As traduções são geradas por tradução automática. Em caso de conflito entre o conteúdo da tradução e da versão original em inglês, a versão em inglês prevalecerá.
Modelo de descrição longa de AWS Data Exchange produtos de saúde e ciências biológicas
Ao publicar um produto AWS Data Exchange, você deve incluir uma descrição longa que contenha todas as informações necessárias para que os assinantes entendam o que seu produto oferece. A seguir está um modelo para uma descrição longa de produtos de saúde e ciências biológicas.
--- ##
Data Product OverviewInstructions: Provide a description of the data product and what it contains in this section.
--- ## Use CasesInstructions: Provide a handful of use-cases or guidance of best ways to utilize the data product.
--- ## MetadataInstructions: Provide metadata of your data using a table. Examples include but are not limited to:
Description | Value ----|----- Update Frequency |YOUR INFO HERE
Data Source(s) |YOUR INFO HERE
Original Publisher of data |YOUR INFO HERE
Data Creation Date |YOUR INFO HERE
Data Modification Date |YOUR INFO HERE
Geographic coverage |YOUR INFO HERE
Time period coverage |YOUR INFO HERE
Is historical data “point-in-time” |YES OR NO
Data Set(s) Format(s) |YOUR INFO HERE
Raw or scraped data |YOUR INFO HERE
Number of companies/brands covered |YOUR INFO HERE
--- ## Key Data PointsKey data points include:
* Key Data Point: * Key Data Point:
--- ## Use Cases for the Data SetProvide a handful of use-cases or guidance of best ways to utilize the data product.
--- ## Target Therapeutic Area / Disease FocusProvide an overview of which therapeutic areas, diagnoses, procedures, medications, and more can be analyzed in the data listing, and can other data for different therapeutic areas be sourced.
--- ## Data Engineering OverviewProvide an overview of how the raw data was engineered. Questions to answer: * What data models were applied? * What standards / terminologies applied? * Was NLP post-processing used in the curation of the data?
--- ## Additional Information * [Data Source] (ADD LINK HERE
) * [Data Due Diligence Questionnaire] (ADD LINK HERE
) * [Link to Corresponding ADX Trial Product/ Link to Corresponding ADX Paid Product] (ADD LINK HERE
) --- ## Pricing InformationIf you would like to tell your subscribers that you would like them to inquire for custom pricing (ie you price based on other variables), you can explain here.
--- ## Regulatory and Compliance InformationIf this section is applicable, provide an overview of the regulatory guidance and compliance for use of this product. Are there exemptions that need to be linked in order for the data product to be published?
--- ## Subscription Verification Request InformationIf you are enabling subscription verification for your products, you may elect to indicate the information that you will require from the prospective subscriber i.e., EIN number, # of applications, # of users, # of Regions, etc.
--- ## Need Help?* If you have questions about our products, contact us using the support information below.
--- ## About Your CompanyProvide a description and/or link about your company
* [Company Fact Sheet] (ADD LINK HERE