Configure retry using the AWS SDK for Swift - AWS SDK for Swift

Configure retry using the AWS SDK for Swift

Calls to AWS services occasionally encounter problems or unexpected situations. Certain types of errors, such as throttling or transient errors, might be successful if the call is retried.

This page describes how to configure automatic retries with the AWS SDK for Swift.

Default retry configuration

By default, every service client is automatically configured with a standard retry strategy. The default configuration tries each action up to three times (the initial attempt plus two retries). The intervening delay between each call is configured with exponential backoff and random jitter to avoid retry storms. This configuration works for the majority of use cases but may be unsuitable in some circumstances, such as high-throughput systems.

The SDK attempts retries only on retryable errors. Examples of retryable errors are socket timeouts, service-side throttling, concurrency or optimistic lock failures, and transient service errors. Missing or invalid parameters, authentication/security errors, and misconfiguration exceptions are not considered retryable.

Configure retry

You can customize the standard retry strategy by setting the maximum number of attempts and the rate limiting strategy to use. To change the retry configuration, create a structure of type S3ClientConfiguration with the properties you wish to customize. For details on how to configure a service client, see Customize AWS service client configurations.

Maximum number of attempts

You can customize the maximum number of attempts by specifying a value for the S3ClientConfiguration structure's maxAttempts property. The default value is 3.

Retry mode

The retry mode can be set by changing the S3ClientConfiguration structure's retryMode. The available values are provided by the enum AWSRetryMode.


The legacy retry mode—the default—is the original standard retry mode. In this mode, requests may be sent immediately, and are not delayed for rate limiting when throttling is detected. Requests are only delayed according to the backoff strategy in use, which is exponentially by default.


In the AWS SDK for Swift, the standard mode is the same as legacy mode.


In the adaptive retry mode, initial and retry requests may be delayed by an additional amount when throttling is detected. This is intended to reduce congestion when throttling is in effect. This is sometimes called "client-side rate limiting" mode, and is available opt-in. You should only use adaptive mode when advised to do so by an AWS representative.


First, import the modules needed to configure retry:

import AWSS3 import SmithyRetries import SmithyRetriesAPI

Then create the custom configuration. This example's S3ClientConfiguration asks for the client to make up to three attempts for each action, using the adaptive retry mode.

let config: S3Client.S3ClientConfiguration // Create an Amazon S3 client configuration object that specifies the // adaptive retry mode and sets the maximum number of attempts to 3. // If that fails, create a default configuration instead. do { config = try await S3Client.S3ClientConfiguration( awsRetryMode: .adaptive, maxAttempts: 3 ) } catch { do { config = try await S3Client.S3ClientConfiguration() } catch { print("Error: Unable to configure Amazon S3.") dump(error) return } } // Create an Amazon S3 client using the configuration created above. let client = S3Client(config: config)

It first attempts to create the configuration using the application's preferred settings. If that fails, a default configuration is created instead. If that also fails, the example outputs an error message. A real-world application might instead present an error message and let the user decide what to do.