended version.

  16. In the navigation pane, choose Service templates.

    A new page displays a list of your service templates and details.

Step 5: Create an environment

In the navigation pane, choose Environments.

  1. Choose Create environment.

  2. In the Choose an environment template page, select the template that you just created. It's named My Fargate Environment. Then, choose Configure.

  3. In the Configure environment page, in the Provisioning section, choose Provision through AWS Proton.

  4. In the Deployment account section, select This AWS account.

  5. In Environment Settings, enter the environment name as my-fargate-environment.

  6. In the Environment roles section, select New service role or, if you have already created an AWS Proton service role, select Existing service role.

    1. Select New service role to create a new role.

      1. Enter the Environment role name as MyProtonServiceRole.

      2. Check the check box to agree to create an AWS Proton service role with administrative privileges for your account.

    2. Select Existing service role to use an existing role.

      1. Select your role in the Environment role name drop down field.

  7. Choose Next.

  8. On the Configure custom settings page, use the defaults.

  9. Choose Next and review your inputs.

  10. Choose Create.

    View the environment details and status, as well as the AWS managed tags and customer managed tags for your environment.

  11. In the navigation pane, choose Environments.

    A new page displays a list of your environments along with the status and other environment details.

Step 6: Optional - Create a service and deploy an application

  1. Open the AWS Proton console.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Services.

  3. In the Services page, choose Create service.

  4. In the Choose a service template page, select the My Fargate Service template by choosing the radio button at the top-right corner of the template card.

  5. Choose Configure at the lower right corner of the page.

  6. In the Configure service page, in the Service settings section, enter the service name my-service.

  7. (Optional) Enter a description for the service.

  8. In the Service repository settings section:
    1. For CodeStar connection, choose your connection from the list.

    2. For Repository name, choose the name of your source code repository from the list.

    3. For Branch name, choose the name of your source code repository branch from the list.

  9. (Optional) In the Tags section, choose Add new tag and enter a key and value to create a customer managed tag. Then choose Next.

  10. In the Configure custom settings page, in the Service instances section, in the New instance section, follow the next steps to provide custom values for your service instance parameters.

    1. Enter the instance name my-app-service.

    2. Choose the environment my-fargate-environment for your service instance.

    3. Keep the defaults for the remaining instance parameters.

    4. Keep the defaults for Pipeline inputs.

    5. Choose Next and review your inputs.

    6. Choose Create and view your service status and details.

  11. In the service details page, view the status of your service instance and pipeline by choosing the Overview and Pipeline tabs. On these pages you can also view AWS and customer managed tags. AWS Proton automatically creates AWS managed tags for you. Choose Manage tags to create and modify customer managed tags. For more information about tagging, see AWS Proton resources and tagging.

  12. After the service is Active, in the Overview tab, in the Service Instances section, choose the name of your service instance, my-app-service.

    You are now on the service instance detail page.

  13. To view your application, in the Outputs section, copy the ServiceEndpoint link to your browser.

    You see an AWS Proton graphic in the web page.

  14. After the service is created, in the navigation pane, choose Services to view a list of your services.

Step 7: Clean up.

  1. Open the AWS Proton console.

  2. Delete a service (if you created one)
    1. In the navigation pane, choose Services.

    2. In the Services page, choose the service name my-service.

      You're now on the service detail page for my-service.

    3. In the upper right-hand corner of the page, choose Actions and then Delete.

    4. A modal prompts you to confirm the delete action.

    5. Follow the instructions and choose Yes, delete.

  3. Delete an environment
    1. In the navigation pane, choose Environments.

    2. In the Environments page, select the radio button the left of the environment that you just created.

    3. Choose Actions, then Delete.

    4. A modal prompts you to confirm the delete action.

    5. Follow the instructions and choose Yes, delete.

  4. Delete a service template
    1. In the navigation pane, choose Service templates.

    2. In the Service templates page, select the radio button to the left of service template my-svc-template.

    3. Choose Actions, then Delete.

    4. A modal prompts you to confirm the delete action.

    5. Follow the instructions and choose Yes, delete. This deletes the service template and all of its versions.

  5. Delete an environment template
    1. In the navigation pane, choose Environment templates.

    2. In the Environment templates page, select the radio button to the left of my-env-template.

    3. Choose Actions, then Delete.

    4. A modal prompts you to confirm the delete action.

    5. Follow the instructions and choose Yes, delete. This deletes the environment template and all of its versions.

  6. Delete your Codestar Connection