The Generative BI authoring experience - Amazon QuickSight

The Generative BI authoring experience

With Amazon Q in QuickSight, authors can use new Generative BI capabilities to build calculated fields and to build and refine visuals. To opt in to this public preview, you must have an active subscription to QuickSight Q. For more information about signing up for QuickSight Q, see Getting started with Amazon QuickSight Q.

A user builds a visual and creates a calculated field with Generative BI in Amazon QuickSight.

Build visuals with Generative BI

QuickSight authors can use the Build a visual button to build a custom visual that's generated from author input. The author's input uses natural language to describe the desired outcome for the new visual. You can enter a custom description, or you can choose from a list of generated suggestions that Amazon Q has generated for the topic that's attached to the analysis. The following image shows a custom visual that's created with the Build a visual menu.

The Build a visual pane in the QuickSight console.


Before you get started, create and attach an QuickSight Q topic to the analysis that you want to work in. For more information about creating topics in QuickSight Q,see Working with Amazon QuickSight Q topics.

To build a visual with Generative BI
  1. Navigate to the analysis that you want to work in and choose Ask Q to build a visual.

  2. In the Build a visual panel that appears, perform the following steps.

    1. Describe the data that you want to visualize. You can enter a custom description, or you can choose from the Suggested questions that are generated based on the analysis' data.

      When you describe the data that you want to visualize, you can phrase it as a question, or you can use conversational phrases or filters. For example, you can enter "How many people signed up for a free trial last month?" or "Free trial sign ups by month." Both statements generate a visual that shows the number of free trial sign-ups by month. Amazon Q can also respond to vague language or keyword style requests.

      Suggested questions can include a mix of artificial intelligence (AI) generated questions and human verified questions. Human verified questions appear with a check mark next to the suggestion.

    2. Choose Build.

    3. Review the visual that Amazon Q generates. To refine the data presented in the visual, enter a new description into the Build bar, and then choose Build. Use the forward and back arrows to review the changes made to the visual without losing any progress.

    4. When you're satisfied with the visual, choose ADD TO ANALYSIS.

A Sankey diagram that is created using the Build a visual panel.

Build calculations with Generative BI

With Generative BI, you can use natural language prompts to create calculated fields in Amazon QuickSight, as shown in the following image. For more information about calculated fields in analyses, see Adding calculated fields.

Adding a calculated field with the Build tool.
To build a calculated field with Generative BI
  1. Navigate to the analysis that you want to work in and choose Data from the toolbar at the top of the page. Then choose Add calculated field.

  2. In the calculation editor that appears, choose Build.

  3. Describe the calculation outcome that you want to achieve. For example, "year over year percent change in daily sales."

  4. Choose BUILD.

  5. Review the expression that's returned, and then choose Insert to add it to the expression editor. You can also choose the Copy icon to copy the expression to your clipboard. To delete the expression and start over, choose the Delete icon next to the expression.

  6. When you're finished, close the editor.

After you add a calculation to the expression editor, you must name the calculation before you can save it.

Refine visuals with generative BI

QuickSight authors can also use natural language prompts to edit visuals in an analysis, as shown in the following visual. Authors can use this functionality to edit visuals without performing manual tasks in the QuickSight UI. Authors can only use Generative BI to perform formatting tasks that are currently supported in QuickSight, even if Amazon Q asks for otherwise.

Editing a visual with the Build for me tool.

The following types of edit are available for public preview:

  • Change a visual's type.

  • Show or hide axis titles, axis labels, or data labels.

  • Show, hide, or change the title of a chart.

  • Change axis and table column names.

  • Add fields or field wells to a visual.

  • Remove fields from a visual.

  • Change the aggregation of an axis.

  • Show or hide legends and grid lines.

  • Show or hide data zoom.

  • Add fields or field wells to a visual.

  • Change or remove a visual's sort controls.

  • Update the conditional formatting of a visual's colors, color gradients, background color, or text color.

  • Change the time granularity of a visual.

To edit a visual with Generative BI
  1. Navigate to the visual that you want to work in, and then choose Edit visual.

  2. Describe the task that you want performed, and then choose APPLY.

  3. Review the visual changes. If you're satisfied with the generated changes, close the Edit visual modal. To undo the changes, choose Undo and enter a new task to be generated.