Private workflows in HealthOmics - AWS HealthOmics

Private workflows in HealthOmics

Use Private workflows when you want to create your own workflow definition. The workflow definition specifies information about the workflow and defines the workflow tasks. A run is a single invocation of a workflow, and a task is a single process within the run.

HealthOmics supports workflow definitions that you create in Workflow Description Language (WDL), Common Workflow Language (CWL), or Nextflow.

HealthOmics workflows provide the following optional features:

  • Run groups – You can add private workflows to a run group to control compute usage. A run group is a collection of workflow runs that share a set of resource limits, such as maximum concurrent runs and maximum run duration. You set these limits to control the compute resources that the run group consumes.

  • Workflow sharing – You can share your private workflows with other AWS accounts.

For information about configuring IAM permissions for workflows, see IAM permissions for HealthOmics.

For full examples of how to use HealthOmics private workflows, see HealthOmics Github tutorials or the AWS workshop end to end tutorial for HealthOmics.