Viewing the confusion matrix for a model - Rekognition

Viewing the confusion matrix for a model

A confusion matrix allows you to see the labels that your model confuses with other labels in your model. By using a confusion matrix, you can focus your improvements to the model.

During model evaluation, Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels create a confusion matrix by using the test images to identify mis-identified (confused) labels. Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels only creates a confusion matrix for classification models. The classification matrix is accessible from the summary file that Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels creates during model training. You can't view the confusion matrix in the Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels console.

Using a confusion matrix

The following table is the confusion matrix for the Rooms image classification example project. Column headings are the labels (ground truth labels) assigned to the test images. Row headings are the labels that the model predicts for the test images. Each cell is the percentage of predictions for a label (row) that should be the ground truth label (column). For example, 67% of the predictions for bathrooms were correctly labeled as bathrooms. 33% percent of bathrooms were incorrectly labeled as kitchens. A high performing model has high cell values when the predicted label matches the ground truth label. You can see these as a diagonal line from the first to last predicted and ground truth labels. If a cell value is 0, no predictions were made for the cell's predicted label that should be the cell's ground truth label.


Since models are non-deterministic, the confusion matrix cell values you get from training the Rooms project might differ from the following table.

The confusion matrix identifies areas to focus on. For example, the confusion matrix shows that 50% of the time the model confused closets for bedrooms. In this situation, you should add more images of closets and bedrooms to your training dataset. Also check that the existing closet and bedroom images are correctly labeled. This should help the model better distinguish between the two labels. To add more images to a dataset, see Adding more images to a dataset.

While the confusion matrix is helpful, it's important to consider other metrics. For example, 100% of the predictions correctly found the floor_plan label, which indicates excellent performance. However, the test dataset only has 2 images with the floor_plan label. It also has 11 images with the living_space label. This imbalance is also in the training dataset (13 living_space images and 2 closet images). To get a more accurate evaluation, balance the training and test datasets by adding more images of under-represented labels (floor plans in this example). To get the number of test images per label, see Accessing evaluation metrics (Console).

The following table is a sample confusion matrix, comparing the predicted label (on the y-axis) against the ground truth label:

Predicted label backyard bathroom bedroom closet entry_way floor_plan front_yard kitchen living_space patio
backyard 75% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 33% 0% 0% 0%
bathroom 0% 67% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
bedroom 0% 0% 82% 50% 0% 0% 0% 0% 9% 0%
closet 0% 0% 0% 50% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
entry_way 0% 0% 0% 0% 33% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
floor_plan 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% 0% 0%
front_yard 25% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 67% 0% 0% 0%
kitchen 0% 33% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 88% 0% 0%
living_space 0% 0% 18% 0% 67% 0% 0% 12% 91% 33%
patio 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 67%

Getting the confusion matrix for a model

The following code uses the DescribeProjects and DescribeProjectVersions operations to get the summary file for a model. It then uses the summary file to display the confusion matrix for the model.

To display the confusion matrix for a model (SDK)
  1. If you haven't already done so, install and configure the AWS CLI and the AWS SDKs. For more information, see Step 4: Set up the AWS CLI and AWS SDKs.

  2. Use the following code to display the confusion matrix for a model. Supply the following command line arguments:

    • project_name – the name of the project you want to use. You can get the project name from the projects page in the Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels console.

    • version_name – the version of the model that you want to use. You can get the version name from the project details page in the Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels console.

    # Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to display the confusion matrix for an Amazon Rekognition Custom labels image classification model. """ import json import argparse import logging import boto3 import pandas as pd from botocore.exceptions import ClientError logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def get_model_summary_location(rek_client, project_name, version_name): """ Get the summary file location for a model. :param rek_client: A Boto3 Rekognition client. :param project_arn: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the project that contains the model. :param model_arn: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the model. :return: The location of the model summary file. """ try: "Getting summary file for model %s in project %s.", version_name, project_name) summary_location = "" # Get the project ARN from the project name. response = rek_client.describe_projects(ProjectNames=[project_name]) assert len(response['ProjectDescriptions']) > 0, \ f"Project {project_name} not found." project_arn = response['ProjectDescriptions'][0]['ProjectArn'] # Get the summary file location for the model. describe_response = rek_client.describe_project_versions(ProjectArn=project_arn, VersionNames=[version_name]) assert len(describe_response['ProjectVersionDescriptions']) > 0, \ f"Model {version_name} not found." model=describe_response['ProjectVersionDescriptions'][0] evaluation_results=model['EvaluationResult'] summary_location=(f"s3://{evaluation_results['Summary']['S3Object']['Bucket']}" f"/{evaluation_results['Summary']['S3Object']['Name']}") return summary_location except ClientError as err: logger.exception( "Couldn't get summary file location: %s", err.response['Error']['Message']) raise def show_confusion_matrix(summary): """ Shows the confusion matrix for an Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels image classification model. :param summary: The summary file JSON object. """ pd.options.display.float_format = '{:.0%}'.format # Load the model summary JSON into a DataFrame. summary_df = pd.DataFrame( summary['AggregatedEvaluationResults']['ConfusionMatrix']) # Get the confusion matrix. confusion_matrix = summary_df.pivot_table(index='PredictedLabel', columns='GroundTruthLabel', fill_value=0.0).astype(float) # Display the confusion matrix. print(confusion_matrix) def get_summary(s3_resource, summary): """ Gets the summary file. : return: The summary file in bytes. """ try: summary_bucket, summary_key = summary.replace( "s3://", "").split("/", 1) bucket = s3_resource.Bucket(summary_bucket) obj = bucket.Object(summary_key) body = obj.get()['Body'].read() "Got summary file '%s' from bucket '%s'.", obj.key, obj.bucket_name) except ClientError: logger.exception( "Couldn't get summary file '%s' from bucket '%s'.", obj.key, obj.bucket_name) raise else: return body def add_arguments(parser): """ Adds command line arguments to the parser. : param parser: The command line parser. """ parser.add_argument( "project_name", help="The ARN of the project in which the model resides." ) parser.add_argument( "version_name", help="The version of the model that you want to describe." ) def main(): """ Entry point for script. """ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s") try: # Get the command line arguments. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=argparse.SUPPRESS) add_arguments(parser) args = parser.parse_args() print( f"Showing confusion matrix for: {args.version_name} for project {args.project_name}.") session = boto3.Session(profile_name='custom-labels-access') rekognition_client = session.client("rekognition") s3_resource = session.resource('s3') # Get the summary file for the model. summary_location = get_model_summary_location(rekognition_client, args.project_name, args.version_name ) summary = json.loads(get_summary(s3_resource, summary_location)) # Check that the confusion matrix is available. assert 'ConfusionMatrix' in summary['AggregatedEvaluationResults'], \ "Confusion matrix not found in summary. Is the model a classification model?" # Show the confusion matrix. show_confusion_matrix(summary) print("Done") except ClientError as err: logger.exception("Problem showing confusion matrix: %s", err) print(f"Problem describing model: {err}") except AssertionError as err: logger.exception( "Error: %s.\n", err) print( f"Error: {err}\n") if __name__ == "__main__": main()