Image-Level labels in manifest files - Rekognition

Image-Level labels in manifest files

To import image-level labels (images labeled with scenes, concepts, or objects that don't require localization information), you add SageMaker Ground Truth Classification Job Output format JSON lines to a manifest file. A manifest file is made of one or more JSON lines, one for each image that you want to import.


To simplify creation of a manifest file, we provide a Python script that creates a manifest file from a CSV file. For more information, see Creating a manifest file from a CSV file.

To create a manifest file for image-level labels
  1. Create an empty text file.

  2. Add a JSON line for each image the that you want to import. Each JSON line should look similar to the following.

    {"source-ref":"s3://custom-labels-console-us-east-1-nnnnnnnnnn/gt-job/manifest/IMG_1133.png","TestCLConsoleBucket":0,"TestCLConsoleBucket-metadata":{"confidence":0.95,"job-name":"labeling-job/testclconsolebucket","class-name":"Echo Dot","human-annotated":"yes","creation-date":"2020-04-15T20:17:23.433061","type":"groundtruth/image-classification"}}
  3. Save the file. You can use the extension .manifest, but it is not required.

  4. Create a dataset using the manifest file that you created. For more information, see To create a dataset using a SageMaker Ground Truth format manifest file (console).

Image-Level JSON Lines

In this section, we show you how to create a JSON line for a single image. Consider the following image. A scene for the following image might be called Sunrise.

Sunset over a lake with a dock and small boats, surrounded by mountains.

The JSON line for the preceding image, with the scene Sunrise, might be the following.

{ "source-ref": "s3://bucket/images/sunrise.png", "testdataset-classification_Sunrise": 1, "testdataset-classification_Sunrise-metadata": { "confidence": 1, "job-name": "labeling-job/testdataset-classification_Sunrise", "class-name": "Sunrise", "human-annotated": "yes", "creation-date": "2020-03-06T17:46:39.176", "type": "groundtruth/image-classification" } }

Note the following information.


(Required) The Amazon S3 location of the image. The format is "s3://BUCKET/OBJECT_PATH". Images in an imported dataset must be stored in the same Amazon S3 bucket.


(Required) The label attribute. You choose the field name. The field value (1 in the preceding example) is a label attribute identifier. It is not used by Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels and can be any integer value. There must be corresponding metadata identified by the field name with -metadata appended. For example, "testdataset-classification_Sunrise-metadata".


(Required) Metadata about the label attribute. The field name must be the same as the label attribute with -metadata appended.


(Required) Currently not used by Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels but a value between 0 and 1 must be supplied.


(Optional) A name that you choose for the job that processes the image.


(Required) A class name that you choose for the scene or concept that applies to the image. For example, "Sunrise".


(Required) Specify "yes", if the annotation was completed by a human. Otherwise "no".


(Required) The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) date and time that the label was created.


(Required) The type of processing that should be applied to the image. For image-level labels, the value is "groundtruth/image-classification".

Adding multiple image-level labels to an image

You can add multiple labels to an image. For example, the follow JSON adds two labels, football and ball to a single image.

{ "source-ref": "S3 bucket location", "sport0":0, # FIRST label "sport0-metadata": { "class-name": "football", "confidence": 0.8, "type":"groundtruth/image-classification", "job-name": "identify-sport", "human-annotated": "yes", "creation-date": "2018-10-18T22:18:13.527256" }, "sport1":1, # SECOND label "sport1-metadata": { "class-name": "ball", "confidence": 0.8, "type":"groundtruth/image-classification", "job-name": "identify-sport", "human-annotated": "yes", "creation-date": "2018-10-18T22:18:13.527256" } } # end of annotations for 1 image