Distributed training in Amazon SageMaker - Amazon SageMaker

Distributed training in Amazon SageMaker

SageMaker provides distributed training libraries and supports various distributed training options for deep learning tasks such as computer vision (CV) and natural language processing (NLP). With SageMaker’s distributed training libraries, you can run highly scalable and cost-effective custom data parallel and model parallel deep learning training jobs. You can also use other distributed training frameworks and packages such as PyTorch DistributedDataParallel (DDP), torchrun, MPI (mpirun), and parameter server. Throughout the documentation, instructions and examples focus on how to set up the distributed training options for deep learning tasks using the SageMaker Python SDK.


To learn best practices for distributed computing of machine learning (ML) training and processing jobs in general, see Distributed computing with SageMaker best practices.

Before you get started

SageMaker Training supports distributed training on a single instance as well as multiple instances, so you can run any size of training at scale. We recommend you to use the framework estimator classes such as PyTorch and TensorFlow in the SageMaker Python SDK, which are the training job launchers with various distributed training options. When you create an estimator object, the object sets up distributed training infrastructure, runs the CreateTrainingJob API in the backend, finds the Region where your current session is running, and pulls one of the pre-built AWS deep learning container prepackaged with a number of libraries including deep learning frameworks, distributed training frameworks, and the EFA driver. If you want to mount an FSx file system to the training instances, you need to pass your VPC subnet and security group ID to the estimator. Before running your distributed training job in SageMaker, read the following general guidance on the basic infrastructure setup.

Availability zones and network backplane

When using multiple instances (also called nodes), it’s important to understand the network that connects the instances, how they read the training data, and how they share information between themselves. For example, when you run a distributed data-parallel training job, a number of factors, such as communication between the nodes of a compute cluster for running the AllReduce operation and data transfer between the nodes and data storage in Amazon Simple Storage Service or Amazon FSx for Lustre, play a crucial role to achieve an optimal use of compute resources and a faster training speed. To reduce communication overhead, make sure that you configure instances, VPC subnet, and data storage in the same AWS Region and Availability Zone.

GPU instances with faster network and high-throughput storage

You can technically use any instances for distributed training. For cases where you need to run multi-node distributed training jobs for training large models, such as large language models (LLMs) and diffusion models, which require faster inter-node commutation, we recommend EFA-enabled GPU instances supported by SageMaker. Especially, to achieve the most performant distributed training job in SageMaker, we recommend P4d and P4de instances equipped with NVIDIA A100 GPUs. These are also equipped with high-throughput low-latency local instance storage and faster intra-node network. For data storage, we recommend Amazon FSx for Lustre that provides high throughput for storing training datasets and model checkpoints.

Get started with distributed training in Amazon SageMaker

If you’re already familiar with distributed training, choose one of the following options that matches your preferred strategy or framework to get started. If you want to learn about distributed training in general, see Basic distributed training concepts.

The SageMaker distributed training libraries are optimized for the SageMaker training environment, help adapt your distributed training jobs to SageMaker, and improve training speed and throughput. The libraries offer both data parallel and model parallel training strategies. They combine software and hardware technologies to improve inter-GPU and inter-node communications, and extend SageMaker’s training capabilities with built-in options that require minimal code changes to your training scripts. 

Use the SageMaker distributed data parallelism (SMDDP) library

The SMDDP library improves communication between nodes with implementations of AllReduce and AllGather collective communication operations that are optimized for AWS network infrastructure and Amazon SageMaker ML instance topology. You can use the SMDDP library as the backend of PyTorch-based distributed training packages: PyTorch distributed data parallel (DDP), PyTorch fully sharded data parallelism (FSDP), DeepSpeed, and Megatron-DeepSpeed. The following code example shows how to set a PyTorch estimator for launching a distributed training job on two ml.p4d.24xlarge instances.

from sagemaker.pytorch import PyTorch estimator = PyTorch( ..., instance_count=2, instance_type="ml.p4d.24xlarge", # Activate distributed training with SMDDP distribution={ "pytorchddp": { "enabled": True } } # mpirun, activates SMDDP AllReduce OR AllGather # distribution={ "torch_distributed": { "enabled": True } } # torchrun, activates SMDDP AllGather # distribution={ "smdistributed": { "dataparallel": { "enabled": True } } } # mpirun, activates SMDDP AllReduce OR AllGather )

To learn how to prepare your training script and launch a distributed data-parallel training job on SageMaker, see Run distributed training with the SageMaker distributed data parallelism library.

Use the SageMaker model parallelism library (SMP)

SageMaker provides the SMP library and supports various distributed training techniques, such as sharded data parallelism, pipelining, tensor parallelism, optimizer state sharding, and more. To learn more about what the SMP library offers, see Core Features of the SageMaker Model Parallelism Library.

To use SageMaker's model parallelism library, configure the distribution parameter of the SageMaker framework estimators. Supported framework estimators are PyTorch and TensorFlow. The following code example shows how to construct a framework estimator for distributed training with the model parallelism library on two ml.p4d.24xlarge instances.

from sagemaker.framework import Framework distribution={ "smdistributed": { "modelparallel": { "enabled":True, "parameters": { ... # enter parameter key-value pairs here } }, }, "mpi": { "enabled" : True, ... # enter parameter key-value pairs here } } estimator = Framework( ..., instance_count=2, instance_type="ml.p4d.24xlarge", distribution=distribution )

To learn how to adapt your training script, configure distribution parameters in the estimator class, and launch a distributed training job, see SageMaker's model parallelism library (see also Distributed Training APIs in the SageMaker Python SDK documentation).

Use open source distributed training frameworks

SageMaker also supports the following options to operate mpirun and torchrun in the backend.

  • To use PyTorch DistributedDataParallel (DDP) in SageMaker with the mpirun backend, add distribution={"pytorchddp": {"enabled": True}} to your PyTorch estimator. For more information, see also PyTorch Distributed Training and SageMaker PyTorch Estimator's distribution argument in the SageMaker Python SDK documentation.


    This option is available for PyTorch 1.12.0 and later.

    from sagemaker.pytorch import PyTorch estimator = PyTorch( ..., instance_count=2, instance_type="ml.p4d.24xlarge", distribution={"pytorchddp": {"enabled": True}} # runs mpirun in the backend )
  • SageMaker supports the PyTorch torchrun launcher for distributed training on GPU-based Amazon EC2 instances, such as P3 and P4, as well as Trn1 powered by the AWS Trainium device.

    To use PyTorch DistributedDataParallel (DDP) in SageMaker with the torchrun backend, add distribution={"torch_distributed": {"enabled": True}} to the PyTorch estimator.


    This option is available for PyTorch 1.13.0 and later.

    The following code snippet shows an example of constructing a SageMaker PyTorch estimator to run distributed training on two ml.p4d.24xlarge instances with the torch_distributed distribution option.

    from sagemaker.pytorch import PyTorch estimator = PyTorch( ..., instance_count=2, instance_type="ml.p4d.24xlarge", distribution={"torch_distributed": {"enabled": True}} # runs torchrun in the backend )

    For more information, see Distributed PyTorch Training and SageMaker PyTorch Estimator's distribution argument in the SageMaker Python SDK documentation.

    Notes for distributed training on Trn1

    A Trn1 instance consists of up to 16 Trainium devices, and each Trainium device consists of two NeuronCores. For specs of the AWS Trainium devices, see Trainium Architecture in the AWS Neuron Documentation.

    To train on the Trainium-powered instances, you only need to specify the Trn1 instance code, ml.trn1.*, in string to the instance_type argument of the SageMaker PyTorch estimator class. To find available Trn1 instance types, see AWS Trn1 Architecture in the AWS Neuron documentation.


    SageMaker Training on Amazon EC2 Trn1 instances is currently available only for the PyTorch framework in the AWS Deep Learning Containers for PyTorch Neuron starting v1.11.0. To find a complete list of supported versions of PyTorch Neuron, see Neuron Containers in the AWS Deep Learning Containers GitHub repository.

    When you launch a training job on Trn1 instances using the SageMaker Python SDK, SageMaker automatically picks up and runs the right container from Neuron Containers provided by AWS Deep Learning Containers. The Neuron Containers are prepackaged with training environment settings and dependencies for easier adaptation of your training job to the SageMaker Training platform and Amazon EC2 Trn1 instances.


    To run your PyTorch training job on Trn1 instances with SageMaker, you should modify your training script to initialize process groups with the xla backend and use PyTorch/XLA. To support the XLA adoption process, the AWS Neuron SDK provides PyTorch Neuron that uses XLA to make conversion of PyTorch operations to Trainium instructions. To learn how to modify your training script, see Developer Guide for Training with PyTorch Neuron (torch-neuronx) in the AWS Neuron Documentation.

    For more information, see Distributed Training with PyTorch Neuron on Trn1 instances and SageMaker PyTorch Estimator's distribution argument in the SageMaker Python SDK documentation.

  • To use MPI in SageMaker, add distribution={"mpi": {"enabled": True}} to your estimator. The MPI distribution option is available for the following frameworks: MXNet, PyTorch, and TensorFlow.

  • To use a parameter server in SageMaker, add distribution={"parameter_server": {"enabled": True}} to your estimator. The parameter server option is available for the following frameworks: MXNet, PyTorch, and TensorFlow.


    For more information about using the MPI and parameter server options per framework, use the following links to the SageMaker Python SDK documentation.

Basic distributed training concepts

SageMaker’s distributed training libraries use the following distributed training terms and features.

Datasets and Batches

  • Training Dataset: All of the data you use to train the model.

  • Global batch size: The number of records selected from the training dataset in each iteration to send to the GPUs in the cluster. This is the number of records over which the gradient is computed at each iteration. If data parallelism is used, it is equal to the total number of model replicas multiplied by the per-replica batch size: global batch size = (the number of model replicas) * (per-replica batch size). A single batch of global batch size is often referred to as the mini-batch in machine learning literature.

  • Per-replica batch size: When data parallelism is used, this is the number of records sent to each model replica. Each model replica performs a forward and backward pass with this batch to calculate weight updates. The resulting weight updates are synchronized (averaged) across all replicas before the next set of per-replica batches are processed.

  • Micro-batch: A subset of the mini-batch or, if hybrid model and data parallelism is used , it is a subset of the per-replica sized batch . When you use SageMaker’s distributed model parallelism library, each micro-batch is fed into the training pipeline one-by-one and follows an execution schedule defined by the library's runtime.


  • Epoch: One training cycle through the entire dataset. It is common to have multiple iterations per an epoch. The number of epochs you use in training is unique on your model and use case.

  • Iteration: A single forward and backward pass performed using a global batch sized batch (a mini-batch) of training data. The number of iterations performed during training is determined by the global batch size and the number of epochs used for training. For example, if a dataset includes 5,000 samples, and you use a global batch size of 500, it will take 10 iterations to complete a single epoch.

  • Learning rate: A variable that influences the amount that weights are changed in response to the calculated error of the model. The learning rate plays an important role in the model’s ability to converge as well as the speed and optimality of convergence.

Instances and GPUs

  • Instances: An AWS machine learning compute instance. These are also referred to as nodes.

  • Cluster size: When using SageMaker's distributed training library, this is the number of instances multiplied by the number of GPUs in each instance. For example, if you use two ml.p3.8xlarge instances in a training job, which have 4 GPUs each, the cluster size is 8. While increasing cluster size can lead to faster training times, communication between instances must be optimized; Otherwise, communication between the nodes can add overhead and lead to slower training times. The SageMaker distributed training library is designed to optimize communication between Amazon EC2 ML compute instances, leading to higher device utilization and faster training times.

Distributed Training Solutions

  • Data parallelism: A strategy in distributed training where a training dataset is split up across multiple GPUs in a compute cluster, which consists of multiple Amazon EC2 ML Instances. Each GPU contains a replica of the model, receives different batches of training data, performs a forward and backward pass, and shares weight updates with the other nodes for synchronization before moving on to the next batch and ultimately another epoch.

  • Model parallelism: A strategy in distributed training where the model partitioned across multiple GPUs in a compute cluster, which consists of multiple Amazon EC2 ML Instances. The model might be complex and have a large number of hidden layers and weights, making it unable to fit in the memory of a single instance. Each GPU carries a subset of the model, through which the data flows and the transformations are shared and compiled. The efficiency of model parallelism, in terms of GPU utilization and training time, is heavily dependent on how the model is partitioned and the execution schedule used to perform forward and backward passes.

  • Pipeline Execution Schedule (Pipelining): The pipeline execution schedule determines the order in which computations (micro-batches) are made and data is processed across devices during model training. Pipelining is a technique to achieve true parallelization in model parallelism and overcome the performance loss due to sequential computation by having the GPUs compute simultaneously on different data samples. To learn more, see Pipeline Execution Schedule.

Advanced concepts

Machine Learning (ML) practitioners commonly face two scaling challenges when training models: scaling model size and scaling training data. While model size and complexity can result in better accuracy, there is a limit to the model size you can fit into a single CPU or GPU. Furthermore, scaling model size may result in more computations and longer training times.

Not all models handle training data scaling equally well because they need to ingest all the training data in memory for training. They only scale vertically, and to bigger and bigger instance types. In most cases, scaling training data results in longer training times.

Deep Learning (DL) is a specific family of ML algorithms consisting of several layers of artificial neural networks. The most common training method is with mini-batch Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD). In mini-batch SGD, the model is trained by conducting small iterative changes of its coefficients in the direction that reduces its error. Those iterations are conducted on equally sized subsamples of the training dataset called mini-batches. For each mini-batch, the model is run in each record of the mini-batch, its error measured and the gradient of the error estimated. Then the average gradient is measured across all the records of the mini-batch and provides an update direction for each model coefficient. One full pass over the training dataset is called an epoch. Model trainings commonly consist of dozens to hundreds of epochs. Mini-batch SGD has several benefits: First, its iterative design makes training time theoretically linear of dataset size. Second, in a given mini-batch each record is processed individually by the model without need for inter-record communication other than the final gradient average. The processing of a mini-batch is consequently particularly suitable for parallelization and distribution. 

Parallelizing SGD training by distributing the records of a mini-batch over different computing devices is called data parallel distributed training, and is the most commonly used DL distribution paradigm. Data parallel training is a relevant distribution strategy to scale the mini-batch size and process each mini-batch faster. However, data parallel training comes with the extra complexity of having to compute the mini-batch gradient average with gradients coming from all the workers and communicating it to all the workers, a step called allreduce that can represent a growing overhead, as the training cluster is scaled, and that can also drastically penalize training time if improperly implemented or implemented over improper hardware subtracts. 

Data parallel SGD still requires developers to be able to fit at least the model and a single record in a computing device, such as a single CPU or GPU. When training very large models such as large transformers in Natural Language Processing (NLP), or segmentation models over high-resolution images, there may be situations in which this is not feasible. An alternative way to break up the workload is to partition the model over multiple computing devices, an approach called model-parallel distributed training.


Distributed training is usually split by two approaches: data parallel and model parallel. Data parallel is the most common approach to distributed training: You have a lot of data, batch it up, and send blocks of data to multiple CPUs or GPUs (nodes) to be processed by the neural network or ML algorithm, then combine the results. The neural network is the same on each node. A model parallel approach is used with large models that won’t fit in a node’s memory in one piece; it breaks up the model and places different parts on different nodes. In this situation, you need to send your batches of data out to each node so that the data is processed on all parts of the model.

The terms network and model are often used interchangeably: A large model is really a large network with many layers and parameters. Training with a large network produces a large model, and loading the model back onto the network with all your pre-trained parameters and their weights loads a large model into memory. When you break apart a model to split it across nodes, you’re also breaking apart the underlying network. A network consists of layers, and to split up the network, you put layers on different compute devices.

A common pitfall of naively splitting layers across devices is severe GPU under-utilization. Training is inherently sequential in both forward and backward passes, and at a given time, only one GPU can actively compute, while the others wait on the activations to be sent. Modern model parallel libraries solve this problem by using pipeline execution schedules to improve device utilization. However, only the Amazon SageMaker's distributed model parallel library includes automatic model splitting. The two core features of the library, automatic model splitting and pipeline execution scheduling, simplifies the process of implementing model parallelism by making automated decisions that lead to efficient device utilization.

Train with data parallel and model parallel

If you are training with a large dataset, start with a data parallel approach. If you run out of memory during training, you may want to switch to a model parallel approach, or try hybrid model and data parallelism. You can also try the following to improve performance with data parallel:

  • Change your model’s hyperparameters.

  • Reduce the batch size.

  • Keep reducing the batch size until it fits. If you reduce batch size to 1, and still run out of memory, then you should try model-parallel training.

Try gradient compression (FP16, INT8):

Try reducing the input size:

  • Reduce the NLP sequence length if you increase the sequence link, need to adjust the batch size down, or adjust the GPUs up to spread the batch.

  • Reduce image resolution.

Check if you use batch normalization, since this can impact convergence. When you use distributed training, your batch is split across GPUs and the effect of a much lower batch size can be a higher error rate thereby disrupting the model from converging. For example, if you prototyped your network on a single GPU with a batch size of 64, then scaled up to using four p3dn.24xlarge, you now have 32 GPUs and your per-GPU batch size drops from 64 to 2. This will likely break the convergence you saw with a single node.

Start with model-parallel training when:

  • Your model does not fit on a single device.

  • Due to your model size, you’re facing limitations in choosing larger batch sizes, such as if your model weights take up most of your GPU memory and you are forced to choose a smaller, suboptimal batch size. 

To learn more about the SageMaker distributed libraries, see the following:

Optimize distributed training

Customize hyperparameters for your use case and your data to get the best scaling efficiency. In the following discussion, we highlight some of the most impactful training variables and provide references to state-of-the-art implementations so you can learn more about your options. Also, we recommend that you refer to your preferred framework’s distributed training documentation.

Batch Size

SageMaker distributed toolkits generally allow you to train on bigger batches. For example, if a model fits within a single device but can only be trained with a small batch size, using either model-parallel training or data parallel training enables you to experiment with larger batch sizes.

Be aware that batch size directly influences model accuracy by controlling the amount of noise in the model update at each iteration. Increasing batch size reduces the amount of noise in the gradient estimation, which can be beneficial when increasing from very small batches sizes, but can result in degraded model accuracy as the batch size increases to large values. 


Adjust your hyperparameters to ensure that your model trains to a satisfying convergence as you increase its batch size.

A number of techniques have been developed to maintain good model convergence when batch is increased.

Mini-batch size

In SGD, the mini-batch size quantifies the amount of noise present in the gradient estimation. A small mini-batch results in a very noisy mini-batch gradient, which is not representative of the true gradient over the dataset. A large mini-batch results in a mini-batch gradient close to the true gradient over the dataset and potentially not noisy enough—likely to stay locked in irrelevant minima.

To learn more about these techniques, see the following papers:


The following sections cover scenarios in which you may want to scale up training, and how you can do so using AWS resources.

Scaling from a Single GPU to Many GPUs

The amount of data or the size of the model used in machine learning can create situations in which the time to train a model is longer that you are willing to wait. Sometimes, the training doesn’t work at all because the model or the training data is too large. One solution is to increase the number of GPUs you use for training. On an instance with multiple GPUs, like a p3.16xlarge that has eight GPUs, the data and processing is split across the eight GPUs. When you use distributed training libraries, this can result in a near-linear speedup in the time it takes to train your model. It takes slightly over 1/8 the time it would have taken on p3.2xlarge with one GPU.

Instance type GPUs
p3.2xlarge 1
p3.8xlarge 4
p3.16xlarge 8
p3dn.24xlarge 8

The ml instance types used by SageMaker training have the same number of GPUs as the corresponding p3 instance types. For example, ml.p3.8xlarge has the same number of GPUs as p3.8xlarge - 4.

Scaling from a single instance to multiple instances

If you want to scale your training even further, you can use more instances. However, you should choose a larger instance type before you add more instances. Review the previous table to see how many GPUs are in each p3 instance type.

If you have made the jump from a single GPU on a p3.2xlarge to four GPUs on a p3.8xlarge, but decide that you require more processing power, you may see better performance and incur lower costs if you choose a p3.16xlarge before trying to increase instance count. Depending on the libraries you use, when you keep your training on a single instance, performance is better and costs are lower than a scenario where you use multiple instances.

When you are ready to scale the number of instances, you can do this with SageMaker Python SDK estimator function by setting your instance_count. For example, you can set instance_type = p3.16xlarge and   instance_count = 2. Instead of the eight GPUs on a single p3.16xlarge, you have 16 GPUs across two identical instances. The following chart shows scaling and throughput starting with eight GPUs on a single instance and increasing to 64 instances for a total of 256 GPUs.

Chart showing how throughput increases and time to train decreases with more GPUs.

Custom training scripts

While SageMaker makes it simple to deploy and scale the number of instances and GPUs, depending on your framework of choice, managing the data and results can be very challenging, which is why external supporting libraries are often used. This most basic form of distributed training requires modification of your training script to manage the data distribution.

SageMaker also supports Horovod and implementations of distributed training native to each major deep learning framework. If you choose to use examples from these frameworks, you can follow SageMaker’s container guide for Deep Learning Containers, and various example notebooks that demonstrate implementations.