What is AWS Proton? - AWS Proton

What is AWS Proton?

AWS Proton is:
  • Automated infrastructure as code provisioning and deployment of serverless and container-based applications

    The AWS Proton service is a two-pronged automation framework. As an administrator, you create versioned service templates that define standardized infrastructure and deployment tooling for serverless and container-based applications. As an application developer, you can select from the available service templates to automate your application or service deployments.

    AWS Proton identifies all existing service instances that are using an outdated template version for you. As an administrator, you can request AWS Proton to upgrade them with one click.

  • Standardized infrastructure

    Platform teams can use AWS Proton and versioned infrastructure as code templates. They can use these templates to define and manage standard application stacks that contain the architecture, infrastructure resources, and the CI/CD software deployment pipeline.

  • Deployments integrated with CI/CD

    When developers use the AWS Proton self-service interface to select a service template, they're selecting a standardized application stack definition for their code deployments. AWS Proton automatically provisions the resources, configures the CI/CD pipeline, and deploys the code into the defined infrastructure.

AWS Proton for platform teams

As an administrator, you or members of your platform team, create environment templates and service templates containing infrastructure as code. The environment template defines shared infrastructure used by multiple applications or resources. The service template defines the type of infrastructure that's needed to deploy and maintain a single application or microservice in an environment. An AWS Proton service is an instantiation of a service template, which normally includes several service instances and a pipeline. An AWS Proton service instance is an instantiation of a service template in a specific environment. You or others in your team can specify which environment templates are compatible with a given service template. For more information about templates, see AWS Proton templates.

You can use the following infrastructure as code providers with AWS Proton:

AWS Proton for developers

As an application developer, you select a standardized service template that AWS Proton uses to create a service that deploys and manages your application in a service instance. An AWS Proton service is an instantiation of a service template, which normally includes several service instances and a pipeline.

AWS Proton workflow

The following diagram is a visualization of the main AWS Proton concepts discussed in the preceding paragraph. It also offers a high-level overview of what constitutes a simple AWS Proton workflow.

A diagram that describes the main AWS Proton concepts discussed in the preceding paragraph. It also offers a high-level overview of what constitutes a simple AWS Proton workflow divided into the following six steps.

Red circle with the number 1 inside, typically used as a notification icon. As an Administrator, you create and register an Environment Template with AWS Proton, which defines the shared resources.

Number 2 icon in a pink circle. AWS Proton deploys one or more Environments, based on an Environment Template.

Pink square icon with a white exclamation mark inside a circle. As an Administrator, you create and register a Service Template with AWS Proton, which defines the related infrastructure, monitoring, and CI/CD resources as well as compatible Environment Templates.

Number 4 in a red circle icon, commonly used to indicate a notification count. As a Developer, you select a registered Service Template and provide a link to your Source code repository.

Pink square icon with number 5 inside, representing a notification or count. AWS Proton provisions the Service with a CI/CD Pipeline for your Service instances.

Red circle icon with number 6 inside, representing a notification or count. AWS Proton provisions and manages the Service and the Service Instances that are running the Source code as was defined in the selected Service Template. A Service Instance is an instantiation of the selected Service Template in an Environment for a single stage of a Pipeline (for example Prod).