Amazon SageMaker Model Registry FAQ - Amazon SageMaker

Amazon SageMaker Model Registry FAQ

Use the following FAQ items to find answers to commonly asked questions about SageMaker Model Registry.

A model package is the actual model that is registered into the Model Registry as a versioned entity. Please note there are two ways you can use model packages in SageMaker. One is with SageMaker Marketplace — these model packages are not versioned. The other is with the SageMaker Model Registry, in which the model package must be versioned. The Model Registry receives every new model that you retrain, gives it a version, and assigns it to a Model Group inside the Model Registry. The following image shows an example of a Model Group with 25 consecutively-versioned models.

A Model Group with 25 consecutively-versioned models.

The SageMaker Model Registry is a metadata store for your machine learning models. Amazon Elastic Container Registry is a repository that stores all of your containers. Within the Model Registry, models are versioned and registered as model packages within Model Groups. Each model package contains an Amazon S3 URI to the model files associated with the trained model and an Amazon ECR URI that points to the container used while serving the model.

Model packages in the SageMaker Model Registry do not support tags—these are versioned model packages. Instead, you can add key value pairs using CustomerMetadataProperties. Model package groups in the model registry support tagging.

To assign or tag model groups to a project, complete the following steps:

  1. Get tags with key sagemaker:project-name and sagemaker:project-id for the SageMaker project using the ListTags API.

  2. To apply the tags to your model package group, choose one of the following methods:

    • If you create a new model package group and want to add tags, pass your tags from Step 1 to the CreateModelPackageGroup API.

    • If you want to add tags to an existing model package group, use the AddTags APIs.

    • If you create your model package group through SageMaker Pipelines, use the pipeline.create() or pipeline.upsert() methods, or pass your tags to the RegisterModel step.