
class aws_rfdk.X509CertificatePemProps(*, subject, encryption_key=None, signing_certificate=None, valid_for=None)

Bases: object

Properties for generating an X.509 certificate.

  • subject (Union[DistinguishedName, Dict[str, Any]]) – The subject, or identity, for the generated certificate.

  • encryption_key (Optional[IKey]) – If provided, then this KMS is used to secure the cert, key, and passphrase Secrets created by the construct. [disable-awslint:ref-via-interface] Default: : Uses the account’s default CMK (the one named aws/secretsmanager). If a AWS KMS CMK with that name doesn’t yet exist, then Secrets Manager creates it for you automatically the first time it needs to encrypt a version’s SecretString or SecretBinary fields.

  • signing_certificate (Optional[X509CertificatePem]) – If provided, then use this certificate to sign the generated certificate forming a chain of trust. Default: : None. The generated certificate will be self-signed

  • valid_for (Union[int, float, None]) – The number of days that the generated certificate will be valid for. Default: 1095 days (3 years)



If provided, then this KMS is used to secure the cert, key, and passphrase Secrets created by the construct.



: Uses the account’s default CMK (the one named aws/secretsmanager). If a AWS KMS CMK with that name doesn’t yet exist, then Secrets Manager creates it for you automatically the first time it needs to encrypt a version’s SecretString or SecretBinary fields.


If provided, then use this certificate to sign the generated certificate forming a chain of trust.


: None. The generated certificate will be self-signed


The subject, or identity, for the generated certificate.


The number of days that the generated certificate will be valid for.


1095 days (3 years)