AWS SDK Version 2 for .NET
API Reference

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.NET Framework 4.5
Requests that the status of the specified physical or logical pipeline objects be updated in the specified pipeline. This update might not occur immediately, but is eventually consistent. The status that can be set depends on the type of object (for example, DataNode or Activity). You cannot perform this operation on FINISHED pipelines and attempting to do so returns InvalidRequestException.

Namespace: Amazon.DataPipeline
Assembly: AWSSDK.dll
Version: (assembly version)


public virtual SetStatusResponse SetStatus(
         SetStatusRequest request


Type: Amazon.DataPipeline.Model.SetStatusRequest

Container for the necessary parameters to execute the SetStatus service method.

Return Value
Type: Amazon.DataPipeline.Model.SetStatusResponse
The response from the SetStatus service method, as returned by DataPipeline.


InternalServiceErrorException An internal service error occurred.
InvalidRequestException The request was not valid. Verify that your request was properly formatted, that the signature was generated with the correct credentials, and that you haven't exceeded any of the service limits for your account.
PipelineDeletedException The specified pipeline has been deleted.
PipelineNotFoundException The specified pipeline was not found. Verify that you used the correct user and account identifiers.

Version Information

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5, 4.0, 3.5