The following table contains the subset of hyperparameters that are required or most
commonly used for the Amazon SageMaker AI XGBoost algorithm. These are parameters that are set by
users to facilitate the estimation of model parameters from data. The required
hyperparameters that must be set are listed first, in alphabetical order. The optional
hyperparameters that can be set are listed next, also in alphabetical order. The SageMaker AI
XGBoost algorithm is an implementation of the open-source DMLC XGBoost package. For
details about full set of hyperparameter that can be configured for this version of
XGBoost, see XGBoost
Parameter Name | Description |
num_class |
The number of classes. Required if
Valid values: Integer. |
num_round |
The number of rounds to run the training. Required Valid values: Integer. |
alpha |
L1 regularization term on weights. Increasing this value makes models more conservative. Optional Valid values: Float. Default value: 0 |
base_score |
The initial prediction score of all instances, global bias. Optional Valid values: Float. Default value: 0.5 |
booster |
Which booster to use. The Optional Valid values: String. One of Default value: |
colsample_bylevel |
Subsample ratio of columns for each split, in each level. Optional Valid values: Float. Range: [0,1]. Default value: 1 |
colsample_bynode |
Subsample ratio of columns from each node. Optional Valid values: Float. Range: (0,1]. Default value: 1 |
colsample_bytree |
Subsample ratio of columns when constructing each tree. Optional Valid values: Float. Range: [0,1]. Default value: 1 |
csv_weights |
When this flag is enabled, XGBoost differentiates the importance of instances for csv input by taking the second column (the column after labels) in training data as the instance weights. Optional Valid values: 0 or 1 Default value: 0 |
deterministic_histogram |
When this flag is enabled, XGBoost builds histogram on GPU deterministically.
Used only if For a full list of valid inputs, please refer to XGBoost Parameters Optional Valid values: String. Range: Default value: |
early_stopping_rounds |
The model trains until the validation score stops improving.
Validation error needs to decrease at least every
Optional Valid values: Integer. Default value: - |
eta |
Step size shrinkage used in updates to prevent overfitting. After
each boosting step, you can directly get the weights of new
features. The Optional Valid values: Float. Range: [0,1]. Default value: 0.3 |
eval_metric |
Evaluation metrics for validation data. A default metric is assigned according to the objective:
For a list of valid inputs, see XGBoost Learning Task Parameters Optional Valid values: String. Default value: Default according to objective. |
gamma |
Minimum loss reduction required to make a further partition on a leaf node of the tree. The larger, the more conservative the algorithm is. Optional Valid values: Float. Range: [0,∞). Default value: 0 |
grow_policy |
Controls the way that new nodes are added to the tree. Currently
supported only if Optional Valid values: String. Either Default value: |
interaction_constraints |
Specify groups of variables that are allowed to interact. Optional Valid values: Nested list of integers. Each integer represents a feature, and each nested list contains features that are allowed to interact e.g., [[1,2], [3,4,5]]. Default value: None |
lambda |
L2 regularization term on weights. Increasing this value makes models more conservative. Optional Valid values: Float. Default value: 1 |
lambda_bias |
L2 regularization term on bias. Optional Valid values: Float. Range: [0.0, 1.0]. Default value: 0 |
max_bin |
Maximum number of discrete bins to bucket continuous features.
Used only if Optional Valid values: Integer. Default value: 256 |
max_delta_step |
Maximum delta step allowed for each tree's weight estimation. When a positive integer is used, it helps make the update more conservative. The preferred option is to use it in logistic regression. Set it to 1-10 to help control the update. Optional Valid values: Integer. Range: [0,∞). Default value: 0 |
max_depth |
Maximum depth of a tree. Increasing this value makes the model
more complex and likely to be overfit. 0 indicates no limit. A limit
is required when
Optional Valid values: Integer. Range: [0,∞) Default value: 6 |
max_leaves |
Maximum number of nodes to be added. Relevant only if
Optional Valid values: Integer. Default value: 0 |
min_child_weight |
Minimum sum of instance weight (hessian) needed in a child. If the
tree partition step results in a leaf node with the sum of instance
weight less than Optional Valid values: Float. Range: [0,∞). Default value: 1 |
monotone_constraints |
Specifies monotonicity constraints on any feature. Optional Valid values: Tuple of Integers. Valid integers: -1 (decreasing constraint), 0 (no constraint), 1 (increasing constraint). E.g., (0, 1): No constraint on first predictor, and an increasing constraint on the second. (-1, 1): Decreasing constraint on first predictor, and an increasing constraint on the second. Default value: (0, 0) |
normalize_type |
Type of normalization algorithm. Optional Valid values: Either tree or forest. Default value: tree |
nthread |
Number of parallel threads used to run xgboost. Optional Valid values: Integer. Default value: Maximum number of threads. |
objective |
Specifies the learning task and the corresponding learning
objective. Examples: Optional Valid values: String Default value: |
one_drop |
When this flag is enabled, at least one tree is always dropped during the dropout. Optional Valid values: 0 or 1 Default value: 0 |
process_type |
The type of boosting process to run. Optional Valid values: String. Either Default value: |
rate_drop |
The dropout rate that specifies the fraction of previous trees to drop during the dropout. Optional Valid values: Float. Range: [0.0, 1.0]. Default value: 0.0 |
refresh_leaf |
This is a parameter of the 'refresh' updater plug-in. When set to
Optional Valid values: 0/1 Default value: 1 |
sample_type |
Type of sampling algorithm. Optional Valid values: Either Default value: |
scale_pos_weight |
Controls the balance of positive and negative weights. It's useful
for unbalanced classes. A typical value to consider:
Optional Valid values: float Default value: 1 |
seed |
Random number seed. Optional Valid values: integer Default value: 0 |
single_precision_histogram |
When this flag is enabled, XGBoost uses single precision to build
histograms instead of double precision. Used only if
For a full list of valid inputs, please refer to XGBoost Parameters Optional Valid values: String. Range: Default value: |
sketch_eps |
Used only for approximate greedy algorithm. This translates into
O(1 / Optional Valid values: Float, Range: [0, 1]. Default value: 0.03 |
skip_drop |
Probability of skipping the dropout procedure during a boosting iteration. Optional Valid values: Float. Range: [0.0, 1.0]. Default value: 0.0 |
subsample |
Subsample ratio of the training instance. Setting it to 0.5 means that XGBoost randomly collects half of the data instances to grow trees. This prevents overfitting. Optional Valid values: Float. Range: [0,1]. Default value: 1 |
tree_method |
The tree construction algorithm used in XGBoost. Optional Valid values: One of Default value: |
tweedie_variance_power |
Parameter that controls the variance of the Tweedie distribution. Optional Valid values: Float. Range: (1, 2). Default value: 1.5 |
updater |
A comma-separated string that defines the sequence of tree updaters to run. This provides a modular way to construct and to modify the trees. For a full list of valid inputs, please refer to XGBoost Parameters Optional Valid values: comma-separated string. Default value: |
use_dask_gpu_training |
Set Optional Valid values: String. Range: Default value: |
verbosity |
Verbosity of printing messages. Valid values: 0 (silent), 1 (warning), 2 (info), 3 (debug). Optional Default value: 1 |