View template data
You can view lists of templates with details and view individual templates with detail data by using the AWS Proton console
Customer managed environment template data includes the provisioned
parameter with the value
If a service template doesn't include a service pipeline, the service template data includes the
parameter with the value CUSTOMER_MANAGED
For more information, see Register and publish templates.
You can use the console or the AWS CLI to list and view template data.
- AWS Management Console
Use the console to list and view templates.
To view a list of templates, choose (Environment or Service) templates.
To view detail data choose the name of a template.
View the detail data of the template, a list of the major and minor versions of the template, a list of the AWS Proton resources that were deployed using template versions and template tags.
The recommended major version and minor version is labeled as Recommended.
Use the AWS CLI to list and view templates.
Run the following command:
aws proton get-environment-template-version \ --template-name "
" \ --major-version "1
" \ --minor-version "0
{ "environmentTemplateVersion": { "arn": "arn:aws:proton:region-id:123456789012:environment-template/simple-env:1.0", "createdAt": "2020-11-10T18:35:08.293000+00:00", "description": "Version 1", "lastModifiedAt": "2020-11-10T18:35:11.162000+00:00", "majorVersion": "1", "minorVersion": "0", "recommendedMinorVersion": "0", "schema": "schema:\n format:\n openapi: \"3.0.0\"\n environment_input_type: \"MyEnvironmentInputType\"\n types:\n MyEnvironmentInputType:\n type: object\n description: \"Input properties for my environment\"\n properties:\n my_sample_input:\n type: string\n description: \"This is a sample input\"\n default: \"hello world\"\n my_other_sample_input:\n type: string\n description: \"Another sample input\"\n required:\n - my_other_sample_input\n", "status": "DRAFT", "statusMessage": "", "templateName": "simple-env" } }
Run the following command:
aws proton list-environment-templates
{ "templates": [ { "arn": "arn:aws:proton:region-id:123456789012:environment-template/simple-env-3", "createdAt": "2020-11-10T18:35:05.763000+00:00", "description": "VPC with Public Access", "displayName": "VPC", "lastModifiedAt": "2020-11-10T18:35:05.763000+00:00", "name": "simple-env-3", "recommendedVersion": "1.0" }, { "arn": "arn:aws:proton:region-id:123456789012:environment-template/simple-env-1", "createdAt": "2020-11-10T00:14:06.881000+00:00", "description": "Some SSM Parameters", "displayName": "simple-env-1", "lastModifiedAt": "2020-11-10T00:14:06.881000+00:00", "name": "simple-env-1", "recommendedVersion": "1.0" } ] }
View a minor version of a service template.
Run the following command:
aws proton get-service-template-version \ --template-name "
" \ --major-version "1
" \ --minor-version "0
{ "serviceTemplateMinorVersion": { "arn": "arn:aws:proton:us-east-1:123456789012:service-template/fargate-service:1.0", "compatibleEnvironmentTemplates": [ { "majorVersion": "1", "templateName": "simple-env" } ], "createdAt": "2020-11-11T23:02:57.912000+00:00", "description": "Version 1", "lastModifiedAt": "2020-11-11T23:02:57.912000+00:00", "majorVersion": "1", "minorVersion": "0", "schema": "schema:\n format:\n openapi: \"3.0.0\"\n pipeline_input_type: \"MyPipelineInputType\"\n service_input_type: \"MyServiceInstanceInputType\"\n\n types:\n MyPipelineInputType:\n type: object\n description: \"Pipeline input properties\"\n required:\n - my_sample_pipeline_required_input\n properties:\n my_sample_pipeline_optional_input:\n type: string\n description: \"This is a sample input\"\n default: \"hello world\"\n my_sample_pipeline_required_input:\n type: string\n description: \"Another sample input\"\n\n MyServiceInstanceInputType:\n type: object\n description: \"Service instance input properties\"\n required:\n - my_sample_service_instance_required_input\n properties:\n my_sample_service_instance_optional_input:\n type: string\n description: \"This is a sample input\"\n default: \"hello world\"\n my_sample_service_instance_required_input:\n type: string\n description: \"Another sample input\"", "status": "DRAFT", "statusMessage": "", "templateName": "fargate-service" } }
View a service template without a service pipeline as shown in the next example command and response.
Run the following command:
aws proton get-service-template \ --name "
{ "serviceTemplate": { "arn": "arn:aws:proton:region-id:123456789012:service-template/simple-svc-template-cli", "createdAt": "2021-02-18T15:38:57.949000+00:00", "displayName": "simple-svc-template-cli", "lastModifiedAt": "2021-02-18T15:38:57.949000+00:00", "status": "DRAFT", "name": "simple-svc-template-cli", "pipelineProvisioning": "CUSTOMER_MANAGED" } }