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FirewallStatus - AWS Network Firewall
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Detailed information about the current status of a Firewall. You can retrieve this for a firewall by calling DescribeFirewall and providing the firewall name and ARN.



The configuration sync state for the firewall. This summarizes the sync states reported in the Config settings for all of the Availability Zones where you have configured the firewall.

When you create a firewall or update its configuration, for example by adding a rule group to its firewall policy, Network Firewall distributes the configuration changes to all zones where the firewall is in use. This summary indicates whether the configuration changes have been applied everywhere.

This status must be IN_SYNC for the firewall to be ready for use, but it doesn't indicate that the firewall is ready. The Status setting indicates firewall readiness.

Type: String


Required: Yes


The readiness of the configured firewall to handle network traffic across all of the Availability Zones where you've configured it. This setting is READY only when the ConfigurationSyncStateSummary value is IN_SYNC and the Attachment Status values for all of the configured subnets are READY.

Type: String


Required: Yes


Describes the capacity usage of the resources contained in a firewall's reference sets. Network Firewall calclulates the capacity usage by taking an aggregated count of all of the resources used by all of the reference sets in a firewall.

Type: CapacityUsageSummary object

Required: No


The subnets that you've configured for use by the Network Firewall firewall. This contains one array element per Availability Zone where you've configured a subnet. These objects provide details of the information that is summarized in the ConfigurationSyncStateSummary and Status, broken down by zone and configuration object.

Type: String to SyncState object map

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:

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