To receive accurate and helpful resiliency assessments, ensure that your application description is updated and matches your actual AWS application and resources. Assessment reports, validation, and recommendations are based on the listed resources. If you add or remove resources from an AWS application, you should reflect those changes in AWS Resilience Hub.
AWS Resilience Hub provides transparency about your application sources. You can identify and edit the resources and the application sources in your application.
Editing the resources modifies only the AWS Resilience Hub reference of your application. No changes are made to your actual resources.
You can add resources that are missing, modify existing resources, or remove resources that you don’t need. Resources are grouped into logical Application Components (AppComponents). You can edit the AppComponents to better reflect the structure of your application.
Add to or update your application resources by editing a draft version of your application and publishing the changes to a new (release) version. AWS Resilience Hub uses the release version (which includes the updated resources) of your application for running resiliency assessments.
To assess the resiliency of your application
In the navigation pane, choose Applications.
On the Applications page, choose the application name that you want to edit.
From Actions menu, choose Assess resiliency.
In the Run resiliency assessment dialog, enter a unique name for the report or use the generated name in the Report name box.
Choose Run.
After you are notified that the assessment report has been generated, choose the Assessments tab and your assessment to view the report.
Choose the Review tab to view your application's assessment report.
To enable scheduled assessment
In the navigation pane, choose Applications.
On the Applications page, select the application for which you want to enable scheduled assessment.
Turn on Automatically assess daily.
To disable scheduled assessment
In the navigation pane, choose Applications.
On the Applications page, select the application for which you want to enable scheduled assessment.
Turn off Automatically assess daily.
Disabling scheduled assessment will disable drift notification.
Choose Turn off.
To enable drift notification for your application
In the navigation pane, choose Applications.
On the Applications page, select the application for which you want to enable drift notification or edit the drift notification settings.
You can edit drift notification by choosing one of the following options:
From Actions, choose Enable drift notification.
Choose Enable notification in Application drifts section.
Complete the steps in Setup scheduled assessments and drift notification, and then return to this procedure.
Choose Enable.
Enabling drift notification will also enable scheduled assessment.
To edit drift notification for your application
This procedure is applicable if you have enabled scheduled assessment (Automatically assess daily is turned on) and drift notification.
In the navigation pane, choose Applications.
On the Applications page, select the application for which you want to enable drift notification or edit the drift notification settings.
You can edit drift notification by choosing one of the following options:
From Actions, choose Edit drift notification.
Choose Edit notification in Application drifts section.
Complete the steps in Setup scheduled assessments and drift notification, and then return to this procedure.
Choose Save.
To update the security permissions of your application
In the navigation pane, choose Applications.
On the Applications page, select the application for which you want to update the security permissions.
From Actions, choose Update permissions.
To update the security permissions, complete the steps in Setup permissions, and then return to this procedure.
Choose Save and update.
To attach a resiliency policy to your application
In the navigation pane, choose Applications.
On the Applications page, choose the application name that you want to edit.
From Actions menu, choose Attach resiliency policy.
In the Attach policy dialog, select a resiliency policy from Select a resiliency policy dropdown list.
Choose Attach.
To edit input sources, resources, and AppComponents of your application
In the navigation pane, choose Applications.
On the Applications page, choose the application name that you want to edit.
Choose the Application structure tab.
Choose the plus sign + before Version, and then select the application version with Draft status.
To edit input sources, resources, and AppComponents of your application, complete the steps in the following procedures.
To edit the input sources of your application
To edit the input sources of your application, choose the Input sources tab.
The Input sources section lists all the input sources of your application resources. You can identify the input sources by the following:
Source name – The name of the input source. Choose a source name to view its details in the respective application. For manually added input sources, the link will not be available. For example, if you choose the source name that is imported from an AWS CloudFormation stack, you will be redirected to the stack details page on the AWS CloudFormation console.
Source ARN – The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the input source. Choose an ARN to view its details in the respective application. For manually added input sources, the link will not be available. For example, if you choose an ARN that is imported from an AWS CloudFormation stack, you will be redirected to the stack details page on the AWS CloudFormation console.
Source Type – The type of input source. Input sources include Amazon EKS clusters, AWS CloudFormation stacks, myApplications applications, AWS Resource Groups, Terraform state files, and manually added resources.
Associated resources – The number of resources that are associated with the input source. Choose a number to view all the associated resources of an input source in the Resources tab.
To add input sources to your application, from the Input sources section, choose Add input sources. For more information about adding input sources, see Add resource collections.
To edit input sources, select the input sources and choose one the following options from Actions:
Reimport input sources (up to 5) – Reimports up to five selected input sources.
Delete input sources – Deletes the selected input sources.
To publish an application, it must contain a minimum of one input source. If you delete all the input sources, Publish new version will be disabled.
To edit the resources of your application
To edit the resources of your application, choose the Resources tab.
To see the list of unassessed resources, choose View unassessed resources.
The Resources section lists resources from the application that you chose to use as a template for your application description. To enhance your search experience, AWS Resilience Hub has grouped resources based on multiple search criteria. These search criteria include AppComponent types, Unsupported resources, and Excluded resources. To filter the resources based on a search criteria in the Resources table, choose the number below each of the search criteria.
You can identify the resources by the following:
Logical ID – A logical ID is a name used to identify resources in your AWS CloudFormation stack, Terraform state file, manually added application, myApplications application, or AWS Resource Groups.
Terraform lets you use the same name for different resource types. Therefore, you see "- resource type" at the end of the logical ID for resources that share the same name.
To view the instances of all the application resources, choose the plus (+) sign before the Logical ID. To view all the instances of an application resource, choose the plus (+) sign before the Logical ID of each resource.
For more information about the supported resources, see AWS Resilience Hub supported resources.
Resource type – The resource type identifies the component resource for your application. For example,
declares an Amazon EC2 instance. For more information about grouping AppComponent resources, see Grouping resources in an Application Component. -
Source name – The name of the input source. Choose a source name to view its details in the respective application. For manually added input sources, the link will not be available. For example, if you choose the source name that is imported from an AWS CloudFormation stack, you will be redirected to the stack details page on the AWS CloudFormation.
Source Type – The type of input source. Input sources include AWS CloudFormation stacks, myApplications applications, AWS Resource Groups, Terraform state files, and manually added resources.
To edit your Amazon EKS clusters, complete the steps in To edit the input sources of your AWS Resilience Hub application procedure.
Source stack – The AWS CloudFormation stack that contains the resource. This column depends on the type of application structure that you selected.
Physical ID – The actual assigned identifier for that resource, such as an Amazon EC2 instance ID or an S3 bucket name.
Included – This indicates whether AWS Resilience Hub includes these resources in the application.
Assessable – This indicates whether the AWS Resilience Hub will assess your resource for resiliency.
AppComponents – The AWS Resilience Hub component that was assigned to this resource when its application structure was discovered.
Name – Name of the application resource.
Account – The AWS account that owns the physical resource.
To find a resource that is not listed, enter the resource logical ID in the search box.
To remove a resource from your application, select the resource, and then choose Exclude resource from Actions.
To resolve the resources on your application, choose Refresh resources.
To modify your existing application resources, complete the following steps:
Select a resource, and then choose Update stacks from Actions.
In the Update stacks page, to update your resources, complete the appropriate procedures in Add resource collections, and then return to this procedure.
Choose Save.
To add a resource to your application, from Actions, choose Add resource and complete the following steps:
Select a resource type from the Resource type dropdown list.
Select an AppComponent from the AppComponent dropdown list.
Enter the resource logical ID in the Resource name box.
Enter the physical resource ID, or resource name, or the resource ARN in the Resource identifier box.
Choose Add.
To edit the resource name, select a resource, choose Edit resource name from Actions, and then complete the following steps:
Enter the resource logical ID in the Resource name box.
Choose Save.
To edit the resource identifier, select a resource, choose Edit resource identifier from Actions, and then complete the following steps:
Enter the physical resource ID, or resource name, or the resource ARN in the Resource identifier box.
Choose Save.
To change the AppComponent, select a resource, choose Change AppComponent from Actions, and complete the following steps:
Select an AppComponent from the AppComponent dropdown list.
Choose Add.
To delete a resource, select a resource, and then choose Delete resource from Actions.
To include a resource, select a resource, and then choose Include resource from Actions.
To edit the AppComponents of your application
To edit the AppComponents of your application, choose the AppComponents tab.
For more information about grouping AppComponent resources, see Grouping resources in an Application Component.
The AppComponents section lists all the logical components that the resources are grouped into. You can identify the AppComponents by the following:
AppComponent name – The name of the AWS Resilience Hub component that was assigned to this resource when its application structure was discovered.
AppComponent type – The type of AWS Resilience Hub component.
Source name – The name of the input source. Choose a source name to view its details in the respective application. For example, if you choose the source name that is imported from an AWS CloudFormation stack, you will be redirected to the stack details page on the AWS CloudFormation.
Resource count – The number of resources that are associated with the input source. Choose a number to view all the associated resources of an input source in the Resources tab.
To create an AppComponent, from Actions menu, choose Create new AppComponent and complete the following steps:
Enter a name for the AppComponent in the AppComponent name box. For reference, we have pre-populated this field with a sample name.
Select the type of AppComponent from the AppComponent type dropdown list.
Choose Save.
To edit an AppComponent, select an AppComponent, and then choose Edit AppComponent from Actions.
To delete an AppComponent, select an AppComponent, and then choose Delete AppComponent from Actions.
After you make changes to your resource list, you will receive an alert indicating that changes have been made to the draft version of your application. To run an accurate resiliency assessment, you must publish a new version of your application. For more information about how to publish a new version, see Publishing a new AWS Resilience Hub application version.