
class aws_rfdk.deadline.RepositoryProps(*, version, vpc, backup_options=None, database=None, database_audit_logging=None, document_db_instance_count=None, file_system=None, log_group_props=None, removal_policy=None, repository_installation_prefix=None, repository_installation_timeout=None, repository_settings=None, secrets_management_settings=None, security_groups_options=None, vpc_subnets=None)

Bases: object

Properties for the Deadline repository.

  • version (IVersion) – Version property to specify the version of deadline repository to be installed. This, in future, would be an optional property. If not passed, it should fetch the latest version of deadline. The current implementation of Version construct only supports importing it with static values, hence keeping it mandatory for now.

  • vpc (IVpc) – VPC to launch the Repository In.

  • backup_options (Union[RepositoryBackupOptions, Dict[str, Any], None]) – Define the backup options for the resources that this Repository creates. Default: Duration.days(15) for the database

  • database (Optional[DatabaseConnection]) – Specify the database where the deadline schema needs to be initialized. Note that Deadline supports only databases that are compatible with MongoDB 3.6. Default: A Document DB Cluster will be created with a single db.r5.large instance.

  • database_audit_logging (Optional[bool]) – If this Repository is creating its own DocumentDB database, then this specifies if audit logging will be enabled. Audit logs are a security best-practice. They record connection, data definition language (DDL), user management, and authorization events within the database, and are useful for post-incident auditing. That is, they can help you figure out what an unauthorized user, who gained access to your database, has done with that access. Default: true

  • document_db_instance_count (Union[int, float, None]) – If this Repository is creating its own Amazon DocumentDB database, then this specifies the number of compute instances to be created. Default: 1

  • file_system (Optional[IMountableLinuxFilesystem]) – Specify the file system where the deadline repository needs to be initialized. If not providing a filesystem, then we will provision an Amazon EFS filesystem for you. This filesystem will contain files for the Deadline Repository filesystem. It will also contain 40GB of additional padding files (see RFDK’s PadEfsStorage for details) to increase the baseline throughput of the filesystem; these files will be added to the /RFDK_PaddingFiles directory in the filesystem. Default: An Encrypted EFS File System and Access Point will be created.

  • log_group_props (Union[LogGroupFactoryProps, Dict[str, Any], None]) – Properties for setting up the Deadline Repository’s LogGroup in CloudWatch. Default: - LogGroup will be created with all properties’ default values to the LogGroup: /renderfarm/

  • removal_policy (Union[RepositoryRemovalPolicies, Dict[str, Any], None]) – Define the removal policies for the resources that this Repository creates. These define what happens to the resoureces when the stack that defines them is destroyed. Default: RemovalPolicy.RETAIN for all resources

  • repository_installation_prefix (Optional[str]) – The prefix for the Deadline Repository installation path on the mounted file system. Default: : “/DeadlineRepository/”

  • repository_installation_timeout (Optional[Duration]) – The length of time to wait for the repository installation before considering it as failure. The maximum value is 43200 (12 hours). Default: Duration.minutes(30)

  • repository_settings (Optional[Asset]) – The Deadline Repository settings file to import. Default: Repository settings are not imported.

  • secrets_management_settings (Union[SecretsManagementProps, Dict[str, Any], None]) – Define the settings used by Deadline Secrets Management, a feature introduced in Deadline 10.1.10 for securely managing storage and access of Secrets for your render farm. More details at: Default: : Secrets Management will be enabled and a username and password will be automatically generated if none are supplied.

  • security_groups_options (Union[RepositorySecurityGroupsOptions, Dict[str, Any], None]) – Options to add additional security groups to the Repository.

  • vpc_subnets (Union[SubnetSelection, Dict[str, Any], None]) – All resources that are created by this Repository will be deployed to these Subnets. This includes the Auto Scaling Group that is created for running the Repository Installer. If this Repository is creating an Amazon DocumentDB database and/or Amazon Elastic File System (EFS), then this specifies the subnets to which they are deployed. Default: : Private subnets in the VPC



Define the backup options for the resources that this Repository creates.


Duration.days(15) for the database


Specify the database where the deadline schema needs to be initialized.

Note that Deadline supports only databases that are compatible with MongoDB 3.6.


A Document DB Cluster will be created with a single db.r5.large instance.


If this Repository is creating its own DocumentDB database, then this specifies if audit logging will be enabled.

Audit logs are a security best-practice. They record connection, data definition language (DDL), user management, and authorization events within the database, and are useful for post-incident auditing. That is, they can help you figure out what an unauthorized user, who gained access to your database, has done with that access.




If this Repository is creating its own Amazon DocumentDB database, then this specifies the number of compute instances to be created.




Specify the file system where the deadline repository needs to be initialized.

If not providing a filesystem, then we will provision an Amazon EFS filesystem for you. This filesystem will contain files for the Deadline Repository filesystem. It will also contain 40GB of additional padding files (see RFDK’s PadEfsStorage for details) to increase the baseline throughput of the filesystem; these files will be added to the /RFDK_PaddingFiles directory in the filesystem.


An Encrypted EFS File System and Access Point will be created.


Properties for setting up the Deadline Repository’s LogGroup in CloudWatch.

  • LogGroup will be created with all properties’ default values to the LogGroup: /renderfarm/


Define the removal policies for the resources that this Repository creates.

These define what happens to the resoureces when the stack that defines them is destroyed.


RemovalPolicy.RETAIN for all resources


The prefix for the Deadline Repository installation path on the mounted file system.


: “/DeadlineRepository/”


The length of time to wait for the repository installation before considering it as failure.

The maximum value is 43200 (12 hours).




The Deadline Repository settings file to import.


Repository settings are not imported.





: Secrets Management will be enabled and a username and password will be automatically generated if none are supplied.


Define the settings used by Deadline Secrets Management, a feature introduced in Deadline 10.1.10 for securely managing storage and access of Secrets for your render farm. More details at




Options to add additional security groups to the Repository.


Version property to specify the version of deadline repository to be installed.

This, in future, would be an optional property. If not passed, it should fetch the latest version of deadline. The current implementation of Version construct only supports importing it with static values, hence keeping it mandatory for now.


VPC to launch the Repository In.


All resources that are created by this Repository will be deployed to these Subnets.

This includes the Auto Scaling Group that is created for running the Repository Installer. If this Repository is creating an Amazon DocumentDB database and/or Amazon Elastic File System (EFS), then this specifies the subnets to which they are deployed.


: Private subnets in the VPC