AWS Resilience Hub supported resources - AWS Resilience Hub

AWS Resilience Hub supported resources

Resources that affect application performance in the case of disruption are fully supported by AWS Resilience Hub top-level resources such as AWS::RDS::DBInstance and AWS::RDS::DBCluster.

To learn more about the permissions required for AWS Resilience Hub to include resources from all the supported services in your assessment, see AWSResilienceHubAsssessmentExecutionPolicy.

AWS Resilience Hub supports resources from the following AWS services:

  • Compute

    • Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)

    • AWS Lambda

    • Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS)

    • Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS)

    • AWS Step Functions

  • Database

    • Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS)

    • Amazon DynamoDB

    • Amazon DocumentDB

  • Networking and Content Delivery

    • Amazon Route 53

    • Elastic Load Balancing

    • Network Address Translation (NAT)

  • Storage

    • Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS)

    • Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS)

    • Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)

    • Amazon FSx for Windows File Server

  • Others

    • Amazon API Gateway

    • Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller (Amazon Route 53 ARC)

    • Amazon Simple Notification Service

    • Amazon Simple Queue Service

    • AWS Auto Scaling

    • AWS Backup

    • AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

  • AWS Resilience Hub provides additional transparency for your application resources by allowing you to view the supported instances of each resource. In addition, AWS Resilience Hub provides more accurate resiliency recommendations by identifying unique instance of each resource while discovering the resource instances during assessment process. For more information about adding resource instances to your application, see Editing AWS Resilience Hub application resources.

  • AWS Resilience Hub supports Amazon EKS and Amazon ECS on AWS Fargate.

  • AWS Resilience Hub supports assessment of AWS Backup resource as a part of the following services:

    • Amazon EBS

    • Amazon EFS

    • Amazon S3

    • Amazon Aurora Global Database

    • Amazon DynamoDB

    • Amazon RDS services

    • Amazon FSx for Windows File Server

  • Amazon Route 53 ARC in AWS Resilience Hub assesses only Amazon DynamoDB global, Elastic Load Balancing, Amazon RDS, and AWS Auto Scaling groups.

  • For AWS Resilience Hub to assess the cross-Region resources, group the resources under a single Application Component. For more information about the resources supported by each of the AWS Resilience Hub Application Components and grouping resources, see Grouping resources in an AppComponent.

  • Currently, AWS Resilience Hub does not support cross-Region assessments for Amazon EKS clusters if either the Amazon EKS cluster is located or if the application is created in an opt-in enabled AWS Region.

  • Currently, AWS Resilience Hub assesses only the following Kubernetes resource types:

    • Deployments

    • ReplicaSets

    • Pods

AWS Resilience Hub ignores the following types of resources:

  • Resources that do not affect estimated workload RTO or estimated workload RPO – Resources such as AWS::RDS::DBParameterGroup, which does not affect estimated workload RTO or estimated workload RPO, is ignored by AWS Resilience Hub.

  • Non-top level resources – AWS Resilience Hub only imports top-level resources, because they can derive other properties by querying the properties of top-level resources. For example, AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi and AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Api are supported resources for Amazon API Gateway. However, AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Stage is not a top-level resource. Therefore, it is not imported by AWS Resilience Hub.


Unsupported resources

  • You cannot identify multiple resources by using AWS Resource Groups (Amazon Route 53 RecordSets and API-GW HTTP) and Amazon Aurora Global resources. If you want to analyze these resources as part of your assessment, you must manually add the resource to the application. However, when you add Amazon Aurora Global resources for assessment, it must be grouped with the Amazon RDS instance's Application Component. For more information about editing resources, see Editing AWS Resilience Hub application resources.

  • These resources can affect application recovery, but they aren't fully supported by AWS Resilience Hub at this time. AWS Resilience Hub makes an effort to warn users about unsupported resources if the application is backed by an AWS CloudFormation stack, Terraform state file, AWS Resource Groups, or AppRegistry application.