Network and Storage - Amazon SageMaker

Network and Storage

The following topic describes network access and data storage considerations for your RStudio instance. For general information about network access and data storage when using Amazon SageMaker, seeĀ Data Protection in Amazon SageMaker.

Amazon EFS volume

RStudio on Amazon SageMaker shares an Amazon EFS volume with the Amazon SageMaker Studio Classic application in the domain. When the RStudio application is added to a domain, SageMaker creates a folder named shared in the Amazon EFS directory. If this shared folder is deleted or changed manually, then the RStudio application may no longer function. For more information about the Amazon EFS volume, see Manage Your Amazon EFS Storage Volume in SageMaker Studio Classic.

Installed packages and scripts

Packages that you install from within RStudio are scoped to the user profile level. This means that the installed package persists through RSession shut down, restarts, and across RSessions for each user profile that they are installed in. R Scripts that are saved in RSessions behave the same way. Both packages and R Scripts are saved in the user's Amazon EFS volume.


RStudio on Amazon SageMaker supports encryption at rest.

Use RStudio in VPC-only mode

RStudio on Amazon SageMaker supports AWS PrivateLink integration. With this integration, you can use RStudio on SageMaker in VPC-only mode without direct access to the internet. When you use RStudio in VPC-only mode, your security groups are automatically managed by the service. This includes connectivity between your RServer and your RSessions.

The following are required to use RStudio in VPC-only mode. For more information on selecting a VPC, see Choose an Amazon VPC.

  • A private subnet with either access the internet to make a call to Amazon SageMaker & License Manager, or Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) endpoints for both Amazon SageMaker & License Manager.

  • The domain cannot have any more than two associated Security Groups.

  • A Security Group ID for use with the domain in domain Settings. This must allow all outbound access.

  • A Security Group ID for use with the Amazon VPC endpoint. This security group must allow inbound traffic from the domain Security Group ID.

  • Amazon VPC Endpoint for sagemaker.api and AWS License Manager. This must be in the same Amazon VPC as the private subnet.