Your first RFDK app - Render Farm Deployment Kit on AWS

Your first RFDK app

Now that you have installed the Prerequisites and have completed Onboarding to CDK, let’s get started on your first RFDK app — a simple render farm using AWS Thinkbox Deadline. In this tutorial, you will learn how to:

  1. Initialize an RFDK app.

  2. Stage the Docker recipes used for various Deadline components.

  3. Add code that defines a simple Deadline render farm.

  4. Build and deploy your RFDK render farm to your AWS account.

Your RFDK render farm will be deployed as a single CloudFormation stack that will contain:

  • A VPC

  • The back-end of the farm

    • Database and file system — Deadline Repository

    • Central service — Deadline Render Queue

  • The render nodes — Deadline Worker Fleet

Estimated time: 75-90 minutes Approximately 60 minutes of this will be waiting for AWS CloudFormation to deploy and destroy your resources.


This guide is written assuming you are working on an EC2 instance running on Linux, but you can also use your local machine if desired. It also assumes that you have installed the Prerequisites and have completed Onboarding to CDK on this instance.

Initialize the RFDK app

You can create your RFDK app anywhere on your machine, but each RFDK app should be in its own directory. Create a new directory for your app and enter it:

mkdir hello-rfdk cd hello-rfdk

First, you must determine the latest version of RFDK available. The following command uses npm (bundled with Node.js) to look-up the latest version of the aws-rfdk package, store it in the RFDK_VERSION shell variable, and output a message indicating the version:

RFDK_VERSION=$(npm view aws-rfdk version) echo "Using RFDK version ${RFDK_VERSION}"

Next, find the version of the AWS CDK that is compatible with this version of RFDK:

CDK_VERSION=$(npm view aws-rfdk '') echo "Using CDK version ${CDK_VERSION}"

It is important that the version of the aws-cdk packages installed in your project match the version of aws-cdk packages required by the RFDK version used in your app.

Now, initialize the app using the CDK toolkit’s cdk init command:

npx cdk@${CDK_VERSION} init app --language python
npx cdk@${CDK_VERSION} init app --language typescript

With the CDK project initialized, install the aws-rfdk package:


Modify in the root of the app directory to add an entry for aws-rfdk to the install_requires list. Replace RFDK_VERSION with the version output in the previous step:

setup( # ... install_requires=[ # ... "aws-rfdk==RFDK_VERSION", # ... ], # ... )

Now activate the app's Python virtual environment and install its dependencies:

source .venv/bin/activate python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
npm install --save aws-rfdk@${RFDK_VERSION}

To install all of the peer dependencies required by RFDK, use the following command (requires jq):

npm view --json aws-rfdk@${RFDK_VERSION} peerDependencies | jq '. | to_entries[] | .key + "@" + .value' | xargs npm i --save

Setup the environment

Each application needs to be associated with an AWS environment: the target Account and Region into which the stack is intended to be deployed. You can specify the exact values for Account and Region or use the environment variables as in the example below:



# ... import os env = { 'account': os.environ.get("CDK_DEPLOY_ACCOUNT", os.environ["CDK_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT"]), 'region': os.environ.get("CDK_DEPLOY_REGION", os.environ["CDK_DEFAULT_REGION"]) } app = cdk.App() HelloRfdkStack(app, "hello-rfdk", env=env)

In bin/hello-rfdk.ts:

new HelloRfdkStack(app, 'hello-rfdk', { env: { account: process.env.CDK_DEPLOY_ACCOUNT ?? process.env.CDK_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT, region: process.env.CDK_DEPLOY_REGION ?? process.env.CDK_DEFAULT_REGION, }});

Define a Deadline render farm

Now you are ready to start building your render farm. The first thing you will need is a Vpc construct instance for your render farm. The Vpc provides the foundational networking that will be used by all other components in the farm.


In hello_rfdk/

import aws_cdk as cdk import aws_cdk.aws_ec2 as ec2 from constructs import Construct class HelloRfdkStack(cdk.Stack): def __init__(self, scope: Construct, id: str, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(scope, id, **kwargs) vpc = ec2.Vpc(self, "Vpc")

In lib/hello-rfdk-stack.ts:

import * as cdk from 'aws-cdk-lib'; import * as ec2 from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-ec2'; import { Construct } from 'constructs'; export class HelloRfdkStack extends cdk.Stack { constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: cdk.StackProps) { super(scope, id, props); const vpc = new ec2.Vpc(this, 'Vpc'); } }

The next thing you will need to do is select a version of AWS Thinkbox Deadline to use for your Render Farm. For more details, see the full documentation about Using AWS Thinkbox ECR Repositories. Once you have selected a Deadline version (DEADLINE_VERSION), create a VersionQuery construct in your CDK app.


In hello_rfdk/

# ... import aws_rfdk.deadline as rfdk_deadline class HelloRfdkStack(cdk.Stack): def __init__(self, scope: Construct, id: str, **kwargs) -> None: # ... # Pin to the 10.2.0.x Deadline release. Release patches are applied with each CDK deployment version = rfdk_deadline.VersionQuery(self, "Version", version="10.2.0", )

In lib/hello-rfdk-stack.ts:

// ... import * as deadline from 'aws-rfdk/deadline'; export class HelloRfdkStack extends cdk.Stack { constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: cdk.StackProps) { super(scope, id, props); // ... // Pin to the 10.2.0.x Deadline release. Release patches are applied with each CDK deployment const version = new deadline.VersionQuery(this, 'Version', { version: '10.2.0', }); } }

Next, let’s add in a Repository. This construct creates the database and file system that make up the back-end storage of your render farm. Then, it configures them with the Deadline Repository installer. By default, an Amazon DocumentDB and Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) are created.


In the Deadline documentation, the Database and Repository are two separate concepts. The RFDK combines the two concepts and calls it the Repository.


In hello_rfdk/

# ... class HelloRfdkStack(cdk.Stack): def __init__(self, scope: Construct, id: str, **kwargs) -> None: # ... repository = rfdk_deadline.Repository(self, 'Repository', vpc=vpc, version=version, )

In lib/hello-rfdk-stack.ts:

// ... export class HelloRfdkStack extends cdk.Stack { constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: cdk.StackProps) { super(scope, id, props); // ... const repository = new deadline.Repository(this, 'Repository', { vpc, version, }); } }

AWS Thinkbox publishes Deadline container images into a publicly-available Elastic Container Registry (ECR) Repository. RFDK provides the ThinkboxDockerImages construct that can be used to deploy these container images using AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS).

To use these images, add a ThinkboxDockerImages instance to your CDK app. For this, you will need to read and accept the terms of the AWS Customer Agreement and AWS Intellectual Property License.


In hello_rfdk/

# ... class HelloRfdkStack(cdk.Stack): def __init__(self, scope: Construct, id: str, **kwargs) -> None: # ... images = rfdk_deadline.ThinkboxDockerImages(self, 'Images', version=version, # The ThinkboxDockerImages will install Deadline onto one or more EC2 instances. # By downloading or using the Deadline software, you agree to the AWS Customer Agreement ( # and AWS Intellectual Property License ( You acknowledge that Deadline # is AWS Content as defined in those Agreements. # Please set the user_aws_customer_agreement_and_ip_license_acceptance property to # USER_ACCEPTS_AWS_CUSTOMER_AGREEMENT_AND_IP_LICENSE to signify your acceptance of these terms. user_aws_customer_agreement_and_ip_license_acceptance=rfdk_deadline.AwsCustomerAgreementAndIpLicenseAcceptance.USER_REJECTS_AWS_CUSTOMER_AGREEMENT_AND_IP_LICENSE )

In lib/hello-rfdk-stack.ts:

// ... export class HelloRfdkStack extends cdk.Stack { constructor(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string, props?: cdk.StackProps) { super(scope, id, props); // ... const images = new deadline.ThinkboxDockerImages(this, 'Images', { version, /** * The ThinkboxDockerImages will install Deadline onto one or more EC2 instances. * By downloading or using the Deadline software, you agree to the AWS Customer Agreement ( * and AWS Intellectual Property License ( You acknowledge that Deadline * is AWS Content as defined in those Agreements. * Please set the userAwsCustomerAgreementAndIpLicenseAcceptance property to * USER_ACCEPTS_AWS_CUSTOMER_AGREEMENT_AND_IP_LICENSE to signify your acceptance of these terms. */ userAwsCustomerAgreementAndIpLicenseAcceptance: deadline.AwsCustomerAgreementAndIpLicenseAcceptance.USER_REJECTS_AWS_CUSTOMER_AGREEMENT_AND_IP_LICENSE, }); } }

Now that you have Deadline container images and a Deadline Repository, you will need to add a RenderQueue. The RenderQueue acts as the central service of your render farm that clients and render nodes can connect to. This construct creates a fleet of Deadline Remote Connection Servers running in Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS).


This example explicitly turns deletion protection off so this stack can be easily cleaned up. By default, it is turned on to prevent accidental deletion of your RenderQueue.


In hello_rfdk/

# ... class HelloRfdkStack(cdk.Stack): def __init__(self, scope: Construct, id: str, **kwargs) -> None: # ... render_queue = rfdk_deadline.RenderQueue(self, 'RenderQueue', vpc=vpc, repository=repository, version=version, images=images.for_render_queue(), deletion_protection=False, )

In lib/hello-rfdk-stack.ts:

// ... export class HelloRfdkStack extends cdk.Stack { constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: cdk.StackProps) { super(scope, id, props); // ... const renderQueue = new deadline.RenderQueue(this, 'RenderQueue', { vpc, repository, version, images: images.forRenderQueue(), deletionProtection: false, }); } }

The last thing you need to add is a fleet of render nodes with the WorkerInstanceFleet construct, which creates a fleet of instances running Deadline Worker in an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Group.


The WorkerInstanceFleet construct requires an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) with the Deadline Worker application installed. Substitute your-ami-id with your desired AMI ID in the code below. Conveniently, AWS Thinkbox creates public AWS Portal AMIs you can use for this. Follow the steps in the Deadline guide for finding AWS Portal AMIs (these steps instruct you to specifically search for “Deadline Worker Base” images, but you can use any Linux-based Deadline Worker image for this tutorial) and copy over your desired AMI ID.


In hello_rfdk/

# ... class HelloRfdkStack(cdk.Stack): def __init__(self, scope: Construct, id: str, **kwargs) -> None: # ... workers = rfdk_deadline.WorkerInstanceFleet(self, 'Workers', vpc=vpc, render_queue=render_queue, worker_machine_image=ec2.MachineImage.generic_linux({ # TODO: Replace your-ami-id with your chosen AMI ID cdk.Stack.of(self).region: "your-ami-id" }) )

In lib/hello-rfdk-stack.ts:

// ... export class HelloRfdkStack extends cdk.Stack { constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: cdk.StackProps) { super(scope, id, props); // ... new deadline.WorkerInstanceFleet(this, 'WorkerFleet', { vpc, renderQueue, workerMachineImage: ec2.MachineImage.genericLinux({ // TODO: Replace your-ami-id with your chosen AMI ID [this.region]: 'your-ami-id', }), }); } }

Deploy the render farm

With the render farm fully defined in code, you can now build and deploy it. First, build the app with:


No build step is necessary.

npm run build

You can optionally synthesize the CloudFormation template for your app if you are curious to see it (the generated CloudFormation template is around 3300 lines long):

npx cdk@${CDK_VERSION} synth

Now, deploy the render farm with:

npx cdk@${CDK_VERSION} deploy

This deployment will take approximately 30 minutes since the render farm contains many resources.

Update the render farm

You can update properties of the deployed render farm by making changes to your app and deploying again.

By default, the RFDK will setup resources such that you cannot accidentally destroy important components by tearing down your CloudFormation stack. For instance, the Repository contains information about your render farm and any work done with it, which is data that can be useful to keep (e.g. to start up your render farm again in the same state it was in previously). For more details, see Managing resources.

We don’t need to retain any render farm information for this tutorial, so let’s update the removal policies to set the Deletion Policy in the CloudFormation template of the database and file system of your Repository so they are destroyed:


In hello_rfdk/

# ... class HelloRfdkStack(cdk.Stack): def __init__(self, scope: Construct, id: str, **kwargs) -> None: # ... repository = rfdk_deadline.Repository(self, 'Repository', vpc=vpc, version=version, # Specify the removal policies removal_policy=rfdk_deadline.RepositoryRemovalPolicies( database=cdk.RemovalPolicy.DESTROY, filesystem=cdk.RemovalPolicy.DESTROY ) )

In lib/hello-rfdk-stack.ts:

// ... export class HelloRfdkStack extends cdk.Stack { constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: cdk.StackProps) { super(scope, id, props); // ... const repository = new deadline.Repository(this, 'Repository', { vpc, version, // Specify the removal policies removalPolicy: { database: cdk.RemovalPolicy.DESTROY, filesystem: cdk.RemovalPolicy.DESTROY, }, }); // ... } }

Let’s also scale down your WorkerInstanceFleet to 0 so that all workers are terminated to save on costs:


In hello_rfdk/

# ... class HelloRfdkStack(cdk.Stack): def __init__(self, scope: Construct, id: str, **kwargs) -> None: # ... workers = rfdk_deadline.WorkerInstanceFleet(self, 'Workers', vpc=vpc, render_queue=render_queue, worker_machine_image=ec2.MachineImage.generic_linux({ # TODO: Replace your-ami-id with your chosen AMI ID cdk.Stack.of(self).region: "your-ami-id" }), # Scale capacity down to 0 desired_capacity=0, min_capacity=0, max_capacity=0, )

In lib/hello-rfdk-stack.ts:

// ... export class HelloRfdkStack extends cdk.Stack { constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: cdk.StackProps) { super(scope, id, props); // ... new deadline.WorkerInstanceFleet(this, 'WorkerFleet', { vpc, renderQueue, workerMachineImage: ec2.MachineImage.genericLinux({ // TODO: Replace your-ami-id with your chosen AMI ID [this.region]: 'your-ami-id', }), // Scale capacity down to 0 desiredCapacity: 0, minCapacity: 0, maxCapacity: 0, }); } }

Build your app again to incorporate your changes:


No build step is necessary.

npm run build

You can optionally run cdk diff to see the changes in the CloudFormation template that will be applied:

npx cdk@${CDK_VERSION} diff

Now let’s deploy these changes:

npx cdk@${CDK_VERSION} deploy

You can verify these changes were applied by navigating to your HelloRfdkStack in the CloudFormation web console and viewing the updated resources. They should have the Status field set to UPDATE_COMPLETE.

(Optional) Submit a job to the render farm


This is an optional step that shows you how to use your render farm but does not cover any new concepts in RFDK. Feel free to skip this step and proceed with tearing down your render farm.

Setting up the connection


In order to submit a job, you will need to create a secure connection to your render. The rest of this chapter will not work if you don’t set up this connection.

Once you set up the connection to the render farm and allow the connection to the render queue, you can build and deploy your changes.

npm run build npx cdk@${CDK_VERSION} deploy

When the changes are deployed, get remote connection server address and save it for later.


Connecting Deadline Client to your render farm

You need to install Deadline Client on the machine you are submitting the job from. You can download Deadline installers from the AWS Thinkbox downloads page.

Once you have downloaded an archive, extract the files and install Deadline Client. For more information, please visit Deadline Client Installation (Quick) page. Here is how you can install Deadline client in a silent mode on Amazon Linux 2 (AL2):

yum install lsb DEADLINE_VERSION=deadline-version tar -xvf Deadline-$DEADLINE_VERSION-linux-installers.tar ./DeadlineClient-$ --mode text

You can now connect Deadline Client to your render farm.

New Deadline Client Installation
  1. When prompted for the Repository Connection Type, select Remote Connection Server.

  2. When prompted for the Remote Connection Server address, enter $RQ_DNS_NAME:8080.

Existing Deadline Client (Command Line)
  1. Navigate to bin folder in your Deadline Client installation directory. For example:

    cd /opt/Thinkbox/Deadline10/bin
  2. Change the repository you are connected to with Deadline Command:

    ./deadlinecommand ChangeRepository Remote $RQ_DNS_NAME:8080

Submitting a job to your render farm

Let’s submit a simple command line job that calls ping command.

Navigate to bin folder in your Deadline Client installation directory and submit the job with deadlinecommand:

cd /opt/Thinkbox/Deadline10/bin ./deadlinecommand SubmitCommandLineJob -frames 1 -executable "ping" -arguments "-c 3 localhost"

Viewing Render Farm Statistics

The easiest way to check the result of the submitted job is to use another deadline command:

cd /opt/Thinkbox/Deadline10/bin ./deadlinecommand GetFarmStatistics

You should now have Completed Jobs= 1 in the output. Optionally, you can get the job id with GetJobIds and then use that id with GetJob command to view all the job details. Find more Deadline commands here.

Viewing job output in CloudWatch

You can also view the output of the job you submitted in the Deadline Worker logs that can be found in CloudWatch.

  1. Open the AWS Web Console.

  2. Navigate to Services > CloudWatch > Log groups.

  3. Open the log group for your Deadline Worker fleet. By default, this will be of the form /renderfarm/WorkerFleet.

  4. Open the logs for your Worker instance. This will be of the form WorkerLogs-ec2-instance-id. The ec2-instance-id is the ID of the hello-rfdk/WorkerFleet/Default instance. You can find this ID in the AWS Web Console for EC2 Service.

  5. You should be able to find a line in the logs that contains localhost ping. You can use Filter events input field to easily find it. This is the output of Deadline Worker completing the job you submitted.

Tear down the render farm

When you’re done with your render farm, you can destroy it:

npx cdk@${CDK_VERSION} destroy

If you have issues destroying your farm, ensure you have completed the Update the render farm section where we update properties that would prevent some resources from being destroyed. Otherwise, refer to your HelloRfdkStack in the CloudFormation console to resolve any issues.

Next steps

Now that you have seen RFDK in action, you can:

The RFDK is an open-source project. We would be happy to have you contribute!