CreateDomain - Amazon SageMaker


Creates a Domain. A domain consists of an associated Amazon Elastic File System volume, a list of authorized users, and a variety of security, application, policy, and Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) configurations. Users within a domain can share notebook files and other artifacts with each other.

EFS storage

When a domain is created, an EFS volume is created for use by all of the users within the domain. Each user receives a private home directory within the EFS volume for notebooks, Git repositories, and data files.

SageMaker uses the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) to encrypt the EFS volume attached to the domain with an AWS managed key by default. For more control, you can specify a customer managed key. For more information, see Protect Data at Rest Using Encryption.

VPC configuration

All traffic between the domain and the Amazon EFS volume is through the specified VPC and subnets. For other traffic, you can specify the AppNetworkAccessType parameter. AppNetworkAccessType corresponds to the network access type that you choose when you onboard to the domain. The following options are available:

  • PublicInternetOnly - Non-EFS traffic goes through a VPC managed by Amazon SageMaker, which allows internet access. This is the default value.

  • VpcOnly - All traffic is through the specified VPC and subnets. Internet access is disabled by default. To allow internet access, you must specify a NAT gateway.

    When internet access is disabled, you won't be able to run a Amazon SageMaker Studio notebook or to train or host models unless your VPC has an interface endpoint to the SageMaker API and runtime or a NAT gateway and your security groups allow outbound connections.


NFS traffic over TCP on port 2049 needs to be allowed in both inbound and outbound rules in order to launch a Amazon SageMaker Studio app successfully.

For more information, see Connect Amazon SageMaker Studio Notebooks to Resources in a VPC.

Request Syntax

{ "AppNetworkAccessType": "string", "AppSecurityGroupManagement": "string", "AuthMode": "string", "DefaultSpaceSettings": { "CustomFileSystemConfigs": [ { ... } ], "CustomPosixUserConfig": { "Gid": number, "Uid": number }, "ExecutionRole": "string", "JupyterLabAppSettings": { "AppLifecycleManagement": { "IdleSettings": { "IdleTimeoutInMinutes": number, "LifecycleManagement": "string", "MaxIdleTimeoutInMinutes": number, "MinIdleTimeoutInMinutes": number } }, "BuiltInLifecycleConfigArn": "string", "CodeRepositories": [ { "RepositoryUrl": "string" } ], "CustomImages": [ { "AppImageConfigName": "string", "ImageName": "string", "ImageVersionNumber": number } ], "DefaultResourceSpec": { "InstanceType": "string", "LifecycleConfigArn": "string", "SageMakerImageArn": "string", "SageMakerImageVersionAlias": "string", "SageMakerImageVersionArn": "string" }, "EmrSettings": { "AssumableRoleArns": [ "string" ], "ExecutionRoleArns": [ "string" ] }, "LifecycleConfigArns": [ "string" ] }, "JupyterServerAppSettings": { "CodeRepositories": [ { "RepositoryUrl": "string" } ], "DefaultResourceSpec": { "InstanceType": "string", "LifecycleConfigArn": "string", "SageMakerImageArn": "string", "SageMakerImageVersionAlias": "string", "SageMakerImageVersionArn": "string" }, "LifecycleConfigArns": [ "string" ] }, "KernelGatewayAppSettings": { "CustomImages": [ { "AppImageConfigName": "string", "ImageName": "string", "ImageVersionNumber": number } ], "DefaultResourceSpec": { "InstanceType": "string", "LifecycleConfigArn": "string", "SageMakerImageArn": "string", "SageMakerImageVersionAlias": "string", "SageMakerImageVersionArn": "string" }, "LifecycleConfigArns": [ "string" ] }, "SecurityGroups": [ "string" ], "SpaceStorageSettings": { "DefaultEbsStorageSettings": { "DefaultEbsVolumeSizeInGb": number, "MaximumEbsVolumeSizeInGb": number } } }, "DefaultUserSettings": { "AutoMountHomeEFS": "string", "CanvasAppSettings": { "DirectDeploySettings": { "Status": "string" }, "EmrServerlessSettings": { "ExecutionRoleArn": "string", "Status": "string" }, "GenerativeAiSettings": { "AmazonBedrockRoleArn": "string" }, "IdentityProviderOAuthSettings": [ { "DataSourceName": "string", "SecretArn": "string", "Status": "string" } ], "KendraSettings": { "Status": "string" }, "ModelRegisterSettings": { "CrossAccountModelRegisterRoleArn": "string", "Status": "string" }, "TimeSeriesForecastingSettings": { "AmazonForecastRoleArn": "string", "Status": "string" }, "WorkspaceSettings": { "S3ArtifactPath": "string", "S3KmsKeyId": "string" } }, "CodeEditorAppSettings": { "AppLifecycleManagement": { "IdleSettings": { "IdleTimeoutInMinutes": number, "LifecycleManagement": "string", "MaxIdleTimeoutInMinutes": number, "MinIdleTimeoutInMinutes": number } }, "BuiltInLifecycleConfigArn": "string", "CustomImages": [ { "AppImageConfigName": "string", "ImageName": "string", "ImageVersionNumber": number } ], "DefaultResourceSpec": { "InstanceType": "string", "LifecycleConfigArn": "string", "SageMakerImageArn": "string", "SageMakerImageVersionAlias": "string", "SageMakerImageVersionArn": "string" }, "LifecycleConfigArns": [ "string" ] }, "CustomFileSystemConfigs": [ { ... } ], "CustomPosixUserConfig": { "Gid": number, "Uid": number }, "DefaultLandingUri": "string", "ExecutionRole": "string", "JupyterLabAppSettings": { "AppLifecycleManagement": { "IdleSettings": { "IdleTimeoutInMinutes": number, "LifecycleManagement": "string", "MaxIdleTimeoutInMinutes": number, "MinIdleTimeoutInMinutes": number } }, "BuiltInLifecycleConfigArn": "string", "CodeRepositories": [ { "RepositoryUrl": "string" } ], "CustomImages": [ { "AppImageConfigName": "string", "ImageName": "string", "ImageVersionNumber": number } ], "DefaultResourceSpec": { "InstanceType": "string", "LifecycleConfigArn": "string", "SageMakerImageArn": "string", "SageMakerImageVersionAlias": "string", "SageMakerImageVersionArn": "string" }, "EmrSettings": { "AssumableRoleArns": [ "string" ], "ExecutionRoleArns": [ "string" ] }, "LifecycleConfigArns": [ "string" ] }, "JupyterServerAppSettings": { "CodeRepositories": [ { "RepositoryUrl": "string" } ], "DefaultResourceSpec": { "InstanceType": "string", "LifecycleConfigArn": "string", "SageMakerImageArn": "string", "SageMakerImageVersionAlias": "string", "SageMakerImageVersionArn": "string" }, "LifecycleConfigArns": [ "string" ] }, "KernelGatewayAppSettings": { "CustomImages": [ { "AppImageConfigName": "string", "ImageName": "string", "ImageVersionNumber": number } ], "DefaultResourceSpec": { "InstanceType": "string", "LifecycleConfigArn": "string", "SageMakerImageArn": "string", "SageMakerImageVersionAlias": "string", "SageMakerImageVersionArn": "string" }, "LifecycleConfigArns": [ "string" ] }, "RSessionAppSettings": { "CustomImages": [ { "AppImageConfigName": "string", "ImageName": "string", "ImageVersionNumber": number } ], "DefaultResourceSpec": { "InstanceType": "string", "LifecycleConfigArn": "string", "SageMakerImageArn": "string", "SageMakerImageVersionAlias": "string", "SageMakerImageVersionArn": "string" } }, "RStudioServerProAppSettings": { "AccessStatus": "string", "UserGroup": "string" }, "SecurityGroups": [ "string" ], "SharingSettings": { "NotebookOutputOption": "string", "S3KmsKeyId": "string", "S3OutputPath": "string" }, "SpaceStorageSettings": { "DefaultEbsStorageSettings": { "DefaultEbsVolumeSizeInGb": number, "MaximumEbsVolumeSizeInGb": number } }, "StudioWebPortal": "string", "StudioWebPortalSettings": { "HiddenAppTypes": [ "string" ], "HiddenInstanceTypes": [ "string" ], "HiddenMlTools": [ "string" ], "HiddenSageMakerImageVersionAliases": [ { "SageMakerImageName": "string", "VersionAliases": [ "string" ] } ] }, "TensorBoardAppSettings": { "DefaultResourceSpec": { "InstanceType": "string", "LifecycleConfigArn": "string", "SageMakerImageArn": "string", "SageMakerImageVersionAlias": "string", "SageMakerImageVersionArn": "string" } } }, "DomainName": "string", "DomainSettings": { "AmazonQSettings": { "QProfileArn": "string", "Status": "string" }, "DockerSettings": { "EnableDockerAccess": "string", "VpcOnlyTrustedAccounts": [ "string" ] }, "ExecutionRoleIdentityConfig": "string", "RStudioServerProDomainSettings": { "DefaultResourceSpec": { "InstanceType": "string", "LifecycleConfigArn": "string", "SageMakerImageArn": "string", "SageMakerImageVersionAlias": "string", "SageMakerImageVersionArn": "string" }, "DomainExecutionRoleArn": "string", "RStudioConnectUrl": "string", "RStudioPackageManagerUrl": "string" }, "SecurityGroupIds": [ "string" ] }, "HomeEfsFileSystemKmsKeyId": "string", "KmsKeyId": "string", "SubnetIds": [ "string" ], "TagPropagation": "string", "Tags": [ { "Key": "string", "Value": "string" } ], "VpcId": "string" }

Request Parameters

For information about the parameters that are common to all actions, see Common Parameters.

The request accepts the following data in JSON format.


Specifies the VPC used for non-EFS traffic. The default value is PublicInternetOnly.

  • PublicInternetOnly - Non-EFS traffic is through a VPC managed by Amazon SageMaker, which allows direct internet access

  • VpcOnly - All traffic is through the specified VPC and subnets

Type: String

Valid Values: PublicInternetOnly | VpcOnly

Required: No


The entity that creates and manages the required security groups for inter-app communication in VPCOnly mode. Required when CreateDomain.AppNetworkAccessType is VPCOnly and DomainSettings.RStudioServerProDomainSettings.DomainExecutionRoleArn is provided. If setting up the domain for use with RStudio, this value must be set to Service.

Type: String

Valid Values: Service | Customer

Required: No


The mode of authentication that members use to access the domain.

Type: String

Valid Values: SSO | IAM

Required: Yes


The default settings used to create a space.

Type: DefaultSpaceSettings object

Required: No


The default settings to use to create a user profile when UserSettings isn't specified in the call to the CreateUserProfile API.

SecurityGroups is aggregated when specified in both calls. For all other settings in UserSettings, the values specified in CreateUserProfile take precedence over those specified in CreateDomain.

Type: UserSettings object

Required: Yes


A name for the domain.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Maximum length of 63.

Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9](-*[a-zA-Z0-9]){0,62}

Required: Yes


A collection of Domain settings.

Type: DomainSettings object

Required: No


This parameter has been deprecated.

Use KmsKeyId.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Maximum length of 2048.

Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9:/_-]*$

Required: No


SageMaker uses AWS KMS to encrypt EFS and EBS volumes attached to the domain with an AWS managed key by default. For more control, specify a customer managed key.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Maximum length of 2048.

Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9:/_-]*$

Required: No


The VPC subnets that the domain uses for communication.

Type: Array of strings

Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 16 items.

Length Constraints: Maximum length of 32.

Pattern: [-0-9a-zA-Z]+

Required: Yes


Indicates whether custom tag propagation is supported for the domain. Defaults to DISABLED.

Type: String


Required: No


Tags to associated with the Domain. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value. Tag keys must be unique per resource. Tags are searchable using the Search API.

Tags that you specify for the Domain are also added to all Apps that the Domain launches.

Type: Array of Tag objects

Array Members: Minimum number of 0 items. Maximum number of 50 items.

Required: No


The ID of the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) that the domain uses for communication.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Maximum length of 32.

Pattern: [-0-9a-zA-Z]+

Required: Yes

Response Syntax

{ "DomainArn": "string", "Url": "string" }

Response Elements

If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The following data is returned in JSON format by the service.


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the created domain.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Maximum length of 256.

Pattern: arn:aws[a-z\-]*:sagemaker:[a-z0-9\-]*:[0-9]{12}:domain/.*


The URL to the created domain.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Maximum length of 1024.


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors.


Resource being accessed is in use.

HTTP Status Code: 400


You have exceeded an SageMaker resource limit. For example, you might have too many training jobs created.

HTTP Status Code: 400

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: