Turning on multi-account search - AWS Resource Explorer

Turning on multi-account search

With multi-account search, you can search for resources across accounts with active indexes in your AWS Organizations or organizational unit (OU).


To enable multi-account search for your organization, complete the following:

To search and discover resources across your organization's accounts, you must complete the following steps:

Multi-account Quick Setup

Enable Resource Explorer across multiple accounts in your organization with the Quick Setup.


This process does not deploy any resources in the management account. If you are using the management account and you want indexes in the account, you must manually add them with the Resource Explorer onboarding flow.

  1. Navigate to Quick Setup for Resource Explorer in the Systems Manager console.

  2. Choose your Aggregator index Region. This allows you to search for resources located in all Regions in the selected target accounts. If any of the selected target accounts already have an aggregator index configured in another Region, the existing aggregator index will be automatically replaced with this new Region.

  3. Choose your account Targets. You can enable Resource Explorer for your entire organization or for specific organizational units (OUs).


    You can deploy to a maximum of 50,000 AWS CloudFormation stacks at a time. If you have a large organization that spans multiple Regions, you should deploy at the OU level in smaller batches.

  4. Read through the summary of acknowledgements before you choose Create.