Analyzing images stored in an Amazon S3 bucket - Amazon Rekognition

Analyzing images stored in an Amazon S3 bucket

Amazon Rekognition Image can analyze images that are stored in an Amazon S3 bucket or images that are supplied as image bytes.

In this topic, you use the DetectLabels API operation to detect objects, concepts, and scenes in an image (JPEG or PNG) that's stored in an Amazon S3 bucket. You pass an image to an Amazon Rekognition Image API operation by using the Image input parameter. Within Image, you specify the S3Object object property to reference an image stored in an S3 bucket. Image bytes for images stored in Amazon S3 buckets don't need to be base64 encoded. For more information, see Image specifications.

Example request

In this example JSON request for DetectLabels, the source image (input.jpg) is loaded from an Amazon S3 bucket named amzn-s3-demo-bucket. Note that the region for the S3 bucket containing the S3 object must match the region you use for Amazon Rekognition Image operations.

{ "Image": { "S3Object": { "Bucket": "amzn-s3-demo-bucket", "Name": "input.jpg" } }, "MaxLabels": 10, "MinConfidence": 75 }

The following examples use various AWS SDKs and the AWS CLI to call DetectLabels. For information about the DetectLabels operation response, see DetectLabels response.

To detect labels in an image
  1. If you haven't already:

    1. Create or update a user with AmazonRekognitionFullAccess and AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess permissions. For more information, see Step 1: Set up an AWS account and create a User.

    2. Install and configure the AWS CLI and the AWS SDKs. For more information, see Step 2: Set up the AWS CLI and AWS SDKs. Ensure that you have given the user calling the API operations the proper permissions for programmatic access, see Grant programmatic access for instructions on how to do this.

  2. Upload an image that contains one or more objects—such as trees, houses, and boat—to your S3 bucket. The image must be in .jpg or .png format.

    For instructions, see Uploading Objects into Amazon S3 in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide.

  3. Use the following examples to call the DetectLabels operation.


    This example displays a list of labels that were detected in the input image. Replace the values of bucket and photo with the names of the Amazon S3 bucket and image that you used in step 2.

    //Copyright 2018, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. //PDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0 (For details, see package com.amazonaws.samples; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; public class DetectLabels { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String photo = "input.jpg"; String bucket = "bucket"; AmazonRekognition rekognitionClient = AmazonRekognitionClientBuilder.defaultClient(); DetectLabelsRequest request = new DetectLabelsRequest() .withImage(new Image() .withS3Object(new S3Object() .withName(photo).withBucket(bucket))) .withMaxLabels(10) .withMinConfidence(75F); try { DetectLabelsResult result = rekognitionClient.detectLabels(request); List <Label> labels = result.getLabels(); System.out.println("Detected labels for " + photo); for (Label label: labels) { System.out.println(label.getName() + ": " + label.getConfidence().toString()); } } catch(AmazonRekognitionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }

    This example displays the JSON output from the detect-labels CLI operation. Replace the values of bucket and photo with the names of the Amazon S3 bucket and image that you used in Step 2. Replace the value of profile_name in the line that creates the Rekognition session with the name of your developer profile.

    aws rekognition detect-labels --image '{ "S3Object": { "Bucket": "bucket-name", "Name": "file-name" } }' \ --features GENERAL_LABELS IMAGE_PROPERTIES \ --settings '{"ImageProperties": {"MaxDominantColors":1}, {"GeneralLabels":{"LabelInclusionFilters":["Cat"]}}}' \ --profile profile-name \ --region us-east-1

    If you are using Windows you may need to escape the qutations marks as seen in the example below.

    aws rekognition detect-labels --image "{\"S3Object\":{\"Bucket\":\"bucket-name\",\"Name\":\"file-name\"}}" --features GENERAL_LABELS IMAGE_PROPERTIES --settings "{\"GeneralLabels\":{\"LabelInclusionFilters\":[\"Car\"]}}" --profile profile-name --region us-east-1
    Java V2

    This code is taken from the AWS Documentation SDK examples GitHub repository. See the full example here.

    //snippet-start:[rekognition.java2.detect_labels.import] import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; /** * Before running this Java V2 code example, set up your development environment, including your credentials. * * For more information, see the following documentation topic: * * */ public class DetectLabels { public static void main(String[] args) { final String usage = "\n" + "Usage: " + " <bucket> <image>\n\n" + "Where:\n" + " bucket - The name of the Amazon S3 bucket that contains the image (for example, ,ImageBucket)." + " image - The name of the image located in the Amazon S3 bucket (for example, Lake.png). \n\n"; if (args.length != 2) { System.out.println(usage); System.exit(1); } String bucket = args[0]; String image = args[1]; Region region = Region.US_WEST_2; RekognitionClient rekClient = RekognitionClient.builder() .region(region) .credentialsProvider(ProfileCredentialsProvider.create("profile-name")) .build(); getLabelsfromImage(rekClient, bucket, image); rekClient.close(); } // snippet-start:[rekognition.java2.detect_labels_s3.main] public static void getLabelsfromImage(RekognitionClient rekClient, String bucket, String image) { try { S3Object s3Object = S3Object.builder() .bucket(bucket) .name(image) .build() ; Image myImage = Image.builder() .s3Object(s3Object) .build(); DetectLabelsRequest detectLabelsRequest = DetectLabelsRequest.builder() .image(myImage) .maxLabels(10) .build(); DetectLabelsResponse labelsResponse = rekClient.detectLabels(detectLabelsRequest); List<Label> labels = labelsResponse.labels(); System.out.println("Detected labels for the given photo"); for (Label label: labels) { System.out.println( + ": " + label.confidence().toString()); } } catch (RekognitionException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } } // snippet-end:[rekognition.java2.detect_labels.main] }

    This example displays the labels that were detected in the input image. Replace the values of bucket and photo with the names of the Amazon S3 bucket and image that you used in Step 2. Replace the value of profile_name in the line that creates the Rekognition session with the name of your developer profile.

    #Copyright 2018, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. #PDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0 (For details, see import boto3 def detect_labels(photo, bucket): session = boto3.Session(profile_name='profile-name') client = session.client('rekognition') response = client.detect_labels(Image={'S3Object':{'Bucket':bucket,'Name':photo}}, MaxLabels=10, # Uncomment to use image properties and filtration settings #Features=["GENERAL_LABELS", "IMAGE_PROPERTIES"], #Settings={"GeneralLabels": {"LabelInclusionFilters":["Cat"]}, # "ImageProperties": {"MaxDominantColors":10}} ) print('Detected labels for ' + photo) print() for label in response['Labels']: print("Label: " + label['Name']) print("Confidence: " + str(label['Confidence'])) print("Instances:") for instance in label['Instances']: print(" Bounding box") print(" Top: " + str(instance['BoundingBox']['Top'])) print(" Left: " + str(instance['BoundingBox']['Left'])) print(" Width: " + str(instance['BoundingBox']['Width'])) print(" Height: " + str(instance['BoundingBox']['Height'])) print(" Confidence: " + str(instance['Confidence'])) print() print("Parents:") for parent in label['Parents']: print(" " + parent['Name']) print("Aliases:") for alias in label['Aliases']: print(" " + alias['Name']) print("Categories:") for category in label['Categories']: print(" " + category['Name']) print("----------") print() if "ImageProperties" in str(response): print("Background:") print(response["ImageProperties"]["Background"]) print() print("Foreground:") print(response["ImageProperties"]["Foreground"]) print() print("Quality:") print(response["ImageProperties"]["Quality"]) print() return len(response['Labels']) def main(): photo = 'photo-name' bucket = 'amzn-s3-demo-bucket' label_count = detect_labels(photo, bucket) print("Labels detected: " + str(label_count)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()

    This example displays information about labels detected in an image.

    Change the value of photo to the path and file name of an image file that contains one or more celebrity faces. Change the value of bucket to the name of the S3 bucket containing the provided image file. Change the value of REGION to the name of the region associated with your account. Replace the value of profile_name in the line that creates the Rekognition session with the name of your developer profile.

    // Import required AWS SDK clients and commands for Node.js import { DetectLabelsCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-rekognition"; import { RekognitionClient } from "@aws-sdk/client-rekognition"; import {fromIni} from '@aws-sdk/credential-providers'; // Set the AWS Region. const REGION = "region-name"; //e.g. "us-east-1" // Create SNS service object. const rekogClient = new RekognitionClient({ region: REGION, credentials: fromIni({ profile: 'profile-name', }), }); const bucket = 'bucket-name' const photo = 'photo-name' // Set params const params = {For example, to grant Image: { S3Object: { Bucket: bucket, Name: photo }, }, } const detect_labels = async () => { try { const response = await rekogClient.send(new DetectLabelsCommand(params)); console.log(response.Labels) response.Labels.forEach(label =>{ console.log(`Confidence: ${label.Confidence}`) console.log(`Name: ${label.Name}`) console.log('Instances:') label.Instances.forEach(instance => { console.log(instance) }) console.log('Parents:') label.Parents.forEach(name => { console.log(name) }) console.log("-------") }) return response; // For unit tests. } catch (err) { console.log("Error", err); } }; detect_labels();

    This example displays a list of labels that were detected in the input image. Replace the values of bucket and photo with the names of the Amazon S3 bucket and image that you used in Step 2.

    //Copyright 2018, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. //PDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0 (For details, see using System; using Amazon.Rekognition; using Amazon.Rekognition.Model; public class DetectLabels { public static void Example() { String photo = "input.jpg"; String bucket = "amzn-s3-demo-bucket"; AmazonRekognitionClient rekognitionClient = new AmazonRekognitionClient(); DetectLabelsRequest detectlabelsRequest = new DetectLabelsRequest() { Image = new Image() { S3Object = new S3Object() { Name = photo, Bucket = bucket }, }, MaxLabels = 10, MinConfidence = 75F }; try { DetectLabelsResponse detectLabelsResponse = rekognitionClient.DetectLabels(detectlabelsRequest); Console.WriteLine("Detected labels for " + photo); foreach (Label label in detectLabelsResponse.Labels) Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", label.Name, label.Confidence); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } } }

    This example displays a list of labels that were detected in the input image. Replace the values of bucket and photo with the names of the Amazon S3 bucket and image that you used in Step 2.

    # Add to your Gemfile # gem 'aws-sdk-rekognition' require 'aws-sdk-rekognition' credentials = ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'], ENV['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] ) bucket = 'bucket' # the bucket name without s3:// photo = 'photo' # the name of file client = credentials: credentials attrs = { image: { s3_object: { bucket: bucket, name: photo }, }, max_labels: 10 } response = client.detect_labels attrs puts "Detected labels for: #{photo}" response.labels.each do |label| puts "Label: #{}" puts "Confidence: #{label.confidence}" puts "Instances:" label['instances'].each do |instance| box = instance['bounding_box'] puts " Bounding box:" puts " Top: #{}" puts " Left: #{box.left}" puts " Width: #{box.width}" puts " Height: #{box.height}" puts " Confidence: #{instance.confidence}" end puts "Parents:" label.parents.each do |parent| puts " #{}" end puts "------------" puts "" end

Example response

The response from DetectLabels is an array of labels detected in the image and the level of confidence by which they were detected.

When you perform the DetectLabels operation on an image, Amazon Rekognition returns output similar to the following example response.

The response shows that the operation detected multiple labels including Person, Vehicle, and Car. Each label has an associated level of confidence. For example, the detection algorithm is 98.991432% confident that the image contains a person.

The response also includes the ancestor labels for a label in the Parents array. For example, the label Automobile has two parent labels named Vehicle and Transportation.

The response for common object labels includes bounding box information for the location of the label on the input image. For example, the Person label has an instances array containing two bounding boxes. These are the locations of two people detected in the image.

The field LabelModelVersion contains the version number of the detection model used by DetectLabels.

For more information about using the DetectLabels operation, see Detecting objects and concepts.

{ { "Labels": [ { "Name": "Vehicle", "Confidence": 99.15271759033203, "Instances": [], "Parents": [ { "Name": "Transportation" } ] }, { "Name": "Transportation", "Confidence": 99.15271759033203, "Instances": [], "Parents": [] }, { "Name": "Automobile", "Confidence": 99.15271759033203, "Instances": [], "Parents": [ { "Name": "Vehicle" }, { "Name": "Transportation" } ] }, { "Name": "Car", "Confidence": 99.15271759033203, "Instances": [ { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.10616336017847061, "Height": 0.18528179824352264, "Left": 0.0037978808395564556, "Top": 0.5039216876029968 }, "Confidence": 99.15271759033203 }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.2429988533258438, "Height": 0.21577216684818268, "Left": 0.7309805154800415, "Top": 0.5251884460449219 }, "Confidence": 99.1286392211914 }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.14233611524105072, "Height": 0.15528248250484467, "Left": 0.6494812965393066, "Top": 0.5333095788955688 }, "Confidence": 98.48368072509766 }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.11086395382881165, "Height": 0.10271988064050674, "Left": 0.10355594009160995, "Top": 0.5354844927787781 }, "Confidence": 96.45606231689453 }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.06254628300666809, "Height": 0.053911514580249786, "Left": 0.46083059906959534, "Top": 0.5573825240135193 }, "Confidence": 93.65448760986328 }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.10105438530445099, "Height": 0.12226245552301407, "Left": 0.5743985772132874, "Top": 0.534368634223938 }, "Confidence": 93.06217193603516 }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.056389667093753815, "Height": 0.17163699865341187, "Left": 0.9427769780158997, "Top": 0.5235804319381714 }, "Confidence": 92.6864013671875 }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.06003860384225845, "Height": 0.06737709045410156, "Left": 0.22409997880458832, "Top": 0.5441341400146484 }, "Confidence": 90.4227066040039 }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.02848697081208229, "Height": 0.19150497019290924, "Left": 0.0, "Top": 0.5107086896896362 }, "Confidence": 86.65286254882812 }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.04067881405353546, "Height": 0.03428703173995018, "Left": 0.316415935754776, "Top": 0.5566273927688599 }, "Confidence": 85.36471557617188 }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.043411049991846085, "Height": 0.0893595889210701, "Left": 0.18293385207653046, "Top": 0.5394920110702515 }, "Confidence": 82.21705627441406 }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.031183116137981415, "Height": 0.03989990055561066, "Left": 0.2853088080883026, "Top": 0.5579366683959961 }, "Confidence": 81.0157470703125 }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.031113790348172188, "Height": 0.056484755128622055, "Left": 0.2580395042896271, "Top": 0.5504819750785828 }, "Confidence": 56.13441467285156 }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.08586374670267105, "Height": 0.08550430089235306, "Left": 0.5128012895584106, "Top": 0.5438792705535889 }, "Confidence": 52.37760925292969 } ], "Parents": [ { "Name": "Vehicle" }, { "Name": "Transportation" } ] }, { "Name": "Human", "Confidence": 98.9914321899414, "Instances": [], "Parents": [] }, { "Name": "Person", "Confidence": 98.9914321899414, "Instances": [ { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.19360728561878204, "Height": 0.2742200493812561, "Left": 0.43734854459762573, "Top": 0.35072067379951477 }, "Confidence": 98.9914321899414 }, { "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.03801717236638069, "Height": 0.06597328186035156, "Left": 0.9155802130699158, "Top": 0.5010883808135986 }, "Confidence": 85.02790832519531 } ], "Parents": [] } ], "LabelModelVersion": "2.0" } }