You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.

Class: Aws::ElastiCache::Client

Seahorse::Client::Base show all
Defined in:


An API client for Amazon ElastiCache. To construct a client, you need to configure a :region and :credentials.

elasticache =
  region: region_name,
  credentials: credentials,
  # ...

See #initialize for a full list of supported configuration options.


You can configure a default region in the following locations:

  • Aws.config[:region]

Go here for a list of supported regions.


Default credentials are loaded automatically from the following locations:

  • Aws.config[:credentials]
  • The shared credentials ini file at ~/.aws/credentials (more information)
  • From an instance profile when running on EC2

You can also construct a credentials object from one of the following classes:

Alternatively, you configure credentials with :access_key_id and :secret_access_key:

# load credentials from disk
creds = YAML.load('/path/to/secrets'))
  access_key_id: creds['access_key_id'],
  secret_access_key: creds['secret_access_key']

Always load your credentials from outside your application. Avoid configuring credentials statically and never commit them to source control.

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Seahorse::Client::Base

#config, #handlers

Constructor collapse

API Operations collapse

Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods inherited from Seahorse::Client::Base

add_plugin, api, #build_request, clear_plugins, define, new, #operation, #operation_names, plugins, remove_plugin, set_api, set_plugins

Methods included from Seahorse::Client::HandlerBuilder

#handle, #handle_request, #handle_response

Constructor Details

#initialize(options = {}) ⇒ Aws::ElastiCache::Client

Constructs an API client.

Options Hash (options):

  • :access_key_id (String)

    Used to set credentials statically. See Plugins::RequestSigner for more details.

  • :active_endpoint_cache (Boolean)

    When set to true, a thread polling for endpoints will be running in the background every 60 secs (default). Defaults to false. See Plugins::EndpointDiscovery for more details.

  • :convert_params (Boolean) — default: true

    When true, an attempt is made to coerce request parameters into the required types. See Plugins::ParamConverter for more details.

  • :credentials (required, Credentials)

    Your AWS credentials. The following locations will be searched in order for credentials:

    • :access_key_id, :secret_access_key, and :session_token options
    • HOME/.aws/credentials shared credentials file
    • EC2 instance profile credentials See Plugins::RequestSigner for more details.
  • :disable_host_prefix_injection (Boolean)

    Set to true to disable SDK automatically adding host prefix to default service endpoint when available. See Plugins::EndpointPattern for more details.

  • :endpoint (String)

    A default endpoint is constructed from the :region. See Plugins::RegionalEndpoint for more details.

  • :endpoint_cache_max_entries (Integer)

    Used for the maximum size limit of the LRU cache storing endpoints data for endpoint discovery enabled operations. Defaults to 1000. See Plugins::EndpointDiscovery for more details.

  • :endpoint_cache_max_threads (Integer)

    Used for the maximum threads in use for polling endpoints to be cached, defaults to 10. See Plugins::EndpointDiscovery for more details.

  • :endpoint_cache_poll_interval (Integer)

    When :endpoint_discovery and :active_endpoint_cache is enabled, Use this option to config the time interval in seconds for making requests fetching endpoints information. Defaults to 60 sec. See Plugins::EndpointDiscovery for more details.

  • :endpoint_discovery (Boolean)

    When set to true, endpoint discovery will be enabled for operations when available. Defaults to false. See Plugins::EndpointDiscovery for more details.

  • :http_continue_timeout (Float) — default: 1

    See Seahorse::Client::Plugins::NetHttp for more details.

  • :http_idle_timeout (Integer) — default: 5

    See Seahorse::Client::Plugins::NetHttp for more details.

  • :http_open_timeout (Integer) — default: 15

    See Seahorse::Client::Plugins::NetHttp for more details.

  • :http_proxy (String)

    See Seahorse::Client::Plugins::NetHttp for more details.

  • :http_read_timeout (Integer) — default: 60

    See Seahorse::Client::Plugins::NetHttp for more details.

  • :http_wire_trace (Boolean) — default: false

    See Seahorse::Client::Plugins::NetHttp for more details.

  • :log_level (Symbol) — default: :info

    The log level to send messages to the logger at. See Plugins::Logging for more details.

  • :log_formatter (Logging::LogFormatter)

    The log formatter. Defaults to Seahorse::Client::Logging::Formatter.default. See Plugins::Logging for more details.

  • :logger (Logger) — default: nil

    The Logger instance to send log messages to. If this option is not set, logging will be disabled. See Plugins::Logging for more details.

  • :profile (String)

    Used when loading credentials from the shared credentials file at HOME/.aws/credentials. When not specified, 'default' is used. See Plugins::RequestSigner for more details.

  • :raise_response_errors (Boolean) — default: true

    When true, response errors are raised. See Seahorse::Client::Plugins::RaiseResponseErrors for more details.

  • :region (required, String)

    The AWS region to connect to. The region is used to construct the client endpoint. Defaults to ENV['AWS_REGION']. Also checks AMAZON_REGION and AWS_DEFAULT_REGION. See Plugins::RegionalEndpoint for more details.

  • :retry_limit (Integer) — default: 3

    The maximum number of times to retry failed requests. Only ~ 500 level server errors and certain ~ 400 level client errors are retried. Generally, these are throttling errors, data checksum errors, networking errors, timeout errors and auth errors from expired credentials. See Plugins::RetryErrors for more details.

  • :secret_access_key (String)

    Used to set credentials statically. See Plugins::RequestSigner for more details.

  • :session_token (String)

    Used to set credentials statically. See Plugins::RequestSigner for more details.

  • :ssl_ca_bundle (String)

    See Seahorse::Client::Plugins::NetHttp for more details.

  • :ssl_ca_directory (String)

    See Seahorse::Client::Plugins::NetHttp for more details.

  • :ssl_ca_store (String)

    See Seahorse::Client::Plugins::NetHttp for more details.

  • :ssl_verify_peer (Boolean) — default: true

    See Seahorse::Client::Plugins::NetHttp for more details.

  • :stub_responses (Boolean) — default: false

    Causes the client to return stubbed responses. By default fake responses are generated and returned. You can specify the response data to return or errors to raise by calling ClientStubs#stub_responses. See ClientStubs for more information.

    Please note When response stubbing is enabled, no HTTP requests are made, and retries are disabled. See Plugins::StubResponses for more details.

  • :validate_params (Boolean) — default: true

    When true, request parameters are validated before sending the request. See Plugins::ParamValidator for more details.

Instance Method Details

#add_tags_to_resource(options = {}) ⇒ Types::TagListMessage

Adds up to 50 cost allocation tags to the named resource. A cost allocation tag is a key-value pair where the key and value are case-sensitive. You can use cost allocation tags to categorize and track your AWS costs.

When you apply tags to your ElastiCache resources, AWS generates a cost allocation report as a comma-separated value (CSV) file with your usage and costs aggregated by your tags. You can apply tags that represent business categories (such as cost centers, application names, or owners) to organize your costs across multiple services. For more information, see Using Cost Allocation Tags in Amazon ElastiCache in the ElastiCache User Guide.


Example: AddTagsToResource

# Adds up to 10 tags, key/value pairs, to a cluster or snapshot resource.

resp = client.add_tags_to_resource({
  resource_name: "arn:aws:elasticache:us-east-1:1234567890:cluster:my-mem-cluster", 
  tags: [
      key: "APIVersion", 
      value: "20150202", 
      key: "Service", 
      value: "ElastiCache", 

# resp.to_h outputs the following:
  tag_list: [
      key: "APIVersion", 
      value: "20150202", 
      key: "Service", 
      value: "ElastiCache", 

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.add_tags_to_resource({
  resource_name: "String", # required
  tags: [ # required
      key: "String",
      value: "String",

Response structure

resp.tag_list #=> Array
resp.tag_list[0].key #=> String
resp.tag_list[0].value #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :resource_name (required, String)

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource to which the tags are to be added, for example arn:aws:elasticache:us-west-2:0123456789:cluster:myCluster or arn:aws:elasticache:us-west-2:0123456789:snapshot:mySnapshot. ElastiCache resources are cluster and snapshot.

    For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces.

  • :tags (required, Array<Types::Tag>)

    A list of cost allocation tags to be added to this resource. A tag is a key-value pair. A tag key must be accompanied by a tag value.


See Also:

#authorize_cache_security_group_ingress(options = {}) ⇒ Types::AuthorizeCacheSecurityGroupIngressResult

Allows network ingress to a cache security group. Applications using ElastiCache must be running on Amazon EC2, and Amazon EC2 security groups are used as the authorization mechanism.

You cannot authorize ingress from an Amazon EC2 security group in one region to an ElastiCache cluster in another region.


Example: AuthorizeCacheCacheSecurityGroupIngress

# Allows network ingress to a cache security group. Applications using ElastiCache must be running on Amazon EC2. Amazon EC2 security groups are used as the authorization mechanism.

resp = client.authorize_cache_security_group_ingress({
  cache_security_group_name: "my-sec-grp", 
  ec2_security_group_name: "my-ec2-sec-grp", 
  ec2_security_group_owner_id: "1234567890", 

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.authorize_cache_security_group_ingress({
  cache_security_group_name: "String", # required
  ec2_security_group_name: "String", # required
  ec2_security_group_owner_id: "String", # required

Response structure

resp.cache_security_group.owner_id #=> String
resp.cache_security_group.cache_security_group_name #=> String
resp.cache_security_group.description #=> String
resp.cache_security_group.ec2_security_groups #=> Array
resp.cache_security_group.ec2_security_groups[0].status #=> String
resp.cache_security_group.ec2_security_groups[0].ec2_security_group_name #=> String
resp.cache_security_group.ec2_security_groups[0].ec2_security_group_owner_id #=> String
resp.cache_security_group.arn #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :cache_security_group_name (required, String)

    The cache security group that allows network ingress.

  • :ec2_security_group_name (required, String)

    The Amazon EC2 security group to be authorized for ingress to the cache security group.

  • :ec2_security_group_owner_id (required, String)

    The AWS account number of the Amazon EC2 security group owner. Note that this is not the same thing as an AWS access key ID - you must provide a valid AWS account number for this parameter.


See Also:

#batch_apply_update_action(options = {}) ⇒ Types::UpdateActionResultsMessage

Apply the service update. For more information on service updates and applying them, see Applying Service Updates.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.batch_apply_update_action({
  replication_group_ids: ["String"],
  cache_cluster_ids: ["String"],
  service_update_name: "String", # required

Response structure

resp.processed_update_actions #=> Array
resp.processed_update_actions[0].replication_group_id #=> String
resp.processed_update_actions[0].cache_cluster_id #=> String
resp.processed_update_actions[0].service_update_name #=> String
resp.processed_update_actions[0].update_action_status #=> String, one of "not-applied", "waiting-to-start", "in-progress", "stopping", "stopped", "complete", "scheduling", "scheduled", "not-applicable"
resp.unprocessed_update_actions #=> Array
resp.unprocessed_update_actions[0].replication_group_id #=> String
resp.unprocessed_update_actions[0].cache_cluster_id #=> String
resp.unprocessed_update_actions[0].service_update_name #=> String
resp.unprocessed_update_actions[0].error_type #=> String
resp.unprocessed_update_actions[0].error_message #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :replication_group_ids (Array<String>)

    The replication group IDs

  • :cache_cluster_ids (Array<String>)

    The cache cluster IDs

  • :service_update_name (required, String)

    The unique ID of the service update


See Also:

#batch_stop_update_action(options = {}) ⇒ Types::UpdateActionResultsMessage

Stop the service update. For more information on service updates and stopping them, see Stopping Service Updates.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.batch_stop_update_action({
  replication_group_ids: ["String"],
  cache_cluster_ids: ["String"],
  service_update_name: "String", # required

Response structure

resp.processed_update_actions #=> Array
resp.processed_update_actions[0].replication_group_id #=> String
resp.processed_update_actions[0].cache_cluster_id #=> String
resp.processed_update_actions[0].service_update_name #=> String
resp.processed_update_actions[0].update_action_status #=> String, one of "not-applied", "waiting-to-start", "in-progress", "stopping", "stopped", "complete", "scheduling", "scheduled", "not-applicable"
resp.unprocessed_update_actions #=> Array
resp.unprocessed_update_actions[0].replication_group_id #=> String
resp.unprocessed_update_actions[0].cache_cluster_id #=> String
resp.unprocessed_update_actions[0].service_update_name #=> String
resp.unprocessed_update_actions[0].error_type #=> String
resp.unprocessed_update_actions[0].error_message #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :replication_group_ids (Array<String>)

    The replication group IDs

  • :cache_cluster_ids (Array<String>)

    The cache cluster IDs

  • :service_update_name (required, String)

    The unique ID of the service update


See Also:

#complete_migration(options = {}) ⇒ Types::CompleteMigrationResponse

Complete the migration of data.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.complete_migration({
  replication_group_id: "String", # required
  force: false,

Response structure

resp.replication_group.replication_group_id #=> String
resp.replication_group.description #=> String
resp.replication_group.global_replication_group_info.global_replication_group_id #=> String
resp.replication_group.global_replication_group_info.global_replication_group_member_role #=> String
resp.replication_group.status #=> String
resp.replication_group.pending_modified_values.primary_cluster_id #=> String
resp.replication_group.pending_modified_values.automatic_failover_status #=> String, one of "enabled", "disabled"
resp.replication_group.pending_modified_values.resharding.slot_migration.progress_percentage #=> Float
resp.replication_group.pending_modified_values.auth_token_status #=> String, one of "SETTING", "ROTATING"
resp.replication_group.pending_modified_values.user_groups.user_group_ids_to_add #=> Array
resp.replication_group.pending_modified_values.user_groups.user_group_ids_to_add[0] #=> String
resp.replication_group.pending_modified_values.user_groups.user_group_ids_to_remove #=> Array
resp.replication_group.pending_modified_values.user_groups.user_group_ids_to_remove[0] #=> String
resp.replication_group.member_clusters #=> Array
resp.replication_group.member_clusters[0] #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups #=> Array
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].node_group_id #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].status #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].primary_endpoint.address #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].primary_endpoint.port #=> Integer
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].reader_endpoint.address #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].reader_endpoint.port #=> Integer
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].slots #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].node_group_members #=> Array
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].node_group_members[0].cache_cluster_id #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].node_group_members[0].cache_node_id #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].node_group_members[0].read_endpoint.address #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].node_group_members[0].read_endpoint.port #=> Integer
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].node_group_members[0].preferred_availability_zone #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].node_group_members[0].preferred_outpost_arn #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].node_group_members[0].current_role #=> String
resp.replication_group.snapshotting_cluster_id #=> String
resp.replication_group.automatic_failover #=> String, one of "enabled", "disabled", "enabling", "disabling"
resp.replication_group.multi_az #=> String, one of "enabled", "disabled"
resp.replication_group.configuration_endpoint.address #=> String
resp.replication_group.configuration_endpoint.port #=> Integer
resp.replication_group.snapshot_retention_limit #=> Integer
resp.replication_group.snapshot_window #=> String
resp.replication_group.cluster_enabled #=> true/false
resp.replication_group.cache_node_type #=> String
resp.replication_group.auth_token_enabled #=> true/false
resp.replication_group.auth_token_last_modified_date #=> Time
resp.replication_group.transit_encryption_enabled #=> true/false
resp.replication_group.at_rest_encryption_enabled #=> true/false
resp.replication_group.member_clusters_outpost_arns #=> Array
resp.replication_group.member_clusters_outpost_arns[0] #=> String
resp.replication_group.kms_key_id #=> String
resp.replication_group.arn #=> String
resp.replication_group.user_group_ids #=> Array
resp.replication_group.user_group_ids[0] #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :replication_group_id (required, String)

    The ID of the replication group to which data is being migrated.

  • :force (Boolean)

    Forces the migration to stop without ensuring that data is in sync. It is recommended to use this option only to abort the migration and not recommended when application wants to continue migration to ElastiCache.


See Also:

#copy_snapshot(options = {}) ⇒ Types::CopySnapshotResult

Makes a copy of an existing snapshot.

This operation is valid for Redis only.

Users or groups that have permissions to use the CopySnapshot operation can create their own Amazon S3 buckets and copy snapshots to it. To control access to your snapshots, use an IAM policy to control who has the ability to use the CopySnapshot operation. For more information about using IAM to control the use of ElastiCache operations, see Exporting Snapshots and Authentication & Access Control.

You could receive the following error messages.

Error Messages

  • Error Message: The S3 bucket %s is outside of the region.

    Solution: Create an Amazon S3 bucket in the same region as your snapshot. For more information, see Step 1: Create an Amazon S3 Bucket in the ElastiCache User Guide.

  • Error Message: The S3 bucket %s does not exist.

    Solution: Create an Amazon S3 bucket in the same region as your snapshot. For more information, see Step 1: Create an Amazon S3 Bucket in the ElastiCache User Guide.

  • Error Message: The S3 bucket %s is not owned by the authenticated user.

    Solution: Create an Amazon S3 bucket in the same region as your snapshot. For more information, see Step 1: Create an Amazon S3 Bucket in the ElastiCache User Guide.

  • Error Message: The authenticated user does not have sufficient permissions to perform the desired activity.

    Solution: Contact your system administrator to get the needed permissions.

  • Error Message: The S3 bucket %s already contains an object with key %s.

    Solution: Give the TargetSnapshotName a new and unique value. If exporting a snapshot, you could alternatively create a new Amazon S3 bucket and use this same value for TargetSnapshotName.

  • Error Message: ElastiCache has not been granted READ permissions %s on the S3 Bucket.

    Solution: Add List and Read permissions on the bucket. For more information, see Step 2: Grant ElastiCache Access to Your Amazon S3 Bucket in the ElastiCache User Guide.

  • Error Message: ElastiCache has not been granted WRITE permissions %s on the S3 Bucket.

    Solution: Add Upload/Delete permissions on the bucket. For more information, see Step 2: Grant ElastiCache Access to Your Amazon S3 Bucket in the ElastiCache User Guide.

  • Error Message: ElastiCache has not been granted READ_ACP permissions %s on the S3 Bucket.

    Solution: Add View Permissions on the bucket. For more information, see Step 2: Grant ElastiCache Access to Your Amazon S3 Bucket in the ElastiCache User Guide.


Example: CopySnapshot

# Copies a snapshot to a specified name.

resp = client.copy_snapshot({
  source_snapshot_name: "my-snapshot", 
  target_bucket: "", 
  target_snapshot_name: "my-snapshot-copy", 

# resp.to_h outputs the following:
  snapshot: {
    auto_minor_version_upgrade: true, 
    cache_cluster_create_time: Time.parse("2016-12-21T22:24:04.955Z"), 
    cache_cluster_id: "my-redis4", 
    cache_node_type: "cache.m3.large", 
    cache_parameter_group_name: "default.redis3.2", 
    cache_subnet_group_name: "default", 
    engine: "redis", 
    engine_version: "3.2.4", 
    node_snapshots: [
        cache_node_create_time: Time.parse("2016-12-21T22:24:04.955Z"), 
        cache_node_id: "0001", 
        cache_size: "3 MB", 
        snapshot_create_time: Time.parse("2016-12-28T07:00:52Z"), 
    num_cache_nodes: 1, 
    port: 6379, 
    preferred_availability_zone: "us-east-1c", 
    preferred_maintenance_window: "tue:09:30-tue:10:30", 
    snapshot_name: "my-snapshot-copy", 
    snapshot_retention_limit: 7, 
    snapshot_source: "manual", 
    snapshot_status: "creating", 
    snapshot_window: "07:00-08:00", 
    vpc_id: "vpc-3820329f3", 

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.copy_snapshot({
  source_snapshot_name: "String", # required
  target_snapshot_name: "String", # required
  target_bucket: "String",
  kms_key_id: "String",

Response structure

resp.snapshot.snapshot_name #=> String
resp.snapshot.replication_group_id #=> String
resp.snapshot.replication_group_description #=> String
resp.snapshot.cache_cluster_id #=> String
resp.snapshot.snapshot_status #=> String
resp.snapshot.snapshot_source #=> String
resp.snapshot.cache_node_type #=> String
resp.snapshot.engine #=> String
resp.snapshot.engine_version #=> String
resp.snapshot.num_cache_nodes #=> Integer
resp.snapshot.preferred_availability_zone #=> String
resp.snapshot.preferred_outpost_arn #=> String
resp.snapshot.cache_cluster_create_time #=> Time
resp.snapshot.preferred_maintenance_window #=> String
resp.snapshot.topic_arn #=> String
resp.snapshot.port #=> Integer
resp.snapshot.cache_parameter_group_name #=> String
resp.snapshot.cache_subnet_group_name #=> String
resp.snapshot.vpc_id #=> String
resp.snapshot.auto_minor_version_upgrade #=> true/false
resp.snapshot.snapshot_retention_limit #=> Integer
resp.snapshot.snapshot_window #=> String
resp.snapshot.num_node_groups #=> Integer
resp.snapshot.automatic_failover #=> String, one of "enabled", "disabled", "enabling", "disabling"
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots #=> Array
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].cache_cluster_id #=> String
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].node_group_id #=> String
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].cache_node_id #=> String
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].node_group_configuration.node_group_id #=> String
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].node_group_configuration.slots #=> String
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].node_group_configuration.replica_count #=> Integer
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].node_group_configuration.primary_availability_zone #=> String
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].node_group_configuration.replica_availability_zones #=> Array
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].node_group_configuration.replica_availability_zones[0] #=> String
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].node_group_configuration.primary_outpost_arn #=> String
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].node_group_configuration.replica_outpost_arns #=> Array
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].node_group_configuration.replica_outpost_arns[0] #=> String
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].cache_size #=> String
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].cache_node_create_time #=> Time
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].snapshot_create_time #=> Time
resp.snapshot.kms_key_id #=> String
resp.snapshot.arn #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :source_snapshot_name (required, String)

    The name of an existing snapshot from which to make a copy.

  • :target_snapshot_name (required, String)

    A name for the snapshot copy. ElastiCache does not permit overwriting a snapshot, therefore this name must be unique within its context - ElastiCache or an Amazon S3 bucket if exporting.

  • :target_bucket (String)

    The Amazon S3 bucket to which the snapshot is exported. This parameter is used only when exporting a snapshot for external access.

    When using this parameter to export a snapshot, be sure Amazon ElastiCache has the needed permissions to this S3 bucket. For more information, see Step 2: Grant ElastiCache Access to Your Amazon S3 Bucket in the Amazon ElastiCache User Guide.

    For more information, see Exporting a Snapshot in the Amazon ElastiCache User Guide.

  • :kms_key_id (String)

    The ID of the KMS key used to encrypt the target snapshot.


See Also:

#create_cache_cluster(options = {}) ⇒ Types::CreateCacheClusterResult

Creates a cluster. All nodes in the cluster run the same protocol-compliant cache engine software, either Memcached or Redis.

This operation is not supported for Redis (cluster mode enabled) clusters.


Example: CreateCacheCluster

# Creates a Memcached cluster with 2 nodes. 

resp = client.create_cache_cluster({
  az_mode: "cross-az", 
  cache_cluster_id: "my-memcached-cluster", 
  cache_node_type: "cache.r3.large", 
  cache_subnet_group_name: "default", 
  engine: "memcached", 
  engine_version: "1.4.24", 
  num_cache_nodes: 2, 
  port: 11211, 

# resp.to_h outputs the following:
  cache_cluster: {
    auto_minor_version_upgrade: true, 
    cache_cluster_id: "my-memcached-cluster", 
    cache_cluster_status: "creating", 
    cache_node_type: "cache.r3.large", 
    cache_parameter_group: {
      cache_node_ids_to_reboot: [
      cache_parameter_group_name: "default.memcached1.4", 
      parameter_apply_status: "in-sync", 
    cache_security_groups: [
    cache_subnet_group_name: "default", 
    client_download_landing_page: "", 
    engine: "memcached", 
    engine_version: "1.4.24", 
    num_cache_nodes: 2, 
    pending_modified_values: {
    preferred_availability_zone: "Multiple", 
    preferred_maintenance_window: "wed:09:00-wed:10:00", 

Example: CreateCacheCluster

# Creates a Redis cluster with 1 node. 

resp = client.create_cache_cluster({
  auto_minor_version_upgrade: true, 
  cache_cluster_id: "my-redis", 
  cache_node_type: "cache.r3.larage", 
  cache_subnet_group_name: "default", 
  engine: "redis", 
  engine_version: "3.2.4", 
  num_cache_nodes: 1, 
  port: 6379, 
  preferred_availability_zone: "us-east-1c", 
  snapshot_retention_limit: 7, 

# resp.to_h outputs the following:
  cache_cluster: {
    auto_minor_version_upgrade: true, 
    cache_cluster_id: "my-redis", 
    cache_cluster_status: "creating", 
    cache_node_type: "cache.m3.large", 
    cache_parameter_group: {
      cache_node_ids_to_reboot: [
      cache_parameter_group_name: "default.redis3.2", 
      parameter_apply_status: "in-sync", 
    cache_security_groups: [
    cache_subnet_group_name: "default", 
    client_download_landing_page: "https: // ", 
    engine: "redis", 
    engine_version: "3.2.4", 
    num_cache_nodes: 1, 
    pending_modified_values: {
    preferred_availability_zone: "us-east-1c", 
    preferred_maintenance_window: "fri: 05: 30-fri: 06: 30", 
    snapshot_retention_limit: 7, 
    snapshot_window: "10: 00-11: 00", 

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.create_cache_cluster({
  cache_cluster_id: "String", # required
  replication_group_id: "String",
  az_mode: "single-az", # accepts single-az, cross-az
  preferred_availability_zone: "String",
  preferred_availability_zones: ["String"],
  num_cache_nodes: 1,
  cache_node_type: "String",
  engine: "String",
  engine_version: "String",
  cache_parameter_group_name: "String",
  cache_subnet_group_name: "String",
  cache_security_group_names: ["String"],
  security_group_ids: ["String"],
  tags: [
      key: "String",
      value: "String",
  snapshot_arns: ["String"],
  snapshot_name: "String",
  preferred_maintenance_window: "String",
  port: 1,
  notification_topic_arn: "String",
  auto_minor_version_upgrade: false,
  snapshot_retention_limit: 1,
  snapshot_window: "String",
  auth_token: "String",
  outpost_mode: "single-outpost", # accepts single-outpost, cross-outpost
  preferred_outpost_arn: "String",
  preferred_outpost_arns: ["String"],

Response structure

resp.cache_cluster.cache_cluster_id #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.configuration_endpoint.address #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.configuration_endpoint.port #=> Integer
resp.cache_cluster.client_download_landing_page #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.cache_node_type #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.engine #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.engine_version #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.cache_cluster_status #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.num_cache_nodes #=> Integer
resp.cache_cluster.preferred_availability_zone #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.preferred_outpost_arn #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.cache_cluster_create_time #=> Time
resp.cache_cluster.preferred_maintenance_window #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.pending_modified_values.num_cache_nodes #=> Integer
resp.cache_cluster.pending_modified_values.cache_node_ids_to_remove #=> Array
resp.cache_cluster.pending_modified_values.cache_node_ids_to_remove[0] #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.pending_modified_values.engine_version #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.pending_modified_values.cache_node_type #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.pending_modified_values.auth_token_status #=> String, one of "SETTING", "ROTATING"
resp.cache_cluster.notification_configuration.topic_arn #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.notification_configuration.topic_status #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.cache_security_groups #=> Array
resp.cache_cluster.cache_security_groups[0].cache_security_group_name #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.cache_security_groups[0].status #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.cache_parameter_group.cache_parameter_group_name #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.cache_parameter_group.parameter_apply_status #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.cache_parameter_group.cache_node_ids_to_reboot #=> Array
resp.cache_cluster.cache_parameter_group.cache_node_ids_to_reboot[0] #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.cache_subnet_group_name #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.cache_nodes #=> Array
resp.cache_cluster.cache_nodes[0].cache_node_id #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.cache_nodes[0].cache_node_status #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.cache_nodes[0].cache_node_create_time #=> Time
resp.cache_cluster.cache_nodes[0].endpoint.address #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.cache_nodes[0].endpoint.port #=> Integer
resp.cache_cluster.cache_nodes[0].parameter_group_status #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.cache_nodes[0].source_cache_node_id #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.cache_nodes[0].customer_availability_zone #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.cache_nodes[0].customer_outpost_arn #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.auto_minor_version_upgrade #=> true/false
resp.cache_cluster.security_groups #=> Array
resp.cache_cluster.security_groups[0].security_group_id #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.security_groups[0].status #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.replication_group_id #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.snapshot_retention_limit #=> Integer
resp.cache_cluster.snapshot_window #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.auth_token_enabled #=> true/false
resp.cache_cluster.auth_token_last_modified_date #=> Time
resp.cache_cluster.transit_encryption_enabled #=> true/false
resp.cache_cluster.at_rest_encryption_enabled #=> true/false
resp.cache_cluster.arn #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :cache_cluster_id (required, String)

    The node group (shard) identifier. This parameter is stored as a lowercase string.


    • A name must contain from 1 to 50 alphanumeric characters or hyphens.

    • The first character must be a letter.

    • A name cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens.

  • :replication_group_id (String)

    The ID of the replication group to which this cluster should belong. If this parameter is specified, the cluster is added to the specified replication group as a read replica; otherwise, the cluster is a standalone primary that is not part of any replication group.

    If the specified replication group is Multi-AZ enabled and the Availability Zone is not specified, the cluster is created in Availability Zones that provide the best spread of read replicas across Availability Zones.

    This parameter is only valid if the Engine parameter is redis.

  • :az_mode (String)

    Specifies whether the nodes in this Memcached cluster are created in a single Availability Zone or created across multiple Availability Zones in the cluster\'s region.

    This parameter is only supported for Memcached clusters.

    If the AZMode and PreferredAvailabilityZones are not specified, ElastiCache assumes single-az mode.

  • :preferred_availability_zone (String)

    The EC2 Availability Zone in which the cluster is created.

    All nodes belonging to this cluster are placed in the preferred Availability Zone. If you want to create your nodes across multiple Availability Zones, use PreferredAvailabilityZones.

    Default: System chosen Availability Zone.

  • :preferred_availability_zones (Array<String>)

    A list of the Availability Zones in which cache nodes are created. The order of the zones in the list is not important.

    This option is only supported on Memcached.

    If you are creating your cluster in an Amazon VPC (recommended) you can only locate nodes in Availability Zones that are associated with the subnets in the selected subnet group.

    The number of Availability Zones listed must equal the value of NumCacheNodes.

    If you want all the nodes in the same Availability Zone, use PreferredAvailabilityZone instead, or repeat the Availability Zone multiple times in the list.

    Default: System chosen Availability Zones.

  • :num_cache_nodes (Integer)

    The initial number of cache nodes that the cluster has.

    For clusters running Redis, this value must be 1. For clusters running Memcached, this value must be between 1 and 20.

    If you need more than 20 nodes for your Memcached cluster, please fill out the ElastiCache Limit Increase Request form at

  • :cache_node_type (String)

    The compute and memory capacity of the nodes in the node group (shard).

    The following node types are supported by ElastiCache. Generally speaking, the current generation types provide more memory and computational power at lower cost when compared to their equivalent previous generation counterparts.

    • General purpose:

      • Current generation:

        M6g node types (available only for Redis engine version 5.0.6 onward and for Memcached engine version 1.5.16 onward).

        cache.m6g.large, cache.m6g.xlarge, cache.m6g.2xlarge, cache.m6g.4xlarge, cache.m6g.8xlarge, cache.m6g.12xlarge, cache.m6g.16xlarge

        At this time, M6g node types are available in the following regions: us-east-1, us-west-2, us-east-2, eu-central-1, eu-west-1 and ap-northeast-1.

        M5 node types: cache.m5.large, cache.m5.xlarge, cache.m5.2xlarge, cache.m5.4xlarge, cache.m5.12xlarge, cache.m5.24xlarge

        M4 node types: cache.m4.large, cache.m4.xlarge, cache.m4.2xlarge, cache.m4.4xlarge, cache.m4.10xlarge

        T3 node types: cache.t3.micro, cache.t3.small, cache.t3.medium

        T2 node types: cache.t2.micro, cache.t2.small, cache.t2.medium

      • Previous generation: (not recommended)

        T1 node types: cache.t1.micro

        M1 node types: cache.m1.small, cache.m1.medium, cache.m1.large, cache.m1.xlarge

        M3 node types: cache.m3.medium, cache.m3.large, cache.m3.xlarge, cache.m3.2xlarge

    • Compute optimized:

      • Previous generation: (not recommended)

        C1 node types: cache.c1.xlarge

    • Memory optimized:

      • Current generation:

        R6g node types (available only for Redis engine version 5.0.6 onward and for Memcached engine version 1.5.16 onward).

        cache.r6g.large, cache.r6g.xlarge, cache.r6g.2xlarge, cache.r6g.4xlarge, cache.r6g.8xlarge, cache.r6g.12xlarge, cache.r6g.16xlarge

        At this time, R6g node types are available in the following regions: us-east-1, us-west-2, us-east-2, eu-central-1, eu-west-1 and ap-northeast-1.

        R5 node types: cache.r5.large, cache.r5.xlarge, cache.r5.2xlarge, cache.r5.4xlarge, cache.r5.12xlarge, cache.r5.24xlarge

        R4 node types: cache.r4.large, cache.r4.xlarge, cache.r4.2xlarge, cache.r4.4xlarge, cache.r4.8xlarge, cache.r4.16xlarge

      • Previous generation: (not recommended)

        M2 node types: cache.m2.xlarge, cache.m2.2xlarge, cache.m2.4xlarge

        R3 node types: cache.r3.large, cache.r3.xlarge, cache.r3.2xlarge, cache.r3.4xlarge, cache.r3.8xlarge

    Additional node type info

    • All current generation instance types are created in Amazon VPC by default.

    • Redis append-only files (AOF) are not supported for T1 or T2 instances.

    • Redis Multi-AZ with automatic failover is not supported on T1 instances.

    • Redis configuration variables appendonly and appendfsync are not supported on Redis version 2.8.22 and later.

  • :engine (String)

    The name of the cache engine to be used for this cluster.

    Valid values for this parameter are: memcached | redis

  • :engine_version (String)

    The version number of the cache engine to be used for this cluster. To view the supported cache engine versions, use the DescribeCacheEngineVersions operation.

    Important: You can upgrade to a newer engine version (see Selecting a Cache Engine and Version), but you cannot downgrade to an earlier engine version. If you want to use an earlier engine version, you must delete the existing cluster or replication group and create it anew with the earlier engine version.

  • :cache_parameter_group_name (String)

    The name of the parameter group to associate with this cluster. If this argument is omitted, the default parameter group for the specified engine is used. You cannot use any parameter group which has cluster-enabled='yes' when creating a cluster.

  • :cache_subnet_group_name (String)

    The name of the subnet group to be used for the cluster.

    Use this parameter only when you are creating a cluster in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC).

    If you\'re going to launch your cluster in an Amazon VPC, you need to create a subnet group before you start creating a cluster. For more information, see Subnets and Subnet Groups.

  • :cache_security_group_names (Array<String>)

    A list of security group names to associate with this cluster.

    Use this parameter only when you are creating a cluster outside of an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC).

  • :security_group_ids (Array<String>)

    One or more VPC security groups associated with the cluster.

    Use this parameter only when you are creating a cluster in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC).

  • :tags (Array<Types::Tag>)

    A list of cost allocation tags to be added to this resource.

  • :snapshot_arns (Array<String>)

    A single-element string list containing an Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies a Redis RDB snapshot file stored in Amazon S3. The snapshot file is used to populate the node group (shard). The Amazon S3 object name in the ARN cannot contain any commas.

    This parameter is only valid if the Engine parameter is redis.

    Example of an Amazon S3 ARN: arn:aws:s3:::my_bucket/snapshot1.rdb

  • :snapshot_name (String)

    The name of a Redis snapshot from which to restore data into the new node group (shard). The snapshot status changes to restoring while the new node group (shard) is being created.

    This parameter is only valid if the Engine parameter is redis.

  • :preferred_maintenance_window (String)

    Specifies the weekly time range during which maintenance on the cluster is performed. It is specified as a range in the format ddd:hh24:mi-ddd:hh24:mi (24H Clock UTC). The minimum maintenance window is a 60 minute period. Valid values for ddd are:

    Specifies the weekly time range during which maintenance on the cluster is performed. It is specified as a range in the format ddd:hh24:mi-ddd:hh24:mi (24H Clock UTC). The minimum maintenance window is a 60 minute period.

    Valid values for ddd are:

    • sun

    • mon

    • tue

    • wed

    • thu

    • fri

    • sat

    Example: sun:23:00-mon:01:30

  • :port (Integer)

    The port number on which each of the cache nodes accepts connections.

  • :notification_topic_arn (String)

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) topic to which notifications are sent.

    The Amazon SNS topic owner must be the same as the cluster owner.

  • :auto_minor_version_upgrade (Boolean)

    This parameter is currently disabled.

  • :snapshot_retention_limit (Integer)

    The number of days for which ElastiCache retains automatic snapshots before deleting them. For example, if you set SnapshotRetentionLimit to 5, a snapshot taken today is retained for 5 days before being deleted.

    This parameter is only valid if the Engine parameter is redis.

    Default: 0 (i.e., automatic backups are disabled for this cache cluster).

  • :snapshot_window (String)

    The daily time range (in UTC) during which ElastiCache begins taking a daily snapshot of your node group (shard).

    Example: 05:00-09:00

    If you do not specify this parameter, ElastiCache automatically chooses an appropriate time range.

    This parameter is only valid if the Engine parameter is redis.

  • :auth_token (String)

    Reserved parameter. The password used to access a password protected server.

    Password constraints:

    • Must be only printable ASCII characters.

    • Must be at least 16 characters and no more than 128 characters in length.

    • The only permitted printable special characters are !, &, #, $, ^, <, >, and -. Other printable special characters cannot be used in the AUTH token.

    For more information, see AUTH password at

  • :outpost_mode (String)

    Specifies whether the nodes in the cluster are created in a single outpost or across multiple outposts.

  • :preferred_outpost_arn (String)

    The outpost ARN in which the cache cluster is created.

  • :preferred_outpost_arns (Array<String>)

    The outpost ARNs in which the cache cluster is created.


See Also:

#create_cache_parameter_group(options = {}) ⇒ Types::CreateCacheParameterGroupResult

Creates a new Amazon ElastiCache cache parameter group. An ElastiCache cache parameter group is a collection of parameters and their values that are applied to all of the nodes in any cluster or replication group using the CacheParameterGroup.

A newly created CacheParameterGroup is an exact duplicate of the default parameter group for the CacheParameterGroupFamily. To customize the newly created CacheParameterGroup you can change the values of specific parameters. For more information, see:


Example: CreateCacheParameterGroup

# Creates the Amazon ElastiCache parameter group custom-redis2-8.

resp = client.create_cache_parameter_group({
  cache_parameter_group_family: "redis2.8", 
  cache_parameter_group_name: "custom-redis2-8", 
  description: "Custom Redis 2.8 parameter group.", 

# resp.to_h outputs the following:
  cache_parameter_group: {
    cache_parameter_group_family: "redis2.8", 
    cache_parameter_group_name: "custom-redis2-8", 
    description: "Custom Redis 2.8 parameter group.", 

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.create_cache_parameter_group({
  cache_parameter_group_name: "String", # required
  cache_parameter_group_family: "String", # required
  description: "String", # required

Response structure

resp.cache_parameter_group.cache_parameter_group_name #=> String
resp.cache_parameter_group.cache_parameter_group_family #=> String
resp.cache_parameter_group.description #=> String
resp.cache_parameter_group.is_global #=> true/false
resp.cache_parameter_group.arn #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :cache_parameter_group_name (required, String)

    A user-specified name for the cache parameter group.

  • :cache_parameter_group_family (required, String)

    The name of the cache parameter group family that the cache parameter group can be used with.

    Valid values are: memcached1.4 | memcached1.5 | memcached1.6 | redis2.6 | redis2.8 | redis3.2 | redis4.0 | redis5.0 | redis6.x |

  • :description (required, String)

    A user-specified description for the cache parameter group.


See Also:

#create_cache_security_group(options = {}) ⇒ Types::CreateCacheSecurityGroupResult

Creates a new cache security group. Use a cache security group to control access to one or more clusters.

Cache security groups are only used when you are creating a cluster outside of an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC). If you are creating a cluster inside of a VPC, use a cache subnet group instead. For more information, see CreateCacheSubnetGroup.


Example: CreateCacheSecurityGroup

# Creates an ElastiCache security group. ElastiCache security groups are only for clusters not running in an AWS VPC.

resp = client.create_cache_security_group({
  cache_security_group_name: "my-cache-sec-grp", 
  description: "Example ElastiCache security group.", 

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.create_cache_security_group({
  cache_security_group_name: "String", # required
  description: "String", # required

Response structure

resp.cache_security_group.owner_id #=> String
resp.cache_security_group.cache_security_group_name #=> String
resp.cache_security_group.description #=> String
resp.cache_security_group.ec2_security_groups #=> Array
resp.cache_security_group.ec2_security_groups[0].status #=> String
resp.cache_security_group.ec2_security_groups[0].ec2_security_group_name #=> String
resp.cache_security_group.ec2_security_groups[0].ec2_security_group_owner_id #=> String
resp.cache_security_group.arn #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :cache_security_group_name (required, String)

    A name for the cache security group. This value is stored as a lowercase string.

    Constraints: Must contain no more than 255 alphanumeric characters. Cannot be the word \"Default\".

    Example: mysecuritygroup

  • :description (required, String)

    A description for the cache security group.


See Also:

#create_cache_subnet_group(options = {}) ⇒ Types::CreateCacheSubnetGroupResult

Creates a new cache subnet group.

Use this parameter only when you are creating a cluster in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC).


Example: CreateCacheSubnet

# Creates a new cache subnet group.

resp = client.create_cache_subnet_group({
  cache_subnet_group_description: "Sample subnet group", 
  cache_subnet_group_name: "my-sn-grp2", 
  subnet_ids: [

# resp.to_h outputs the following:
  cache_subnet_group: {
    cache_subnet_group_description: "My subnet group.", 
    cache_subnet_group_name: "my-sn-grp", 
    subnets: [
        subnet_availability_zone: {
          name: "us-east-1a", 
        subnet_identifier: "subnet-6f28c982", 
        subnet_availability_zone: {
          name: "us-east-1c", 
        subnet_identifier: "subnet-bcd382f3", 
        subnet_availability_zone: {
          name: "us-east-1b", 
        subnet_identifier: "subnet-845b3e7c0", 
    vpc_id: "vpc-91280df6", 

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.create_cache_subnet_group({
  cache_subnet_group_name: "String", # required
  cache_subnet_group_description: "String", # required
  subnet_ids: ["String"], # required

Response structure

resp.cache_subnet_group.cache_subnet_group_name #=> String
resp.cache_subnet_group.cache_subnet_group_description #=> String
resp.cache_subnet_group.vpc_id #=> String
resp.cache_subnet_group.subnets #=> Array
resp.cache_subnet_group.subnets[0].subnet_identifier #=> String
resp.cache_subnet_group.subnets[0] #=> String
resp.cache_subnet_group.subnets[0].subnet_outpost.subnet_outpost_arn #=> String
resp.cache_subnet_group.arn #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :cache_subnet_group_name (required, String)

    A name for the cache subnet group. This value is stored as a lowercase string.

    Constraints: Must contain no more than 255 alphanumeric characters or hyphens.

    Example: mysubnetgroup

  • :cache_subnet_group_description (required, String)

    A description for the cache subnet group.

  • :subnet_ids (required, Array<String>)

    A list of VPC subnet IDs for the cache subnet group.


See Also:

#create_global_replication_group(options = {}) ⇒ Types::CreateGlobalReplicationGroupResult

Global Datastore for Redis offers fully managed, fast, reliable and secure cross-region replication. Using Global Datastore for Redis, you can create cross-region read replica clusters for ElastiCache for Redis to enable low-latency reads and disaster recovery across regions. For more information, see Replication Across Regions Using Global Datastore.

  • The GlobalReplicationGroupIdSuffix is the name of the Global Datastore.

  • The PrimaryReplicationGroupId represents the name of the primary cluster that accepts writes and will replicate updates to the secondary cluster.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.create_global_replication_group({
  global_replication_group_id_suffix: "String", # required
  global_replication_group_description: "String",
  primary_replication_group_id: "String", # required

Response structure

resp.global_replication_group.global_replication_group_id #=> String
resp.global_replication_group.global_replication_group_description #=> String
resp.global_replication_group.status #=> String
resp.global_replication_group.cache_node_type #=> String
resp.global_replication_group.engine #=> String
resp.global_replication_group.engine_version #=> String
resp.global_replication_group.members #=> Array
resp.global_replication_group.members[0].replication_group_id #=> String
resp.global_replication_group.members[0].replication_group_region #=> String
resp.global_replication_group.members[0].role #=> String
resp.global_replication_group.members[0].automatic_failover #=> String, one of "enabled", "disabled", "enabling", "disabling"
resp.global_replication_group.members[0].status #=> String
resp.global_replication_group.cluster_enabled #=> true/false
resp.global_replication_group.global_node_groups #=> Array
resp.global_replication_group.global_node_groups[0].global_node_group_id #=> String
resp.global_replication_group.global_node_groups[0].slots #=> String
resp.global_replication_group.auth_token_enabled #=> true/false
resp.global_replication_group.transit_encryption_enabled #=> true/false
resp.global_replication_group.at_rest_encryption_enabled #=> true/false
resp.global_replication_group.arn #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :global_replication_group_id_suffix (required, String)

    The suffix name of a Global Datastore. Amazon ElastiCache automatically applies a prefix to the Global Datastore ID when it is created. Each AWS Region has its own prefix. For instance, a Global Datastore ID created in the US-West-1 region will begin with \"dsdfu\" along with the suffix name you provide. The suffix, combined with the auto-generated prefix, guarantees uniqueness of the Global Datastore name across multiple regions.

    For a full list of AWS Regions and their respective Global Datastore iD prefixes, see Using the AWS CLI with Global Datastores .

  • :global_replication_group_description (String)

    Provides details of the Global Datastore

  • :primary_replication_group_id (required, String)

    The name of the primary cluster that accepts writes and will replicate updates to the secondary cluster.


See Also:

#create_replication_group(options = {}) ⇒ Types::CreateReplicationGroupResult

Creates a Redis (cluster mode disabled) or a Redis (cluster mode enabled) replication group.

This API can be used to create a standalone regional replication group or a secondary replication group associated with a Global Datastore.

A Redis (cluster mode disabled) replication group is a collection of clusters, where one of the clusters is a read/write primary and the others are read-only replicas. Writes to the primary are asynchronously propagated to the replicas.

A Redis (cluster mode enabled) replication group is a collection of 1 to 90 node groups (shards). Each node group (shard) has one read/write primary node and up to 5 read-only replica nodes. Writes to the primary are asynchronously propagated to the replicas. Redis (cluster mode enabled) replication groups partition the data across node groups (shards).

When a Redis (cluster mode disabled) replication group has been successfully created, you can add one or more read replicas to it, up to a total of 5 read replicas. If you need to increase or decrease the number of node groups (console: shards), you can avail yourself of ElastiCache for Redis' scaling. For more information, see Scaling ElastiCache for Redis Clusters in the ElastiCache User Guide.

This operation is valid for Redis only.


Example: CreateCacheReplicationGroup

# Creates a Redis replication group with 3 nodes.

resp = client.create_replication_group({
  automatic_failover_enabled: true, 
  cache_node_type: "cache.m3.medium", 
  engine: "redis", 
  engine_version: "2.8.24", 
  num_cache_clusters: 3, 
  replication_group_description: "A Redis replication group.", 
  replication_group_id: "my-redis-rg", 
  snapshot_retention_limit: 30, 

# resp.to_h outputs the following:
  replication_group: {
    automatic_failover: "enabling", 
    description: "A Redis replication group.", 
    member_clusters: [
    pending_modified_values: {
    replication_group_id: "my-redis-rg", 
    snapshotting_cluster_id: "my-redis-rg-002", 
    status: "creating", 

Example: CreateReplicationGroup

# Creates a Redis (cluster mode enabled) replication group with two shards. One shard has one read replica node and the other shard has two read replicas.

resp = client.create_replication_group({
  auto_minor_version_upgrade: true, 
  cache_node_type: "cache.m3.medium", 
  cache_parameter_group_name: "default.redis3.2.cluster.on", 
  engine: "redis", 
  engine_version: "3.2.4", 
  node_group_configuration: [
      primary_availability_zone: "us-east-1c", 
      replica_availability_zones: [
      replica_count: 1, 
      slots: "0-8999", 
      primary_availability_zone: "us-east-1a", 
      replica_availability_zones: [
      replica_count: 2, 
      slots: "9000-16383", 
  num_node_groups: 2, 
  replication_group_description: "A multi-sharded replication group", 
  replication_group_id: "clustered-redis-rg", 
  snapshot_retention_limit: 8, 

# resp.to_h outputs the following:
  replication_group: {
    automatic_failover: "enabled", 
    description: "Sharded replication group", 
    member_clusters: [
    pending_modified_values: {
    replication_group_id: "clustered-redis-rg", 
    snapshot_retention_limit: 8, 
    snapshot_window: "05:30-06:30", 
    status: "creating", 

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.create_replication_group({
  replication_group_id: "String", # required
  replication_group_description: "String", # required
  global_replication_group_id: "String",
  primary_cluster_id: "String",
  automatic_failover_enabled: false,
  multi_az_enabled: false,
  num_cache_clusters: 1,
  preferred_cache_cluster_a_zs: ["String"],
  num_node_groups: 1,
  replicas_per_node_group: 1,
  node_group_configuration: [
      node_group_id: "AllowedNodeGroupId",
      slots: "String",
      replica_count: 1,
      primary_availability_zone: "String",
      replica_availability_zones: ["String"],
      primary_outpost_arn: "String",
      replica_outpost_arns: ["String"],
  cache_node_type: "String",
  engine: "String",
  engine_version: "String",
  cache_parameter_group_name: "String",
  cache_subnet_group_name: "String",
  cache_security_group_names: ["String"],
  security_group_ids: ["String"],
  tags: [
      key: "String",
      value: "String",
  snapshot_arns: ["String"],
  snapshot_name: "String",
  preferred_maintenance_window: "String",
  port: 1,
  notification_topic_arn: "String",
  auto_minor_version_upgrade: false,
  snapshot_retention_limit: 1,
  snapshot_window: "String",
  auth_token: "String",
  transit_encryption_enabled: false,
  at_rest_encryption_enabled: false,
  kms_key_id: "String",
  user_group_ids: ["UserGroupId"],

Response structure

resp.replication_group.replication_group_id #=> String
resp.replication_group.description #=> String
resp.replication_group.global_replication_group_info.global_replication_group_id #=> String
resp.replication_group.global_replication_group_info.global_replication_group_member_role #=> String
resp.replication_group.status #=> String
resp.replication_group.pending_modified_values.primary_cluster_id #=> String
resp.replication_group.pending_modified_values.automatic_failover_status #=> String, one of "enabled", "disabled"
resp.replication_group.pending_modified_values.resharding.slot_migration.progress_percentage #=> Float
resp.replication_group.pending_modified_values.auth_token_status #=> String, one of "SETTING", "ROTATING"
resp.replication_group.pending_modified_values.user_groups.user_group_ids_to_add #=> Array
resp.replication_group.pending_modified_values.user_groups.user_group_ids_to_add[0] #=> String
resp.replication_group.pending_modified_values.user_groups.user_group_ids_to_remove #=> Array
resp.replication_group.pending_modified_values.user_groups.user_group_ids_to_remove[0] #=> String
resp.replication_group.member_clusters #=> Array
resp.replication_group.member_clusters[0] #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups #=> Array
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].node_group_id #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].status #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].primary_endpoint.address #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].primary_endpoint.port #=> Integer
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].reader_endpoint.address #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].reader_endpoint.port #=> Integer
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].slots #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].node_group_members #=> Array
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].node_group_members[0].cache_cluster_id #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].node_group_members[0].cache_node_id #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].node_group_members[0].read_endpoint.address #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].node_group_members[0].read_endpoint.port #=> Integer
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].node_group_members[0].preferred_availability_zone #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].node_group_members[0].preferred_outpost_arn #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].node_group_members[0].current_role #=> String
resp.replication_group.snapshotting_cluster_id #=> String
resp.replication_group.automatic_failover #=> String, one of "enabled", "disabled", "enabling", "disabling"
resp.replication_group.multi_az #=> String, one of "enabled", "disabled"
resp.replication_group.configuration_endpoint.address #=> String
resp.replication_group.configuration_endpoint.port #=> Integer
resp.replication_group.snapshot_retention_limit #=> Integer
resp.replication_group.snapshot_window #=> String
resp.replication_group.cluster_enabled #=> true/false
resp.replication_group.cache_node_type #=> String
resp.replication_group.auth_token_enabled #=> true/false
resp.replication_group.auth_token_last_modified_date #=> Time
resp.replication_group.transit_encryption_enabled #=> true/false
resp.replication_group.at_rest_encryption_enabled #=> true/false
resp.replication_group.member_clusters_outpost_arns #=> Array
resp.replication_group.member_clusters_outpost_arns[0] #=> String
resp.replication_group.kms_key_id #=> String
resp.replication_group.arn #=> String
resp.replication_group.user_group_ids #=> Array
resp.replication_group.user_group_ids[0] #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :replication_group_id (required, String)

    The replication group identifier. This parameter is stored as a lowercase string.


    • A name must contain from 1 to 40 alphanumeric characters or hyphens.

    • The first character must be a letter.

    • A name cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens.

  • :replication_group_description (required, String)

    A user-created description for the replication group.

  • :global_replication_group_id (String)

    The name of the Global Datastore

  • :primary_cluster_id (String)

    The identifier of the cluster that serves as the primary for this replication group. This cluster must already exist and have a status of available.

    This parameter is not required if NumCacheClusters, NumNodeGroups, or ReplicasPerNodeGroup is specified.

  • :automatic_failover_enabled (Boolean)

    Specifies whether a read-only replica is automatically promoted to read/write primary if the existing primary fails.

    AutomaticFailoverEnabled must be enabled for Redis (cluster mode enabled) replication groups.

    Default: false

  • :multi_az_enabled (Boolean)

    A flag indicating if you have Multi-AZ enabled to enhance fault tolerance. For more information, see Minimizing Downtime: Multi-AZ.

  • :num_cache_clusters (Integer)

    The number of clusters this replication group initially has.

    This parameter is not used if there is more than one node group (shard). You should use ReplicasPerNodeGroup instead.

    If AutomaticFailoverEnabled is true, the value of this parameter must be at least 2. If AutomaticFailoverEnabled is false you can omit this parameter (it will default to 1), or you can explicitly set it to a value between 2 and 6.

    The maximum permitted value for NumCacheClusters is 6 (1 primary plus 5 replicas).

  • :preferred_cache_cluster_a_zs (Array<String>)

    A list of EC2 Availability Zones in which the replication group\'s clusters are created. The order of the Availability Zones in the list is the order in which clusters are allocated. The primary cluster is created in the first AZ in the list.

    This parameter is not used if there is more than one node group (shard). You should use NodeGroupConfiguration instead.

    If you are creating your replication group in an Amazon VPC (recommended), you can only locate clusters in Availability Zones associated with the subnets in the selected subnet group.

    The number of Availability Zones listed must equal the value of NumCacheClusters.

    Default: system chosen Availability Zones.

  • :num_node_groups (Integer)

    An optional parameter that specifies the number of node groups (shards) for this Redis (cluster mode enabled) replication group. For Redis (cluster mode disabled) either omit this parameter or set it to 1.

    Default: 1

  • :replicas_per_node_group (Integer)

    An optional parameter that specifies the number of replica nodes in each node group (shard). Valid values are 0 to 5.

  • :node_group_configuration (Array<Types::NodeGroupConfiguration>)

    A list of node group (shard) configuration options. Each node group (shard) configuration has the following members: PrimaryAvailabilityZone, ReplicaAvailabilityZones, ReplicaCount, and Slots.

    If you\'re creating a Redis (cluster mode disabled) or a Redis (cluster mode enabled) replication group, you can use this parameter to individually configure each node group (shard), or you can omit this parameter. However, it is required when seeding a Redis (cluster mode enabled) cluster from a S3 rdb file. You must configure each node group (shard) using this parameter because you must specify the slots for each node group.

  • :cache_node_type (String)

    The compute and memory capacity of the nodes in the node group (shard).

    The following node types are supported by ElastiCache. Generally speaking, the current generation types provide more memory and computational power at lower cost when compared to their equivalent previous generation counterparts.

    • General purpose:

      • Current generation:

        M6g node types (available only for Redis engine version 5.0.6 onward and for Memcached engine version 1.5.16 onward).

        cache.m6g.large, cache.m6g.xlarge, cache.m6g.2xlarge, cache.m6g.4xlarge, cache.m6g.8xlarge, cache.m6g.12xlarge, cache.m6g.16xlarge

        At this time, M6g node types are available in the following regions: us-east-1, us-west-2, us-east-2, eu-central-1, eu-west-1 and ap-northeast-1.

        M5 node types: cache.m5.large, cache.m5.xlarge, cache.m5.2xlarge, cache.m5.4xlarge, cache.m5.12xlarge, cache.m5.24xlarge

        M4 node types: cache.m4.large, cache.m4.xlarge, cache.m4.2xlarge, cache.m4.4xlarge, cache.m4.10xlarge

        T3 node types: cache.t3.micro, cache.t3.small, cache.t3.medium

        T2 node types: cache.t2.micro, cache.t2.small, cache.t2.medium

      • Previous generation: (not recommended)

        T1 node types: cache.t1.micro

        M1 node types: cache.m1.small, cache.m1.medium, cache.m1.large, cache.m1.xlarge

        M3 node types: cache.m3.medium, cache.m3.large, cache.m3.xlarge, cache.m3.2xlarge

    • Compute optimized:

      • Previous generation: (not recommended)

        C1 node types: cache.c1.xlarge

    • Memory optimized:

      • Current generation:

        R6g node types (available only for Redis engine version 5.0.6 onward and for Memcached engine version 1.5.16 onward).

        cache.r6g.large, cache.r6g.xlarge, cache.r6g.2xlarge, cache.r6g.4xlarge, cache.r6g.8xlarge, cache.r6g.12xlarge, cache.r6g.16xlarge

        At this time, R6g node types are available in the following regions: us-east-1, us-west-2, us-east-2, eu-central-1, eu-west-1 and ap-northeast-1.

        R5 node types: cache.r5.large, cache.r5.xlarge, cache.r5.2xlarge, cache.r5.4xlarge, cache.r5.12xlarge, cache.r5.24xlarge

        R4 node types: cache.r4.large, cache.r4.xlarge, cache.r4.2xlarge, cache.r4.4xlarge, cache.r4.8xlarge, cache.r4.16xlarge

      • Previous generation: (not recommended)

        M2 node types: cache.m2.xlarge, cache.m2.2xlarge, cache.m2.4xlarge

        R3 node types: cache.r3.large, cache.r3.xlarge, cache.r3.2xlarge, cache.r3.4xlarge, cache.r3.8xlarge

    Additional node type info

    • All current generation instance types are created in Amazon VPC by default.

    • Redis append-only files (AOF) are not supported for T1 or T2 instances.

    • Redis Multi-AZ with automatic failover is not supported on T1 instances.

    • Redis configuration variables appendonly and appendfsync are not supported on Redis version 2.8.22 and later.

  • :engine (String)

    The name of the cache engine to be used for the clusters in this replication group.

  • :engine_version (String)

    The version number of the cache engine to be used for the clusters in this replication group. To view the supported cache engine versions, use the DescribeCacheEngineVersions operation.

    Important: You can upgrade to a newer engine version (see Selecting a Cache Engine and Version) in the ElastiCache User Guide, but you cannot downgrade to an earlier engine version. If you want to use an earlier engine version, you must delete the existing cluster or replication group and create it anew with the earlier engine version.

  • :cache_parameter_group_name (String)

    The name of the parameter group to associate with this replication group. If this argument is omitted, the default cache parameter group for the specified engine is used.

    If you are restoring to an engine version that is different than the original, you must specify the default version of that version. For example, CacheParameterGroupName=default.redis4.0.

    If you are running Redis version 3.2.4 or later, only one node group (shard), and want to use a default parameter group, we recommend that you specify the parameter group by name.

    • To create a Redis (cluster mode disabled) replication group, use CacheParameterGroupName=default.redis3.2.

    • To create a Redis (cluster mode enabled) replication group, use CacheParameterGroupName=default.redis3.2.cluster.on.

  • :cache_subnet_group_name (String)

    The name of the cache subnet group to be used for the replication group.

    If you\'re going to launch your cluster in an Amazon VPC, you need to create a subnet group before you start creating a cluster. For more information, see Subnets and Subnet Groups.

  • :cache_security_group_names (Array<String>)

    A list of cache security group names to associate with this replication group.

  • :security_group_ids (Array<String>)

    One or more Amazon VPC security groups associated with this replication group.

    Use this parameter only when you are creating a replication group in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC).

  • :tags (Array<Types::Tag>)

    A list of cost allocation tags to be added to this resource. Tags are comma-separated key,value pairs (e.g. Key=myKey, Value=myKeyValue. You can include multiple tags as shown following: Key=myKey, Value=myKeyValue Key=mySecondKey, Value=mySecondKeyValue.

  • :snapshot_arns (Array<String>)

    A list of Amazon Resource Names (ARN) that uniquely identify the Redis RDB snapshot files stored in Amazon S3. The snapshot files are used to populate the new replication group. The Amazon S3 object name in the ARN cannot contain any commas. The new replication group will have the number of node groups (console: shards) specified by the parameter NumNodeGroups or the number of node groups configured by NodeGroupConfiguration regardless of the number of ARNs specified here.

    Example of an Amazon S3 ARN: arn:aws:s3:::my_bucket/snapshot1.rdb

  • :snapshot_name (String)

    The name of a snapshot from which to restore data into the new replication group. The snapshot status changes to restoring while the new replication group is being created.

  • :preferred_maintenance_window (String)

    Specifies the weekly time range during which maintenance on the cluster is performed. It is specified as a range in the format ddd:hh24:mi-ddd:hh24:mi (24H Clock UTC). The minimum maintenance window is a 60 minute period. Valid values for ddd are:

    Specifies the weekly time range during which maintenance on the cluster is performed. It is specified as a range in the format ddd:hh24:mi-ddd:hh24:mi (24H Clock UTC). The minimum maintenance window is a 60 minute period.

    Valid values for ddd are:

    • sun

    • mon

    • tue

    • wed

    • thu

    • fri

    • sat

    Example: sun:23:00-mon:01:30

  • :port (Integer)

    The port number on which each member of the replication group accepts connections.

  • :notification_topic_arn (String)

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) topic to which notifications are sent.

    The Amazon SNS topic owner must be the same as the cluster owner.

  • :auto_minor_version_upgrade (Boolean)

    This parameter is currently disabled.

  • :snapshot_retention_limit (Integer)

    The number of days for which ElastiCache retains automatic snapshots before deleting them. For example, if you set SnapshotRetentionLimit to 5, a snapshot that was taken today is retained for 5 days before being deleted.

    Default: 0 (i.e., automatic backups are disabled for this cluster).

  • :snapshot_window (String)

    The daily time range (in UTC) during which ElastiCache begins taking a daily snapshot of your node group (shard).

    Example: 05:00-09:00

    If you do not specify this parameter, ElastiCache automatically chooses an appropriate time range.

  • :auth_token (String)

    Reserved parameter. The password used to access a password protected server.

    AuthToken can be specified only on replication groups where TransitEncryptionEnabled is true.

    For HIPAA compliance, you must specify TransitEncryptionEnabled as true, an AuthToken, and a CacheSubnetGroup.

    Password constraints:

    • Must be only printable ASCII characters.

    • Must be at least 16 characters and no more than 128 characters in length.

    • The only permitted printable special characters are !, &, #, $, ^, <, >, and -. Other printable special characters cannot be used in the AUTH token.

    For more information, see AUTH password at

  • :transit_encryption_enabled (Boolean)

    A flag that enables in-transit encryption when set to true.

    You cannot modify the value of TransitEncryptionEnabled after the cluster is created. To enable in-transit encryption on a cluster you must set TransitEncryptionEnabled to true when you create a cluster.

    This parameter is valid only if the Engine parameter is redis, the EngineVersion parameter is 3.2.6, 4.x or later, and the cluster is being created in an Amazon VPC.

    If you enable in-transit encryption, you must also specify a value for CacheSubnetGroup.

    Required: Only available when creating a replication group in an Amazon VPC using redis version 3.2.6, 4.x or later.

    Default: false

    For HIPAA compliance, you must specify TransitEncryptionEnabled as true, an AuthToken, and a CacheSubnetGroup.

  • :at_rest_encryption_enabled (Boolean)

    A flag that enables encryption at rest when set to true.

    You cannot modify the value of AtRestEncryptionEnabled after the replication group is created. To enable encryption at rest on a replication group you must set AtRestEncryptionEnabled to true when you create the replication group.

    Required: Only available when creating a replication group in an Amazon VPC using redis version 3.2.6, 4.x or later.

    Default: false

  • :kms_key_id (String)

    The ID of the KMS key used to encrypt the disk in the cluster.

  • :user_group_ids (Array<String>)

    The list of user groups to associate with the replication group.


See Also:

#create_snapshot(options = {}) ⇒ Types::CreateSnapshotResult

Creates a copy of an entire cluster or replication group at a specific moment in time.

This operation is valid for Redis only.


Example: CreateSnapshot - NonClustered Redis, no read-replicas

# Creates a snapshot of a non-clustered Redis cluster that has only one node.

resp = client.create_snapshot({
  cache_cluster_id: "onenoderedis", 
  snapshot_name: "snapshot-1", 

# resp.to_h outputs the following:
  snapshot: {
    auto_minor_version_upgrade: true, 
    cache_cluster_create_time: Time.parse("2017-02-03T15:43:36.278Z"), 
    cache_cluster_id: "onenoderedis", 
    cache_node_type: "cache.m3.medium", 
    cache_parameter_group_name: "default.redis3.2", 
    cache_subnet_group_name: "default", 
    engine: "redis", 
    engine_version: "3.2.4", 
    node_snapshots: [
        cache_node_create_time: Time.parse("2017-02-03T15:43:36.278Z"), 
        cache_node_id: "0001", 
        cache_size: "", 
    num_cache_nodes: 1, 
    port: 6379, 
    preferred_availability_zone: "us-west-2c", 
    preferred_maintenance_window: "sat:08:00-sat:09:00", 
    snapshot_name: "snapshot-1", 
    snapshot_retention_limit: 1, 
    snapshot_source: "manual", 
    snapshot_status: "creating", 
    snapshot_window: "00:00-01:00", 
    vpc_id: "vpc-73c3cd17", 

Example: CreateSnapshot - NonClustered Redis, 2 read-replicas

# Creates a snapshot of a non-clustered Redis cluster that has only three nodes, primary and two read-replicas. CacheClusterId must be a specific node in the cluster.

resp = client.create_snapshot({
  cache_cluster_id: "threenoderedis-001", 
  snapshot_name: "snapshot-2", 

# resp.to_h outputs the following:
  snapshot: {
    auto_minor_version_upgrade: true, 
    cache_cluster_create_time: Time.parse("2017-02-03T15:43:36.278Z"), 
    cache_cluster_id: "threenoderedis-001", 
    cache_node_type: "cache.m3.medium", 
    cache_parameter_group_name: "default.redis3.2", 
    cache_subnet_group_name: "default", 
    engine: "redis", 
    engine_version: "3.2.4", 
    node_snapshots: [
        cache_node_create_time: Time.parse("2017-02-03T15:43:36.278Z"), 
        cache_node_id: "0001", 
        cache_size: "", 
    num_cache_nodes: 1, 
    port: 6379, 
    preferred_availability_zone: "us-west-2c", 
    preferred_maintenance_window: "sat:08:00-sat:09:00", 
    snapshot_name: "snapshot-2", 
    snapshot_retention_limit: 1, 
    snapshot_source: "manual", 
    snapshot_status: "creating", 
    snapshot_window: "00:00-01:00", 
    vpc_id: "vpc-73c3cd17", 

Example: CreateSnapshot-clustered Redis

# Creates a snapshot of a clustered Redis cluster that has 2 shards, each with a primary and 4 read-replicas.

resp = client.create_snapshot({
  replication_group_id: "clusteredredis", 
  snapshot_name: "snapshot-2x5", 

# resp.to_h outputs the following:
  snapshot: {
    auto_minor_version_upgrade: true, 
    automatic_failover: "enabled", 
    cache_node_type: "cache.m3.medium", 
    cache_parameter_group_name: "default.redis3.2.cluster.on", 
    cache_subnet_group_name: "default", 
    engine: "redis", 
    engine_version: "3.2.4", 
    node_snapshots: [
        cache_size: "", 
        node_group_id: "0001", 
        cache_size: "", 
        node_group_id: "0002", 
    num_node_groups: 2, 
    port: 6379, 
    preferred_maintenance_window: "mon:09:30-mon:10:30", 
    replication_group_description: "Redis cluster with 2 shards.", 
    replication_group_id: "clusteredredis", 
    snapshot_name: "snapshot-2x5", 
    snapshot_retention_limit: 1, 
    snapshot_source: "manual", 
    snapshot_status: "creating", 
    snapshot_window: "12:00-13:00", 
    vpc_id: "vpc-73c3cd17", 

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.create_snapshot({
  replication_group_id: "String",
  cache_cluster_id: "String",
  snapshot_name: "String", # required
  kms_key_id: "String",

Response structure

resp.snapshot.snapshot_name #=> String
resp.snapshot.replication_group_id #=> String
resp.snapshot.replication_group_description #=> String
resp.snapshot.cache_cluster_id #=> String
resp.snapshot.snapshot_status #=> String
resp.snapshot.snapshot_source #=> String
resp.snapshot.cache_node_type #=> String
resp.snapshot.engine #=> String
resp.snapshot.engine_version #=> String
resp.snapshot.num_cache_nodes #=> Integer
resp.snapshot.preferred_availability_zone #=> String
resp.snapshot.preferred_outpost_arn #=> String
resp.snapshot.cache_cluster_create_time #=> Time
resp.snapshot.preferred_maintenance_window #=> String
resp.snapshot.topic_arn #=> String
resp.snapshot.port #=> Integer
resp.snapshot.cache_parameter_group_name #=> String
resp.snapshot.cache_subnet_group_name #=> String
resp.snapshot.vpc_id #=> String
resp.snapshot.auto_minor_version_upgrade #=> true/false
resp.snapshot.snapshot_retention_limit #=> Integer
resp.snapshot.snapshot_window #=> String
resp.snapshot.num_node_groups #=> Integer
resp.snapshot.automatic_failover #=> String, one of "enabled", "disabled", "enabling", "disabling"
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots #=> Array
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].cache_cluster_id #=> String
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].node_group_id #=> String
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].cache_node_id #=> String
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].node_group_configuration.node_group_id #=> String
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].node_group_configuration.slots #=> String
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].node_group_configuration.replica_count #=> Integer
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].node_group_configuration.primary_availability_zone #=> String
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].node_group_configuration.replica_availability_zones #=> Array
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].node_group_configuration.replica_availability_zones[0] #=> String
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].node_group_configuration.primary_outpost_arn #=> String
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].node_group_configuration.replica_outpost_arns #=> Array
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].node_group_configuration.replica_outpost_arns[0] #=> String
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].cache_size #=> String
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].cache_node_create_time #=> Time
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].snapshot_create_time #=> Time
resp.snapshot.kms_key_id #=> String
resp.snapshot.arn #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :replication_group_id (String)

    The identifier of an existing replication group. The snapshot is created from this replication group.

  • :cache_cluster_id (String)

    The identifier of an existing cluster. The snapshot is created from this cluster.

  • :snapshot_name (required, String)

    A name for the snapshot being created.

  • :kms_key_id (String)

    The ID of the KMS key used to encrypt the snapshot.


See Also:

#create_user(options = {}) ⇒ Types::User

For Redis engine version 6.x onwards: Creates a Redis user. For more information, see Using Role Based Access Control (RBAC).


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.create_user({
  user_id: "UserId", # required
  user_name: "UserName", # required
  engine: "EngineType", # required
  passwords: ["String"],
  access_string: "AccessString", # required
  no_password_required: false,

Response structure

resp.user_id #=> String
resp.user_name #=> String
resp.status #=> String
resp.engine #=> String
resp.access_string #=> String
resp.user_group_ids #=> Array
resp.user_group_ids[0] #=> String
resp.authentication.type #=> String, one of "password", "no-password"
resp.authentication.password_count #=> Integer
resp.arn #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :user_id (required, String)

    The ID of the user.

  • :user_name (required, String)

    The username of the user.

  • :engine (required, String)

    Must be Redis.

  • :passwords (Array<String>)

    Passwords used for this user account. You can create up to two passwords for each user.

  • :access_string (required, String)

    Access permissions string used for this user account.

  • :no_password_required (Boolean)

    Indicates a password is not required for this user account.


See Also:

#create_user_group(options = {}) ⇒ Types::UserGroup

For Redis engine version 6.x onwards: Creates a Redis user group. For more information, see Using Role Based Access Control (RBAC)


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.create_user_group({
  user_group_id: "String", # required
  engine: "EngineType", # required
  user_ids: ["UserId"],

Response structure

resp.user_group_id #=> String
resp.status #=> String
resp.engine #=> String
resp.user_ids #=> Array
resp.user_ids[0] #=> String
resp.pending_changes.user_ids_to_remove #=> Array
resp.pending_changes.user_ids_to_remove[0] #=> String
resp.pending_changes.user_ids_to_add #=> Array
resp.pending_changes.user_ids_to_add[0] #=> String
resp.replication_groups #=> Array
resp.replication_groups[0] #=> String
resp.arn #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :user_group_id (required, String)

    The ID of the user group.

  • :engine (required, String)

    Must be Redis.

  • :user_ids (Array<String>)

    The list of user IDs that belong to the user group.


See Also:

#decrease_node_groups_in_global_replication_group(options = {}) ⇒ Types::DecreaseNodeGroupsInGlobalReplicationGroupResult

Decreases the number of node groups in a Global Datastore


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.decrease_node_groups_in_global_replication_group({
  global_replication_group_id: "String", # required
  node_group_count: 1, # required
  global_node_groups_to_remove: ["String"],
  global_node_groups_to_retain: ["String"],
  apply_immediately: false, # required

Response structure

resp.global_replication_group.global_replication_group_id #=> String
resp.global_replication_group.global_replication_group_description #=> String
resp.global_replication_group.status #=> String
resp.global_replication_group.cache_node_type #=> String
resp.global_replication_group.engine #=> String
resp.global_replication_group.engine_version #=> String
resp.global_replication_group.members #=> Array
resp.global_replication_group.members[0].replication_group_id #=> String
resp.global_replication_group.members[0].replication_group_region #=> String
resp.global_replication_group.members[0].role #=> String
resp.global_replication_group.members[0].automatic_failover #=> String, one of "enabled", "disabled", "enabling", "disabling"
resp.global_replication_group.members[0].status #=> String
resp.global_replication_group.cluster_enabled #=> true/false
resp.global_replication_group.global_node_groups #=> Array
resp.global_replication_group.global_node_groups[0].global_node_group_id #=> String
resp.global_replication_group.global_node_groups[0].slots #=> String
resp.global_replication_group.auth_token_enabled #=> true/false
resp.global_replication_group.transit_encryption_enabled #=> true/false
resp.global_replication_group.at_rest_encryption_enabled #=> true/false
resp.global_replication_group.arn #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :global_replication_group_id (required, String)

    The name of the Global Datastore

  • :node_group_count (required, Integer)

    The number of node groups (shards) that results from the modification of the shard configuration

  • :global_node_groups_to_remove (Array<String>)

    If the value of NodeGroupCount is less than the current number of node groups (shards), then either NodeGroupsToRemove or NodeGroupsToRetain is required. NodeGroupsToRemove is a list of NodeGroupIds to remove from the cluster. ElastiCache for Redis will attempt to remove all node groups listed by NodeGroupsToRemove from the cluster.

  • :global_node_groups_to_retain (Array<String>)

    If the value of NodeGroupCount is less than the current number of node groups (shards), then either NodeGroupsToRemove or NodeGroupsToRetain is required. NodeGroupsToRemove is a list of NodeGroupIds to remove from the cluster. ElastiCache for Redis will attempt to remove all node groups listed by NodeGroupsToRemove from the cluster.

  • :apply_immediately (required, Boolean)

    Indicates that the shard reconfiguration process begins immediately. At present, the only permitted value for this parameter is true.


See Also:

#decrease_replica_count(options = {}) ⇒ Types::DecreaseReplicaCountResult

Dynamically decreases the number of replicas in a Redis (cluster mode disabled) replication group or the number of replica nodes in one or more node groups (shards) of a Redis (cluster mode enabled) replication group. This operation is performed with no cluster down time.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.decrease_replica_count({
  replication_group_id: "String", # required
  new_replica_count: 1,
  replica_configuration: [
      node_group_id: "AllowedNodeGroupId", # required
      new_replica_count: 1, # required
      preferred_availability_zones: ["String"],
      preferred_outpost_arns: ["String"],
  replicas_to_remove: ["String"],
  apply_immediately: false, # required

Response structure

resp.replication_group.replication_group_id #=> String
resp.replication_group.description #=> String
resp.replication_group.global_replication_group_info.global_replication_group_id #=> String
resp.replication_group.global_replication_group_info.global_replication_group_member_role #=> String
resp.replication_group.status #=> String
resp.replication_group.pending_modified_values.primary_cluster_id #=> String
resp.replication_group.pending_modified_values.automatic_failover_status #=> String, one of "enabled", "disabled"
resp.replication_group.pending_modified_values.resharding.slot_migration.progress_percentage #=> Float
resp.replication_group.pending_modified_values.auth_token_status #=> String, one of "SETTING", "ROTATING"
resp.replication_group.pending_modified_values.user_groups.user_group_ids_to_add #=> Array
resp.replication_group.pending_modified_values.user_groups.user_group_ids_to_add[0] #=> String
resp.replication_group.pending_modified_values.user_groups.user_group_ids_to_remove #=> Array
resp.replication_group.pending_modified_values.user_groups.user_group_ids_to_remove[0] #=> String
resp.replication_group.member_clusters #=> Array
resp.replication_group.member_clusters[0] #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups #=> Array
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].node_group_id #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].status #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].primary_endpoint.address #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].primary_endpoint.port #=> Integer
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].reader_endpoint.address #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].reader_endpoint.port #=> Integer
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].slots #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].node_group_members #=> Array
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].node_group_members[0].cache_cluster_id #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].node_group_members[0].cache_node_id #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].node_group_members[0].read_endpoint.address #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].node_group_members[0].read_endpoint.port #=> Integer
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].node_group_members[0].preferred_availability_zone #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].node_group_members[0].preferred_outpost_arn #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].node_group_members[0].current_role #=> String
resp.replication_group.snapshotting_cluster_id #=> String
resp.replication_group.automatic_failover #=> String, one of "enabled", "disabled", "enabling", "disabling"
resp.replication_group.multi_az #=> String, one of "enabled", "disabled"
resp.replication_group.configuration_endpoint.address #=> String
resp.replication_group.configuration_endpoint.port #=> Integer
resp.replication_group.snapshot_retention_limit #=> Integer
resp.replication_group.snapshot_window #=> String
resp.replication_group.cluster_enabled #=> true/false
resp.replication_group.cache_node_type #=> String
resp.replication_group.auth_token_enabled #=> true/false
resp.replication_group.auth_token_last_modified_date #=> Time
resp.replication_group.transit_encryption_enabled #=> true/false
resp.replication_group.at_rest_encryption_enabled #=> true/false
resp.replication_group.member_clusters_outpost_arns #=> Array
resp.replication_group.member_clusters_outpost_arns[0] #=> String
resp.replication_group.kms_key_id #=> String
resp.replication_group.arn #=> String
resp.replication_group.user_group_ids #=> Array
resp.replication_group.user_group_ids[0] #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :replication_group_id (required, String)

    The id of the replication group from which you want to remove replica nodes.

  • :new_replica_count (Integer)

    The number of read replica nodes you want at the completion of this operation. For Redis (cluster mode disabled) replication groups, this is the number of replica nodes in the replication group. For Redis (cluster mode enabled) replication groups, this is the number of replica nodes in each of the replication group\'s node groups.

    The minimum number of replicas in a shard or replication group is:

    • Redis (cluster mode disabled)

      • If Multi-AZ is enabled: 1

      • If Multi-AZ is not enabled: 0

    • Redis (cluster mode enabled): 0 (though you will not be able to failover to a replica if your primary node fails)

  • :replica_configuration (Array<Types::ConfigureShard>)

    A list of ConfigureShard objects that can be used to configure each shard in a Redis (cluster mode enabled) replication group. The ConfigureShard has three members: NewReplicaCount, NodeGroupId, and PreferredAvailabilityZones.

  • :replicas_to_remove (Array<String>)

    A list of the node ids to remove from the replication group or node group (shard).

  • :apply_immediately (required, Boolean)

    If True, the number of replica nodes is decreased immediately. ApplyImmediately=False is not currently supported.


See Also:

#delete_cache_cluster(options = {}) ⇒ Types::DeleteCacheClusterResult

Deletes a previously provisioned cluster. DeleteCacheCluster deletes all associated cache nodes, node endpoints and the cluster itself. When you receive a successful response from this operation, Amazon ElastiCache immediately begins deleting the cluster; you cannot cancel or revert this operation.

This operation is not valid for:

  • Redis (cluster mode enabled) clusters

  • A cluster that is the last read replica of a replication group

  • A node group (shard) that has Multi-AZ mode enabled

  • A cluster from a Redis (cluster mode enabled) replication group

  • A cluster that is not in the available state


Example: DeleteCacheCluster

# Deletes an Amazon ElastiCache cluster.

resp = client.delete_cache_cluster({
  cache_cluster_id: "my-memcached", 

# resp.to_h outputs the following:
  cache_cluster: {
    auto_minor_version_upgrade: true, 
    cache_cluster_create_time: Time.parse("2016-12-22T16:05:17.314Z"), 
    cache_cluster_id: "my-memcached", 
    cache_cluster_status: "deleting", 
    cache_node_type: "cache.r3.large", 
    cache_parameter_group: {
      cache_node_ids_to_reboot: [
      cache_parameter_group_name: "default.memcached1.4", 
      parameter_apply_status: "in-sync", 
    cache_security_groups: [
    cache_subnet_group_name: "default", 
    client_download_landing_page: "", 
    configuration_endpoint: {
      address: "", 
      port: 11211, 
    engine: "memcached", 
    engine_version: "1.4.24", 
    num_cache_nodes: 2, 
    pending_modified_values: {
    preferred_availability_zone: "Multiple", 
    preferred_maintenance_window: "tue:07:30-tue:08:30", 

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.delete_cache_cluster({
  cache_cluster_id: "String", # required
  final_snapshot_identifier: "String",

Response structure

resp.cache_cluster.cache_cluster_id #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.configuration_endpoint.address #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.configuration_endpoint.port #=> Integer
resp.cache_cluster.client_download_landing_page #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.cache_node_type #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.engine #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.engine_version #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.cache_cluster_status #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.num_cache_nodes #=> Integer
resp.cache_cluster.preferred_availability_zone #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.preferred_outpost_arn #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.cache_cluster_create_time #=> Time
resp.cache_cluster.preferred_maintenance_window #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.pending_modified_values.num_cache_nodes #=> Integer
resp.cache_cluster.pending_modified_values.cache_node_ids_to_remove #=> Array
resp.cache_cluster.pending_modified_values.cache_node_ids_to_remove[0] #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.pending_modified_values.engine_version #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.pending_modified_values.cache_node_type #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.pending_modified_values.auth_token_status #=> String, one of "SETTING", "ROTATING"
resp.cache_cluster.notification_configuration.topic_arn #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.notification_configuration.topic_status #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.cache_security_groups #=> Array
resp.cache_cluster.cache_security_groups[0].cache_security_group_name #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.cache_security_groups[0].status #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.cache_parameter_group.cache_parameter_group_name #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.cache_parameter_group.parameter_apply_status #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.cache_parameter_group.cache_node_ids_to_reboot #=> Array
resp.cache_cluster.cache_parameter_group.cache_node_ids_to_reboot[0] #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.cache_subnet_group_name #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.cache_nodes #=> Array
resp.cache_cluster.cache_nodes[0].cache_node_id #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.cache_nodes[0].cache_node_status #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.cache_nodes[0].cache_node_create_time #=> Time
resp.cache_cluster.cache_nodes[0].endpoint.address #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.cache_nodes[0].endpoint.port #=> Integer
resp.cache_cluster.cache_nodes[0].parameter_group_status #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.cache_nodes[0].source_cache_node_id #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.cache_nodes[0].customer_availability_zone #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.cache_nodes[0].customer_outpost_arn #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.auto_minor_version_upgrade #=> true/false
resp.cache_cluster.security_groups #=> Array
resp.cache_cluster.security_groups[0].security_group_id #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.security_groups[0].status #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.replication_group_id #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.snapshot_retention_limit #=> Integer
resp.cache_cluster.snapshot_window #=> String
resp.cache_cluster.auth_token_enabled #=> true/false
resp.cache_cluster.auth_token_last_modified_date #=> Time
resp.cache_cluster.transit_encryption_enabled #=> true/false
resp.cache_cluster.at_rest_encryption_enabled #=> true/false
resp.cache_cluster.arn #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :cache_cluster_id (required, String)

    The cluster identifier for the cluster to be deleted. This parameter is not case sensitive.

  • :final_snapshot_identifier (String)

    The user-supplied name of a final cluster snapshot. This is the unique name that identifies the snapshot. ElastiCache creates the snapshot, and then deletes the cluster immediately afterward.


See Also:

#delete_cache_parameter_group(options = {}) ⇒ Struct

Deletes the specified cache parameter group. You cannot delete a cache parameter group if it is associated with any cache clusters.


Example: DeleteCacheParameterGroup

# Deletes the Amazon ElastiCache parameter group custom-mem1-4.

resp = client.delete_cache_parameter_group({
  cache_parameter_group_name: "custom-mem1-4", 

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.delete_cache_parameter_group({
  cache_parameter_group_name: "String", # required

Options Hash (options):

  • :cache_parameter_group_name (required, String)

    The name of the cache parameter group to delete.

    The specified cache security group must not be associated with any clusters.


  • (Struct)

    Returns an empty response.

See Also:

#delete_cache_security_group(options = {}) ⇒ Struct

Deletes a cache security group.

You cannot delete a cache security group if it is associated with any clusters.


Example: DeleteCacheSecurityGroup

# Deletes a cache security group.

resp = client.delete_cache_security_group({
  cache_security_group_name: "my-sec-group", 

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.delete_cache_security_group({
  cache_security_group_name: "String", # required

Options Hash (options):

  • :cache_security_group_name (required, String)

    The name of the cache security group to delete.

    You cannot delete the default security group.


  • (Struct)

    Returns an empty response.

See Also:

#delete_cache_subnet_group(options = {}) ⇒ Struct

Deletes a cache subnet group.

You cannot delete a cache subnet group if it is associated with any clusters.


Example: DeleteCacheSubnetGroup

# Deletes the Amazon ElastiCache subnet group my-subnet-group.

resp = client.delete_cache_subnet_group({
  cache_subnet_group_name: "my-subnet-group", 

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.delete_cache_subnet_group({
  cache_subnet_group_name: "String", # required

Options Hash (options):

  • :cache_subnet_group_name (required, String)

    The name of the cache subnet group to delete.

    Constraints: Must contain no more than 255 alphanumeric characters or hyphens.


  • (Struct)

    Returns an empty response.

See Also:

#delete_global_replication_group(options = {}) ⇒ Types::DeleteGlobalReplicationGroupResult

Deleting a Global Datastore is a two-step process:

  • First, you must DisassociateGlobalReplicationGroup to remove the secondary clusters in the Global Datastore.

  • Once the Global Datastore contains only the primary cluster, you can use DeleteGlobalReplicationGroup API to delete the Global Datastore while retainining the primary cluster using Retain…= true.

Since the Global Datastore has only a primary cluster, you can delete the Global Datastore while retaining the primary by setting RetainPrimaryCluster=true.

When you receive a successful response from this operation, Amazon ElastiCache immediately begins deleting the selected resources; you cannot cancel or revert this operation.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.delete_global_replication_group({
  global_replication_group_id: "String", # required
  retain_primary_replication_group: false, # required

Response structure

resp.global_replication_group.global_replication_group_id #=> String
resp.global_replication_group.global_replication_group_description #=> String
resp.global_replication_group.status #=> String
resp.global_replication_group.cache_node_type #=> String
resp.global_replication_group.engine #=> String
resp.global_replication_group.engine_version #=> String
resp.global_replication_group.members #=> Array
resp.global_replication_group.members[0].replication_group_id #=> String
resp.global_replication_group.members[0].replication_group_region #=> String
resp.global_replication_group.members[0].role #=> String
resp.global_replication_group.members[0].automatic_failover #=> String, one of "enabled", "disabled", "enabling", "disabling"
resp.global_replication_group.members[0].status #=> String
resp.global_replication_group.cluster_enabled #=> true/false
resp.global_replication_group.global_node_groups #=> Array
resp.global_replication_group.global_node_groups[0].global_node_group_id #=> String
resp.global_replication_group.global_node_groups[0].slots #=> String
resp.global_replication_group.auth_token_enabled #=> true/false
resp.global_replication_group.transit_encryption_enabled #=> true/false
resp.global_replication_group.at_rest_encryption_enabled #=> true/false
resp.global_replication_group.arn #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :global_replication_group_id (required, String)

    The name of the Global Datastore

  • :retain_primary_replication_group (required, Boolean)

    The primary replication group is retained as a standalone replication group.


See Also:

#delete_replication_group(options = {}) ⇒ Types::DeleteReplicationGroupResult

Deletes an existing replication group. By default, this operation deletes the entire replication group, including the primary/primaries and all of the read replicas. If the replication group has only one primary, you can optionally delete only the read replicas, while retaining the primary by setting RetainPrimaryCluster=true.

When you receive a successful response from this operation, Amazon ElastiCache immediately begins deleting the selected resources; you cannot cancel or revert this operation.

This operation is valid for Redis only.


Example: DeleteReplicationGroup

# Deletes the Amazon ElastiCache replication group my-redis-rg.

resp = client.delete_replication_group({
  replication_group_id: "my-redis-rg", 
  retain_primary_cluster: false, 

# resp.to_h outputs the following:
  replication_group: {
    automatic_failover: "disabled", 
    description: "simple redis cluster", 
    pending_modified_values: {
    replication_group_id: "my-redis-rg", 
    status: "deleting", 

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.delete_replication_group({
  replication_group_id: "String", # required
  retain_primary_cluster: false,
  final_snapshot_identifier: "String",

Response structure

resp.replication_group.replication_group_id #=> String
resp.replication_group.description #=> String
resp.replication_group.global_replication_group_info.global_replication_group_id #=> String
resp.replication_group.global_replication_group_info.global_replication_group_member_role #=> String
resp.replication_group.status #=> String
resp.replication_group.pending_modified_values.primary_cluster_id #=> String
resp.replication_group.pending_modified_values.automatic_failover_status #=> String, one of "enabled", "disabled"
resp.replication_group.pending_modified_values.resharding.slot_migration.progress_percentage #=> Float
resp.replication_group.pending_modified_values.auth_token_status #=> String, one of "SETTING", "ROTATING"
resp.replication_group.pending_modified_values.user_groups.user_group_ids_to_add #=> Array
resp.replication_group.pending_modified_values.user_groups.user_group_ids_to_add[0] #=> String
resp.replication_group.pending_modified_values.user_groups.user_group_ids_to_remove #=> Array
resp.replication_group.pending_modified_values.user_groups.user_group_ids_to_remove[0] #=> String
resp.replication_group.member_clusters #=> Array
resp.replication_group.member_clusters[0] #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups #=> Array
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].node_group_id #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].status #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].primary_endpoint.address #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].primary_endpoint.port #=> Integer
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].reader_endpoint.address #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].reader_endpoint.port #=> Integer
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].slots #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].node_group_members #=> Array
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].node_group_members[0].cache_cluster_id #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].node_group_members[0].cache_node_id #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].node_group_members[0].read_endpoint.address #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].node_group_members[0].read_endpoint.port #=> Integer
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].node_group_members[0].preferred_availability_zone #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].node_group_members[0].preferred_outpost_arn #=> String
resp.replication_group.node_groups[0].node_group_members[0].current_role #=> String
resp.replication_group.snapshotting_cluster_id #=> String
resp.replication_group.automatic_failover #=> String, one of "enabled", "disabled", "enabling", "disabling"
resp.replication_group.multi_az #=> String, one of "enabled", "disabled"
resp.replication_group.configuration_endpoint.address #=> String
resp.replication_group.configuration_endpoint.port #=> Integer
resp.replication_group.snapshot_retention_limit #=> Integer
resp.replication_group.snapshot_window #=> String
resp.replication_group.cluster_enabled #=> true/false
resp.replication_group.cache_node_type #=> String
resp.replication_group.auth_token_enabled #=> true/false
resp.replication_group.auth_token_last_modified_date #=> Time
resp.replication_group.transit_encryption_enabled #=> true/false
resp.replication_group.at_rest_encryption_enabled #=> true/false
resp.replication_group.member_clusters_outpost_arns #=> Array
resp.replication_group.member_clusters_outpost_arns[0] #=> String
resp.replication_group.kms_key_id #=> String
resp.replication_group.arn #=> String
resp.replication_group.user_group_ids #=> Array
resp.replication_group.user_group_ids[0] #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :replication_group_id (required, String)

    The identifier for the cluster to be deleted. This parameter is not case sensitive.

  • :retain_primary_cluster (Boolean)

    If set to true, all of the read replicas are deleted, but the primary node is retained.

  • :final_snapshot_identifier (String)

    The name of a final node group (shard) snapshot. ElastiCache creates the snapshot from the primary node in the cluster, rather than one of the replicas; this is to ensure that it captures the freshest data. After the final snapshot is taken, the replication group is immediately deleted.


See Also:

#delete_snapshot(options = {}) ⇒ Types::DeleteSnapshotResult

Deletes an existing snapshot. When you receive a successful response from this operation, ElastiCache immediately begins deleting the snapshot; you cannot cancel or revert this operation.

This operation is valid for Redis only.


Example: DeleteSnapshot

# Deletes the Redis snapshot snapshot-20160822.

resp = client.delete_snapshot({
  snapshot_name: "snapshot-20161212", 

# resp.to_h outputs the following:
  snapshot: {
    auto_minor_version_upgrade: true, 
    cache_cluster_create_time: Time.parse("2016-12-21T22:27:12.543Z"), 
    cache_cluster_id: "my-redis5", 
    cache_node_type: "cache.m3.large", 
    cache_parameter_group_name: "default.redis3.2", 
    cache_subnet_group_name: "default", 
    engine: "redis", 
    engine_version: "3.2.4", 
    node_snapshots: [
        cache_node_create_time: Time.parse("2016-12-21T22:27:12.543Z"), 
        cache_node_id: "0001", 
        cache_size: "3 MB", 
        snapshot_create_time: Time.parse("2016-12-21T22:30:26Z"), 
    num_cache_nodes: 1, 
    port: 6379, 
    preferred_availability_zone: "us-east-1c", 
    preferred_maintenance_window: "fri:05:30-fri:06:30", 
    snapshot_name: "snapshot-20161212", 
    snapshot_retention_limit: 7, 
    snapshot_source: "manual", 
    snapshot_status: "deleting", 
    snapshot_window: "10:00-11:00", 
    vpc_id: "vpc-91280df6", 

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.delete_snapshot({
  snapshot_name: "String", # required

Response structure

resp.snapshot.snapshot_name #=> String
resp.snapshot.replication_group_id #=> String
resp.snapshot.replication_group_description #=> String
resp.snapshot.cache_cluster_id #=> String
resp.snapshot.snapshot_status #=> String
resp.snapshot.snapshot_source #=> String
resp.snapshot.cache_node_type #=> String
resp.snapshot.engine #=> String
resp.snapshot.engine_version #=> String
resp.snapshot.num_cache_nodes #=> Integer
resp.snapshot.preferred_availability_zone #=> String
resp.snapshot.preferred_outpost_arn #=> String
resp.snapshot.cache_cluster_create_time #=> Time
resp.snapshot.preferred_maintenance_window #=> String
resp.snapshot.topic_arn #=> String
resp.snapshot.port #=> Integer
resp.snapshot.cache_parameter_group_name #=> String
resp.snapshot.cache_subnet_group_name #=> String
resp.snapshot.vpc_id #=> String
resp.snapshot.auto_minor_version_upgrade #=> true/false
resp.snapshot.snapshot_retention_limit #=> Integer
resp.snapshot.snapshot_window #=> String
resp.snapshot.num_node_groups #=> Integer
resp.snapshot.automatic_failover #=> String, one of "enabled", "disabled", "enabling", "disabling"
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots #=> Array
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].cache_cluster_id #=> String
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].node_group_id #=> String
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].cache_node_id #=> String
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].node_group_configuration.node_group_id #=> String
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].node_group_configuration.slots #=> String
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].node_group_configuration.replica_count #=> Integer
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].node_group_configuration.primary_availability_zone #=> String
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].node_group_configuration.replica_availability_zones #=> Array
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].node_group_configuration.replica_availability_zones[0] #=> String
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].node_group_configuration.primary_outpost_arn #=> String
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].node_group_configuration.replica_outpost_arns #=> Array
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].node_group_configuration.replica_outpost_arns[0] #=> String
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].cache_size #=> String
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].cache_node_create_time #=> Time
resp.snapshot.node_snapshots[0].snapshot_create_time #=> Time
resp.snapshot.kms_key_id #=> String
resp.snapshot.arn #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :snapshot_name (required, String)

    The name of the snapshot to be deleted.


See Also:

#delete_user(options = {}) ⇒ Types::User

For Redis engine version 6.x onwards: Deletes a user. The user will be removed from all user groups and in turn removed from all replication groups. For more information, see Using Role Based Access Control (RBAC).


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.delete_user({
  user_id: "UserId", # required

Response structure

resp.user_id #=> String
resp.user_name #=> String
resp.status #=> String
resp.engine #=> String
resp.access_string #=> String
resp.user_group_ids #=> Array
resp.user_group_ids[0] #=> String
resp.authentication.type #=> String, one of "password", "no-password"
resp.authentication.password_count #=> Integer
resp.arn #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :user_id (required, String)

    The ID of the user.


See Also:

#delete_user_group(options = {}) ⇒ Types::UserGroup

For Redis engine version 6.x onwards: Deletes a ser group. The user group must first be disassociated from the replcation group before it can be deleted. For more information, see Using Role Based Access Control (RBAC).


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.delete_user_group({
  user_group_id: "String", # required

Response structure

resp.user_group_id #=> String
resp.status #=> String
resp.engine #=> String
resp.user_ids #=> Array
resp.user_ids[0] #=> String
resp.pending_changes.user_ids_to_remove #=> Array
resp.pending_changes.user_ids_to_remove[0] #=> String
resp.pending_changes.user_ids_to_add #=> Array
resp.pending_changes.user_ids_to_add[0] #=> String
resp.replication_groups #=> Array
resp.replication_groups[0] #=> String
resp.arn #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :user_group_id (required, String)

    The ID of the user group.


See Also:

#describe_cache_clusters(options = {}) ⇒ Types::CacheClusterMessage

Returns information about all provisioned clusters if no cluster identifier is specified, or about a specific cache cluster if a cluster identifier is supplied.

By default, abbreviated information about the clusters is returned. You can use the optional ShowCacheNodeInfo flag to retrieve detailed information about the cache nodes associated with the clusters. These details include the DNS address and port for the cache node endpoint.

If the cluster is in the creating state, only cluster-level information is displayed until all of the nodes are successfully provisioned.

If the cluster is in the deleting state, only cluster-level information is displayed.

If cache nodes are currently being added to the cluster, node endpoint information and creation time for the additional nodes are not displayed until they are completely provisioned. When the cluster state is available, the cluster is ready for use.

If cache nodes are currently being removed from the cluster, no endpoint information for the removed nodes is displayed.


Example: DescribeCacheClusters

# Lists the details for up to 50 cache clusters.

resp = client.describe_cache_clusters({
  cache_cluster_id: "my-mem-cluster", 

# resp.to_h outputs the following:
  cache_clusters: [
      auto_minor_version_upgrade: true, 
      cache_cluster_create_time: Time.parse("2016-12-21T21:59:43.794Z"), 
      cache_cluster_id: "my-mem-cluster", 
      cache_cluster_status: "available", 
      cache_node_type: "cache.t2.medium", 
      cache_parameter_group: {
        cache_node_ids_to_reboot: [
        cache_parameter_group_name: "default.memcached1.4", 
        parameter_apply_status: "in-sync", 
      cache_security_groups: [
      cache_subnet_group_name: "default", 
      client_download_landing_page: "", 
      configuration_endpoint: {
        address: "", 
        port: 11211, 
      engine: "memcached", 
      engine_version: "1.4.24", 
      num_cache_nodes: 2, 
      pending_modified_values: {
      preferred_availability_zone: "Multiple", 
      preferred_maintenance_window: "wed:06:00-wed:07:00", 

Example: DescribeCacheClusters

# Lists the details for the cache cluster my-mem-cluster.

resp = client.describe_cache_clusters({
  cache_cluster_id: "my-mem-cluster", 
  show_cache_node_info: true, 

# resp.to_h outputs the following:
  cache_clusters: [
      auto_minor_version_upgrade: true, 
      cache_cluster_create_time: Time.parse("2016-12-21T21:59:43.794Z"), 
      cache_cluster_id: "my-mem-cluster", 
      cache_cluster_status: "available", 
      cache_node_type: "cache.t2.medium", 
      cache_nodes: [
          cache_node_create_time: Time.parse("2016-12-21T21:59:43.794Z"), 
          cache_node_id: "0001", 
          cache_node_status: "available", 
          customer_availability_zone: "us-east-1b", 
          endpoint: {
            address: "", 
            port: 11211, 
          parameter_group_status: "in-sync", 
          cache_node_create_time: Time.parse("2016-12-21T21:59:43.794Z"), 
          cache_node_id: "0002", 
          cache_node_status: "available", 
          customer_availability_zone: "us-east-1a", 
          endpoint: {
            address: "", 
            port: 11211, 
          parameter_group_status: "in-sync", 
      cache_parameter_group: {
        cache_node_ids_to_reboot: [
        cache_parameter_group_name: "default.memcached1.4", 
        parameter_apply_status: "in-sync", 
      cache_security_groups: [
      cache_subnet_group_name: "default", 
      client_download_landing_page: "", 
      configuration_endpoint: {
        address: "", 
        port: 11211, 
      engine: "memcached", 
      engine_version: "1.4.24", 
      num_cache_nodes: 2, 
      pending_modified_values: {
      preferred_availability_zone: "Multiple", 
      preferred_maintenance_window: "wed:06:00-wed:07:00", 

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.describe_cache_clusters({
  cache_cluster_id: "String",
  max_records: 1,
  marker: "String",
  show_cache_node_info: false,
  show_cache_clusters_not_in_replication_groups: false,

Response structure

resp.marker #=> String
resp.cache_clusters #=> Array
resp.cache_clusters[0].cache_cluster_id #=> String
resp.cache_clusters[0].configuration_endpoint.address #=> String
resp.cache_clusters[0].configuration_endpoint.port #=> Integer
resp.cache_clusters[0].client_download_landing_page #=> String
resp.cache_clusters[0].cache_node_type #=> String
resp.cache_clusters[0].engine #=> String
resp.cache_clusters[0].engine_version #=> String
resp.cache_clusters[0].cache_cluster_status #=> String
resp.cache_clusters[0].num_cache_nodes #=> Integer
resp.cache_clusters[0].preferred_availability_zone #=> String
resp.cache_clusters[0].preferred_outpost_arn #=> String
resp.cache_clusters[0].cache_cluster_create_time #=> Time
resp.cache_clusters[0].preferred_maintenance_window #=> String
resp.cache_clusters[0].pending_modified_values.num_cache_nodes #=> Integer
resp.cache_clusters[0].pending_modified_values.cache_node_ids_to_remove #=> Array
resp.cache_clusters[0].pending_modified_values.cache_node_ids_to_remove[0] #=> String
resp.cache_clusters[0].pending_modified_values.engine_version #=> String
resp.cache_clusters[0].pending_modified_values.cache_node_type #=> String
resp.cache_clusters[0].pending_modified_values.auth_token_status #=> String, one of "SETTING", "ROTATING"
resp.cache_clusters[0].notification_configuration.topic_arn #=> String
resp.cache_clusters[0].notification_configuration.topic_status #=> String
resp.cache_clusters[0].cache_security_groups #=> Array
resp.cache_clusters[0].cache_security_groups[0].cache_security_group_name #=> String
resp.cache_clusters[0].cache_security_groups[0].status #=> String
resp.cache_clusters[0].cache_parameter_group.cache_parameter_group_name #=> String
resp.cache_clusters[0].cache_parameter_group.parameter_apply_status #=> String
resp.cache_clusters[0].cache_parameter_group.cache_node_ids_to_reboot #=> Array
resp.cache_clusters[0].cache_parameter_group.cache_node_ids_to_reboot[0] #=> String
resp.cache_clusters[0].cache_subnet_group_name #=> String
resp.cache_clusters[0].cache_nodes #=> Array
resp.cache_clusters[0].cache_nodes[0].cache_node_id #=> String
resp.cache_clusters[0].cache_nodes[0].cache_node_status #=> String
resp.cache_clusters[0].cache_nodes[0].cache_node_create_time #=> Time
resp.cache_clusters[0].cache_nodes[0].endpoint.address #=> String
resp.cache_clusters[0].cache_nodes[0].endpoint.port #=> Integer
resp.cache_clusters[0].cache_nodes[0].parameter_group_status #=> String
resp.cache_clusters[0].cache_nodes[0].source_cache_node_id #=> String
resp.cache_clusters[0].cache_nodes[0].customer_availability_zone #=> String
resp.cache_clusters[0].cache_nodes[0].customer_outpost_arn #=> String
resp.cache_clusters[0].auto_minor_version_upgrade #=> true/false
resp.cache_clusters[0].security_groups #=> Array
resp.cache_clusters[0].security_groups[0].security_group_id #=> String
resp.cache_clusters[0].security_groups[0].status #=> String
resp.cache_clusters[0].replication_group_id #=> String
resp.cache_clusters[0].snapshot_retention_limit #=> Integer
resp.cache_clusters[0].snapshot_window #=> String
resp.cache_clusters[0].auth_token_enabled #=> true/false
resp.cache_clusters[0].auth_token_last_modified_date #=> Time
resp.cache_clusters[0].transit_encryption_enabled #=> true/false
resp.cache_clusters[0].at_rest_encryption_enabled #=> true/false
resp.cache_clusters[0].arn #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :cache_cluster_id (String)

    The user-supplied cluster identifier. If this parameter is specified, only information about that specific cluster is returned. This parameter isn\'t case sensitive.

  • :max_records (Integer)

    The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records exist than the specified MaxRecords value, a marker is included in the response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.

    Default: 100

    Constraints: minimum 20; maximum 100.

  • :marker (String)

    An optional marker returned from a prior request. Use this marker for pagination of results from this operation. If this parameter is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by MaxRecords.

  • :show_cache_node_info (Boolean)

    An optional flag that can be included in the DescribeCacheCluster request to retrieve information about the individual cache nodes.

  • :show_cache_clusters_not_in_replication_groups (Boolean)

    An optional flag that can be included in the DescribeCacheCluster request to show only nodes (API/CLI: clusters) that are not members of a replication group. In practice, this mean Memcached and single node Redis clusters.


See Also:

#describe_cache_engine_versions(options = {}) ⇒ Types::CacheEngineVersionMessage

Returns a list of the available cache engines and their versions.


Example: DescribeCacheEngineVersions

# Lists the details for up to 25 Memcached and Redis cache engine versions.

resp = client.describe_cache_engine_versions({

# resp.to_h outputs the following:
  cache_engine_versions: [
      cache_engine_description: "memcached", 
      cache_engine_version_description: "memcached version 1.4.14", 
      cache_parameter_group_family: "memcached1.4", 
      engine: "memcached", 
      engine_version: "1.4.14", 
      cache_engine_description: "memcached", 
      cache_engine_version_description: "memcached version 1.4.24", 
      cache_parameter_group_family: "memcached1.4", 
      engine: "memcached", 
      engine_version: "1.4.24", 
      cache_engine_description: "memcached", 
      cache_engine_version_description: "memcached version 1.4.33", 
      cache_parameter_group_family: "memcached1.4", 
      engine: "memcached", 
      engine_version: "1.4.33", 
      cache_engine_description: "memcached", 
      cache_engine_version_description: "memcached version 1.4.5", 
      cache_parameter_group_family: "memcached1.4", 
      engine: "memcached", 
      engine_version: "1.4.5", 
      cache_engine_description: "Redis", 
      cache_engine_version_description: "redis version 2.6.13", 
      cache_parameter_group_family: "redis2.6", 
      engine: "redis", 
      engine_version: "2.6.13", 
      cache_engine_description: "Redis", 
      cache_engine_version_description: "redis version 2.8.19", 
      cache_parameter_group_family: "redis2.8", 
      engine: "redis", 
      engine_version: "2.8.19", 
      cache_engine_description: "Redis", 
      cache_engine_version_description: "redis version 2.8.21", 
      cache_parameter_group_family: "redis2.8", 
      engine: "redis", 
      engine_version: "2.8.21", 
      cache_engine_description: "Redis", 
      cache_engine_version_description: "redis version 2.8.22 R5", 
      cache_parameter_group_family: "redis2.8", 
      engine: "redis", 
      engine_version: "2.8.22", 
      cache_engine_description: "Redis", 
      cache_engine_version_description: "redis version 2.8.23 R4", 
      cache_parameter_group_family: "redis2.8", 
      engine: "redis", 
      engine_version: "2.8.23", 
      cache_engine_description: "Redis", 
      cache_engine_version_description: "redis version 2.8.24 R3", 
      cache_parameter_group_family: "redis2.8", 
      engine: "redis", 
      engine_version: "2.8.24", 
      cache_engine_description: "Redis", 
      cache_engine_version_description: "redis version 2.8.6", 
      cache_parameter_group_family: "redis2.8", 
      engine: "redis", 
      engine_version: "2.8.6", 
      cache_engine_description: "Redis", 
      cache_engine_version_description: "redis version 3.2.4", 
      cache_parameter_group_family: "redis3.2", 
      engine: "redis", 
      engine_version: "3.2.4", 

Example: DescribeCacheEngineVersions

# Lists the details for up to 50 Redis cache engine versions.

resp = client.describe_cache_engine_versions({
  default_only: false, 
  engine: "redis", 
  max_records: 50, 

# resp.to_h outputs the following:
  cache_engine_versions: [
      cache_engine_description: "Redis", 
      cache_engine_version_description: "redis version 2.6.13", 
      cache_parameter_group_family: "redis2.6", 
      engine: "redis", 
      engine_version: "2.6.13", 
      cache_engine_description: "Redis", 
      cache_engine_version_description: "redis version 2.8.19", 
      cache_parameter_group_family: "redis2.8", 
      engine: "redis", 
      engine_version: "2.8.19", 
      cache_engine_description: "Redis", 
      cache_engine_version_description: "redis version 2.8.21", 
      cache_parameter_group_family: "redis2.8", 
      engine: "redis", 
      engine_version: "2.8.21", 
      cache_engine_description: "Redis", 
      cache_engine_version_description: "redis version 2.8.22 R5", 
      cache_parameter_group_family: "redis2.8", 
      engine: "redis", 
      engine_version: "2.8.22", 
      cache_engine_description: "Redis", 
      cache_engine_version_description: "redis version 2.8.23 R4", 
      cache_parameter_group_family: "redis2.8", 
      engine: "redis", 
      engine_version: "2.8.23", 
      cache_engine_description: "Redis", 
      cache_engine_version_description: "redis version 2.8.24 R3", 
      cache_parameter_group_family: "redis2.8", 
      engine: "redis", 
      engine_version: "2.8.24", 
      cache_engine_description: "Redis", 
      cache_engine_version_description: "redis version 2.8.6", 
      cache_parameter_group_family: "redis2.8", 
      engine: "redis", 
      engine_version: "2.8.6", 
      cache_engine_description: "Redis", 
      cache_engine_version_description: "redis version 3.2.4", 
      cache_parameter_group_family: "redis3.2", 
      engine: "redis", 
      engine_version: "3.2.4", 
  marker: "", 

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.describe_cache_engine_versions({
  engine: "String",
  engine_version: "String",
  cache_parameter_group_family: "String",
  max_records: 1,
  marker: "String",
  default_only: false,

Response structure

resp.marker #=> String
resp.cache_engine_versions #=> Array
resp.cache_engine_versions[0].engine #=> String
resp.cache_engine_versions[0].engine_version #=> String
resp.cache_engine_versions[0].cache_parameter_group_family #=> String
resp.cache_engine_versions[0].cache_engine_description #=> String
resp.cache_engine_versions[0].cache_engine_version_description #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :engine (String)

    The cache engine to return. Valid values: memcached | redis

  • :engine_version (String)

    The cache engine version to return.

    Example: 1.4.14

  • :cache_parameter_group_family (String)

    The name of a specific cache parameter group family to return details for.

    Valid values are: memcached1.4 | memcached1.5 | memcached1.6 | redis2.6 | redis2.8 | redis3.2 | redis4.0 | redis5.0 | redis6.x |


    • Must be 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters

    • First character must be a letter

    • Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens

  • :max_records (Integer)

    The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records exist than the specified MaxRecords value, a marker is included in the response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.

    Default: 100

    Constraints: minimum 20; maximum 100.

  • :marker (String)

    An optional marker returned from a prior request. Use this marker for pagination of results from this operation. If this parameter is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by MaxRecords.

  • :default_only (Boolean)

    If true, specifies that only the default version of the specified engine or engine and major version combination is to be returned.


See Also:

#describe_cache_parameter_groups(options = {}) ⇒ Types::CacheParameterGroupsMessage

Returns a list of cache parameter group descriptions. If a cache parameter group name is specified, the list contains only the descriptions for that group.


Example: DescribeCacheParameterGroups

# Returns a list of cache parameter group descriptions. If a cache parameter group name is specified, the list contains only the descriptions for that group.

resp = client.describe_cache_parameter_groups({
  cache_parameter_group_name: "custom-mem1-4", 

# resp.to_h outputs the following:
  cache_parameter_groups: [
      cache_parameter_group_family: "memcached1.4", 
      cache_parameter_group_name: "custom-mem1-4", 
      description: "Custom memcache param group", 

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.describe_cache_parameter_groups({
  cache_parameter_group_name: "String",
  max_records: 1,
  marker: "String",

Response structure

resp.marker #=> String
resp.cache_parameter_groups #=> Array
resp.cache_parameter_groups[0].cache_parameter_group_name #=> String
resp.cache_parameter_groups[0].cache_parameter_group_family #=> String
resp.cache_parameter_groups[0].description #=> String
resp.cache_parameter_groups[0].is_global #=> true/false
resp.cache_parameter_groups[0].arn #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :cache_parameter_group_name (String)

    The name of a specific cache parameter group to return details for.

  • :max_records (Integer)

    The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records exist than the specified MaxRecords value, a marker is included in the response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.

    Default: 100

    Constraints: minimum 20; maximum 100.

  • :marker (String)

    An optional marker returned from a prior request. Use this marker for pagination of results from this operation. If this parameter is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by MaxRecords.


See Also:

#describe_cache_parameters(options = {}) ⇒ Types::CacheParameterGroupDetails

Returns the detailed parameter list for a particular cache parameter group.


Example: DescribeCacheParameters

# Lists up to 100 user parameter values for the parameter group custom.redis2.8.

resp = client.describe_cache_parameters({
  cache_parameter_group_name: "custom-redis2-8", 
  max_records: 100, 
  source: "user", 

# resp.to_h outputs the following:
  marker: "", 
  parameters: [
      allowed_values: "yes,no", 
      change_type: "requires-reboot", 
      data_type: "string", 
      description: "Apply rehashing or not.", 
      is_modifiable: true, 
      minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
      parameter_name: "activerehashing", 
      parameter_value: "yes", 
      source: "system", 
      allowed_values: "always,everysec,no", 
      change_type: "immediate", 
      data_type: "string", 
      description: "fsync policy for AOF persistence", 
      is_modifiable: true, 
      minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
      parameter_name: "appendfsync", 
      parameter_value: "everysec", 
      source: "system", 
      allowed_values: "yes,no", 
      change_type: "immediate", 
      data_type: "string", 
      description: "Enable Redis persistence.", 
      is_modifiable: true, 
      minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
      parameter_name: "appendonly", 
      parameter_value: "no", 
      source: "system", 
      allowed_values: "0-", 
      change_type: "immediate", 
      data_type: "integer", 
      description: "Normal client output buffer hard limit in bytes.", 
      is_modifiable: true, 
      minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
      parameter_name: "client-output-buffer-limit-normal-hard-limit", 
      parameter_value: "0", 
      source: "system", 
      allowed_values: "0-", 
      change_type: "immediate", 
      data_type: "integer", 
      description: "Normal client output buffer soft limit in bytes.", 
      is_modifiable: true, 
      minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
      parameter_name: "client-output-buffer-limit-normal-soft-limit", 
      parameter_value: "0", 
      source: "system", 
      allowed_values: "0-", 
      change_type: "immediate", 
      data_type: "integer", 
      description: "Normal client output buffer soft limit in seconds.", 
      is_modifiable: true, 
      minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
      parameter_name: "client-output-buffer-limit-normal-soft-seconds", 
      parameter_value: "0", 
      source: "system", 
      allowed_values: "0-", 
      change_type: "immediate", 
      data_type: "integer", 
      description: "Pubsub client output buffer hard limit in bytes.", 
      is_modifiable: true, 
      minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
      parameter_name: "client-output-buffer-limit-pubsub-hard-limit", 
      parameter_value: "33554432", 
      source: "system", 
      allowed_values: "0-", 
      change_type: "immediate", 
      data_type: "integer", 
      description: "Pubsub client output buffer soft limit in bytes.", 
      is_modifiable: true, 
      minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
      parameter_name: "client-output-buffer-limit-pubsub-soft-limit", 
      parameter_value: "8388608", 
      source: "system", 
      allowed_values: "0-", 
      change_type: "immediate", 
      data_type: "integer", 
      description: "Pubsub client output buffer soft limit in seconds.", 
      is_modifiable: true, 
      minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
      parameter_name: "client-output-buffer-limit-pubsub-soft-seconds", 
      parameter_value: "60", 
      source: "system", 
      allowed_values: "0-", 
      change_type: "immediate", 
      data_type: "integer", 
      description: "Slave client output buffer soft limit in seconds.", 
      is_modifiable: false, 
      minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
      parameter_name: "client-output-buffer-limit-slave-soft-seconds", 
      parameter_value: "60", 
      source: "system", 
      allowed_values: "yes,no", 
      change_type: "immediate", 
      data_type: "string", 
      description: "If enabled, clients who attempt to write to a read-only slave will be disconnected. Applicable to 2.8.23 and higher.", 
      is_modifiable: true, 
      minimum_engine_version: "2.8.23", 
      parameter_name: "close-on-slave-write", 
      parameter_value: "yes", 
      source: "system", 
      allowed_values: "1-1200000", 
      change_type: "requires-reboot", 
      data_type: "integer", 
      description: "Set the number of databases.", 
      is_modifiable: true, 
      minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
      parameter_name: "databases", 
      parameter_value: "16", 
      source: "system", 
      allowed_values: "0-", 
      change_type: "immediate", 
      data_type: "integer", 
      description: "The maximum number of hash entries in order for the dataset to be compressed.", 
      is_modifiable: true, 
      minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
      parameter_name: "hash-max-ziplist-entries", 
      parameter_value: "512", 
      source: "system", 
      allowed_values: "0-", 
      change_type: "immediate", 
      data_type: "integer", 
      description: "The threshold of biggest hash entries in order for the dataset to be compressed.", 
      is_modifiable: true, 
      minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
      parameter_name: "hash-max-ziplist-value", 
      parameter_value: "64", 
      source: "system", 
      allowed_values: "0-", 
      change_type: "immediate", 
      data_type: "integer", 
      description: "The maximum number of list entries in order for the dataset to be compressed.", 
      is_modifiable: true, 
      minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
      parameter_name: "list-max-ziplist-entries", 
      parameter_value: "512", 
      source: "system", 
      allowed_values: "0-", 
      change_type: "immediate", 
      data_type: "integer", 
      description: "The threshold of biggest list entries in order for the dataset to be compressed.", 
      is_modifiable: true, 
      minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
      parameter_name: "list-max-ziplist-value", 
      parameter_value: "64", 
      source: "system", 
      allowed_values: "5000", 
      change_type: "immediate", 
      data_type: "integer", 
      description: "Max execution time of a Lua script in milliseconds. 0 for unlimited execution without warnings.", 
      is_modifiable: false, 
      minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
      parameter_name: "lua-time-limit", 
      parameter_value: "5000", 
      source: "system", 
      allowed_values: "1-65000", 
      change_type: "requires-reboot", 
      data_type: "integer", 
      description: "The maximum number of Redis clients.", 
      is_modifiable: false, 
      minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
      parameter_name: "maxclients", 
      parameter_value: "65000", 
      source: "system", 
      allowed_values: "volatile-lru,allkeys-lru,volatile-random,allkeys-random,volatile-ttl,noeviction", 
      change_type: "immediate", 
      data_type: "string", 
      description: "Max memory policy.", 
      is_modifiable: true, 
      minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
      parameter_name: "maxmemory-policy", 
      parameter_value: "volatile-lru", 
      source: "system", 
      allowed_values: "1-", 
      change_type: "immediate", 
      data_type: "integer", 
      description: "Max memory samples.", 
      is_modifiable: true, 
      minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
      parameter_name: "maxmemory-samples", 
      parameter_value: "3", 
      source: "system", 
      allowed_values: "0-", 
      change_type: "immediate", 
      data_type: "integer", 
      description: "Maximum number of seconds within which the master must receive a ping from a slave to take writes. Use this parameter together with min-slaves-to-write to regulate when the master stops accepting writes. Setting this value to 0 means the master always takes writes.", 
      is_modifiable: true, 
      minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
      parameter_name: "min-slaves-max-lag", 
      parameter_value: "10", 
      source: "system", 
      allowed_values: "0-", 
      change_type: "immediate", 
      data_type: "integer", 
      description: "Number of slaves that must be connected in order for master to take writes. Use this parameter together with min-slaves-max-lag to regulate when the master stops accepting writes. Setting this to 0 means the master always takes writes.", 
      is_modifiable: true, 
      minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
      parameter_name: "min-slaves-to-write", 
      parameter_value: "0", 
      source: "system", 
      change_type: "immediate", 
      data_type: "string", 
      description: "The keyspace events for Redis to notify Pub/Sub clients about. By default all notifications are disabled", 
      is_modifiable: true, 
      minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
      parameter_name: "notify-keyspace-events", 
      source: "system", 
      allowed_values: "16384-", 
      change_type: "immediate", 
      data_type: "integer", 
      description: "The replication backlog size in bytes for PSYNC. This is the size of the buffer which accumulates slave data when slave is disconnected for some time, so that when slave reconnects again, only transfer the portion of data which the slave missed. Minimum value is 16K.", 
      is_modifiable: true, 
      minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
      parameter_name: "repl-backlog-size", 
      parameter_value: "1048576", 
      source: "system", 
      allowed_values: "0-", 
      change_type: "immediate", 
      data_type: "integer", 
      description: "The amount of time in seconds after the master no longer have any slaves connected for the master to free the replication backlog. A value of 0 means to never release the backlog.", 
      is_modifiable: true, 
      minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
      parameter_name: "repl-backlog-ttl", 
      parameter_value: "3600", 
      source: "system", 
      allowed_values: "11-", 
      change_type: "immediate", 
      data_type: "integer", 
      description: "The timeout in seconds for bulk transfer I/O during sync and master timeout from the perspective of the slave, and slave timeout from the perspective of the master.", 
      is_modifiable: true, 
      minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
      parameter_name: "repl-timeout", 
      parameter_value: "60", 
      source: "system", 
      allowed_values: "0-", 
      change_type: "immediate", 
      data_type: "integer", 
      description: "The amount of memory reserved for non-cache memory usage, in bytes. You may want to increase this parameter for nodes with read replicas, AOF enabled, etc, to reduce swap usage.", 
      is_modifiable: true, 
      minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
      parameter_name: "reserved-memory", 
      parameter_value: "0", 
      source: "system", 
      allowed_values: "0-", 
      change_type: "immediate", 
      data_type: "integer", 
      description: "The limit in the size of the set in order for the dataset to be compressed.", 
      is_modifiable: true, 
      minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
      parameter_name: "set-max-intset-entries", 
      parameter_value: "512", 
      source: "system", 
      allowed_values: "yes,no", 
      change_type: "immediate", 
      data_type: "string", 
      description: "Configures if chaining of slaves is allowed", 
      is_modifiable: false, 
      minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
      parameter_name: "slave-allow-chaining", 
      parameter_value: "no", 
      source: "system", 
      allowed_values: "-", 
      change_type: "immediate", 
      data_type: "integer", 
      description: "The execution time, in microseconds, to exceed in order for the command to get logged. Note that a negative number disables the slow log, while a value of zero forces the logging of every command.", 
      is_modifiable: true, 
      minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
      parameter_name: "slowlog-log-slower-than", 
      parameter_value: "10000", 
      source: "system", 
      allowed_values: "0-", 
      change_type: "immediate", 
      data_type: "integer", 
      description: "The length of the slow log. There is no limit to this length. Just be aware that it will consume memory. You can reclaim memory used by the slow log with SLOWLOG RESET.", 
      is_modifiable: true, 
      minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
      parameter_name: "slowlog-max-len", 
      parameter_value: "128", 
      source: "system", 
      allowed_values: "0-", 
      change_type: "immediate", 
      data_type: "integer", 
      description: "If non-zero, send ACKs every given number of seconds.", 
      is_modifiable: true, 
      minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
      parameter_name: "tcp-keepalive", 
      parameter_value: "0", 
      source: "system", 
      allowed_values: "0,20-", 
      change_type: "immediate", 
      data_type: "integer", 
      description: "Close connection if client is idle for a given number of seconds, or never if 0.", 
      is_modifiable: true, 
      minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
      parameter_name: "timeout", 
      parameter_value: "0", 
      source: "system", 
      allowed_values: "0-", 
      change_type: "immediate", 
      data_type: "integer", 
      description: "The maximum number of sorted set entries in order for the dataset to be compressed.", 
      is_modifiable: true, 
      minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
      parameter_name: "zset-max-ziplist-entries", 
      parameter_value: "128", 
      source: "system", 
      allowed_values: "0-", 
      change_type: "immediate", 
      data_type: "integer", 
      description: "The threshold of biggest sorted set entries in order for the dataset to be compressed.", 
      is_modifiable: true, 
      minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
      parameter_name: "zset-max-ziplist-value", 
      parameter_value: "64", 
      source: "system", 

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.describe_cache_parameters({
  cache_parameter_group_name: "String", # required
  source: "String",
  max_records: 1,
  marker: "String",

Response structure

resp.marker #=> String
resp.parameters #=> Array
resp.parameters[0].parameter_name #=> String
resp.parameters[0].parameter_value #=> String
resp.parameters[0].description #=> String
resp.parameters[0].source #=> String
resp.parameters[0].data_type #=> String
resp.parameters[0].allowed_values #=> String
resp.parameters[0].is_modifiable #=> true/false
resp.parameters[0].minimum_engine_version #=> String
resp.parameters[0].change_type #=> String, one of "immediate", "requires-reboot"
resp.cache_node_type_specific_parameters #=> Array
resp.cache_node_type_specific_parameters[0].parameter_name #=> String
resp.cache_node_type_specific_parameters[0].description #=> String
resp.cache_node_type_specific_parameters[0].source #=> String
resp.cache_node_type_specific_parameters[0].data_type #=> String
resp.cache_node_type_specific_parameters[0].allowed_values #=> String
resp.cache_node_type_specific_parameters[0].is_modifiable #=> true/false
resp.cache_node_type_specific_parameters[0].minimum_engine_version #=> String
resp.cache_node_type_specific_parameters[0].cache_node_type_specific_values #=> Array
resp.cache_node_type_specific_parameters[0].cache_node_type_specific_values[0].cache_node_type #=> String
resp.cache_node_type_specific_parameters[0].cache_node_type_specific_values[0].value #=> String
resp.cache_node_type_specific_parameters[0].change_type #=> String, one of "immediate", "requires-reboot"

Options Hash (options):

  • :cache_parameter_group_name (required, String)

    The name of a specific cache parameter group to return details for.

  • :source (String)

    The parameter types to return.

    Valid values: user | system | engine-default

  • :max_records (Integer)

    The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records exist than the specified MaxRecords value, a marker is included in the response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.

    Default: 100

    Constraints: minimum 20; maximum 100.

  • :marker (String)

    An optional marker returned from a prior request. Use this marker for pagination of results from this operation. If this parameter is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by MaxRecords.


See Also:

#describe_cache_security_groups(options = {}) ⇒ Types::CacheSecurityGroupMessage

Returns a list of cache security group descriptions. If a cache security group name is specified, the list contains only the description of that group. This applicable only when you have ElastiCache in Classic setup


Example: DescribeCacheSecurityGroups

# Returns a list of cache security group descriptions. If a cache security group name is specified, the list contains only the description of that group.

resp = client.describe_cache_security_groups({
  cache_security_group_name: "my-sec-group", 

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.describe_cache_security_groups({
  cache_security_group_name: "String",
  max_records: 1,
  marker: "String",

Response structure

resp.marker #=> String
resp.cache_security_groups #=> Array
resp.cache_security_groups[0].owner_id #=> String
resp.cache_security_groups[0].cache_security_group_name #=> String
resp.cache_security_groups[0].description #=> String
resp.cache_security_groups[0].ec2_security_groups #=> Array
resp.cache_security_groups[0].ec2_security_groups[0].status #=> String
resp.cache_security_groups[0].ec2_security_groups[0].ec2_security_group_name #=> String
resp.cache_security_groups[0].ec2_security_groups[0].ec2_security_group_owner_id #=> String
resp.cache_security_groups[0].arn #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :cache_security_group_name (String)

    The name of the cache security group to return details for.

  • :max_records (Integer)

    The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records exist than the specified MaxRecords value, a marker is included in the response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.

    Default: 100

    Constraints: minimum 20; maximum 100.

  • :marker (String)

    An optional marker returned from a prior request. Use this marker for pagination of results from this operation. If this parameter is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by MaxRecords.


See Also:

#describe_cache_subnet_groups(options = {}) ⇒ Types::CacheSubnetGroupMessage

Returns a list of cache subnet group descriptions. If a subnet group name is specified, the list contains only the description of that group. This is applicable only when you have ElastiCache in VPC setup. All ElastiCache clusters now launch in VPC by default.


Example: DescribeCacheSubnetGroups

# Describes up to 25 cache subnet groups.

resp = client.describe_cache_subnet_groups({
  max_records: 25, 

# resp.to_h outputs the following:
  cache_subnet_groups: [
      cache_subnet_group_description: "Default CacheSubnetGroup", 
      cache_subnet_group_name: "default", 
      subnets: [
          subnet_availability_zone: {
            name: "us-east-1a", 
          subnet_identifier: "subnet-1a2b3c4d", 
          subnet_availability_zone: {
            name: "us-east-1c", 
          subnet_identifier: "subnet-a1b2c3d4", 
          subnet_availability_zone: {
            name: "us-east-1e", 
          subnet_identifier: "subnet-abcd1234", 
          subnet_availability_zone: {
            name: "us-east-1b", 
          subnet_identifier: "subnet-1234abcd", 
      vpc_id: "vpc-91280df6", 
  marker: "", 

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.describe_cache_subnet_groups({
  cache_subnet_group_name: "String",
  max_records: 1,
  marker: "String",

Response structure

resp.marker #=> String
resp.cache_subnet_groups #=> Array
resp.cache_subnet_groups[0].cache_subnet_group_name #=> String
resp.cache_subnet_groups[0].cache_subnet_group_description #=> String
resp.cache_subnet_groups[0].vpc_id #=> String
resp.cache_subnet_groups[0].subnets #=> Array
resp.cache_subnet_groups[0].subnets[0].subnet_identifier #=> String
resp.cache_subnet_groups[0].subnets[0] #=> String
resp.cache_subnet_groups[0].subnets[0].subnet_outpost.subnet_outpost_arn #=> String
resp.cache_subnet_groups[0].arn #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :cache_subnet_group_name (String)

    The name of the cache subnet group to return details for.

  • :max_records (Integer)

    The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records exist than the specified MaxRecords value, a marker is included in the response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.

    Default: 100

    Constraints: minimum 20; maximum 100.

  • :marker (String)

    An optional marker returned from a prior request. Use this marker for pagination of results from this operation. If this parameter is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by MaxRecords.


See Also:

#describe_engine_default_parameters(options = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeEngineDefaultParametersResult

Returns the default engine and system parameter information for the specified cache engine.


Example: DescribeEngineDefaultParameters

# Returns the default engine and system parameter information for the specified cache engine.

resp = client.describe_engine_default_parameters({
  cache_parameter_group_family: "redis2.8", 
  max_records: 25, 

# resp.to_h outputs the following:
  engine_defaults: {
    cache_node_type_specific_parameters: [
        allowed_values: "0-", 
        cache_node_type_specific_values: [
            cache_node_type: "cache.c1.xlarge", 
            value: "650117120", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m1.large", 
            value: "702545920", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m1.medium", 
            value: "309329920", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m1.small", 
            value: "94371840", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m1.xlarge", 
            value: "1488977920", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m2.2xlarge", 
            value: "3502243840", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m2.4xlarge", 
            value: "7088373760", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m2.xlarge", 
            value: "1709178880", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m3.2xlarge", 
            value: "2998927360", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m3.large", 
            value: "650117120", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m3.medium", 
            value: "309329920", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m3.xlarge", 
            value: "1426063360", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m4.10xlarge", 
            value: "16604761424", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m4.2xlarge", 
            value: "3188912636", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m4.4xlarge", 
            value: "6525729063", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m4.large", 
            value: "689259315", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m4.xlarge", 
            value: "1532850176", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.r3.2xlarge", 
            value: "6081740800", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.r3.4xlarge", 
            value: "12268339200", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.r3.8xlarge", 
            value: "24536678400", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.r3.large", 
            value: "1468006400", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.r3.xlarge", 
            value: "3040870400", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.t1.micro", 
            value: "14260633", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.t2.medium", 
            value: "346134937", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.t2.micro", 
            value: "58195968", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.t2.small", 
            value: "166513868", 
        change_type: "immediate", 
        data_type: "integer", 
        description: "Slave client output buffer hard limit in bytes.", 
        is_modifiable: false, 
        minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
        parameter_name: "client-output-buffer-limit-slave-hard-limit", 
        source: "system", 
        allowed_values: "0-", 
        cache_node_type_specific_values: [
            cache_node_type: "cache.c1.xlarge", 
            value: "650117120", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m1.large", 
            value: "702545920", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m1.medium", 
            value: "309329920", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m1.small", 
            value: "94371840", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m1.xlarge", 
            value: "1488977920", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m2.2xlarge", 
            value: "3502243840", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m2.4xlarge", 
            value: "7088373760", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m2.xlarge", 
            value: "1709178880", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m3.2xlarge", 
            value: "2998927360", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m3.large", 
            value: "650117120", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m3.medium", 
            value: "309329920", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m3.xlarge", 
            value: "1426063360", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m4.10xlarge", 
            value: "16604761424", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m4.2xlarge", 
            value: "3188912636", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m4.4xlarge", 
            value: "6525729063", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m4.large", 
            value: "689259315", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m4.xlarge", 
            value: "1532850176", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.r3.2xlarge", 
            value: "6081740800", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.r3.4xlarge", 
            value: "12268339200", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.r3.8xlarge", 
            value: "24536678400", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.r3.large", 
            value: "1468006400", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.r3.xlarge", 
            value: "3040870400", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.t1.micro", 
            value: "14260633", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.t2.medium", 
            value: "346134937", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.t2.micro", 
            value: "58195968", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.t2.small", 
            value: "166513868", 
        change_type: "immediate", 
        data_type: "integer", 
        description: "Slave client output buffer soft limit in bytes.", 
        is_modifiable: false, 
        minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
        parameter_name: "client-output-buffer-limit-slave-soft-limit", 
        source: "system", 
        allowed_values: "0-", 
        cache_node_type_specific_values: [
            cache_node_type: "cache.c1.xlarge", 
            value: "6501171200", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m1.large", 
            value: "7025459200", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m1.medium", 
            value: "3093299200", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m1.small", 
            value: "943718400", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m1.xlarge", 
            value: "14889779200", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m2.2xlarge", 
            value: "35022438400", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m2.4xlarge", 
            value: "70883737600", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m2.xlarge", 
            value: "17091788800", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m3.2xlarge", 
            value: "29989273600", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m3.large", 
            value: "6501171200", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m3.medium", 
            value: "2988441600", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m3.xlarge", 
            value: "14260633600", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m4.10xlarge", 
            value: "166047614239", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m4.2xlarge", 
            value: "31889126359", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m4.4xlarge", 
            value: "65257290629", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m4.large", 
            value: "6892593152", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.m4.xlarge", 
            value: "15328501760", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.r3.2xlarge", 
            value: "62495129600", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.r3.4xlarge", 
            value: "126458265600", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.r3.8xlarge", 
            value: "254384537600", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.r3.large", 
            value: "14470348800", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.r3.xlarge", 
            value: "30513561600", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.t1.micro", 
            value: "142606336", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.t2.medium", 
            value: "3461349376", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.t2.micro", 
            value: "581959680", 
            cache_node_type: "cache.t2.small", 
            value: "1665138688", 
        change_type: "immediate", 
        data_type: "integer", 
        description: "The maximum configurable amount of memory to use to store items, in bytes.", 
        is_modifiable: false, 
        minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
        parameter_name: "maxmemory", 
        source: "system", 
    cache_parameter_group_family: "redis2.8", 
    marker: "bWluLXNsYXZlcy10by13cml0ZQ==", 
    parameters: [
        allowed_values: "yes,no", 
        change_type: "requires-reboot", 
        data_type: "string", 
        description: "Apply rehashing or not.", 
        is_modifiable: true, 
        minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
        parameter_name: "activerehashing", 
        parameter_value: "yes", 
        source: "system", 
        allowed_values: "always,everysec,no", 
        change_type: "immediate", 
        data_type: "string", 
        description: "fsync policy for AOF persistence", 
        is_modifiable: true, 
        minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
        parameter_name: "appendfsync", 
        parameter_value: "everysec", 
        source: "system", 
        allowed_values: "yes,no", 
        change_type: "immediate", 
        data_type: "string", 
        description: "Enable Redis persistence.", 
        is_modifiable: true, 
        minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
        parameter_name: "appendonly", 
        parameter_value: "no", 
        source: "system", 
        allowed_values: "0-", 
        change_type: "immediate", 
        data_type: "integer", 
        description: "Normal client output buffer hard limit in bytes.", 
        is_modifiable: true, 
        minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
        parameter_name: "client-output-buffer-limit-normal-hard-limit", 
        parameter_value: "0", 
        source: "system", 
        allowed_values: "0-", 
        change_type: "immediate", 
        data_type: "integer", 
        description: "Normal client output buffer soft limit in bytes.", 
        is_modifiable: true, 
        minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
        parameter_name: "client-output-buffer-limit-normal-soft-limit", 
        parameter_value: "0", 
        source: "system", 
        allowed_values: "0-", 
        change_type: "immediate", 
        data_type: "integer", 
        description: "Normal client output buffer soft limit in seconds.", 
        is_modifiable: true, 
        minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
        parameter_name: "client-output-buffer-limit-normal-soft-seconds", 
        parameter_value: "0", 
        source: "system", 
        allowed_values: "0-", 
        change_type: "immediate", 
        data_type: "integer", 
        description: "Pubsub client output buffer hard limit in bytes.", 
        is_modifiable: true, 
        minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
        parameter_name: "client-output-buffer-limit-pubsub-hard-limit", 
        parameter_value: "33554432", 
        source: "system", 
        allowed_values: "0-", 
        change_type: "immediate", 
        data_type: "integer", 
        description: "Pubsub client output buffer soft limit in bytes.", 
        is_modifiable: true, 
        minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
        parameter_name: "client-output-buffer-limit-pubsub-soft-limit", 
        parameter_value: "8388608", 
        source: "system", 
        allowed_values: "0-", 
        change_type: "immediate", 
        data_type: "integer", 
        description: "Pubsub client output buffer soft limit in seconds.", 
        is_modifiable: true, 
        minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
        parameter_name: "client-output-buffer-limit-pubsub-soft-seconds", 
        parameter_value: "60", 
        source: "system", 
        allowed_values: "0-", 
        change_type: "immediate", 
        data_type: "integer", 
        description: "Slave client output buffer soft limit in seconds.", 
        is_modifiable: false, 
        minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
        parameter_name: "client-output-buffer-limit-slave-soft-seconds", 
        parameter_value: "60", 
        source: "system", 
        allowed_values: "yes,no", 
        change_type: "immediate", 
        data_type: "string", 
        description: "If enabled, clients who attempt to write to a read-only slave will be disconnected. Applicable to 2.8.23 and higher.", 
        is_modifiable: true, 
        minimum_engine_version: "2.8.23", 
        parameter_name: "close-on-slave-write", 
        parameter_value: "yes", 
        source: "system", 
        allowed_values: "1-1200000", 
        change_type: "requires-reboot", 
        data_type: "integer", 
        description: "Set the number of databases.", 
        is_modifiable: true, 
        minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
        parameter_name: "databases", 
        parameter_value: "16", 
        source: "system", 
        allowed_values: "0-", 
        change_type: "immediate", 
        data_type: "integer", 
        description: "The maximum number of hash entries in order for the dataset to be compressed.", 
        is_modifiable: true, 
        minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
        parameter_name: "hash-max-ziplist-entries", 
        parameter_value: "512", 
        source: "system", 
        allowed_values: "0-", 
        change_type: "immediate", 
        data_type: "integer", 
        description: "The threshold of biggest hash entries in order for the dataset to be compressed.", 
        is_modifiable: true, 
        minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
        parameter_name: "hash-max-ziplist-value", 
        parameter_value: "64", 
        source: "system", 
        allowed_values: "0-", 
        change_type: "immediate", 
        data_type: "integer", 
        description: "The maximum number of list entries in order for the dataset to be compressed.", 
        is_modifiable: true, 
        minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
        parameter_name: "list-max-ziplist-entries", 
        parameter_value: "512", 
        source: "system", 
        allowed_values: "0-", 
        change_type: "immediate", 
        data_type: "integer", 
        description: "The threshold of biggest list entries in order for the dataset to be compressed.", 
        is_modifiable: true, 
        minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
        parameter_name: "list-max-ziplist-value", 
        parameter_value: "64", 
        source: "system", 
        allowed_values: "5000", 
        change_type: "immediate", 
        data_type: "integer", 
        description: "Max execution time of a Lua script in milliseconds. 0 for unlimited execution without warnings.", 
        is_modifiable: false, 
        minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
        parameter_name: "lua-time-limit", 
        parameter_value: "5000", 
        source: "system", 
        allowed_values: "1-65000", 
        change_type: "requires-reboot", 
        data_type: "integer", 
        description: "The maximum number of Redis clients.", 
        is_modifiable: false, 
        minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
        parameter_name: "maxclients", 
        parameter_value: "65000", 
        source: "system", 
        allowed_values: "volatile-lru,allkeys-lru,volatile-random,allkeys-random,volatile-ttl,noeviction", 
        change_type: "immediate", 
        data_type: "string", 
        description: "Max memory policy.", 
        is_modifiable: true, 
        minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
        parameter_name: "maxmemory-policy", 
        parameter_value: "volatile-lru", 
        source: "system", 
        allowed_values: "1-", 
        change_type: "immediate", 
        data_type: "integer", 
        description: "Max memory samples.", 
        is_modifiable: true, 
        minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
        parameter_name: "maxmemory-samples", 
        parameter_value: "3", 
        source: "system", 
        allowed_values: "0-", 
        change_type: "immediate", 
        data_type: "integer", 
        description: "Maximum number of seconds within which the master must receive a ping from a slave to take writes. Use this parameter together with min-slaves-to-write to regulate when the master stops accepting writes. Setting this value to 0 means the master always takes writes.", 
        is_modifiable: true, 
        minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
        parameter_name: "min-slaves-max-lag", 
        parameter_value: "10", 
        source: "system", 
        allowed_values: "0-", 
        change_type: "immediate", 
        data_type: "integer", 
        description: "Number of slaves that must be connected in order for master to take writes. Use this parameter together with min-slaves-max-lag to regulate when the master stops accepting writes. Setting this to 0 means the master always takes writes.", 
        is_modifiable: true, 
        minimum_engine_version: "2.8.6", 
        parameter_name: "min-slaves-to-write", 
        parameter_value: "0", 
        source: "system", 

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.describe_engine_default_parameters({
  cache_parameter_group_family: "String", # required
  max_records: 1,
  marker: "String",

Response structure

resp.engine_defaults.cache_parameter_group_family #=> String
resp.engine_defaults.marker #=> String
resp.engine_defaults.parameters #=> Array
resp.engine_defaults.parameters[0].parameter_name #=> String
resp.engine_defaults.parameters[0].parameter_value #=> String
resp.engine_defaults.parameters[0].description #=> String
resp.engine_defaults.parameters[0].source #=> String
resp.engine_defaults.parameters[0].data_type #=> String
resp.engine_defaults.parameters[0].allowed_values #=> String
resp.engine_defaults.parameters[0].is_modifiable #=> true/false
resp.engine_defaults.parameters[0].minimum_engine_version #=> String
resp.engine_defaults.parameters[0].change_type #=> String, one of "immediate", "requires-reboot"
resp.engine_defaults.cache_node_type_specific_parameters #=> Array
resp.engine_defaults.cache_node_type_specific_parameters[0].parameter_name #=> String
resp.engine_defaults.cache_node_type_specific_parameters[0].description #=> String
resp.engine_defaults.cache_node_type_specific_parameters[0].source #=> String
resp.engine_defaults.cache_node_type_specific_parameters[0].data_type #=> String
resp.engine_defaults.cache_node_type_specific_parameters[0].allowed_values #=> String
resp.engine_defaults.cache_node_type_specific_parameters[0].is_modifiable #=> true/false
resp.engine_defaults.cache_node_type_specific_parameters[0].minimum_engine_version #=> String
resp.engine_defaults.cache_node_type_specific_parameters[0].cache_node_type_specific_values #=> Array
resp.engine_defaults.cache_node_type_specific_parameters[0].cache_node_type_specific_values[0].cache_node_type #=> String
resp.engine_defaults.cache_node_type_specific_parameters[0].cache_node_type_specific_values[0].value #=> String
resp.engine_defaults.cache_node_type_specific_parameters[0].change_type #=> String, one of "immediate", "requires-reboot"

Options Hash (options):

  • :cache_parameter_group_family (required, String)

    The name of the cache parameter group family.

    Valid values are: memcached1.4 | memcached1.5 | memcached1.6 | redis2.6 | redis2.8 | redis3.2 | redis4.0 | redis5.0 | redis6.x |

  • :max_records (Integer)

    The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records exist than the specified MaxRecords value, a marker is included in the response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.

    Default: 100

    Constraints: minimum 20; maximum 100.

  • :marker (String)

    An optional marker returned from a prior request. Use this marker for pagination of results from this operation. If this parameter is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by MaxRecords.


See Also:

#describe_events(options = {}) ⇒ Types::EventsMessage

Returns events related to clusters, cache security groups, and cache parameter groups. You can obtain events specific to a particular cluster, cache security group, or cache parameter group by providing the name as a parameter.

By default, only the events occurring within the last hour are returned; however, you can retrieve up to 14 days' worth of events if necessary.


Example: DescribeEvents

# Describes all the cache-cluster events for the past 120 minutes.

resp = client.describe_events({
  duration: 360, 
  source_type: "cache-cluster", 

# resp.to_h outputs the following:
  events: [
      date: Time.parse("2016-12-22T16:27:56.088Z"), 
      message: "Added cache node 0001 in availability zone us-east-1e", 
      source_identifier: "redis-cluster", 
      source_type: "cache-cluster", 
      date: Time.parse("2016-12-22T16:27:56.078Z"), 
      message: "Cache cluster created", 
      source_identifier: "redis-cluster", 
      source_type: "cache-cluster", 
      date: Time.parse("2016-12-22T16:05:17.326Z"), 
      message: "Added cache node 0002 in availability zone us-east-1c", 
      source_identifier: "my-memcached2", 
      source_type: "cache-cluster", 
      date: Time.parse("2016-12-22T16:05:17.323Z"), 
      message: "Added cache node 0001 in availability zone us-east-1e", 
      source_identifier: "my-memcached2", 
      source_type: "cache-cluster", 
      date: Time.parse("2016-12-22T16:05:17.314Z"), 
      message: "Cache cluster created", 
      source_identifier: "my-memcached2", 
      source_type: "cache-cluster", 
  marker: "", 

Example: DescribeEvents

# Describes all the replication-group events from 3:00P to 5:00P on November 11, 2016.

resp = client.describe_events({
  start_time: Time.parse("2016-12-22T15:00:00.000Z"), 

# resp.to_h outputs the following:
  events: [
      date: Time.parse("2016-12-22T21:35:46.674Z"), 
      message: "Snapshot succeeded for snapshot with ID 'cr-bkup' of replication group with ID 'clustered-redis'", 
      source_identifier: "clustered-redis-0001-001", 
      source_type: "cache-cluster", 
      date: Time.parse("2016-12-22T16:27:56.088Z"), 
      message: "Added cache node 0001 in availability zone us-east-1e", 
      source_identifier: "redis-cluster", 
      source_type: "cache-cluster", 
      date: Time.parse("2016-12-22T16:27:56.078Z"), 
      message: "Cache cluster created", 
      source_identifier: "redis-cluster", 
      source_type: "cache-cluster", 
      date: Time.parse("2016-12-22T16:05:17.326Z"), 
      message: "Added cache node 0002 in availability zone us-east-1c", 
      source_identifier: "my-memcached2", 
      source_type: "cache-cluster", 
      date: Time.parse("2016-12-22T16:05:17.323Z"), 
      message: "Added cache node 0001 in availability zone us-east-1e", 
      source_identifier: "my-memcached2", 
      source_type: "cache-cluster", 
      date: Time.parse("2016-12-22T16:05:17.314Z"), 
      message: "Cache cluster created", 
      source_identifier: "my-memcached2", 
      source_type: "cache-cluster", 
  marker: "", 

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.describe_events({
  source_identifier: "String",
  source_type: "cache-cluster", # accepts cache-cluster, cache-parameter-group, cache-security-group, cache-subnet-group, replication-group, user, user-group
  duration: 1,
  max_records: 1,
  marker: "String",

Response structure

resp.marker #=> String #=> Array[0].source_identifier #=> String[0].source_type #=> String, one of "cache-cluster", "cache-parameter-group", "cache-security-group", "cache-subnet-group", "replication-group", "user", "user-group"[0].message #=> String[0].date #=> Time

Options Hash (options):

  • :source_identifier (String)

    The identifier of the event source for which events are returned. If not specified, all sources are included in the response.

  • :source_type (String)

    The event source to retrieve events for. If no value is specified, all events are returned.

  • :start_time (Time)

    The beginning of the time interval to retrieve events for, specified in ISO 8601 format.

    Example: 2017-03-30T07:03:49.555Z

  • :end_time (Time)

    The end of the time interval for which to retrieve events, specified in ISO 8601 format.

    Example: 2017-03-30T07:03:49.555Z

  • :duration (Integer)

    The number of minutes worth of events to retrieve.

  • :max_records (Integer)

    The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records exist than the specified MaxRecords value, a marker is included in the response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.

    Default: 100

    Constraints: minimum 20; maximum 100.

  • :marker (String)

    An optional marker returned from a prior request. Use this marker for pagination of results from this operation. If this parameter is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by MaxRecords.


See Also:

#describe_global_replication_groups(options = {}) ⇒ Types::DescribeGlobalReplicationGroupsResult

Returns information about a particular global replication group. If no identifier is specified, returns information about all Global Datastores.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.describe_global_replication_groups({
  global_replication_group_id: "String",
  max_records: 1,
  marker: "String",
  show_member_info: false,

Response structure

resp.marker #=> String
resp.global_replication_groups #=> Array
resp.global_replication_groups[0].global_replication_group_id #=> String
resp.global_replication_groups[0].global_replication_group_description #=> String
resp.global_replication_groups[0].status #=> String
resp.global_replication_groups[0].cache_node_type #=> String
resp.global_replication_groups[0].engine #=> String
resp.global_replication_groups[0].engine_version #=> String
resp.global_replication_groups[0].members #=> Array
resp.global_replication_groups[0].members[0].replication_group_id #=> String
resp.global_replication_groups[0].members[0].replication_group_region #=> String
resp.global_replication_groups[0].members[0].role #=> String
resp.global_replication_groups[0].members[0].automatic_failover #=> String, one of "enabled", "disabled", "enabling", "disabling"
resp.global_replication_groups[0].members[0].status #=> String
resp.global_replication_groups[0].cluster_enabled #=> true/false
resp.global_replication_groups[0].global_node_groups #=> Array
resp.global_replication_groups[0].global_node_groups[0].global_node_group_id #=> String
resp.global_replication_groups[0].global_node_groups[0].slots #=> String
resp.global_replication_groups[0].auth_token_enabled #=> true/false
resp.global_replication_groups[0].transit_encryption_enabled #=> true/false
resp.global_replication_groups[0].at_rest_encryption_enabled #=> true/false
resp.global_replication_groups[0].arn #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :global_replication_group_id (String)

    The name of the Global Datastore

  • :max_records (Integer)

    The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records exist than the specified MaxRecords value, a marker is included in the response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.

  • :marker (String)

    An optional marker returned from a prior request. Use this marker for pagination of results from this operation. If this parameter is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by MaxRecords.

  • :show_member_info (Boolean)

    Returns the list of members that comprise the Global Datastore.


See Also:

#describe_replication_groups(options = {}) ⇒ Types::ReplicationGroupMessage

Returns information about a particular replication group. If no identifier is specified, DescribeReplicationGroups returns information about all replication groups.

This operation is valid for Redis only.


Example: DescribeReplicationGroups

# Returns information about the replication group myreplgroup.

resp = client.describe_replication_groups({

# resp.to_h outputs the following:
  marker: "", 
  replication_groups: [
      automatic_failover: "enabled", 
      description: "Test cluster", 
      member_clusters: [
      node_groups: [
          node_group_id: "0001", 
          node_group_members: [
              cache_cluster_id: "clustered-redis-0001-001", 
              cache_node_id: "0001", 
              preferred_availability_zone: "us-east-1e", 
              cache_cluster_id: "clustered-redis-0001-002", 
              cache_node_id: "0001", 
              preferred_availability_zone: "us-east-1c", 
          status: "available", 
          node_group_id: "0002", 
          node_group_members: [
              cache_cluster_id: "clustered-redis-0002-001", 
              cache_node_id: "0001", 
              preferred_availability_zone: "us-east-1c", 
              cache_cluster_id: "clustered-redis-0002-002", 
              cache_node_id: "0001", 
              preferred_availability_zone: "us-east-1b", 
          status: "available", 
      pending_modified_values: {
      replication_group_id: "clustered-redis", 
      status: "available", 

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.describe_replication_groups({
  replication_group_id: "String",
  max_records: 1,
  marker: "String",

Response structure

resp.marker #=> String
resp.replication_groups #=> Array
resp.replication_groups[0].replication_group_id #=> String
resp.replication_groups[0].description #=> String
resp.replication_groups[0].global_replication_group_info.global_replication_group_id #=> String
resp.replication_groups[0].global_replication_group_info.global_replication_group_member_role #=> String
resp.replication_groups[0].status #=> String
resp.replication_groups[0].pending_modified_values.primary_cluster_id #=> String
resp.replication_groups[0].pending_modified_values.automatic_failover_status #=> String, one of "enabled", "disabled"
resp.replication_groups[0].pending_modified_values.resharding.slot_migration.progress_percentage #=> Float
resp.replication_groups[0].pending_modified_values.auth_token_status #=> String, one of "SETTING", "ROTATING"
resp.replication_groups[0].pending_modified_values.user_groups.user_group_ids_to_add #=> Array
resp.replication_groups[0].pending_modified_values.user_groups.user_group_ids_to_add[0] #=> String
resp.replication_groups[0].pending_modified_values.user_groups.user_group_ids_to_remove #=> Array
resp.replication_groups[0].pending_modified_values.user_groups.user_group_ids_to_remove[0] #=> String
resp.replication_groups[0].member_clusters #=> Array
resp.replication_groups[0].member_clusters[0] #=> String
resp.replication_groups[0].node_groups #=> Array
resp.replication_groups[0].node_groups[0].node_group_id #=> String
resp.replication_groups[0].node_groups[0].status #=> String
resp.replication_groups[0].node_groups[0].primary_endpoint.address #=> String
resp.replication_groups[0].node_groups[0].primary_endpoint.port #=> Integer
resp.replication_groups[0].node_groups[0].reader_endpoint.address #=> String
resp.replication_groups[0].node_groups[0].reader_endpoint.port #=> Integer
resp.replication_groups[0].node_groups[0].slots #=> String
resp.replication_groups[0].node_groups[0].node_group_members #=> Array
resp.replication_groups[0].node_groups[0].node_group_members[0].cache_cluster_id #=> String
resp.replication_groups[0].node_groups[0].node_group_members[0].cache_node_id #=> String
resp.replication_groups[0].node_groups[0].node_group_members[0].read_endpoint.address #=> String
resp.replication_groups[0].node_groups[0].node_group_members[0].read_endpoint.port #=> Integer
resp.replication_groups[0].node_groups[0].node_group_members[0].preferred_availability_zone #=> String
resp.replication_groups[0].node_groups[0].node_group_members[0].preferred_outpost_arn #=> String
resp.replication_groups[0].node_groups[0].node_group_members[0].current_role #=> String
resp.replication_groups[0].snapshotting_cluster_id #=> String
resp.replication_groups[0].automatic_failover #=> String, one of "enabled", "disabled", "enabling", "disabling"
resp.replication_groups[0].multi_az #=> String, one of "enabled", "disabled"
resp.replication_groups[0].configuration_endpoint.address #=> String
resp.replication_groups[0].configuration_endpoint.port #=> Integer
resp.replication_groups[0].snapshot_retention_limit #=> Integer
resp.replication_groups[0].snapshot_window #=> String
resp.replication_groups[0].cluster_enabled #=> true/false
resp.replication_groups[0].cache_node_type #=> String
resp.replication_groups[0].auth_token_enabled #=> true/false
resp.replication_groups[0].auth_token_last_modified_date #=> Time
resp.replication_groups[0].transit_encryption_enabled #=> true/false
resp.replication_groups[0].at_rest_encryption_enabled #=> true/false
resp.replication_groups[0].member_clusters_outpost_arns #=> Array
resp.replication_groups[0].member_clusters_outpost_arns[0] #=> String
resp.replication_groups[0].kms_key_id #=> String
resp.replication_groups[0].arn #=> String
resp.replication_groups[0].user_group_ids #=> Array
resp.replication_groups[0].user_group_ids[0] #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :replication_group_id (String)

    The identifier for the replication group to be described. This parameter is not case sensitive.

    If you do not specify this parameter, information about all replication groups is returned.

  • :max_records (Integer)

    The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records exist than the specified MaxRecords value, a marker is included in the response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.

    Default: 100

    Constraints: minimum 20; maximum 100.

  • :marker (String)

    An optional marker returned from a prior request. Use this marker for pagination of results from this operation. If this parameter is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by MaxRecords.


See Also:

#describe_reserved_cache_nodes(options = {}) ⇒ Types::ReservedCacheNodeMessage

Returns information about reserved cache nodes for this account, or about a specified reserved cache node.


Example: DescribeReservedCacheNodes

# Returns information about reserved cache nodes for this account, or about a specified reserved cache node. If the account has no reserved cache nodes, the operation returns an empty list, as shown here.

resp = client.describe_reserved_cache_nodes({
  max_records: 25, 

Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.describe_reserved_cache_nodes({
  reserved_cache_node_id: "String",
  reserved_cache_nodes_offering_id: "String",
  cache_node_type: "String",
  duration: "String",
  product_description: "String",
  offering_type: "String",
  max_records: 1,
  marker: "String",

Response structure

resp.marker #=> String
resp.reserved_cache_nodes #=> Array
resp.reserved_cache_nodes[0].reserved_cache_node_id #=> String
resp.reserved_cache_nodes[0].reserved_cache_nodes_offering_id #=> String
resp.reserved_cache_nodes[0].cache_node_type #=> String
resp.reserved_cache_nodes[0].start_time #=> Time
resp.reserved_cache_nodes[0].duration #=> Integer
resp.reserved_cache_nodes[0].fixed_price #=> Float
resp.reserved_cache_nodes[0].usage_price #=> Float
resp.reserved_cache_nodes[0].cache_node_count #=> Integer
resp.reserved_cache_nodes[0].product_description #=> String
resp.reserved_cache_nodes[0].offering_type #=> String
resp.reserved_cache_nodes[0].state #=> String
resp.reserved_cache_nodes[0].recurring_charges #=> Array
resp.reserved_cache_nodes[0].recurring_charges[0].recurring_charge_amount #=> Float
resp.reserved_cache_nodes[0].recurring_charges[0].recurring_charge_frequency #=> String
resp.reserved_cache_nodes[0].reservation_arn #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :reserved_cache_node_id (String)

    The reserved cache node identifier filter value. Use this parameter to show only the reservation that matches the specified reservation ID.

  • :reserved_cache_nodes_offering_id (String)

    The offering identifier filter value. Use this parameter to show only purchased reservations matching the specified offering identifier.

  • :cache_node_type (String)

    The cache node type filter value. Use this parameter to show only those reservations matching the specified cache node type.

    The following node types are supported by ElastiCache. Generally speaking, the current generation types provide more memory and computational power at lower cost when compared to their equivalent previous generation counterparts.

    • General purpose:

      • Current generation:

        M6g node types (available only for Redis engine version 5.0.6 onward and for Memcached engine version 1.5.16 onward).

        cache.m6g.large, cache.m6g.xlarge, cache.m6g.2xlarge, cache.m6g.4xlarge, cache.m6g.8xlarge, cache.m6g.12xlarge, cache.m6g.16xlarge

        At this time, M6g node types are available in the following regions: us-east-1, us-west-2, us-east-2, eu-central-1, eu-west-1 and ap-northeast-1.

        M5 node types: cache.m5.large, cache.m5.xlarge, cache.m5.2xlarge, cache.m5.4xlarge, cache.m5.12xlarge, cache.m5.24xlarge

        M4 node types: cache.m4.large, cache.m4.xlarge, cache.m4.2xlarge, cache.m4.4xlarge, cache.m4.10xlarge

        T3 node types: cache.t3.micro, cache.t3.small, cache.t3.medium

        T2 node types: cache.t2.micro, cache.t2.small, cache.t2.medium

      • Previous generation: (not recommended)

        T1 node types: cache.t1.micro

        M1 node types: cache.m1.small, cache.m1.medium, cache.m1.large, cache.m1.xlarge

        M3 node types: cache.m3.medium, cache.m3.large, cache.m3.xlarge, cache.m3.2xlarge

    • Compute optimized:

      • Previous generation: (not recommended)

        C1 node types: cache.c1.xlarge

    • Memory optimized:

      • Current generation:

        R6g node types (available only for Redis engine version 5.0.6 onward and for Memcached engine version 1.5.16 onward).

        cache.r6g.large, cache.r6g.xlarge, cache.r6g.2xlarge, cache.r6g.4xlarge, cache.r6g.8xlarge, cache.r6g.12xlarge, cache.r6g.16xlarge

        At this time, R6g node types are available in the following regions: us-east-1, us-west-2, us-east-2, eu-central-1, eu-west-1 and ap-northeast-1.

        R5 node types: cache.r5.large, cache.r5.xlarge, cache.r5.2xlarge, cache.r5.4xlarge, cache.r5.12xlarge, cache.r5.24xlarge

        R4 node types: cache.r4.large, cache.r4.xlarge, cache.r4.2xlarge, cache.r4.4xlarge, cache.r4.8xlarge, cache.r4.16xlarge

      • Previous generation: (not recommended)

        M2 node types: cache.m2.xlarge, cache.m2.2xlarge, cache.m2.4xlarge

        R3 node types: cache.r3.large, cache.r3.xlarge, cache.r3.2xlarge, cache.r3.4xlarge, cache.r3.8xlarge

    Additional node type info

    • All current generation instance types are created in Amazon VPC by default.

    • Redis append-only files (AOF) are not supported for T1 or T2 instances.

    • Redis Multi-AZ with automatic failover is not supported on T1 instances.

    • Redis configuration variables appendonly and appendfsync are not supported on Redis version 2.8.22 and later.

  • :duration (String)

    The duration filter value, specified in years or seconds. Use this parameter to show only reservations for this duration.

    Valid Values: 1 | 3 | 31536000 | 94608000

  • :product_description (String)

    The product description filter value. Use this parameter to show only those reservations matching the specified product description.

  • :offering_type (String)

    The offering type filter value. Use this parameter to show only the available offerings matching the specified offering type.

    Valid values: "Light Utilization"|"Medium Utilization"|"Heavy Utilization"|"All Upfront"|"Partial Upfront"| "No Upfront"

  • :max_records (Integer)

    The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records exist than the specified MaxRecords value, a marker is included in the response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.

    Default: 100

    Constraints: minimum 20; maximum 100.

  • :marker (String)

    An optional marker returned from a prior request. Use this marker for pagination of results from this operation. If this parameter is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by MaxRecords.


See Also:

#describe_reserved_cache_nodes_offerings(options = {}) ⇒ Types::ReservedCacheNodesOfferingMessage

Lists available reserved cache node offerings.


Example: DescribeReseredCacheNodeOfferings

# Lists available reserved cache node offerings.

resp = client.describe_reserved_cache_nodes_offerings({
  max_records: 20, 

# resp.to_h outputs the following:
  marker: "1ef01f5b-433f-94ff-a530-61a56bfc8e7a", 
  reserved_cache_nodes_offerings: [
      cache_node_type: "cache.m1.small", 
      duration: 94608000, 
      fixed_price: 157.0, 
      offering_type: "Medium Utilization", 
      product_description: "memcached", 
      recurring_charges: [
      reserved_cache_nodes_offering_id: "0167633d-37f6-4222-b872-b1f22eb79ba4", 
      usage_price: 0.017, 
      cache_node_type: "cache.m4.xlarge", 
      duration: 94608000, 
      fixed_price: 1248.0, 
      offering_type: "Heavy Utilization", 
      product_description: "redis", 
      recurring_charges: [
          recurring_charge_amount: 0.077, 
          recurring_charge_frequency: "Hourly", 
      reserved_cache_nodes_offering_id: "02c04e13-baca-4e71-9ceb-620eed94827d", 
      usage_price: 0.0, 
      cache_node_type: "cache.m2.4xlarge", 
      duration: 94608000, 
      fixed_price: 2381.0, 
      offering_type: "Medium Utilization", 
      product_description: "memcached", 
      recurring_charges: [
      reserved_cache_nodes_offering_id: "02e1755e-76e8-48e3-8d82-820a5726a458", 
      usage_price: 0.276, 
      cache_node_type: "cache.m1.small", 
      duration: 94608000, 
      fixed_price: 188.0, 
      offering_type: "Heavy Utilization", 
      product_description: "redis", 
      recurring_charges: [
          recurring_charge_amount: 0.013, 
          recurring_charge_frequency: "Hourly", 
      reserved_cache_nodes_offering_id: "03315215-7b87-421a-a3dd-785021e4113f", 
      usage_price: 0.0, 
      cache_node_type: "cache.m4.10xlarge", 
      duration: 31536000, 
      fixed_price: 6158.0, 
      offering_type: "Heavy Utilization", 
      product_description: "redis", 
      recurring_charges: [
          recurring_charge_amount: 1.125, 
          recurring_charge_frequency: "Hourly", 
      reserved_cache_nodes_offering_id: "05ffbb44-2ace-4476-a2a5-8ec99f866fb3", 
      usage_price: 0.0, 
      cache_node_type: "cache.m1.small", 
      duration: 31536000, 
      fixed_price: 101.0, 
      offering_type: "Medium Utilization", 
      product_description: "redis", 
      recurring_charges: [
      reserved_cache_nodes_offering_id: "065c71ae-4a4e-4f1e-bebf-37525f4c6cb2", 
      usage_price: 0.023, 
      cache_node_type: "cache.m1.medium", 
      duration: 94608000, 
      fixed_price: 314.0, 
      offering_type: "Medium Utilization", 
      product_description: "memcached", 
      recurring_charges: [
      reserved_cache_nodes_offering_id: "06774b12-7f5e-48c1-907a-f286c63f327d", 
      usage_price: 0.034, 
      cache_node_type: "cache.m2.xlarge", 
      duration: 31536000, 
      fixed_price: 163.0, 
      offering_type: "Light Utilization", 
      product_description: "memcached", 
      recurring_charges: [
      reserved_cache_nodes_offering_id: "0924ac6b-847f-4761-ba6b-4290b2adf719", 
      usage_price: 0.137, 
      cache_node_type: "cache.m2.xlarge", 
      duration: 94608000, 
      fixed_price: 719.0, 
      offering_type: "Heavy Utilization", 
      product_description: "redis", 
      recurring_charges: [
          recurring_charge_amount: 0.049, 
          recurring_charge_frequency: "Hourly", 
      reserved_cache_nodes_offering_id: "09eeb126-69b6-4d3f-8f94-ca3510629f53", 
      usage_price: 0.0, 
      cache_node_type: "cache.r3.2xlarge", 
      duration: 94608000, 
      fixed_price: 4132.0, 
      offering_type: "Heavy Utilization", 
      product_description: "redis", 
      recurring_charges: [
          recurring_charge_amount: 0.182, 
          recurring_charge_frequency: "Hourly", 
      reserved_cache_nodes_offering_id: "0a516ad8-557f-4310-9dd0-2448c2ff4d62", 
      usage_price: 0.0, 
      cache_node_type: "cache.c1.xlarge", 
      duration: 94608000, 
      fixed_price: 875.0, 
      offering_type: "Light Utilization", 
      product_description: "memcached", 
      recurring_charges: [
      reserved_cache_nodes_offering_id: "0b0c1cc5-2177-4150-95d7-c67ec34dcb19", 
      usage_price: 0.363, 
      cache_node_type: "cache.m4.10xlarge", 
      duration: 94608000, 
      fixed_price: 12483.0, 
      offering_type: "Heavy Utilization", 
      product_description: "memcached", 
      recurring_charges: [
          recurring_charge_amount: 0.76, 
          recurring_charge_frequency: "Hourly", 
      reserved_cache_nodes_offering_id: "0c2b139b-1cff-43d0-8fba-0c753f9b1950", 
      usage_price: 0.0, 
      cache_node_type: "cache.c1.xlarge", 
      duration: 31536000, 
      fixed_price: 1620.0, 
      offering_type: "Heavy Utilization", 
      product_description: "memcached", 
      recurring_charges: [
          recurring_charge_amount: 0.207, 
          recurring_charge_frequency: "Hourly", 
      reserved_cache_nodes_offering_id: "0c52115b-38cb-47a2-8dbc-e02e40b6a13f", 
      usage_price: 0.0, 
      cache_node_type: "cache.m2.4xlarge", 
      duration: 94608000, 
      fixed_price: 2381.0, 
      offering_type: "Medium Utilization", 
      product_description: "redis", 
      recurring_charges: [
      reserved_cache_nodes_offering_id: "12fcb19c-5416-4e1d-934f-28f1e2cb8599", 
      usage_price: 0.276, 
      cache_node_type: "cache.m4.xlarge", 
      duration: 31536000, 
      fixed_price: 616.0, 
      offering_type: "Heavy Utilization", 
      product_description: "memcached", 
      recurring_charges: [
          recurring_charge_amount: 0.112, 
          recurring_charge_frequency: "Hourly", 
      reserved_cache_nodes_offering_id: "13af20ad-914d-4d8b-9763-fa2e565f3549", 
      usage_price: 0.0, 
      cache_node_type: "cache.r3.8xlarge", 
      duration: 94608000, 
      fixed_price: 16528.0, 
      offering_type: "Heavy Utilization", 
      product_description: "memcached", 
      recurring_charges: [
          recurring_charge_amount: 0.729, 
          recurring_charge_frequency: "Hourly", 
      reserved_cache_nodes_offering_id: "14da3d3f-b526-4dbf-b09b-355578b2a576", 
      usage_price: 0.0, 
      cache_node_type: "cache.m1.medium", 
      duration: 94608000, 
      fixed_price: 140.0, 
      offering_type: "Light Utilization", 
      product_description: "redis", 
      recurring_charges: [
      reserved_cache_nodes_offering_id: "15d7018c-71fb-4717-8409-4bdcdca18da7", 
      usage_price: 0.052, 
      cache_node_type: "cache.m4.4xlarge", 
      duration: 94608000, 
      fixed_price: 4993.0, 
      offering_type: "Heavy Utilization", 
      product_description: "memcached", 
      recurring_charges: [
          recurring_charge_amount: 0.304, 
          recurring_charge_frequency: "Hourly", 
      reserved_cache_nodes_offering_id: "1ae7ec5f-a76e-49b6-822b-629b1768a13a", 
      usage_price: 0.0, 
      cache_node_type: "cache.m3.2xlarge", 
      duration: 31536000, 
      fixed_price: 1772.0, 
      offering_type: "Heavy Utilization", 
      product_description: "redis", 
      recurring_charges: [
          recurring_charge_amount: 0.25, 
          recurring_charge_frequency: "Hourly", 
      reserved_cache_nodes_offering_id: "1d31242b-3925-48d1-b882-ce03204e6013", 
      usage_price: 0.0, 
      cache_node_type: "cache.t1.micro", 
      duration: 31536000, 
      fixed_price: 54.0, 
      offering_type: "Medium Utilization", 
      product_description: "memcached", 
      recurring_charges: [
      reserved_cache_nodes_offering_id: "1ef01f5b-94ff-433f-a530-61a56bfc8e7a", 
      usage_price: 0.008, 

Example: DescribeReseredCacheNodeOfferings

# Lists available reserved cache node offerings for cache.r3.large nodes with a 3 year commitment.

resp = client.describe_reserved_cache_nodes_offerings({
  cache_node_type: "cache.r3.large", 
  duration: "3", 
  max_records: 25, 
  offering_type: "Light Utilization", 
  reserved_cache_nodes_offering_id: "", 

# resp.to_h outputs the following:
  marker: "", 
  reserved_cache_nodes_offerings: [

Example: DescribeReseredCacheNodeOfferings

# Lists available reserved