nitro-cli build-enclave - AWS

nitro-cli build-enclave

Converts a Docker image into an enclave image file (.eif). You can specify either a local directory containing a Dockerfile, or a Docker image in a Docker repository.


This command is not supported on Windows. If you are using a Windows parent instance, you must run this command on a Linux computer and then transfer the enclave image file (.eif) to the Windows parent instance.

You can build enclave images files using the Nitro CLI on any Linux environment, including outside of AWS. To manage the lifecycle of an instance—such as with the run-enclave command—you will need to use the Nitro CLI on a parent instance (EC2 instance with Nitro Enclave enabled).

The command returns a set of measurements (SHA384 hashes) that are unique to the enclave image file. These measurements are provided in the form of platform configuration registers (PCRs). The PCRs are used during the enclave's attestation process. For more information, see Nitro Enclaves concepts.

For example, when using Nitro Enclaves with AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS), you can specify these PCRs in condition keys for customer managed keys policies. When an application in the enclave performs an AWS KMS operation, AWS KMS compares the PCRs in the enclave's signed attestation document with the PCRs specified in the condition keys of the KMS key policy before allowing the operation.


nitro-cli build-enclave --docker-uri repository:tag [--docker-dir /path_to/dockerfile_directory ] --output-file file-location [--private-key key.pem] --signing-certificate certificate.pem [--name image_name] [--version image_version]



The uniform resource identifier (URI) of a Docker image in a Docker repository. The URI is specified using the repository:tag format.

Type: String

Required: Yes


The path to a local directory containing a Dockerfile.

Type: String

Required: No


The file name of the enclave image file that is created.

Type: String

Required: Yes


The private key to use to sign the enclave image file. Only ECDSA keys are supported for code for signing. If you specify --private-key then you must also specify --signing-certificate. If you specify these parameter, the command creates a signed enclave image file. The command output will include an additional PCR, PCR8, which can be used in condition keys for KMS key policies. For more information, see Where to get an enclave's measurements.

Type: String

Required: No


The signing key to use to sign the enclave image file. If you specify --signing-certificate then you must also specify --private-key. If you specify these parameter, the command creates a signed enclave image file. The command output will include and additional PCR, PCR8, which can be used in condition keys for KMS key policies. For more information, see Where to get an enclave's measurements.


Ensure that the specified certificate is still valid. If you attempt to start an enclave with an enclave image file that is signed with a certificate that is no longer valid, the nitro-cli run-enclave fails with errors E36, E39, and E11.

Type: String

Required: No



The cryptographic measurements (SHA384 hashes) that are unique to the enclave image file.

Type: String


The following example converts a Docker image with a URI of sample:latest to an enclave image file named sample.eif.


nitro-cli build-enclave --docker-uri sample:latest --output-file sample.eif


Enclave Image successfully created. { "Measurements": { "HashAlgorithm": "Sha384 { ... }", "PCR0": "EXAMPLE59044e337c00068c2c033546641e37aa466b853ca486dd149f641f15071961db2a0827beccea9cade3EXAMPLE", "PCR1": "EXAMPLE7783d0c23167299fbe5a69622490a9bdf82e94a0a1a48b0e7c56130c0c1e6555de7c0aa3d7901fbc58EXAMPLE", "PCR2": "EXAMPLE4b51589e8374b7f695b4649d1f1e9b528b05ab75a49f9a0a4a1ec36be81280caab0486f660b9207ac0EXAMPLE" } }