
class aws_rfdk.deadline.MongoDbInstanceConnectionOptions(*, client_certificate, database)

Bases: object

  • client_certificate (IX509CertificatePkcs12) – The client certificate to register in the database during install of the Deadline Repository, and for the Deadline Client to use to connect to the database. This MUST be signed by the same signing certificate as the MongoDB server’s certificate. Note: A limitation of Deadline requires that this certificate be signed directly by your root certificate authority (CA). Deadline will be unable to connect to MongoDB if it has been signed by an intermediate CA.

  • database (IMongoDb) – The MongoDB database to connect to. Note: Deadline officially supports only databases that are compatible with MongoDB 3.6, 4.0, 5.0.



The client certificate to register in the database during install of the Deadline Repository, and for the Deadline Client to use to connect to the database.

This MUST be signed by the same signing certificate as the MongoDB server’s certificate.

Note: A limitation of Deadline requires that this certificate be signed directly by your root certificate authority (CA). Deadline will be unable to connect to MongoDB if it has been signed by an intermediate CA.

Return type



The MongoDB database to connect to.

Note: Deadline officially supports only databases that are compatible with MongoDB 3.6, 4.0, 5.0.

Return type
