Connecting to consumer databases in Amazon Redshift
With a direct connection to a datashare database, you can directly connect to a database created from a datashare in the same way as you can connect to any other type of Amazon Redshift database. For example, you can connect to a database created from a datashare using JDBC or ODBC drivers, the Amazon Redshift query editor v2, or any other tool that can connect to an Amazon Redshift database. For more information, see Connecting to an Amazon Redshift data warehouse using SQL client tools.
Accessing shared data
When you connect to a database created from a datashare, you can query the shared
objects using two-part notation
If the table can be found in the consumer database search path, you can also use
one-part notation (schema_name
). table_name
If you want to perform cross-database queries, you can use three-part notation
These queries can reference shared objects from other consumer database on the cluster,
or local objects from local databases. They can also reference both local databases and
data shared from other clusters within the same query.consumer_database_name
A database that is created from a datashare doesn't have a local catalog.
Therefore, any queries that access local catalog tables, such as
, return an empty result.
Accessing metadata for shared objects
To help cluster administrators discover shared objects in the consumer database, Amazon Redshift provides a set of metadata views and SHOW commands that list the metadata for these objects. When you connect to a consumer database, these metadata views and commands don't support cross-database metadata discovery. They only return metadata for the shared objects in the datashare that are associated with the connected database.
Use SHOW SCHEMAS to view a list of the shared schemas in the datashare associated with the connected database. For more information, see SHOW SCHEMAS.
Use SHOW TABLES to view a list of the tables in a shared schema from the datashare associated with the connected database. For more information, see SHOW TABLES.
Use SHOW COLUMNS to view a list of the columns from a shared table in the datashare associated with the connected database. For more information, see SHOW COLUMNS.
Use SVV_ALL_SCHEMAS to view a list of the shared schemas in the datashare associated with the connected database. For more information, see SVV_ALL_SCHEMAS.
Use SVV_ALL_TABLES to view a list of the shared tables in the datashare associated with the connected database. For more information, see SVV_ALL_TABLES.
Use SVV_ALL_COLUMNS to view a list of the shared columns in the datashare associated with the connected database. For more information, see SVV_ALL_COLUMNS.
Integrating Amazon Redshift data sharing with business
intelligence tools
To integrate data sharing with business intelligence (BI) tools, we recommend that
you use the Amazon Redshift JDBC or ODBC drivers. Amazon Redshift JDBC and ODBC drivers support the
API operation in the drivers. This operation returns a list
of all databases, including those created from datashares.
The drivers also support downstream operations, such as GetSchemas
GetTables, that return data from all the databases that GetCatalogs
returns. The drivers provide this support even when you don't explicitly specify the
catalog in the call. For more information on JDBC or ODBC drivers, see Configuring connections in the Amazon Redshift Management
The Amazon Redshift query editor v2 includes consumer databases in its connection switching interface. However, most tools exclude these databases and only include local cluster databases as connectable databases.
A new system database named sys:internal
was added for internal
maintenance. Some tools include this system database as a connectable database.
However, you can't connect to it or run queries against its objects.