Troubleshooting your Zendesk connector - Amazon Q Business

Troubleshooting your Zendesk connector

The following table provides information about error codes you may see for the Zendesk connector and suggested troubleshooting actions.

Error code Error message Suggested resolution
ZND-5001 Error validating credentials due to invalid username or password. Provide a valid username/password.
ZND-5002 Error validating credentials due to invalid client Id or client Secret. Provide a valid Zendesk client Id or client Secret.
ZND-5100 The host URL is null or empty. Provide a valid host Url.
ZND-5101 The username is null or empty. Provide a valid username.
ZND-5102 The password is null or empty. Provide a valid password.
ZND-5103 The Zendesk client Id is null or empty. Provide a valid client Id.
ZND-5104 The Zendesk client Secret is null or empty. Provide a valid client Secret.
ZND-5105 Invalid date format for field 'sinceDate'. Date format should be yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.
ZND-5106 Invalid value for field 'sinceDate'. Since date should not be greater than the current date.
ZND-5107 The datatype for the index field is invalid. Only String, Date and Long formats are supported for field mappings.
ZND-5108 The isCrawTicket value is invalid. isCrawTicket should be a boolean value true or false.
ZND-5109 The isCrawTicketComment value is invalid. isCrawTicketComment should be a boolean value true or false.
ZND-5110 The isCrawTicketCommentAttachment value is invalid. isCrawTicketCommentAttachment should be a boolean value true or false.
ZND-5111 The isCrawlArticle value is invalid. isCrawlArticle should be a boolean value true or false.
ZND-5112 The isCrawlArticleComment value is invalid. isCrawlArticleComment should be a boolean value true or false.
ZND-5113 The isCrawlArticleAttachment value is invalid. isCrawlArticleAttachment should be a boolean value true or false.
ZND-5114 The isCrawlCommunityTopic value is invalid. isCrawlCommunityTopic should be a boolean value true or false.
ZND-5115 The isCrawlCommunityPost value is invalid. isCrawlCommunityPost should be a boolean value true or false.
ZND-5116 The isCrawlCommunityPostComment value is invalid. isCrawlCommunityPostComment should be a boolean value true or false.
ZND-5117 Repository Configurations is null or empty. Repository Configurations should not be null or empty value.
ZND-5118 The Host Url pattern is not valid. Provide a valid host url. Ex: 'https://{sub-domain}' or 'https://{sub-domain}'
ZND-5119 The URI is invalid. Provide a valid URI.
ZND-5120 The personal access token is null or empty. Provide a valid patToken.
ZND-5121 The auth type is incorrect. The auth type should be OAuth2 or Oauth2-ImplicitGrantFlow.
ZND-5122 The accessToken provided is expired, revoked, malformed or invalid. Provide valid accessToken.
ZND-5123 The access token doesn't have sufficient permission. Check the user has sufficient permission to crawl.
ZND-5500 Unable to fetch data from Zendesk. Check your Zendesk account plan/subscription: it may have expired.
ZND-5501 Unable to generate access token. Check your Zendesk configuration and try again.
ZND-5502 There was an error parsing the field value. The size has exceeded the maximum allowable limit. The maximum size permitted is 1000 characters for the fields.
ZND-5503 The url is invalid. Provide valid URL.