
class aws_rfdk.IMountableLinuxFilesystem(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: typing_extensions.Protocol

A filesystem that can be mounted onto a Linux system.


mount_to_linux_instance(target, *, location, permissions=None)

Mount the filesystem to the given instance at instance startup.

This is accomplished by adding scripting to the UserData of the instance to mount the filesystem on startup. If required, the instance’s security group is granted ingress to the filesystem’s security group on the required ports.

  • target (IMountingInstance) – Target instance to mount the filesystem to.

  • location (str) – Directory for the mount point.

  • permissions (Optional[MountPermissions]) – File permissions for the mounted filesystem. Default: MountPermissions.READWRITE

Return type



Returns whether the mounted file-system evaluates the UID/GID of the system user accessing the file-system.

Some network file-systems provide features to fix a UID/GID for all access to the mounted file-system and ignore the system user accessing the file. If this is the case, an implementing class must indicate this in the return value.

Return type
