Handle service client responses - AWS SDK for JavaScript

The AWS SDK for JavaScript V3 API Reference Guide describes in detail all the API operations for the AWS SDK for JavaScript version 3 (V3).

Handle service client responses

After a service client method has been called, it returns a response object instance of an interface with the name associated with the client method. For example, if you use the AbcCommand client method, the response object is of AbcResponse (interface) type.

Access data returned in the response

The response object contains the data, as properties, returned by the service request.

In Create service client requests, the ListTablesCommand command returned the table names in the TableNames property of the response.

Access error information

If a command fails, it throws an exception. The following code snippet shows a way of handling a service exception.

try { await client.send(someCommand); } catch (e) { if (e.name === "InvalidSignatureException") { // Handle InvalidSignatureException } else if (e.name === "ResourceNotFoundException") { // Handle ResourceNotFoundException } else if (e.name === "FooServiceException") { // Handle all other server-side exceptions from Foo service } else { // Handle errors from SDK } }