Private repository for runtime dependencies - Amazon SageMaker

Private repository for runtime dependencies

You can use pre-execution commands or script to configure a dependency manager like pip or conda in your job environment. To achieve network isolation, use either of these options to redirect your dependency managers to access your private repositories and run remote functions within a VPC. The pre-execution commands or script will run before your remote function runs. You can define them with the @remote decorator, the RemoteExecutor API, or within a configuration file.

The following sections show you how to access a private Python Package Index (PyPI) repository managed with AWS CodeArtifact. The sections also show how to access a custom conda channel hosted on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).

How to use a custom PyPI repository managed with AWS CodeArtifact

To use CodeArtifact to manage a custom PyPI repository, the following prerequisites are required:

  • Your private PyPI repository should already have been created. You can utilize AWS CodeArtifact to create and manage your private package repositories. To learn more about CodeArtifact, see the CodeArtifact User Guide.

  • Your VPC should have access to your CodeArtifact repository. To allow a connection from your VPC to your CodeArtifact repository, you must do the following:

The following pre-execution command example shows how to configure pip in the SageMaker training job to point to your CodeArtifact repository. For more information, see Configure and use pip with CodeArtifact.

# use a requirements.txt file to import dependencies @remote( instance_type="ml.m5.large" image_uri = "my_base_python:latest", dependencies = './requirements.txt', pre_execution_commands=[ "aws codeartifact login --tool pip --domain my-org --domain-owner <000000000000> --repository my-codeartifact-python-repo --endpoint-url" ] ) def matrix_multiply(a, b): return np.matmul(a, b)

How to use a custom conda channel hosted on Amazon S3

To use Amazon S3 to manage a custom conda repository, the following prerequisites are required:

  • Your private conda channel must already be set up in your Amazon S3 bucket, and all dependent packages must be indexed and uploaded to your Amazon S3 bucket. For instructions on how to index your conda packages, see Creating custom channels.

  • Your VPC should have access to the Amazon S3 bucket. For more information, see Endpoints for Amazon S3.

  • The base conda environment in your job image should have boto3 installed. To check your environment, enter the following in your Anaconda prompt to check that boto3 appears in the resulting generated list.

    conda list -n base
  • You job image should be installed with conda, not mamba. To check your environment, ensure that the previous code prompt does not return mamba.

The following pre-execution commands example shows how to configure conda in the SageMaker training job to point to your private channel on Amazon S3 The pre-execution commands removes the defaults channel and adds custom channels to a .condarc conda configuration file.

# specify your dependencies inside a conda yaml file @remote( instance_type="ml.m5.large" image_uri = "my_base_python:latest", dependencies = "./environment.yml", pre_execution_commands=[ "conda config --remove channels 'defaults'" "conda config --add channels 's3://my_bucket/my-conda-repository/conda-forge/'", "conda config --add channels 's3://my_bucket/my-conda-repository/main/'" ] ) def matrix_multiply(a, b): return np.matmul(a, b)