Sell algorithms and packages in the AWS Marketplace - Amazon SageMaker

Sell algorithms and packages in the AWS Marketplace

Amazon SageMaker integrates with AWS Marketplace, enabling developers to charge other SageMaker users for the use of their algorithms and model packages. AWS Marketplace is a curated digital catalog that makes it easy for customers to find, buy, deploy, and manage third-party software and services that customers need to build solutions and run their businesses. AWS Marketplace includes thousands of software listings in popular categories, such as security, networking, storage, machine learning, business intelligence, database, and DevOps. It simplifies software licensing and procurement with flexible pricing options and multiple deployment methods.

For information, see AWS Marketplace Documentation.


SageMaker Algorithms

An algorithm enables you to perform end-to-end machine learning. It has two logical components: training and inference. Buyers can use the training component to create training jobs in SageMaker and build a machine learning model. SageMaker saves the model artifacts generated by the algorithm during training to an Amazon S3 bucket. For more information, see Train a Model with Amazon SageMaker.

Buyers use the inference component with the model artifacts generated during a training job to create a deployable model in their SageMaker account. They can use the deployable model for real-time inference by using SageMaker hosting services. Or, they can get inferences for an entire dataset by running batch transform jobs. For more information, see Deploy a Model in Amazon SageMaker.

SageMaker Model Packages

Buyers use a model package to build a deployable model in SageMaker. They can use the deployable model for real-time inference by using SageMaker hosting services. Or, they can get inferences for an entire dataset by running batch transform jobs. For more information, see Deploy a Model in Amazon SageMaker. As a seller, you can build your model artifacts by training in SageMaker, or you can use your own model artifacts from a model that you trained outside of SageMaker. You can charge buyers for inference.
