View template sync configuration details - AWS Proton

View template sync configuration details

View template sync configuration detail data using the console or CLI.

AWS Management Console
Use the console to view template sync configuration details.
  1. In the navigation pane, choose (Environment or Service) templates.

  2. To view detail data, choose the name of a template that you created a template sync configuration for.

  3. In the detail page for the template, select the Sync tab to view the template sync configuration detail data.


Use the AWS CLI to view a synced template.

Run the following command.

$ aws proton get-template-sync-config \ --template-name "svc-template" \ --template-type "SERVICE"

The response is as follows.

{ "templateSyncConfigDetails": { "branch": "main", "repositoryProvider": "GITHUB", "repositoryName": "myrepos/myrepo", "subdirectory": "svc-template", "templateName": "svc-template", "templateType": "SERVICE" } }

Use the AWS CLI to get template sync status.

For template-version, enter the template major version.

Run the following command.

$ aws proton get-template-sync-status \ --template-name "env-template" \ --template-type "ENVIRONMENT" \ --template-version "1"