Managing Subscriptions in Amazon SNS - AWS SDK for JavaScript

The AWS SDK for JavaScript V3 API Reference Guide describes in detail all the API operations for the AWS SDK for JavaScript version 3 (V3).

Managing Subscriptions in Amazon SNS

JavaScript code example that applies to Node.js execution

This Node.js code example shows:

  • How to list all subscriptions to an Amazon SNS topic.

  • How to subscribe an email address, an application endpoint, or an AWS Lambda function to an Amazon SNS topic.

  • How to unsubscribe from Amazon SNS topics.

The Scenario

In this example, you use a series of Node.js modules to publish notification messages to Amazon SNS topics. The Node.js modules use the SDK for JavaScript to manage topics using these methods of the SNS client class:

Prerequisite Tasks

To set up and run this example, you must first complete these tasks:

  • Set up the project environment to run these Node TypeScript examples, and install the required AWS SDK for JavaScript and third-party modules. Follow the instructions on GitHub.

  • Create a shared configurations file with your user credentials. For more information about providing a shared credentials file, see Shared config and credentials files in the AWS SDKs and Tools Reference Guide.


These examples demonstrate how to import/export client service objects and command using ECMAScript6 (ES6).

Listing Subscriptions to a Topic

In this example, use a Node.js module to list all subscriptions to an Amazon SNS topic.

Create a libs directory, and create a Node.js module with the file name snsClient.js. Copy and paste the code below into it, which creates the Amazon SNS client object. Replace REGION with your AWS Region.

import { SNSClient } from "@aws-sdk/client-sns"; // The AWS Region can be provided here using the `region` property. If you leave it blank // the SDK will default to the region set in your AWS config. export const snsClient = new SNSClient({});

This example code can be found here on GitHub.

Create a Node.js module with the file name list-subscriptions-by-topic.js. Configure the SDK as previously shown.

Create an object containing the TopicArn parameter for the topic whose subscriptions you want to list. Pass the parameters to the ListSubscriptionsByTopicCommand method of the SNS client class. To call the ListSubscriptionsByTopicCommand method, create an asynchronous function invoking an Amazon SNS client service object, and passing the parameters object.


Replace TOPIC_ARN with the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the topic whose subscriptions you want to list .

import { ListSubscriptionsByTopicCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-sns"; import { snsClient } from "../libs/snsClient.js"; /** * @param {string} topicArn - The ARN of the topic for which you wish to list subscriptions. */ export const listSubscriptionsByTopic = async (topicArn = "TOPIC_ARN") => { const response = await snsClient.send( new ListSubscriptionsByTopicCommand({ TopicArn: topicArn }), ); console.log(response); // { // '$metadata': { // httpStatusCode: 200, // requestId: '0934fedf-0c4b-572e-9ed2-a3e38fadb0c8', // extendedRequestId: undefined, // cfId: undefined, // attempts: 1, // totalRetryDelay: 0 // }, // Subscriptions: [ // { // SubscriptionArn: 'PendingConfirmation', // Owner: '901487484989', // Protocol: 'email', // Endpoint: '', // TopicArn: 'arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:901487484989:mytopic' // } // ] // } return response; };

To run the example, enter the following at the command prompt.

node list-subscriptions-by-topic.js

This example code can be found here on GitHub.

Subscribing an Email Address to a Topic

In this example, use a Node.js module to subscribe an email address so that it receives SMTP email messages from an Amazon SNS topic.

Create a libs directory, and create a Node.js module with the file name snsClient.js. Copy and paste the code below into it, which creates the Amazon SNS client object. Replace REGION with your AWS Region.

import { SNSClient } from "@aws-sdk/client-sns"; // The AWS Region can be provided here using the `region` property. If you leave it blank // the SDK will default to the region set in your AWS config. export const snsClient = new SNSClient({});

This example code can be found here on GitHub.

Create a Node.js module with the file name subscribe-email.js. Configure the SDK as previously shown.

Create an object containing the Protocol parameter to specify the email protocol, the TopicArn for the topic to subscribe to, and an email address as the message Endpoint. Pass the parameters to the SubscribeCommand method of the SNS client class. You can use the subscribe method to subscribe several different endpoints to an Amazon SNS topic, depending on the values used for parameters passed, as other examples in this topic will show.

To call the SubscribeCommand method, create an asynchronous function invoking an Amazon SNS client service object, and passing the parameters object.


Replace TOPIC_ARN with the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the topic, and EMAIL_ADDRESS with the email address to subscribe to.

import { SubscribeCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-sns"; import { snsClient } from "../libs/snsClient.js"; /** * @param {string} topicArn - The ARN of the topic for which you wish to confirm a subscription. * @param {string} emailAddress - The email address that is subscribed to the topic. */ export const subscribeEmail = async ( topicArn = "TOPIC_ARN", emailAddress = "", ) => { const response = await snsClient.send( new SubscribeCommand({ Protocol: "email", TopicArn: topicArn, Endpoint: emailAddress, }), ); console.log(response); // { // '$metadata': { // httpStatusCode: 200, // requestId: 'c8e35bcd-b3c0-5940-9f66-06f6fcc108f0', // extendedRequestId: undefined, // cfId: undefined, // attempts: 1, // totalRetryDelay: 0 // }, // SubscriptionArn: 'pending confirmation' // } };

To run the example, enter the following at the command prompt.

node subscribe-email.js

This example code can be found here on GitHub.

Confirming Subscriptions

In this example, use a Node.js module to verify an endpoint owner's intent to receive emails by validating the token sent to the endpoint by a previous subscribe action.

Create a libs directory, and create a Node.js module with the file name snsClient.js. Copy and paste the code below into it, which creates the Amazon SNS client object. Replace REGION with your AWS Region.

import { SNSClient } from "@aws-sdk/client-sns"; // The AWS Region can be provided here using the `region` property. If you leave it blank // the SDK will default to the region set in your AWS config. export const snsClient = new SNSClient({});

This example code can be found here on GitHub.

Create a Node.js module with the file name confirm-subscription.js. Configure the SDK as previously shown, including installing the required clients and packages.

Define the parameters, including the TOPIC_ARN and TOKEN, and define a value of TRUE or FALSE for AuthenticateOnUnsubscribe.

The token is a short-lived token sent to the owner of an endpoint during a previous SUBSCRIBE action. For example, for an email endpoint the TOKEN is in the URL of the Confirm Subscription email sent to the email owner. For example, abc123 is the token in the following URL.

To call the ConfirmSubscriptionCommand method, create an asynchronous function invoking an Amazon SNS client service object, passing the parameters object.


Replace TOPIC_ARN with the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the topic, TOKEN with the token value from the URL sent to the endpoint owner in a previous Subscribe action, and define AuthenticateOnUnsubscribe. with a value of TRUE or FALSE.

import { ConfirmSubscriptionCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-sns"; import { snsClient } from "../libs/snsClient.js"; /** * @param {string} token - This token is sent the subscriber. Only subscribers * that are not AWS services (HTTP/S, email) need to be confirmed. * @param {string} topicArn - The ARN of the topic for which you wish to confirm a subscription. */ export const confirmSubscription = async ( token = "TOKEN", topicArn = "TOPIC_ARN", ) => { const response = await snsClient.send( // A subscription only needs to be confirmed if the endpoint type is // HTTP/S, email, or in another AWS account. new ConfirmSubscriptionCommand({ Token: token, TopicArn: topicArn, // If this is true, the subscriber cannot unsubscribe while unauthenticated. AuthenticateOnUnsubscribe: "false", }), ); console.log(response); // { // '$metadata': { // httpStatusCode: 200, // requestId: '4bb5bce9-805a-5517-8333-e1d2cface90b', // extendedRequestId: undefined, // cfId: undefined, // attempts: 1, // totalRetryDelay: 0 // }, // SubscriptionArn: 'arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:xxxxxxxxxxxx:TOPIC_NAME:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' // } return response; };

To run the example, enter the following at the command prompt.

node confirm-subscription.js

This example code can be found here on GitHub.

Subscribing an Application Endpoint to a Topic

In this example, use a Node.js module to subscribe a mobile application endpoint so it receives notifications from an Amazon SNS topic.

Create a libs directory, and create a Node.js module with the file name snsClient.js. Copy and paste the code below into it, which creates the Amazon SNS client object. Replace REGION with your AWS Region.

import { SNSClient } from "@aws-sdk/client-sns"; // The AWS Region can be provided here using the `region` property. If you leave it blank // the SDK will default to the region set in your AWS config. export const snsClient = new SNSClient({});

This example code can be found here on GitHub.

Create a Node.js module with the file name subscribe-app.js. Configure the SDK as previously shown, including installing the required modules and packages.

Create an object containing the Protocol parameter to specify the application protocol, the TopicArn for the topic to subscribe to, and the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a mobile application endpoint for the Endpoint parameter. Pass the parameters to the SubscribeCommand method of the SNS client class.

To call the SubscribeCommand method, create an asynchronous function invoking an Amazon SNS service object, passing the parameters object.


Replace TOPIC_ARN with the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the topic, and MOBILE_ENDPOINT_ARN with the endpoint you are subscribing to the topic.

import { SubscribeCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-sns"; import { snsClient } from "../libs/snsClient.js"; /** * @param {string} topicArn - The ARN of the topic the subscriber is subscribing to. * @param {string} endpoint - The Endpoint ARN of an application. This endpoint is created * when an application registers for notifications. */ export const subscribeApp = async ( topicArn = "TOPIC_ARN", endpoint = "ENDPOINT", ) => { const response = await snsClient.send( new SubscribeCommand({ Protocol: "application", TopicArn: topicArn, Endpoint: endpoint, }), ); console.log(response); // { // '$metadata': { // httpStatusCode: 200, // requestId: 'c8e35bcd-b3c0-5940-9f66-06f6fcc108f0', // extendedRequestId: undefined, // cfId: undefined, // attempts: 1, // totalRetryDelay: 0 // }, // SubscriptionArn: 'pending confirmation' // } return response; };

To run the example, enter the following at the command prompt.

node subscribe-app.js

This example code can be found here on GitHub.

Subscribing a Lambda Function to a Topic

In this example, use a Node.js module to subscribe an AWS Lambda function so it receives notifications from an Amazon SNS topic.

Create a libs directory, and create a Node.js module with the file name snsClient.js. Copy and paste the code below into it, which creates the Amazon SNS client object. Replace REGION with your AWS Region.

import { SNSClient } from "@aws-sdk/client-sns"; // The AWS Region can be provided here using the `region` property. If you leave it blank // the SDK will default to the region set in your AWS config. export const snsClient = new SNSClient({});

This example code can be found here on GitHub.

Create a Node.js module with the file name subscribe-lambda.js. Configure the SDK as previously shown.

Create an object containing the Protocol parameter, specifying the lambda protocol, the TopicArn for the topic to subscribe to, and the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS Lambda function as the Endpoint parameter. Pass the parameters to the SubscribeCommand method of the SNS client class.

To call the SubscribeCommand method, create an asynchronous function invoking an Amazon SNS client service object, passing the parameters object.


Replace TOPIC_ARN with the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the topic, and LAMBDA_FUNCTION_ARN with the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Lambda function.

import { SubscribeCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-sns"; import { snsClient } from "../libs/snsClient.js"; /** * @param {string} topicArn - The ARN of the topic the subscriber is subscribing to. * @param {string} endpoint - The Endpoint ARN of and AWS Lambda function. */ export const subscribeLambda = async ( topicArn = "TOPIC_ARN", endpoint = "ENDPOINT", ) => { const response = await snsClient.send( new SubscribeCommand({ Protocol: "lambda", TopicArn: topicArn, Endpoint: endpoint, }), ); console.log(response); // { // '$metadata': { // httpStatusCode: 200, // requestId: 'c8e35bcd-b3c0-5940-9f66-06f6fcc108f0', // extendedRequestId: undefined, // cfId: undefined, // attempts: 1, // totalRetryDelay: 0 // }, // SubscriptionArn: 'pending confirmation' // } return response; };

To run the example, enter the following at the command prompt.

node subscribe-lambda.js

This example code can be found here on GitHub.

Unsubscribing from a Topic

In this example, use a Node.js module to unsubscribe an Amazon SNS topic subscription.

Create a libs directory, and create a Node.js module with the file name snsClient.js. Copy and paste the code below into it, which creates the Amazon SNS client object. Replace REGION with your AWS Region.

import { SNSClient } from "@aws-sdk/client-sns"; // The AWS Region can be provided here using the `region` property. If you leave it blank // the SDK will default to the region set in your AWS config. export const snsClient = new SNSClient({});

This example code can be found here on GitHub.

Create a Node.js module with the file name unsubscribe.js. Configure the SDK as previously shown, including installing the required clients and packages.

Create an object containing the SubscriptionArn parameter, specifying the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the subscription to unsubscribe. Pass the parameters to the UnsubscribeCommand method of the SNS client class.

To call the UnsubscribeCommand method, create an asynchronous function invoking an Amazon SNS client service object, passing the parameters object.


Replace TOPIC_SUBSCRIPTION_ARN with the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the subscription to unsubscribe.

import { UnsubscribeCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-sns"; import { snsClient } from "../libs/snsClient.js"; /** * @param {string} subscriptionArn - The ARN of the subscription to cancel. */ const unsubscribe = async ( subscriptionArn = "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:xxxxxxxxxxxx:mytopic:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", ) => { const response = await snsClient.send( new UnsubscribeCommand({ SubscriptionArn: subscriptionArn, }), ); console.log(response); // { // '$metadata': { // httpStatusCode: 200, // requestId: '0178259a-9204-507c-b620-78a7570a44c6', // extendedRequestId: undefined, // cfId: undefined, // attempts: 1, // totalRetryDelay: 0 // } // } return response; };

To run the example, enter the following at the command prompt.

node unsubscribe.js

This example code can be found here on GitHub.