EventBridgeTutorial: Send Amazon Simple Notification Service alerts for AWS Proton service status changes - AWS Proton

EventBridgeTutorial: Send Amazon Simple Notification Service alerts for AWS Proton service status changes

In this tutorial, you use an AWS Proton pre-configured event rule that captures status changes for your AWS Proton service. EventBridge sends the status changes to an Amazon SNS topic. You subscribe to the topic and Amazon SNS sends you status change emails for your AWS Proton service.


You have an existing AWS Proton service with an Active status. As part of this tutorial, you can add service instances to this service, and then delete the instances.

If you need to create an AWS Proton service, see Getting started with AWS Proton. For more information, see AWS Proton quotas and Edit a service.

Step 1: Create and subscribe to an Amazon SNS topic

Create an Amazon SNS topic to serve as an event target for the event rule that you create in Step 2.

Create an Amazon SNS topic
  1. Log in and open the Amazon SNS console.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Topics, Create topic.

  3. In Create topic page:

    1. Choose Type Standard.

    2. For Name, enter tutorial-service-status-change and choose Create topic.

  4. In the tutorial-service-status-change detail page, choose Create subscription.

  5. In the Create subscription page:

    1. For Protocol, choose Email.

    2. For Endpoint, enter an email address that you currently have access to and choose Create subscription.

  6. Check your email account and wait to receive a subscription confirmation email message. When you receive it, open it and choose Confirm subscription.

Step 2: Register an event rule

Register an event rule that captures status changes for your AWS Proton service. For more information, see Prerequisites.

Create an event rule.
  1. Open the Amazon EventBridge console.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Events, Rules.

  3. In the Rules page, in the Rules section, choose Create rule.

  4. In the Create rule page:

    1. In the Name and description section, for Name, enter tutorial-rule.

    2. In the Define pattern section, choose Event pattern.

      1. For Event matching pattern, choose Pre-defined by service.

      2. For Service provider, choose AWS.

      3. For Service name, choose AWS Proton.

      4. For Event type, choose AWS Proton Service Status Change.

        The Event pattern appears in a text editor.

      5. Open the AWS Proton console.

      6. In the navigation pane, choose Services.

      7. In Services page, choose the name of your AWS Proton service.

      8. In Service details page, copy the service Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

      9. Navigate back to the EventBridge console and your tutorial rule and choose Edit at the text editor.

      10. In the text editor, for "resources":, enter the service ARN that you copied in step viii.

        { "source": ["aws.proton"], "detail-type": ["AWS Proton Service Status Change"], "resources": ["arn:aws:proton:region-id:123456789012:service/your-service"] }
      11. Save the event pattern.

    3. In the Select targets section:

      1. For Target, choose SNS topic.

      2. For Topic, choose tutorial-service-status-change.

    4. Choose Create.

Step 3: Test your event rule

Verify that your event rule is working by adding an instance to your AWS Proton service.

  1. Switch to the AWS Proton console.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Services.

  3. In Services page, choose the name of your service.

  4. In Service details page, choose Edit.

  5. In Configure service page, choose Next.

  6. In Configure custom settings page, in the Service instances section, choose Add new instance.

  7. Complete the form for your New instance:

    1. Enter a Name for your new instance.

    2. Select the same compatible environments that you chose for your existing instances.

    3. Enter values for the required inputs.

    4. Choose Next.

  8. Review your inputs and choose Update.

  9. After the Service status is Active, check your email to verify you received AWS notifications that give status updates.

    { "version": "0", "id": "af76c382-2b3c-7a0a-cf01-936dff228276", "detail-type": "AWS Proton Service Status Change", "source": "aws.proton", "account": "123456789012", "time": "2021-06-29T20:40:16Z", "region": "region-id", "resources": ["arn:aws:proton:region-id:123456789012:service/your-service"], "detail": { "previousStatus": "ACTIVE", "status": "UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS", "name": "your-service" } }
    { "version": "0", "id": "87131e29-ad95-bda2-cd30-0ce825dfb0cd", "detail-type": "AWS Proton Service Status Change", "source": "aws.proton", "account": "123456789012", "time": "2021-06-29T20:42:27Z", "region": "region-id", "resources": ["arn:aws:proton:region-id:123456789012:service/your-service"], "detail": { "previousStatus": "UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS", "status": "ACTIVE", "name": "your-service" } }

Step 4: Clean up

Delete your Amazon SNS topic and subscription and delete your EventBridge rule.

Delete your Amazon SNS topic and subscription.
  1. Navigate to the Amazon SNS console.

  2. In the navigation panel, choose Subscriptions.

  3. In the Subscriptions page, choose the subscription that you made to the topic named tutorial-service-status-change and then choose Delete.

  4. In the navigation panel, choose Topics.

  5. In the Topics page, choose the topic named tutorial-service-status-change and then choose Delete.

  6. A modal prompts you to verify the deletion. Follow the instructions and choose Delete.

Delete your EventBridge rule.
  1. Navigate to the Amazon EventBridge console.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Events, Rules.

  3. In the Rules page, choose the rule named tutorial-rule and then choose Delete.

  4. A modal prompts you to verify the deletion. Choose Delete.

Delete the added service instance.
  1. Navigate to the AWS Proton console.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Services.

  3. In the Services page, choose the name of your service.

  4. In the Service detail page, choose Edit and then Next.

  5. In Configure custom settings page, in the Service instances section, choose Delete for the service instance that you created as part of this tutorial and then choose Next.

  6. Review your inputs and choose Update.

  7. A modal prompts you to verify the deletion. Follow the instructions and choose Yes, delete.